Personal Page

Hashmi Antonio Di Giacomo

Name: Hashmi Antonio Di Giacomo
Region: Italy
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Hashmi Antonio Di Giacomo2021GIAC01
Gender: Male
Career: 2021.08.28 - 2022.10.30
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube580108004308313.3215.6540079992552445/45
4x4x4 Cube57011175394971:19.542/2

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Muggiò Minx Open 2022Semi Final54 13.41 16.95
13.41     17.95     14.64     18.25     19.50
Second round57 15.42 18.31
18.91     16.73     22.59     15.42     19.30
First round56 14.81 18.18
17.26     32.80     17.75     19.52     14.81
AssoKappa Meets Speedcubing 2022Final18 14.28 15.70
16.02     16.08     19.76     14.99     14.28
Second round20 15.49 16.90
17.77     16.98     15.49     16.35     17.37
First round19 13.32 15.65
20.14     14.42     14.95     13.32     17.58
Ticino Open Saturday 2021Second round26 14.50 19.24
14.50     17.70     19.66     20.37     22.06
First round26 16.32 18.76
23.71     18.79     16.32     18.44     19.04
Bologna Back from Holidays 2021First round52 15.65 19.93
24.68     18.36     21.23     20.20     15.65
4x4x4 Cube
Ticino Open Saturday 2021Final27 1:19.54
1:19.54   1:22.48
Muggiò Minx Open 2022Second round22 1:30.72 1:49.66
1:30.72   2:01.77   1:51.97   2:00.45   1:36.57
First round22 1:35.23 1:53.54
2:10.04   1:50.29   1:45.70   1:35.23   2:04.64
Muggiò Minx Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final54 13.41 16.95
13.41     17.95     14.64     18.25     19.50
Second round57 15.42 18.31
18.91     16.73     22.59     15.42     19.30
First round56 14.81 18.18
17.26     32.80     17.75     19.52     14.81
MegaminxSecond round22 1:30.72 1:49.66
1:30.72   2:01.77   1:51.97   2:00.45   1:36.57
First round22 1:35.23 1:53.54
2:10.04   1:50.29   1:45.70   1:35.23   2:04.64
AssoKappa Meets Speedcubing 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal18 14.28 15.70
16.02     16.08     19.76     14.99     14.28
Second round20 15.49 16.90
17.77     16.98     15.49     16.35     17.37
First round19 13.32 15.65
20.14     14.42     14.95     13.32     17.58
Ticino Open Saturday 2021
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 14.50 19.24
14.50     17.70     19.66     20.37     22.06
First round26 16.32 18.76
23.71     18.79     16.32     18.44     19.04
4x4x4 CubeFinal27 1:19.54
1:19.54   1:22.48
Bologna Back from Holidays 2021
3x3x3 CubeFirst round52 15.65 19.93
24.68     18.36     21.23     20.20     15.65
42022-10-29~30Muggiò Minx Open 2022ItalyMuggiò
32022-05-14AssoKappa Meets Speedcubing 2022ItalyVarese
22021-11-06Ticino Open Saturday 2021SwitzerlandGenestrerio
12021-08-28~29Bologna Back from Holidays 2021ItalyCastenaso, Bologna