Personal Page

Miguel Angel Solarte

Name: Miguel Angel Solarte
Region: Colombia
Competitions: 14
WCA ID: Miguel Angel Solarte2021SOLA02
Gender: Male
Career: 2021.10.02 - 2023.12.10
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube37120262648311.3713.93277112048373142/145
2x2x2 Cube2612823091.404.65195531356270110/110
4x4x4 Cube24612271616649.3556.0615779118623269/72
5x5x5 Cube180872127471:44.421:59.441341191519110/12
3x3x3 One-Handed22613691702522.6626.2714518111817384/85

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023Final16 14.34 17.59
16.87     22.81     14.34     16.71     19.20
Second round15 14.02 14.87
14.64     14.07     14.02     15.90     16.30
First round27 16.18 18.51
17.02     16.18     19.60     23.06     18.92
Aves María Teams 2023Second round21 12.49 16.47
18.06     16.99     15.44     16.97     12.49
First round18 14.39 15.55
14.64     18.16     14.39     15.89     16.13
Aventura The Return 2023Second round17 13.39 16.45
17.96     16.90     16.88     13.39     15.57
First round16 13.27 15.62
14.20     13.27     15.75     17.30     16.92
Nacionales Colombia 2023Second round59 15.46 16.72
18.83     17.42     16.00     16.74     15.46
First round45 11.76 14.75
11.76     13.82     14.96     16.67     15.46
Bibliopen Cali 2023Final9 14.12 15.20
20.00     15.06     15.03     14.12     15.50
Second round11 14.72 17.19
18.20     17.99     19.45     15.39     14.72
First round6 14.22 14.88
14.95     22.02     14.81     14.22     14.87
Aves María 2023Second round22 13.35 15.51
14.61     17.69     17.56     13.35     14.36
First round22 13.62 15.77
15.50     13.62     17.42     14.38     19.29
El Carmen de Viboral 2023Second round21 12.13 16.37
16.75     12.13     15.48     16.87     18.06
First round23 16.12 17.18
16.68     16.12     16.55     18.30     20.21
Navidad Aves María 2022Second round20 14.15 15.29
15.67     15.27     14.93     18.38     14.15
First round23 13.82 16.37
18.33     15.21     15.76     13.82     18.15
Colombia Nationals 2022First round63 13.42 16.69
16.46     19.83     13.78     DNF       13.42
Aves Maria Sabaneta 2022Second round36 12.25 16.63
12.25     14.76     19.38     DNF       15.76
First round32 13.50 16.75
16.50     17.06     16.70     13.50     17.85
La Tablaza Open 2022Second round27 11.89 15.86
15.22     17.29     21.08     11.89     15.07
First round29 15.79 16.45
15.84     19.37     15.79     16.75     16.76
San Martin Cubea B 2022Second round25 11.37 15.51
20.19     16.89     11.37     14.53     15.12
First round25 14.53 16.40
14.62     15.91     18.66     23.93     14.53
Aves María 2022Second round36 15.05 18.09
17.75     15.05     18.00     18.52     20.67
First round42 12.91 18.51
20.03     17.68     12.91     17.83     DNF
Aves María El Renacimiento 2021Second round19 12.57 13.93
12.57     12.86     14.89     14.03     18.27
First round29 15.89 16.86
16.25     18.61     16.62     17.71     15.89
2x2x2 Cube
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023Second round17 1.40 5.76
1.40      5.23      6.98      7.19      5.06
First round17 4.22 4.90
4.87      4.72      4.22      5.11      5.94
Aves María Teams 2023Second round17 5.17 6.53
7.22      5.17      7.61      6.08      6.28
First round16 4.09 6.02
4.09      6.80      6.87      13.69     4.40
Aventura The Return 2023Final12 4.47 5.95
7.37      5.06      5.41      4.47      8.08
First round4 2.89 4.66
4.69      4.64      4.64      2.89      4.74
Nacionales Colombia 2023Second round31 3.49 5.07
5.51      3.49      5.26      6.08      4.43
First round28 4.56 5.29
4.56      5.44      4.56      5.87      7.02
Bibliopen Cali 2023Final5 3.93 4.65
5.05      5.75      4.83      3.93      4.08
First round8 4.47 5.24
4.47      5.94      5.14      6.08      4.65
Aves María 2023Second round22 4.20 5.64
7.18      4.20      5.09      5.86      5.96
First round20 5.06 5.62
5.06      5.77      5.54      5.56      9.28
El Carmen de Viboral 2023Second round16 4.83 5.64
8.14      4.83      5.29      6.23      5.40
First round17 4.72 5.74
4.72      7.23      5.08      6.34      5.80
Navidad Aves María 2022First round19 4.48 6.17
5.82      5.49      7.78      4.48      7.21
Colombia Nationals 2022First round51 4.59 5.76
6.02      4.66      4.59      6.61      7.09
Aves Maria Sabaneta 2022First round27 5.13 6.65
7.84      6.47      5.13      7.42      6.05
La Tablaza Open 2022First round23 4.78 5.72
5.19      5.40      6.57      4.78      8.41
San Martin Cubea B 2022First round23 4.51 6.28
8.13      4.51      7.68      4.65      6.50
Aves María 2022Second round26 4.11 5.83
