Personal Page

Reid James Sungy

Name: Reid James Sungy
Region: United States
Competitions: 16
WCA ID: Reid James Sungy2021SUNG02
Gender: Male
Career: 2021.11.13 - 2024.12.14
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube75495233597.3010.17669917861400176/180
2x2x2 Cube50061123001.413.1742681222971108/110
4x4x4 Cube530703284833.0538.873109764580168/70
5x5x5 Cube915125448901:16.801:21.243977103075429/30
6x6x6 Cube56475326912:23.242:28.85238366249812/12
7x7x7 Cube52773126453:46.943:54.6223746474707/7
3x3x3 Blindfolded44757526741:43.53119/21
3x3x3 Fewest Moves28734616733134.67114225421915/6
3x3x3 One-Handed13481843767017.2819.445283126292735/37
4x4x4 Blindfolded209252108110:58.002/6
5x5x5 Blindfolded16619780032:01.001/1

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Centennial State Cube Off 2024Final23 10.33 DNF
DNF       12.67     DNF       15.20     10.33
Second round11 9.74 10.22
10.56     9.74      10.08     10.41     10.16
First round11 9.32 10.90
11.52     11.05     9.32      10.96     10.68
Unorthodox Blocks CO 2 2024Final9 9.19 11.20
10.52     11.36     11.73     9.19      11.73
Colorado Championship 2024Semi Final26 10.19 12.07
10.36     14.29     13.62     12.23     10.19
Second round14 7.30 10.53
10.92     7.30      11.33     9.35      13.45
First round20 9.80 11.09
10.92     9.80      12.47     11.37     10.97
Back to School Colorado 2024Semi Final17 8.61 10.17
9.36      10.60     10.56     8.61      11.32
Second round16 9.95 10.57
11.47     10.14     9.95      11.75     10.09
First round16 9.49 10.54
9.57      10.84     11.22     9.49      13.18
Barely Awake Boulder 2024Final12 9.83 11.10
10.06     11.96     13.52     11.28     9.83
Second round14 8.26 11.30
10.12     12.45     8.26      12.39     11.39
First round26 11.35 12.20
12.74     12.03     12.84     11.83     11.35
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023Final8 8.10 10.69
13.38     8.10      11.54     11.43     9.09
Second round10 9.89 10.95
12.01     9.89      12.60     10.73     10.12
First round10 8.95 10.67
10.67     10.89     10.45     10.99     8.95
The Art of the Cube CO 2023Final12 10.47 12.27
11.29     11.67     15.79     13.86     10.47
Second round11 8.88 12.08
13.84     8.88      14.12     12.01     10.40
First round8 11.15 11.36
11.57     11.57     11.18     11.15     11.34
Cubing In Creek 2023Final5 8.28 10.70
11.89     8.28      10.07     12.18     10.14
Second round6 8.73 10.75
11.82     8.73      10.01     11.96     10.42
First round11 10.93 12.31
12.84     12.95     11.96     10.93     12.12
Mile High Megacomp 2023Second round23 9.96 12.44
12.42     9.96      13.50     11.63     13.27
First round23 8.94 12.39
14.10     12.21     12.23     8.94      12.72
LoCo Cubing AM 2022Final7 12.07 12.64
13.21     12.33     12.37     13.27     12.07
First round7 11.43 13.12
11.43     13.83     13.52     12.41     13.42
CO Solving in Fall 2022Final10 12.21 13.51
16.35     13.83     12.21     12.69     14.01
Second round9 11.86 12.56
12.90     11.86     18.39     11.97     12.81
First round9 11.24 12.72
14.72     11.46     11.24     13.73     12.98
Pikes Peak Good Morning 2022Final12 10.63 13.79
13.54     14.77     13.06     10.63     1:39.98
First round8 12.54 12.84
12.93     18.64     12.54     13.04     12.56
Northern Colorado Cubing 2022First round25 14.36 16.21
14.36     14.82     17.05     16.75     19.70
Scramble in the Springs 2022Second round16 13.13 14.13
13.13     15.25     13.52     23.81     13.63
First round20 12.76 15.82
15.83     15.51     12.76     DNF       16.12
Pikes Peak Returns A 2021Second round18 13.18 16.25
16.53     15.67     19.52     13.18     16.55
First round20 13.22 14.87
13.68     13.22     DNF       13.75     17.17
