Personal Page

Povilas Žygaitis

Name: Povilas Žygaitis
Region: Lithuania
Competitions: 3
WCA ID: Povilas Žygaitis2021ZYGA01
Gender: Male
Career: 2021.08.07 - 2023.01.15
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube58108214315513.6018.7358584144688125/25
2x2x2 Cube7213332454264.326.1342283120636425/25
4x4x4 Cube6410907385861:21.071:26.47331619342606/7

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Vilnius Winter Open 2023Second round23 13.60 19.70
20.11     19.02     13.60     19.98     22.21
First round23 14.45 18.73
18.10     19.22     18.87     14.45     27.34
Kaunas Open 2022Second round20 15.77 19.31
21.02     20.57     28.34     16.34     15.77
First round20 18.01 19.66
22.55     18.01     18.16     22.45     18.37
Vilnius Open 2021First round26 21.07 22.44
21.90     25.37     21.07     21.31     24.11
2x2x2 Cube
Vilnius Winter Open 2023Second round24 6.93 7.68
6.93      8.33      7.00      7.70      10.27
First round22 4.32 6.13
6.42      6.00      4.32      6.10      6.29
Kaunas Open 2022Second round25 4.48 8.85
4.48      8.74      9.33      8.49      9.70
First round25 5.67 8.96
7.43      11.15     16.02     5.67      8.31
Vilnius Open 2021First round27 9.74 14.10
9.74      12.13     18.10     16.73     13.43
4x4x4 Cube
Vilnius Winter Open 2023First round26 1:21.07 1:26.47
1:21.07   1:25.65   1:31.53   1:44.32   1:22.23
Vilnius Open 2021Final25 1:55.17
DNF       1:55.17
Kaunas Open 2022Final13 2:32.12
2:32.12   2:42.18
Vilnius Winter Open 2023First round24 11.14 13.85
17.97     14.17     11.14     12.49     14.89
Kaunas Open 2022First round15 10.79 12.04
17.02     11.48     10.79     12.35     12.30
Vilnius Open 2021Final11 7.93 10.71
7.93      9.42      14.13     8.59      17.01
Vilnius Winter Open 2023Final16 12.66 14.58
15.63     12.66     14.26     13.85     15.98
Kaunas Open 2022Final17 16.64 18.03
17.08     17.78     16.64     19.81     19.22
Vilnius Winter Open 2023Final7 12.92 23.80
21.09     12.92     24.37     28.22     25.93
Kaunas Open 2022Final10 22.06 29.83
26.88     33.43     42.02     29.18     22.06
Vilnius Winter Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 13.60 19.70
20.11     19.02     13.60     19.98     22.21
First round23 14.45 18.73
18.10     19.22     18.87     14.45     27.34
2x2x2 CubeSecond round24 6.93 7.68
6.93      8.33      7.00      7.70      10.27
First round22 4.32 6.13
6.42      6.00      4.32      6.10      6.29
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 1:21.07 1:26.47
1:21.07   1:25.65   1:31.53   1:44.32   1:22.23
PyraminxFirst round24 11.14 13.85
17.97     14.17     11.14     12.49     14.89
SkewbFinal16 12.66 14.58
15.63     12.66     14.26     13.85     15.98
Square-1Final7 12.92 23.80
21.09     12.92     24.37     28.22     25.93
Kaunas Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 15.77 19.31
21.02     20.57     28.34     16.34     15.77
First round20 18.01 19.66
22.55     18.01     18.16     22.45     18.37
2x2x2 CubeSecond round25 4.48 8.85
4.48      8.74      9.33      8.49      9.70
First round25 5.67 8.96
7.43      11.15     16.02     5.67      8.31
MegaminxFinal13 2:32.12
2:32.12   2:42.18
PyraminxFirst round15 10.79 12.04
17.02     11.48     10.79     12.35     12.30
SkewbFinal17 16.64 18.03
17.08     17.78     16.64     19.81     19.22
Square-1Final10 22.06 29.83
26.88     33.43     42.02     29.18     22.06
Vilnius Open 2021
3x3x3 CubeFirst round26 21.07 22.44
21.90     25.37     21.07     21.31     24.11
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 9.74 14.10
9.74      12.13     18.10     16.73     13.43
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 1:55.17
DNF       1:55.17
PyraminxFinal11 7.93 10.71
7.93      9.42      14.13     8.59      17.01
32023-01-14~15Vilnius Winter Open 2023LithuaniaVilnius
22022-11-12~13Kaunas Open 2022LithuaniaKaunas
12021-08-07~08Vilnius Open 2021LithuaniaVilnius