5.40      4.11      6.70      8.56      5.39
First round19 3.14 5.27
3.14      5.45      5.11      5.26      7.94
Aves María El Renacimiento 2021First round30 3.88 6.09
6.54      6.16      5.57      7.62      3.88
4x4x4 Cube
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023First round19 56.41 1:08.54
DNF       1:03.57   56.41     1:06.82   1:15.23
Aves María Teams 2023First round15 49.35 1:02.17
58.61     1:00.92   1:11.28   1:06.99   49.35
Aventura The Return 2023Final18 58.99 DNF
1:09.15   1:37.99   DNF       DNF       58.99
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round44 56.60 59.12
1:04.51   57.20     56.60     57.39     1:02.77
Bibliopen Cali 2023Final9 53.35 1:00.67
1:01.25   59.43     1:02.75   53.35     1:01.33
Aves María 2023First round20 55.35 58.18
1:09.78   1:01.91   57.15     55.48     55.35
El Carmen de Viboral 2023Second round16 54.07 56.06
54.74     1:02.00   55.86     57.57     54.07
First round16 53.63 56.87
1:06.00   59.42     56.88     53.63     54.31
Navidad Aves María 2022First round13 55.01
1:13.03   55.01
Colombia Nationals 2022First round50 54.38 59.01
56.41     1:00.86   59.75     54.38     1:05.42
Aves Maria Sabaneta 2022First round22 52.12 1:01.34
1:08.51   1:04.38   52.12     57.23     1:02.40
La Tablaza Open 2022First round30 1:00.75 1:14.54
1:14.75   1:00.75   1:19.41   1:16.85   1:12.03
San Martin Cubea B 2022First round23 50.16 1:15.40
1:14.13   1:24.13   50.16     1:32.87   1:07.95
Aves María 2022Final28 52.85 1:03.40
52.85     1:06.36   1:13.49   1:01.48   1:02.36
Aves María El Renacimiento 2021First round27 1:02.16 1:05.81
1:13.61   1:12.41   1:02.84   1:02.18   1:02.16
5x5x5 Cube
Aves María Teams 2023First round8 1:51.40 2:07.39
2:15.65   1:51.40   DNF       2:04.00   2:02.52
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round35 1:44.42 1:59.44
1:44.42   2:02.16   2:09.29   1:59.95   1:56.21
Aves María 2023Final16 2:08.99
2:08.99   DNF
6x6x6 Cube
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round26 DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023First round15 26.17 30.28
29.14     32.86     26.17     33.61     28.84
Aves María Teams 2023First round13 28.40 35.07
37.14     28.40     DNF       38.62     29.46
Aventura The Return 2023Final10 29.95 31.49
31.39     32.14     30.94     34.44     29.95
First round10 25.89 30.82
37.83     31.58     31.94     28.93     25.89
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round41 28.17 32.26
32.09     32.42     32.28     32.89     28.17
Bibliopen Cali 2023Final7 26.19 33.23
32.41     34.81     26.19     32.47     37.52
Aves María 2023Second round12 23.78 29.27
30.14     40.55     30.51     27.15     23.78
First round13 23.27 26.27
28.58     23.27     25.62     34.84     24.60
El Carmen de Viboral 2023Second round16 26.24 28.72
28.24     26.24     26.57     41.73     31.35
First round17 27.03 32.53
35.97     34.42     27.03     32.42     30.76
Navidad Aves María 2022First round15 27.98 34.61
36.14     37.56     33.64     27.98     34.04
Colombia Nationals 2022First round36 23.22 30.68
27.17     35.10     29.77     23.22     36.56
Aves Maria Sabaneta 2022First round19 22.66 29.09
27.39     22.66     34.35     26.03     33.86
La Tablaza Open 2022First round25 33.75 38.76
45.11     36.49     41.51     33.75     38.27
San Martin Cubea B 2022First round26 30.03 36.02
47.60     31.44     30.03     42.90     33.73
Aves María 2022First round25 30.59 34.40
35.03     32.83     39.12     30.59     35.35
Aves María El Renacimiento 2021First round30 35.92 42.74
42.14     51.70     39.08     47.00     35.92
Aventura The Return 2023Final20 8.63 14.43
12.55     16.07     8.63      17.73     14.67
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round48 6.08 12.06
15.28     12.84     6.08      8.45      14.89
Aves María 2023First round24 7.86 12.62
7.86      14.06     14.21     9.58      14.49
El Carmen de Viboral 2023Second round17 7.89 10.93
16.14     14.53     8.09      7.89      10.18
First round19 8.69 11.55
11.63     13.00     12.11     10.90     8.69
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal16 14.34 17.59
16.87     22.81     14.34     16.71     19.20
Second round15 14.02 14.87
14.64     14.07     14.02     15.90     16.30
First round27 16.18 18.51
17.02     16.18     19.60     23.06     18.92
2x2x2 CubeSecond round17 1.40 5.76
1.40      5.23      6.98      7.19      5.06
First round17 4.22 4.90
4.87      4.72      4.22      5.11      5.94
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 56.41 1:08.54
DNF       1:03.57   56.41     1:06.82   1:15.23