2x2x2 Cube
Centennial State Cube Off 2024Final7 2.37 3.17
2.64      7.58      2.37      3.25      3.63
First round13 3.08 4.06
4.54      3.60      4.05      3.08      6.45
Unorthodox Blocks CO 2 2024Final7 3.54 3.98
3.86      4.50      3.54      3.69      4.40
Colorado Championship 2024Second round27 3.34 4.47
3.34      3.96      4.88      4.56      5.30
First round17 3.23 3.43
3.57      3.48      3.23      3.24      4.16
Back to School Colorado 2024Final10 1.41 3.65
3.08      5.40      2.53      5.35      1.41
First round18 3.57 3.91
3.63      4.47      3.88      4.23      3.57
Barely Awake Boulder 2024Second round24 3.18 4.30
4.05      4.12      4.72      4.78      3.18
First round25 3.43 4.13
4.25      3.87      7.75      4.27      3.43
The Art of the Cube CO 2023Final8 3.63 4.45
4.95      4.21      4.72      4.43      3.63
Second round11 3.84 4.20
4.51      4.39      4.25      3.97      3.84
First round16 3.31 4.66
5.07      5.52      3.31      3.39      DNF
Cubing In Creek 2023Final11 3.65 4.89
5.96      3.96      5.33      5.39      3.65
Second round9 3.93 4.33
3.98      4.81      3.93      4.27      4.75
First round7 3.18 4.18
3.18      4.06      4.41      5.96      4.06
CO Solving in Fall 2022Final5 3.42 3.89
3.58      3.42      4.66      3.42      DNF
First round9 2.61 4.37
4.87      4.76      2.61      4.07      4.28
Pikes Peak Good Morning 2022Final12 4.27 5.48
8.46      4.27      6.69      4.83      4.93
First round10 3.20 5.27
3.63      7.82      5.26      3.20      6.93
Northern Colorado Cubing 2022First round22 4.60 5.40
5.35      6.39      5.46      5.39      4.60
Scramble in the Springs 2022First round10 3.43 4.67
5.04      4.87      4.10      3.43      6.12
Pikes Peak Returns A 2021First round23 4.97 5.90
4.97      6.81      6.13      5.16      6.42
4x4x4 Cube
Centennial State Cube Off 2024Final10 34.28 38.87
35.19     34.28     44.13     42.86     38.55
Colorado Championship 2024Final11 33.28 39.81
40.61     40.56     43.53     33.28     38.25
First round10 33.05 40.28
39.29     33.05     39.81     41.74     DNF
Barely Awake Boulder 2024Final25 40.67 51.71
40.67     48.24     55.02     51.87     55.78
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023Final9 41.99 44.42
46.13     42.68     46.38     44.46     41.99
First round8 34.37 42.80
43.32     45.38     39.69     48.93     34.37
The Art of the Cube CO 2023Final4 40.97 43.16
45.05     41.18     40.97     43.26     50.25
First round2 36.14 40.76
45.86     45.77     36.14     38.13     38.38
Cubing In Creek 2023Final12 42.54 52.11
DNF       42.72     1:05.98   42.54     47.62
First round7 42.00 44.14
42.00     44.76     46.37     44.34     43.31
Mile High Megacomp 2023Final9 39.74 41.29
42.17     41.46     39.74     47.01     40.25
CO Solving in Fall 2022Final3 40.76 44.78
44.91     47.97     43.47     45.95     40.76
First round6 38.35 47.66
48.87     42.99     51.11     38.35     53.07
Northern Colorado Cubing 2022First round11 45.45 47.65
47.41     46.28     45.45     49.25     1:04.77
5x5x5 Cube
Colorado Championship 2024Final14 1:17.76 1:21.24
1:17.76   1:23.61   1:33.63   1:21.08   1:19.02
First round14 1:22.19 1:23.86
1:25.49   1:26.11   1:22.19   1:23.57   1:22.53
Barely Awake Boulder 2024First round18 1:16.80 1:35.70
1:41.48   1:36.62   1:29.00   1:16.80   1:41.64
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023Final10 1:21.40 1:24.41
1:25.34   1:29.20   1:25.32   1:21.40   1:22.58
Cubing In Creek 2023First round14 1:24.83 1:42.50
1:48.98   1:39.98   1:24.83   DNF       1:38.55
Scramble in the Springs 2022First round14 1:40.75 1:52.16
1:51.26   1:51.27   1:53.94   1:57.29   1:40.75
6x6x6 Cube
Colorado Championship 2024Final11 2:23.24 2:28.85
2:26.32   2:37.00   2:23.24
