Personal Page

Nived Anoop

Name: Nived Anoop
Region: India
Competitions: 13
WCA ID: Nived Anoop2022ANOO01
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.04.16 - 2024.08.04
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube246232769108.409.8852801814185105/105
2x2x2 Cube17497844791.793.506024154724560/60
4x4x4 Cube64671202931.7037.06213471165122103/105
5x5x5 Cube7794127341:08.401:24.214341151112120/20
3x3x3 Blindfolded206163848582:52.059/36
3x3x3 Fewest Moves1228963541372/2
3x3x3 One-Handed8561748.7713.2355419223421110/110

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024Final8 9.60 11.66
14.64     13.91     11.19     9.60      9.87
First round3 9.43 9.88
9.86      9.43      10.33     10.62     9.45
Bangalore Newcomers 2024Final11 9.02 11.47
12.62     13.42     9.02      11.74     10.04
Second round5 8.69 10.11
9.44      9.92      15.87     8.69      10.96
First round7 8.53 10.36
8.53      11.26     11.10     12.06     8.72
Bangalore Championship 2023Final11 9.63 11.52
9.63      10.82     11.56     12.65     12.18
Second round5 9.05 10.30
11.52     10.43     9.05      9.35      11.11
First round6 9.04 10.23
9.64      9.43      9.04      25.68     11.62
Bangalore Cube Open July 2023Final9 9.16 11.18
11.41     11.12     11.78     11.00     9.16
Second round9 8.92 10.79
9.74      10.89     12.77     8.92      11.73
First round12 10.57 11.29
11.48     11.60     13.17     10.79     10.57
Nexus Summer Open Sunday 2023Final11 9.84 12.34
12.82     14.05     12.34     9.84      11.85
Second round6 9.12 10.79
11.76     10.77     10.00     11.61     9.12
First round5 10.56 11.40
10.56     11.26     11.80     12.91     11.14
Cubing Kerala Malabar Open 2023Final8 8.40 10.90
9.92      12.72     12.94     10.06     8.40
First round7 10.50 10.85
10.50     12.82     10.60     11.15     10.81
Nexus Winter Open 2022Final18 10.84 13.19
16.17     13.94     10.84     11.78     13.86
Nexus Monsoon Open 2022Second round23 12.03 12.89
12.40     12.03     15.36     12.07     14.19
First round27 12.90 14.01
17.72     13.56     13.47     15.01     12.90
Cubing Returns Bengaluru 2022Second round23 9.97 12.55
12.05     12.80     13.67     12.79     9.97
First round40 13.24 15.59
16.34     14.84     13.24     15.60     17.72
2x2x2 Cube
MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024First round21 1.79 4.91
4.49      18.94     3.45      1.79      6.80
Bangalore Newcomers 2024Final4 2.56 3.50
2.83      6.65      4.13      2.56      3.53
First round12 3.26 4.24
3.26      5.05      3.97      3.98      4.77
Side Events Bangalore Feb 2024Final13 4.59 5.80
8.85      6.73      4.99      5.68      4.59
Bangalore Championship 2023Second round13 2.55 4.29
4.14      2.55      5.20      4.51      4.22
First round14 3.90 4.32
3.90      4.11      6.09      4.09      4.77
Bangalore Cube Open July 2023Final20 3.70 4.93
4.54      5.13      3.70      5.13      5.56
First round19 3.19 4.77
3.19      5.34      3.62      5.35      5.46
Cubing Kerala Malabar Open 2023Final5 3.32 4.01
5.19      4.45      3.32      3.76      3.82
First round11 4.01 4.66
4.17      6.75      5.18      4.64      4.01
Nexus Monsoon Open 2022First round28 3.80 5.34
5.72      6.04      6.01      3.80      4.28
Cubing Returns Bengaluru 2022First round60 5.37 6.56
5.37      5.40      7.23      8.78      7.05
4x4x4 Cube
MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024Final3 37.18 41.03
37.18     42.80     47.54     40.09     40.20
First round5 35.66 44.52
43.48     35.66     45.29     45.68     44.79
Bangalore Newcomers 2024Final4 36.52 41.92
42.29     41.64     36.52     41.82     43.10
First round3 37.77 40.05
40.17     42.17     37.77     40.30     39.68
Side Events Bangalore Feb 2024Final1 37.28 37.68
37.37     37.90     37.28     37.77     42.78
Second round1 31.70 37.06
41.28     36.66     37.10     31.70     37.43
First round2 35.55 42.34
35.55     49.66     46.54     35.96     44.53
Bangalore Championship 2023Final4 33.35 40.49
37.95     40.25     51.10     33.35     43.28
First round10 42.13 45.39
DNF       46.49     43.50     46.18     42.13
Side Events Bangalore Oct 2023Final2 38.35 40.43