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round15 26.17 30.28
29.14     32.86     26.17     33.61     28.84
Aves María Teams 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 12.49 16.47
18.06     16.99     15.44     16.97     12.49
First round18 14.39 15.55
14.64     18.16     14.39     15.89     16.13
2x2x2 CubeSecond round17 5.17 6.53
7.22      5.17      7.61      6.08      6.28
First round16 4.09 6.02
4.09      6.80      6.87      13.69     4.40
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 49.35 1:02.17
58.61     1:00.92   1:11.28   1:06.99   49.35
5x5x5 CubeFirst round8 1:51.40 2:07.39
2:15.65   1:51.40   DNF       2:04.00   2:02.52
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round13 28.40 35.07
37.14     28.40     DNF       38.62     29.46
Aventura The Return 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 13.39 16.45
17.96     16.90     16.88     13.39     15.57
First round16 13.27 15.62
14.20     13.27     15.75     17.30     16.92
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 4.47 5.95
7.37      5.06      5.41      4.47      8.08
First round4 2.89 4.66
4.69      4.64      4.64      2.89      4.74
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 58.99 DNF
1:09.15   1:37.99   DNF       DNF       58.99
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 29.95 31.49
31.39     32.14     30.94     34.44     29.95
First round10 25.89 30.82
37.83     31.58     31.94     28.93     25.89
PyraminxFinal20 8.63 14.43
12.55     16.07     8.63      17.73     14.67
Nacionales Colombia 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round59 15.46 16.72
18.83     17.42     16.00     16.74     15.46
First round45 11.76 14.75
11.76     13.82     14.96     16.67     15.46
2x2x2 CubeSecond round31 3.49 5.07
5.51      3.49      5.26      6.08      4.43
First round28 4.56 5.29
4.56      5.44      4.56      5.87      7.02
4x4x4 CubeFirst round44 56.60 59.12
1:04.51   57.20     56.60     57.39     1:02.77
5x5x5 CubeFirst round35 1:44.42 1:59.44
1:44.42   2:02.16   2:09.29   1:59.95   1:56.21
6x6x6 CubeFirst round26 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round41 28.17 32.26
32.09     32.42     32.28     32.89     28.17
PyraminxFirst round48 6.08 12.06
15.28     12.84     6.08      8.45      14.89
Bibliopen Cali 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 14.12 15.20
20.00     15.06     15.03     14.12     15.50
Second round11 14.72 17.19
18.20     17.99     19.45     15.39     14.72
First round6 14.22 14.88
14.95     22.02     14.81     14.22     14.87
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.93 4.65
5.05      5.75      4.83      3.93      4.08
First round8 4.47 5.24
4.47      5.94      5.14      6.08      4.65
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 53.35 1:00.67
1:01.25   59.43     1:02.75   53.35     1:01.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 26.19 33.23
32.41     34.81     26.19     32.47     37.52
Aves María 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 13.35 15.51
14.61     17.69     17.56     13.35     14.36
First round22 13.62 15.77
15.50     13.62     17.42     14.38     19.29
2x2x2 CubeSecond round22 4.20 5.64
7.18      4.20      5.09      5.86      5.96
First round20 5.06 5.62
5.06      5.77      5.54      5.56      9.28
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 55.35 58.18
1:09.78   1:01.91   57.15     55.48     55.35
5x5x5 CubeFinal16 2:08.99
2:08.99   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round12 23.78 29.27
30.14     40.55     30.51     27.15     23.78
First round13 23.27 26.27
28.58     23.27     25.62     34.84     24.60
PyraminxFirst round24 7.86 12.62
7.86      14.06     14.21     9.58      14.49
El Carmen de Viboral 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 12.13 16.37
16.75     12.13     15.48     16.87     18.06
First round23 16.12 17.18
16.68     16.12     16.55     18.30     20.21
2x2x2 CubeSecond round16 4.83 5.64
8.14      4.83      5.29      6.23      5.40
First round17 4.72 5.74
4.72      7.23      5.08      6.34      5.80
4x4x4 CubeSecond round16 54.07 56.06
54.74     1:02.00   55.86     57.57     54.07
First round16 53.63 56.87
1:06.00   59.42     56.88     53.63     54.31
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round16 26.24 28.72
28.24     26.24     26.57     41.73     31.35
First round17 27.03 32.53
35.97     34.42     27.03     32.42     30.76
PyraminxSecond round17 7.89 10.93
16.14     14.53     8.09      7.89      10.18
First round19 8.69 11.55
11.63     13.00     12.11     10.90     8.69