First round13 2:33.98 2:38.93
2:33.98   2:37.32   2:45.48
Barely Awake Boulder 2024Final14 2:48.92 2:59.55
3:10.67   2:59.06   2:48.92
Mile High Megacomp 2023Final17 2:58.06 3:06.82
3:22.86   2:59.55   2:58.06
7x7x7 Cube
Colorado Championship 2024Final11 3:52.53 3:57.56
4:06.13   3:54.03   3:52.53
First round11 3:46.94 3:54.62
3:46.94   3:59.01   3:57.91
Barely Awake Boulder 2024Final15 5:07.11
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Colorado Championship 2024Final8 2:24.62 DNF
2:36.60   2:24.62   DNF
First round14 3:06.11 DNF
DNF       3:06.11   DNF
Blind Faith Denver 2024First round12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Barely Awake Boulder 2024Final10 2:05.33 DNF
3:34.88   2:05.33   DNF
The Art of the Cube CO 2023Final4 1:43.53 DNF
DNF       3:24.49   1:43.53
Pikes Peak Good Morning 2022Final3 3:03.37 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:03.37
Pikes Peak Returns A 2021Final1 1:44.63 DNF
1:44.63   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Blind Faith Denver 2024Final3 31 34.67
41        32        31
First round13 37 DNF
DNF       37        41
3x3x3 One-Handed
Colorado Championship 2024Final16 17.71 20.31
21.80     19.86     17.71     24.96     19.26
First round16 18.49 19.76
18.49     20.45     19.46     19.36     21.97
Back to School Colorado 2024Final12 18.23 19.44
18.60     18.23     23.09     19.52     20.21
First round20 17.28 22.52
21.31     20.22     28.73     26.04     17.28
Barely Awake Boulder 2024First round19 18.98 24.90
18.98     22.51     26.00     26.19     28.57
Cubing In Creek 2023First round45 DNF
DNF       DNF
Pikes Peak Returns A 2021Final6 26.76 32.03
46.92     34.54     30.15     26.76     31.41
First round5 19.69 24.77
25.40     29.14     19.69     25.24     23.67
Centennial State Cube Off 2024First round24 5.81 11.53
17.37     13.01     5.81      14.89     6.69
Colorado Championship 2024Final14 7.06 8.18
8.03      9.24      7.28      7.06      30.13
First round16 6.57 7.36
16.24     6.60      7.37      6.57      8.12
Back to School Colorado 2024Final16 7.78 8.92
DNF       7.78      10.44     8.33      8.00
First round13 7.40 8.08
DNF       8.46      8.32      7.47      7.40
Barely Awake Boulder 2024First round25 10.41 11.33
10.41     10.69     11.69     11.60     25.89
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023First round21 9.61 11.46
10.88     12.48     DNF       11.01     9.61
Colorado Championship 2024Final8 58.35 1:03.64
58.35     1:01.90   1:08.14   1:00.87   1:12.56
First round8 59.29 1:00.29
59.74     1:01.66   59.29     1:15.44   59.48
Blind Faith Denver 2024Final3 1:04.45 1:06.54
1:07.22   1:06.41   1:06.00   1:04.45   1:12.27
Barely Awake Boulder 2024Final21 1:20.03 1:29.71
1:40.92   1:38.52   1:29.53   1:21.09   1:20.03
Mile High Megacomp 2023Final12 1:27.88 1:31.12
1:28.01   1:27.88   1:31.36   1:41.34   1:33.98
Northern Colorado Cubing 2022First round17 1:40.66 1:52.54
2:07.54   1:43.47   1:56.95   1:57.19   1:40.66
Scramble in the Springs 2022First round14 1:48.31 1:53.62
1:55.39   1:54.44   1:48.31   2:04.22   1:51.04
Centennial State Cube Off 2024Final3 2.53 3.16
3.44      2.63      2.53      4.40      3.41
First round3 1.99 2.95
5.42      4.55      2.20      1.99      2.10
Colorado Championship 2024Final2 2.35 2.55
2.56      3.02      2.51      2.35      2.57
Second round5 2.43 3.41
3.47      4.53      3.91      2.86      2.43
First round8 1.96 3.32
3.43      3.67      1.96      3.11      3.42
Back to School Colorado 2024Final2 2.88 3.39
2.88      3.92      3.23      3.03      6.56
First round2 2.87 3.60
6.55      3.65      2.87      3.05      4.10
Barely Awake Boulder 2024Final4 2.02 4.15
4.84      4.85      3.56      4.04      2.02
