Personal Page

En-Ruei Tien (田恩睿)

Name: En-Ruei Tien (田恩睿)
Region: Chinese Taipei
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: En-Ruei Tien (田恩睿)2021TIEN01
Gender: Male
Career: 2021.12.19 - 2024.08.18
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube43481482255110.8412.6019210712837469/70
2x2x2 Cube81128256581.883.47635116418359/60
4x4x4 Cube2242783788040.2143.235714203816842/44
5x5x5 Cube142123836191:11.051:15.932994104212021/21
6x6x6 Cube172221178213:34.561/1
7x7x7 Cube152194666565:28.911/1
3x3x3 Blindfolded60156646992:41.244/12
3x3x3 One-Handed33475362023424.4627.581653763332957/7

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Taiwan Championship 2023Second round110 12.48 14.73
13.66     14.69     15.85     12.48     22.34
First round109 11.02 13.22
12.91     12.34     11.02     15.52     14.40
Pingtung Summer Open 2023Second round44 11.98 13.67
15.06     15.94     12.84     13.12     11.98
First round41 12.40 13.52
13.57     13.17     12.40     15.79     13.83
Maru Cube Day 2023Semi Final96 10.84 15.75
22.87     10.84     11.76     DNF       12.61
Second round77 12.27 12.60
12.27     17.25     12.48     12.75     12.57
First round78 11.64 13.11
14.83     13.43     12.26     11.64     13.65
CK Cubing Party 2023Second round50 11.59 12.64
11.64     11.59     13.26     13.02     16.12
First round56 12.85 13.81
14.60     13.42     13.83     12.85     14.19
Taiwan Championship 2022First round127 11.75 14.80
13.38     13.75     17.57     17.28     11.75
Maru Cube Day 2022Second round92 12.76 14.59
14.07     14.74     14.97     12.76     18.49
First round114 13.93 15.79
21.93     16.20     13.93     14.69     16.47
CK Cubing Party 2022First round52 14.58 15.97
17.34     14.58     14.67     16.08     17.16
Welcome Back Taipei 2021First round58 16.10 18.81
20.39     18.71     20.31     16.10     17.40
2x2x2 Cube
Taiwan Championship 2023Second round27 3.44 3.89
4.28      6.22      3.60      3.80      3.44
First round58 3.53 4.34
5.20      4.06      7.54      3.53      3.76
Maru Cube Day 2023Second round22 2.90 3.71
4.15      3.53      3.92      2.90      3.69
First round14 2.82 3.47
3.79      4.59      3.56      3.05      2.82
CK Cubing Party 2023Second round26 1.88 4.38
4.03      4.89      4.23      1.88      5.35
First round27 3.09 4.41
3.09      3.92      5.02      4.28      6.96
Taiwan Championship 2022Second round64 3.71 5.42
5.57      4.91      5.77      DNF       3.71
First round34 3.15 4.36
4.94      3.85      3.15      5.24      4.30
Maru Cube Day 2022Second round51 2.78 4.97
6.13      2.78      5.28      4.72      4.92
First round46 4.03 4.79
5.70      4.50      4.03      7.18      4.17
CK Cubing Party 2022Second round15 3.06 4.25
3.06      4.56      4.89      7.97      3.31
First round12 3.11 4.22
15.33     4.60      4.04      3.11      4.03
4x4x4 Cube
Taiwan Championship 2023First round94 44.37 47.58
49.99     47.16     48.41     47.16     44.37
Pingtung Summer Open 2023First round30 41.82 45.56
44.70     DNF       44.65     47.32     41.82
Maru Cube Day 2023Second round43 41.82 43.23
43.27     43.66     42.77     41.82     43.85
First round50 40.21 44.22
40.41     49.45     44.52     40.21     47.73
CK Cubing Party 2023First round54 51.78
51.78     DNF
Taiwan Championship 2022First round86 42.65 51.03
1:17.32   54.03     44.13     42.65     54.94
Maru Cube Day 2022Second round74 42.58 53.44
55.31     42.58     53.63     55.44     51.39
First round88 52.08 1:01.16
1:07.85   58.81     52.08     1:03.16   1:01.52
CK Cubing Party 2022First round46 1:00.28 1:06.21
1:08.00   1:03.15   1:00.28   1:07.47   1:10.30