39.47     39.42     38.35     52.99     42.41
Second round4 34.79 41.38
42.53     34.79     43.21     39.58     42.02
First round4 33.42 41.20
46.56     33.42     38.97     38.06     55.47
Bangalore Cube Open July 2023Final5 37.92 44.99
44.38     46.92     37.92     48.33     43.67
First round5 38.74 46.11
50.49     46.95     38.74     43.82     47.56
Nexus Summer Open Sunday 2023Final2 41.28 44.03
41.84     46.45     41.28     43.79     52.95
First round2 40.58 43.38
44.01     41.01     47.03     40.58     45.13
Northern Lights Coimbatore 2023Final5 38.18 46.93
56.74     DNF       38.18     41.51     42.55
Cubing Kerala Malabar Open 2023Final3 40.15 44.14
51.06     40.15     48.21     41.58     42.63
RVITM Big N Blind 2023Second round10 42.78 48.54
49.89     1:00.43   49.69     46.03     42.78
First round14 40.51 47.70
52.40     40.51     49.01     49.01     45.07
Nexus Winter Open 2022Final11 46.99 50.57
54.91     50.53     49.03     46.99     52.16
5x5x5 Cube
Bangalore Championship 2023Final8 1:23.64 1:35.35
1:43.68   1:23.64   1:28.27   1:34.09   1:50.25
First round5 1:08.40 1:24.21
1:29.21   1:29.66   1:21.25   1:22.16   1:08.40
RVITM Big N Blind 2023Second round12 1:25.58 1:42.35
1:45.38   1:25.58   1:42.84   1:48.36   1:38.82
First round14 1:31.29 1:54.33
1:50.62   1:56.61   1:31.29   2:06.23   1:55.75
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Bangalore Newcomers 2024First round15 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Side Events Bangalore Feb 2024Final5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round9 4:03.93 DNF
DNF       4:03.93   DNF
Bangalore Championship 2023Final11 3:47.09 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:47.09
Second round11 3:17.02 DNF
3:22.99   3:17.02   DNF
First round15 3:07.26 DNF
3:43.01   3:07.26   DNF
Side Events Bangalore Oct 2023Final9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Second round8 2:52.05 DNF
2:52.05   DNF       DNF
First round9 2:52.58 DNF
2:52.58   3:13.85   DNF
Cubing Kerala Malabar Open 2023Final5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
RVITM Big N Blind 2023First round17 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Nexus Winter Open 2022Final7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Side Events Bangalore Feb 2024Final10 37 DNF
37        DNS       42
3x3x3 One-Handed
MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024Final3 14.20 15.93
15.90     15.85     16.04     17.04     14.20
First round1 8.77 13.23
14.26     14.42     13.49     11.95     8.77
Bangalore Newcomers 2024Final1 12.31 14.39
14.01     13.42     15.73     12.31     15.93
Second round2 13.90 16.51
15.70     16.89     16.93     13.90     17.49
First round1 13.13 14.29
13.60     16.01     13.13     13.26     16.10
Side Events Bangalore Feb 2024Final1 11.54 13.79
11.54     14.89     11.78     14.69     17.14
Second round3 12.91 16.31
17.79     12.91     21.89     14.70     16.43
First round2 14.21 15.31
14.86     14.40     14.21     16.66     16.69
Bangalore Championship 2023Final2 13.06 14.26
13.06     16.30     17.26     13.06     13.41
First round2 12.24 14.31
16.23     12.60     21.02     12.24     14.09
Side Events Bangalore Oct 2023Final1 11.80 14.69
11.80     13.68     16.25     25.94     14.13
Second round1 13.25 14.61
13.25     16.89     13.59     13.36     17.98
First round1 12.52 15.05
14.13     12.52     14.88     16.14     17.70
Bangalore Cube Open July 2023Final2 15.58 16.18
16.24     16.39     15.58     15.90     18.25
First round2 12.57 14.65
12.57     15.41     15.52     18.82     13.02
Nexus Summer Open Sunday 2023Final4 16.32 17.38
18.95     16.56     18.92     16.32     16.65
First round2 14.53 15.64
14.59     17.73     14.53     14.60     19.17
Northern Lights Coimbatore 2023Final6 13.38 17.56
16.25     16.85     20.92     13.38     19.57
First round2 13.94 14.86
14.66     22.33     13.94     15.31     14.60
Cubing Kerala Malabar Open 2023Final1 15.07 16.31
17.66     15.07     15.32     18.03     15.96
Nexus Monsoon Open 2022Second round13 17.86 22.87
17.86     22.70     26.82     23.33     22.57
First round11 17.71 20.25
17.71     20.84     21.16     23.18     18.76