Second round7 3.21 3.87
3.21      3.87      4.89      3.59      4.15
First round5 4.01 4.44
4.52      4.01      8.05      4.60      4.19
Cubing In Creek 2023Final4 4.56 4.83
4.72      4.59      6.96      5.18      4.56
First round3 3.66 4.82
3.66      5.31      5.27      4.64      4.56
Mile High Megacomp 2023Final7 4.01 5.76
5.62      5.04      4.01      6.62      8.10
First round5 2.42 4.96
3.64      6.71      5.19      2.42      6.04
LoCo Cubing AM 2022Final3 3.60 4.93
3.60      3.92      6.84      4.02      7.03
First round2 3.17 5.22
4.71      6.18      4.99      5.96      3.17
CO Solving in Fall 2022Final4 4.64 5.82
6.18      5.22      6.39      6.06      4.64
Second round5 3.32 5.82
6.16      4.05      3.32      7.25      9.54
First round6 4.94 6.00
4.94      6.14      5.34      6.61      6.51
Northern Colorado Cubing 2022Final6 3.95 5.36
5.31      3.95      5.86      7.80      4.90
First round6 3.63 6.65
5.25      5.90      9.45      8.79      3.63
Scramble in the Springs 2022First round14 6.60 7.80
10.47     6.60      9.84      6.70      6.85
Centennial State Cube Off 2024Final12 4.59 6.90
7.04      7.43      7.22      4.59      6.43
First round13 4.35 6.63
5.42      6.75      8.73      4.35      7.72
Colorado Championship 2024Second round33 4.33 9.27
5.84      15.52     DNF       4.33      6.46
First round11 3.62 5.14
3.62      6.08      5.68      8.85      3.65
Barely Awake Boulder 2024Final16 5.43 7.52
6.72      8.65      7.67      8.16      5.43
First round14 4.63 6.76
8.32      5.53      4.63      6.97      7.79
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023Final16 7.36 DNF
7.56      10.32     DNF       7.36      DNF
Second round13 5.12 6.45
5.12      6.23      7.41      8.19      5.70
First round22 5.43 7.35
7.68      8.93      5.43      5.85      8.51
Mile High Megacomp 2023First round25 6.90 8.23
8.02      6.90      8.60      8.07      10.94
LoCo Cubing AM 2022First round17 5.77 11.48
5.77      8.79      15.52     14.59     11.07
CO Solving in Fall 2022Final11 7.31 9.28
7.90      7.31      9.14      10.81     10.93
First round10 6.01 7.97
10.41     6.01      6.53      6.96      10.45
Northern Colorado Cubing 2022First round21 6.63 10.05
10.17     11.32     10.53     9.45      6.63
Scramble in the Springs 2022First round21 7.09 11.99
14.66     12.23     10.90     7.09      12.83
Pikes Peak Returns A 2021First round21 6.64 10.22
9.11      19.59     11.39     10.16     6.64
Colorado Championship 2024Final8 11.35 14.35
17.18     14.38     18.10     11.48     11.35
First round9 9.96 15.46
9.96      16.15     17.73     12.49     21.21
Blind Faith Denver 2024Final2 11.75 13.62
11.75     14.52     13.90     14.95     12.45
Barely Awake Boulder 2024Final11 12.29 15.62
14.07     14.08     18.70     12.29     22.27
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023Final5 9.54 13.03
13.49     13.23     12.38     15.38     9.54
The Art of the Cube CO 2023Final2 10.56 12.43
12.36     14.31     16.37     10.61     10.56
LoCo Cubing AM 2022Final5 11.62 19.41
21.76     20.48     20.70     17.06     11.62
Pikes Peak Good Morning 2022Final5 15.05 18.57
20.16     15.49     15.05     20.34     20.05
Pikes Peak Returns A 2021First round7 10.24 23.91
26.96     10.24     DNF       20.90     23.88
4x4x4 Blindfolded
Centennial State Cube Off 2024Final5 10:58.00 DNF
DNF       10:58.00   DNF
Blind Faith Denver 2024Final5 12:29.00 DNF
12:29.00   DNF       DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded
Blind Faith Denver 2024Final5 32:01.00 DNF
32:01.00   DNS       DNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
Blind Faith Denver 2024First round12 DNF
DNF            DNF
Centennial State Cube Off 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal23 10.33 DNF