Welcome Back Taipei 2021First round46 1:15.07
1:15.07   1:28.54
5x5x5 Cube
New Taipei Big Cube Day 2024Second round36 1:13.04 1:15.93
1:16.62   1:13.04   1:14.59   1:28.55   1:16.57
First round43 1:11.05 1:25.91
1:31.45   1:11.05   1:30.28   1:29.47   1:17.99
Pingtung Summer Open 2023First round35 1:35.68
1:40.62   1:35.68
Maru Cube Day 2023First round57 1:23.61 1:37.20
1:37.22   1:23.61   1:40.04   1:45.63   1:34.35
Maru Cube Day 2022First round90 2:33.51
2:33.51   2:38.92
Welcome Back Taipei 2021First round38 2:45.19
2:45.19   2:49.27
6x6x6 Cube
New Taipei Big Cube Day 2024First round48 3:34.56
7x7x7 Cube
New Taipei Big Cube Day 2024First round44 5:28.91
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Pingtung Summer Open 2023Final6 2:53.43 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:53.43
Second round6 2:41.24 DNF
3:08.15   2:41.24   DNF
First round9 3:36.82 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:36.82
Taiwan Championship 2022Final18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Maru Cube Day 2023First round69 24.46 27.58
31.04     29.86     25.85     24.46     27.03
Maru Cube Day 2022First round84 43.79
43.79     1:06.77
Taiwan Championship 2022First round36 16.27 17.24
17.91     16.27     16.27     19.71     17.55
Pingtung Summer Open 2023First round13 1:08.13 1:12.99
1:15.35   1:09.18   1:18.87   1:14.43   1:08.13
Maru Cube Day 2023Final26 1:13.97 1:18.74
1:18.49   1:13.97   1:17.06   1:20.66   1:28.33
Taiwan Championship 2022First round38 1:20.59 1:30.06
2:14.30   1:20.59   1:26.73   1:39.57   1:23.88
Maru Cube Day 2022Final40 1:43.78
1:43.78   2:09.04
CK Cubing Party 2022Final22 2:01.49
2:25.06   2:01.49
Taiwan Championship 2022First round98 16.12 17.30
17.14     17.37     17.40     16.12     18.82
CK Cubing Party 2022First round42 5.83 17.55
5.83      19.10     17.47     16.07     20.61
CK Cubing Party 2023First round36 25.85 40.07
39.64     25.85     46.59     53.66     33.98
New Taipei Big Cube Day 2024
5x5x5 CubeSecond round36 1:13.04 1:15.93
1:16.62   1:13.04   1:14.59   1:28.55   1:16.57
First round43 1:11.05 1:25.91
1:31.45   1:11.05   1:30.28   1:29.47   1:17.99
6x6x6 CubeFirst round48 3:34.56
7x7x7 CubeFirst round44 5:28.91
Taiwan Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round110 12.48 14.73
13.66     14.69     15.85     12.48     22.34
First round109 11.02 13.22
12.91     12.34     11.02     15.52     14.40
2x2x2 CubeSecond round27 3.44 3.89
4.28      6.22      3.60      3.80      3.44
First round58 3.53 4.34
5.20      4.06      7.54      3.53      3.76
4x4x4 CubeFirst round94 44.37 47.58
49.99     47.16     48.41     47.16     44.37
Pingtung Summer Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round44 11.98 13.67
15.06     15.94     12.84     13.12     11.98
First round41 12.40 13.52
13.57     13.17     12.40     15.79     13.83
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 41.82 45.56
44.70     DNF       44.65     47.32     41.82
5x5x5 CubeFirst round35 1:35.68
1:40.62   1:35.68
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 2:53.43 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:53.43
Second round6 2:41.24 DNF
3:08.15   2:41.24   DNF
First round9 3:36.82 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:36.82
MegaminxFirst round13 1:08.13 1:12.99
1:15.35   1:09.18   1:18.87   1:14.43   1:08.13
Maru Cube Day 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final96 10.84 15.75
22.87     10.84     11.76     DNF       12.61
Second round77 12.27 12.60
12.27     17.25     12.48     12.75     12.57
First round78 11.64 13.11
14.83     13.43     12.26     11.64     13.65
2x2x2 CubeSecond round22 2.90 3.71
