Personal Page

Chung-Han Wang (王崇瀚)

Name: Chung-Han Wang (王崇瀚)
Region: Chinese Taipei
Competitions: 3
WCA ID: Chung-Han Wang (王崇瀚)2020WANG22
Gender: Male
Career: 2020.12.18 - 2023.09.16
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube33761441726110.1012.3217519645634125/25
2x2x2 Cube1622769112802.375.0225369747236120/20
4x4x4 Cube45074282154955.334/4
3x3x3 One-Handed681459419514.6217.38327711875915/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Shin Kong Cube Open 2023First round70 10.12 12.35
13.39     15.30     10.12     12.70     10.97
Taiwan Open 2022Second round50 11.55 12.45
12.02     11.55     11.99     13.34     17.28
First round51 10.92 12.32
12.94     12.20     11.83     15.93     10.92
Taiwan Championship 2020Second round54 10.10 13.62
15.58     14.13     11.83     14.91     10.10
First round71 12.03 14.21
17.31     16.94     12.48     12.03     13.21
2x2x2 Cube
Taiwan Open 2022Second round43 2.37 5.02
4.23      5.83      5.51      5.31      2.37
First round66 4.28 5.83
8.36      5.46      6.52      4.28      5.52
Taiwan Championship 2020Second round43 3.38 5.38
7.37      4.19      7.06      4.90      3.38
First round49 3.89 5.58
10.39     5.74      3.89      4.53      6.47
4x4x4 Cube
Taiwan Open 2022First round89 55.33
58.46     55.33
Taiwan Championship 2020First round68 59.42
59.42     1:19.34
3x3x3 One-Handed
Taiwan Open 2022Final11 17.70 19.63
27.26     20.42     19.42     17.70     19.04
First round9 14.62 17.38
15.70     14.62     18.23     18.22     20.32
Taiwan Championship 2020First round21 18.67 23.01
22.49     27.96     24.54     21.99     18.67
Taiwan Championship 2020First round44 10.18 11.69
13.86     10.18     10.19     16.02     11.03
Taiwan Open 2022First round32 5.26 7.51
11.18     7.20      5.88      5.26      9.46
Taiwan Championship 2020First round21 4.39 7.44
9.64      6.57      4.39      8.37      7.37
Shin Kong Cube Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round70 10.12 12.35
13.39     15.30     10.12     12.70     10.97
Taiwan Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round50 11.55 12.45
12.02     11.55     11.99     13.34     17.28
First round51 10.92 12.32
12.94     12.20     11.83     15.93     10.92
2x2x2 CubeSecond round43 2.37 5.02
4.23      5.83      5.51      5.31      2.37
First round66 4.28 5.83
8.36      5.46      6.52      4.28      5.52
4x4x4 CubeFirst round89 55.33
58.46     55.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 17.70 19.63
27.26     20.42     19.42     17.70     19.04
First round9 14.62 17.38
15.70     14.62     18.23     18.22     20.32
SkewbFirst round32 5.26 7.51
11.18     7.20      5.88      5.26      9.46
Taiwan Championship 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round54 10.10 13.62
15.58     14.13     11.83     14.91     10.10
First round71 12.03 14.21
17.31     16.94     12.48     12.03     13.21
2x2x2 CubeSecond round43 3.38 5.38
7.37      4.19      7.06      4.90      3.38
First round49 3.89 5.58
10.39     5.74      3.89      4.53      6.47
4x4x4 CubeFirst round68 59.42
59.42     1:19.34
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round21 18.67 23.01
22.49     27.96     24.54     21.99     18.67
PyraminxFirst round44 10.18 11.69
13.86     10.18     10.19     16.02     11.03
SkewbFirst round21 4.39 7.44
9.64      6.57      4.39      8.37      7.37
32023-09-16Shin Kong Cube Open 2023Chinese TaipeiNew Taipei City
22022-01-14~16Taiwan Open 2022Chinese TaipeiNew Taipei City
12020-12-18~20Taiwan Championship 2020Chinese TaipeiNew Taipei City