DNF       12.67     DNF       15.20     10.33
Second round11 9.74 10.22
10.56     9.74      10.08     10.41     10.16
First round11 9.32 10.90
11.52     11.05     9.32      10.96     10.68
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 2.37 3.17
2.64      7.58      2.37      3.25      3.63
First round13 3.08 4.06
4.54      3.60      4.05      3.08      6.45
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 34.28 38.87
35.19     34.28     44.13     42.86     38.55
ClockFirst round24 5.81 11.53
17.37     13.01     5.81      14.89     6.69
PyraminxFinal3 2.53 3.16
3.44      2.63      2.53      4.40      3.41
First round3 1.99 2.95
5.42      4.55      2.20      1.99      2.10
SkewbFinal12 4.59 6.90
7.04      7.43      7.22      4.59      6.43
First round13 4.35 6.63
5.42      6.75      8.73      4.35      7.72
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal5 10:58.00 DNF
DNF       10:58.00   DNF
Unorthodox Blocks CO 2 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 9.19 11.20
10.52     11.36     11.73     9.19      11.73
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 3.54 3.98
3.86      4.50      3.54      3.69      4.40
Colorado Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final26 10.19 12.07
10.36     14.29     13.62     12.23     10.19
Second round14 7.30 10.53
10.92     7.30      11.33     9.35      13.45
First round20 9.80 11.09
10.92     9.80      12.47     11.37     10.97
2x2x2 CubeSecond round27 3.34 4.47
3.34      3.96      4.88      4.56      5.30
First round17 3.23 3.43
3.57      3.48      3.23      3.24      4.16
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 33.28 39.81
40.61     40.56     43.53     33.28     38.25
First round10 33.05 40.28
39.29     33.05     39.81     41.74     DNF
5x5x5 CubeFinal14 1:17.76 1:21.24
1:17.76   1:23.61   1:33.63   1:21.08   1:19.02
First round14 1:22.19 1:23.86
1:25.49   1:26.11   1:22.19   1:23.57   1:22.53
6x6x6 CubeFinal11 2:23.24 2:28.85
2:26.32   2:37.00   2:23.24
First round13 2:33.98 2:38.93
2:33.98   2:37.32   2:45.48
7x7x7 CubeFinal11 3:52.53 3:57.56
4:06.13   3:54.03   3:52.53
First round11 3:46.94 3:54.62
3:46.94   3:59.01   3:57.91
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal8 2:24.62 DNF
2:36.60   2:24.62   DNF
First round14 3:06.11 DNF
DNF       3:06.11   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal16 17.71 20.31
21.80     19.86     17.71     24.96     19.26
First round16 18.49 19.76
18.49     20.45     19.46     19.36     21.97
ClockFinal14 7.06 8.18
8.03      9.24      7.28      7.06      30.13
First round16 6.57 7.36
16.24     6.60      7.37      6.57      8.12
MegaminxFinal8 58.35 1:03.64
58.35     1:01.90   1:08.14   1:00.87   1:12.56
First round8 59.29 1:00.29
59.74     1:01.66   59.29     1:15.44   59.48
PyraminxFinal2 2.35 2.55
2.56      3.02      2.51      2.35      2.57
Second round5 2.43 3.41
3.47      4.53      3.91      2.86      2.43
First round8 1.96 3.32
3.43      3.67      1.96      3.11      3.42
SkewbSecond round33 4.33 9.27
5.84      15.52     DNF       4.33      6.46
First round11 3.62 5.14
3.62      6.08      5.68      8.85      3.65
Square-1Final8 11.35 14.35
17.18     14.38     18.10     11.48     11.35
First round9 9.96 15.46
9.96      16.15     17.73     12.49     21.21
Back to School Colorado 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final17 8.61 10.17
9.36      10.60     10.56     8.61      11.32
Second round16 9.95 10.57
11.47     10.14     9.95      11.75     10.09
First round16 9.49 10.54
9.57      10.84     11.22     9.49      13.18
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 1.41 3.65
3.08      5.40      2.53      5.35      1.41
First round18 3.57 3.91