Navidad Aves María 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 14.15 15.29
15.67     15.27     14.93     18.38     14.15
First round23 13.82 16.37
18.33     15.21     15.76     13.82     18.15
2x2x2 CubeFirst round19 4.48 6.17
5.82      5.49      7.78      4.48      7.21
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 55.01
1:13.03   55.01
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round15 27.98 34.61
36.14     37.56     33.64     27.98     34.04
Colombia Nationals 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round63 13.42 16.69
16.46     19.83     13.78     DNF       13.42
2x2x2 CubeFirst round51 4.59 5.76
6.02      4.66      4.59      6.61      7.09
4x4x4 CubeFirst round50 54.38 59.01
56.41     1:00.86   59.75     54.38     1:05.42
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round36 23.22 30.68
27.17     35.10     29.77     23.22     36.56
Aves Maria Sabaneta 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 12.25 16.63
12.25     14.76     19.38     DNF       15.76
First round32 13.50 16.75
16.50     17.06     16.70     13.50     17.85
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 5.13 6.65
7.84      6.47      5.13      7.42      6.05
4x4x4 CubeFirst round22 52.12 1:01.34
1:08.51   1:04.38   52.12     57.23     1:02.40
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 22.66 29.09
27.39     22.66     34.35     26.03     33.86
La Tablaza Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 11.89 15.86
15.22     17.29     21.08     11.89     15.07
First round29 15.79 16.45
15.84     19.37     15.79     16.75     16.76
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 4.78 5.72
5.19      5.40      6.57      4.78      8.41
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 1:00.75 1:14.54
1:14.75   1:00.75   1:19.41   1:16.85   1:12.03
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round25 33.75 38.76
45.11     36.49     41.51     33.75     38.27
San Martin Cubea B 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 11.37 15.51
20.19     16.89     11.37     14.53     15.12
First round25 14.53 16.40
14.62     15.91     18.66     23.93     14.53
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 4.51 6.28
8.13      4.51      7.68      4.65      6.50
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 50.16 1:15.40
1:14.13   1:24.13   50.16     1:32.87   1:07.95
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round26 30.03 36.02
47.60     31.44     30.03     42.90     33.73
Aves María 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 15.05 18.09
17.75     15.05     18.00     18.52     20.67
First round42 12.91 18.51
20.03     17.68     12.91     17.83     DNF
2x2x2 CubeSecond round26 4.11 5.83
5.40      4.11      6.70      8.56      5.39
First round19 3.14 5.27
3.14      5.45      5.11      5.26      7.94
4x4x4 CubeFinal28 52.85 1:03.40
52.85     1:06.36   1:13.49   1:01.48   1:02.36
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round25 30.59 34.40
35.03     32.83     39.12     30.59     35.35
Aves María El Renacimiento 2021
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 12.57 13.93
12.57     12.86     14.89     14.03     18.27
First round29 15.89 16.86
16.25     18.61     16.62     17.71     15.89
2x2x2 CubeFirst round30 3.88 6.09
6.54      6.16      5.57      7.62      3.88
4x4x4 CubeFirst round27 1:02.16 1:05.81
1:13.61   1:12.41   1:02.84   1:02.18   1:02.16
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round30 35.92 42.74
42.14     51.70     39.08     47.00     35.92
142023-12-08~10Navidad Explora Medellín 2023ColombiaMedellín, Antioquia
132023-08-20~21Aves María Teams 2023ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.
122023-06-25Aventura The Return 2023ColombiaMedellín - Antioquia
112023-05-20~22Nacionales Colombia 2023ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.
102023-04-29Bibliopen Cali 2023ColombiaCali, Valle del Cauca.
92023-03-19~20Aves María 2023ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.
82023-01-21~22El Carmen de Viboral 2023ColombiaEl Carmen de Viboral, Antioquia
72022-12-03~04Navidad Aves María 2022ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.
62022-11-05~07Colombia Nationals 2022ColombiaBogotá
52022-09-17~18Aves Maria Sabaneta 2022ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.
42022-07-16~17La Tablaza Open 2022ColombiaLa Estrella, Antioquia.
32022-05-22San Martin Cubea B 2022ColombiaBogotá D.C.
22022-03-20~21Aves María 2022ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.
12021-10-02~03Aves María El Renacimiento 2021ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.