4.15      3.53      3.92      2.90      3.69
First round14 2.82 3.47
3.79      4.59      3.56      3.05      2.82
4x4x4 CubeSecond round43 41.82 43.23
43.27     43.66     42.77     41.82     43.85
First round50 40.21 44.22
40.41     49.45     44.52     40.21     47.73
5x5x5 CubeFirst round57 1:23.61 1:37.20
1:37.22   1:23.61   1:40.04   1:45.63   1:34.35
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round69 24.46 27.58
31.04     29.86     25.85     24.46     27.03
MegaminxFinal26 1:13.97 1:18.74
1:18.49   1:13.97   1:17.06   1:20.66   1:28.33
CK Cubing Party 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round50 11.59 12.64
11.64     11.59     13.26     13.02     16.12
First round56 12.85 13.81
14.60     13.42     13.83     12.85     14.19
2x2x2 CubeSecond round26 1.88 4.38
4.03      4.89      4.23      1.88      5.35
First round27 3.09 4.41
3.09      3.92      5.02      4.28      6.96
4x4x4 CubeFirst round54 51.78
51.78     DNF
Square-1First round36 25.85 40.07
39.64     25.85     46.59     53.66     33.98
Taiwan Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round127 11.75 14.80
13.38     13.75     17.57     17.28     11.75
2x2x2 CubeSecond round64 3.71 5.42
5.57      4.91      5.77      DNF       3.71
First round34 3.15 4.36
4.94      3.85      3.15      5.24      4.30
4x4x4 CubeFirst round86 42.65 51.03
1:17.32   54.03     44.13     42.65     54.94
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
ClockFirst round36 16.27 17.24
17.91     16.27     16.27     19.71     17.55
MegaminxFirst round38 1:20.59 1:30.06
2:14.30   1:20.59   1:26.73   1:39.57   1:23.88
PyraminxFirst round98 16.12 17.30
17.14     17.37     17.40     16.12     18.82
Maru Cube Day 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round92 12.76 14.59
14.07     14.74     14.97     12.76     18.49
First round114 13.93 15.79
21.93     16.20     13.93     14.69     16.47
2x2x2 CubeSecond round51 2.78 4.97
6.13      2.78      5.28      4.72      4.92
First round46 4.03 4.79
5.70      4.50      4.03      7.18      4.17
4x4x4 CubeSecond round74 42.58 53.44
55.31     42.58     53.63     55.44     51.39
First round88 52.08 1:01.16
1:07.85   58.81     52.08     1:03.16   1:01.52
5x5x5 CubeFirst round90 2:33.51
2:33.51   2:38.92
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round84 43.79
43.79     1:06.77
MegaminxFinal40 1:43.78
1:43.78   2:09.04
CK Cubing Party 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round52 14.58 15.97
17.34     14.58     14.67     16.08     17.16
2x2x2 CubeSecond round15 3.06 4.25
3.06      4.56      4.89      7.97      3.31
First round12 3.11 4.22
15.33     4.60      4.04      3.11      4.03
4x4x4 CubeFirst round46 1:00.28 1:06.21
1:08.00   1:03.15   1:00.28   1:07.47   1:10.30
MegaminxFinal22 2:01.49
2:25.06   2:01.49
PyraminxFirst round42 5.83 17.55
5.83      19.10     17.47     16.07     20.61
Welcome Back Taipei 2021
3x3x3 CubeFirst round58 16.10 18.81
20.39     18.71     20.31     16.10     17.40
4x4x4 CubeFirst round46 1:15.07
1:15.07   1:28.54
5x5x5 CubeFirst round38 2:45.19
2:45.19   2:49.27
92024-08-18New Taipei Big Cube Day 2024Chinese TaipeiNew Taipei
82023-12-08~10Taiwan Championship 2023Chinese TaipeiNew Taipei City
72023-08-26~27Pingtung Summer Open 2023Chinese TaipeiPingtung
62023-07-22~23Maru Cube Day 2023Chinese TaipeiTainan
52023-05-27CK Cubing Party 2023Chinese TaipeiTaipei
42022-12-16~18Taiwan Championship 2022Chinese TaipeiNew Taipei City
32022-09-03~04Maru Cube Day 2022Chinese TaipeiTainan
22022-05-29CK Cubing Party 2022Chinese TaipeiTaipei
12021-12-19Welcome Back Taipei 2021Chinese TaipeiTaipei