3.63      4.47      3.88      4.23      3.57
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 18.23 19.44
18.60     18.23     23.09     19.52     20.21
First round20 17.28 22.52
21.31     20.22     28.73     26.04     17.28
ClockFinal16 7.78 8.92
DNF       7.78      10.44     8.33      8.00
First round13 7.40 8.08
DNF       8.46      8.32      7.47      7.40
PyraminxFinal2 2.88 3.39
2.88      3.92      3.23      3.03      6.56
First round2 2.87 3.60
6.55      3.65      2.87      3.05      4.10
Blind Faith Denver 2024
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 31 34.67
41        32        31
First round13 37 DNF
DNF       37        41
MegaminxFinal3 1:04.45 1:06.54
1:07.22   1:06.41   1:06.00   1:04.45   1:12.27
Square-1Final2 11.75 13.62
11.75     14.52     13.90     14.95     12.45
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal5 12:29.00 DNF
12:29.00   DNF       DNF
5x5x5 BlindfoldedFinal5 32:01.00 DNF
32:01.00   DNS       DNS
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFirst round12 DNF
DNF            DNF
Barely Awake Boulder 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 9.83 11.10
10.06     11.96     13.52     11.28     9.83
Second round14 8.26 11.30
10.12     12.45     8.26      12.39     11.39
First round26 11.35 12.20
12.74     12.03     12.84     11.83     11.35
2x2x2 CubeSecond round24 3.18 4.30
4.05      4.12      4.72      4.78      3.18
First round25 3.43 4.13
4.25      3.87      7.75      4.27      3.43
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 40.67 51.71
40.67     48.24     55.02     51.87     55.78
5x5x5 CubeFirst round18 1:16.80 1:35.70
1:41.48   1:36.62   1:29.00   1:16.80   1:41.64
6x6x6 CubeFinal14 2:48.92 2:59.55
3:10.67   2:59.06   2:48.92
7x7x7 CubeFinal15 5:07.11
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal10 2:05.33 DNF
3:34.88   2:05.33   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 18.98 24.90
18.98     22.51     26.00     26.19     28.57
ClockFirst round25 10.41 11.33
10.41     10.69     11.69     11.60     25.89
MegaminxFinal21 1:20.03 1:29.71
1:40.92   1:38.52   1:29.53   1:21.09   1:20.03
PyraminxFinal4 2.02 4.15
4.84      4.85      3.56      4.04      2.02
Second round7 3.21 3.87
3.21      3.87      4.89      3.59      4.15
First round5 4.01 4.44
4.52      4.01      8.05      4.60      4.19
SkewbFinal16 5.43 7.52
6.72      8.65      7.67      8.16      5.43
First round14 4.63 6.76
8.32      5.53      4.63      6.97      7.79
Square-1Final11 12.29 15.62
14.07     14.08     18.70     12.29     22.27
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 8.10 10.69
13.38     8.10      11.54     11.43     9.09
Second round10 9.89 10.95
12.01     9.89      12.60     10.73     10.12
First round10 8.95 10.67
10.67     10.89     10.45     10.99     8.95
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 41.99 44.42
46.13     42.68     46.38     44.46     41.99
First round8 34.37 42.80
43.32     45.38     39.69     48.93     34.37
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 1:21.40 1:24.41
1:25.34   1:29.20   1:25.32   1:21.40   1:22.58
ClockFirst round21 9.61 11.46
10.88     12.48     DNF       11.01     9.61
SkewbFinal16 7.36 DNF
7.56      10.32     DNF       7.36      DNF
Second round13 5.12 6.45
5.12      6.23      7.41      8.19      5.70
First round22 5.43 7.35
7.68      8.93      5.43      5.85      8.51
Square-1Final5 9.54 13.03
13.49     13.23     12.38     15.38     9.54
The Art of the Cube CO 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 10.47 12.27
11.29     11.67     15.79     13.86     10.47
Second round11 8.88 12.08
13.84     8.88      14.12     12.01     10.40
First round8 11.15 11.36
11.57     11.57     11.18     11.15     11.34
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 3.63 4.45
4.95      4.21      4.72      4.43      3.63
Second round11 3.84 4.20
4.51      4.39      4.25      3.97      3.84
First round16 3.31 4.66
5.07      5.52      3.31      3.39      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 40.97 43.16
45.05     41.18     40.97     43.26     50.25
First round2 36.14 40.76
45.86     45.77     36.14     38.13     38.38
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 1:43.53 DNF
DNF       3:24.49   1:43.53
Square-1Final2 10.56 12.43
12.36     14.31     16.37     10.61     10.56
Cubing In Creek 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 8.28 10.70
11.89     8.28      10.07     12.18     10.14
Second round6 8.73 10.75
11.82     8.73      10.01     11.96     10.42
First round11 10.93 12.31
12.84     12.95     11.96     10.93     12.12
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 3.65 4.89
5.96      3.96      5.33      5.39      3.65
Second round9 3.93 4.33
3.98      4.81      3.93      4.27      4.75
First round7 3.18 4.18
3.18      4.06      4.41      5.96      4.06
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 42.54 52.11
DNF       42.72     1:05.98   42.54     47.62
First round7 42.00 44.14
42.00     44.76     46.37     44.34     43.31
5x5x5 CubeFirst round14 1:24.83 1:42.50
1:48.98   1:39.98   1:24.83   DNF       1:38.55
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round45 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal4 4.56 4.83
4.72      4.59      6.96      5.18      4.56
First round3 3.66 4.82
3.66      5.31      5.27      4.64      4.56
Mile High Megacomp 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 9.96 12.44
12.42     9.96      13.50     11.63     13.27
First round23 8.94 12.39
14.10     12.21     12.23     8.94      12.72
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 39.74 41.29
42.17     41.46     39.74     47.01     40.25
6x6x6 CubeFinal17 2:58.06 3:06.82
3:22.86   2:59.55   2:58.06
MegaminxFinal12 1:27.88 1:31.12
1:28.01   1:27.88   1:31.36   1:41.34   1:33.98
PyraminxFinal7 4.01 5.76
5.62      5.04      4.01      6.62      8.10
First round5 2.42 4.96
3.64      6.71      5.19      2.42      6.04
SkewbFirst round25 6.90 8.23
8.02      6.90      8.60      8.07      10.94
LoCo Cubing AM 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 12.07 12.64
13.21     12.33     12.37     13.27     12.07
First round7 11.43 13.12
11.43     13.83     13.52     12.41     13.42
PyraminxFinal3 3.60 4.93
3.60      3.92      6.84      4.02      7.03
First round2 3.17 5.22
4.71      6.18      4.99      5.96      3.17
SkewbFirst round17 5.77 11.48
5.77      8.79      15.52     14.59     11.07
Square-1Final5 11.62 19.41
21.76     20.48     20.70     17.06     11.62
CO Solving in Fall 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 12.21 13.51
16.35     13.83     12.21     12.69     14.01
Second round9 11.86 12.56
12.90     11.86     18.39     11.97     12.81
First round9 11.24 12.72
14.72     11.46     11.24     13.73     12.98
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.42 3.89
3.58      3.42      4.66      3.42      DNF
First round9 2.61 4.37
4.87      4.76      2.61      4.07      4.28
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 40.76 44.78
44.91     47.97     43.47     45.95     40.76
First round6 38.35 47.66
48.87     42.99     51.11     38.35     53.07
PyraminxFinal4 4.64 5.82
6.18      5.22      6.39      6.06      4.64
Second round5 3.32 5.82
6.16      4.05      3.32      7.25      9.54
First round6 4.94 6.00
4.94      6.14      5.34      6.61      6.51
SkewbFinal11 7.31 9.28
7.90      7.31      9.14      10.81     10.93
First round10 6.01 7.97
10.41     6.01      6.53      6.96      10.45
Pikes Peak Good Morning 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 10.63 13.79
13.54     14.77     13.06     10.63     1:39.98
First round8 12.54 12.84
12.93     18.64     12.54     13.04     12.56
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 4.27 5.48
8.46      4.27      6.69      4.83      4.93
First round10 3.20 5.27
3.63      7.82      5.26      3.20      6.93
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 3:03.37 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:03.37
Square-1Final5 15.05 18.57
20.16     15.49     15.05     20.34     20.05
Northern Colorado Cubing 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round25 14.36 16.21
14.36     14.82     17.05     16.75     19.70
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 4.60 5.40
5.35      6.39      5.46      5.39      4.60
4x4x4 CubeFirst round11 45.45 47.65
47.41     46.28     45.45     49.25     1:04.77
MegaminxFirst round17 1:40.66 1:52.54
2:07.54   1:43.47   1:56.95   1:57.19   1:40.66
PyraminxFinal6 3.95 5.36
5.31      3.95      5.86      7.80      4.90
First round6 3.63 6.65
5.25      5.90      9.45      8.79      3.63
SkewbFirst round21 6.63 10.05
10.17     11.32     10.53     9.45      6.63
Scramble in the Springs 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 13.13 14.13
13.13     15.25     13.52     23.81     13.63
First round20 12.76 15.82
15.83     15.51     12.76     DNF       16.12
2x2x2 CubeFirst round10 3.43 4.67
5.04      4.87      4.10      3.43      6.12
5x5x5 CubeFirst round14 1:40.75 1:52.16
1:51.26   1:51.27   1:53.94   1:57.29   1:40.75
MegaminxFirst round14 1:48.31 1:53.62
1:55.39   1:54.44   1:48.31   2:04.22   1:51.04
PyraminxFirst round14 6.60 7.80
10.47     6.60      9.84      6.70      6.85
SkewbFirst round21 7.09 11.99
14.66     12.23     10.90     7.09      12.83
Pikes Peak Returns A 2021
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 13.18 16.25
16.53     15.67     19.52     13.18     16.55
First round20 13.22 14.87
13.68     13.22     DNF       13.75     17.17
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 4.97 5.90
4.97      6.81      6.13      5.16      6.42
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal1 1:44.63 DNF
1:44.63   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 26.76 32.03
46.92     34.54     30.15     26.76     31.41
First round5 19.69 24.77
25.40     29.14     19.69     25.24     23.67
SkewbFirst round21 6.64 10.22
9.11      19.59     11.39     10.16     6.64
Square-1First round7 10.24 23.91
26.96     10.24     DNF       20.90     23.88
162024-12-14Centennial State Cube Off 2024United StatesErie, Colorado
152024-11-23Unorthodox Blocks CO 2 2024United StatesParker, Colorado
142024-10-12~13Colorado Championship 2024United StatesGreeley, Colorado
132024-08-24Back to School Colorado 2024United StatesDenver, Colorado
122024-05-11~12Blind Faith Denver 2024United StatesDenver, Colorado
112024-01-27~28Barely Awake Boulder 2024United StatesBoulder, Colorado
102023-12-30Happy Holidays Colorado 2023United StatesAurora, Colorado
92023-10-14The Art of the Cube CO 2023United StatesDenver, Colorado
82023-05-20Cubing In Creek 2023United StatesGreenwood Village, Colorado
72023-03-04Mile High Megacomp 2023United StatesDenver, Colorado
62022-12-10LoCo Cubing AM 2022United StatesLongmont, Colorado
52022-09-24CO Solving in Fall 2022United StatesLafayette, Colorado
42022-04-09Pikes Peak Good Morning 2022United StatesColorado Springs, Colorado
32022-03-12Northern Colorado Cubing 2022United StatesGreeley, Colorado
22022-01-08Scramble in the Springs 2022United StatesColorado Springs, Colorado
12021-11-13Pikes Peak Returns A 2021United StatesColorado Springs, Colorado

Seen Cubers