Side Events Bangalore Oct 2023Second round11 2:36.58
2:56.25   2:36.58
First round12 2:46.01
2:57.66   2:46.01
Side Events Bangalore Oct 2023First round14 10.08 15.18
14.53     10.08     13.93     DNF       17.09
Side Events Bangalore Feb 2024Final7 31.26 43.42
31.26     41.01     44.83     1:02.43   44.42
Side Events Bangalore Oct 2023First round11 1:04.37
1:20.74   1:04.37
MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 9.60 11.66
14.64     13.91     11.19     9.60      9.87
First round3 9.43 9.88
9.86      9.43      10.33     10.62     9.45
2x2x2 CubeFirst round21 1.79 4.91
4.49      18.94     3.45      1.79      6.80
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 37.18 41.03
37.18     42.80     47.54     40.09     40.20
First round5 35.66 44.52
43.48     35.66     45.29     45.68     44.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 14.20 15.93
15.90     15.85     16.04     17.04     14.20
First round1 8.77 13.23
14.26     14.42     13.49     11.95     8.77
Bangalore Newcomers 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 9.02 11.47
12.62     13.42     9.02      11.74     10.04
Second round5 8.69 10.11
9.44      9.92      15.87     8.69      10.96
First round7 8.53 10.36
8.53      11.26     11.10     12.06     8.72
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 2.56 3.50
2.83      6.65      4.13      2.56      3.53
First round12 3.26 4.24
3.26      5.05      3.97      3.98      4.77
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 36.52 41.92
42.29     41.64     36.52     41.82     43.10
First round3 37.77 40.05
40.17     42.17     37.77     40.30     39.68
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round15 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 12.31 14.39
14.01     13.42     15.73     12.31     15.93
Second round2 13.90 16.51
15.70     16.89     16.93     13.90     17.49
First round1 13.13 14.29
13.60     16.01     13.13     13.26     16.10
Side Events Bangalore Feb 2024
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 4.59 5.80
8.85      6.73      4.99      5.68      4.59
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 37.28 37.68
37.37     37.90     37.28     37.77     42.78
Second round1 31.70 37.06
41.28     36.66     37.10     31.70     37.43
First round2 35.55 42.34
35.55     49.66     46.54     35.96     44.53
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round9 4:03.93 DNF
DNF       4:03.93   DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal10 37 DNF
37        DNS       42
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.54 13.79
11.54     14.89     11.78     14.69     17.14
Second round3 12.91 16.31
17.79     12.91     21.89     14.70     16.43
First round2 14.21 15.31
14.86     14.40     14.21     16.66     16.69
Square-1Final7 31.26 43.42
31.26     41.01     44.83     1:02.43   44.42
Bangalore Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 9.63 11.52
9.63      10.82     11.56     12.65     12.18
Second round5 9.05 10.30
11.52     10.43     9.05      9.35      11.11
First round6 9.04 10.23
9.64      9.43      9.04      25.68     11.62
2x2x2 CubeSecond round13 2.55 4.29
4.14      2.55      5.20      4.51      4.22
First round14 3.90 4.32
3.90      4.11      6.09      4.09      4.77
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 33.35 40.49
37.95     40.25     51.10     33.35     43.28
First round10 42.13 45.39
DNF       46.49     43.50     46.18     42.13
5x5x5 CubeFinal8 1:23.64 1:35.35
1:43.68   1:23.64   1:28.27   1:34.09   1:50.25
First round5 1:08.40 1:24.21
1:29.21   1:29.66   1:21.25   1:22.16   1:08.40
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal11 3:47.09 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:47.09
Second round11 3:17.02 DNF
3:22.99   3:17.02   DNF
First round15 3:07.26 DNF
3:43.01   3:07.26   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 13.06 14.26
13.06     16.30     17.26     13.06     13.41
First round2 12.24 14.31
16.23     12.60     21.02     12.24     14.09
Side Events Bangalore Oct 2023
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 38.35 40.43
39.47     39.42     38.35     52.99     42.41
Second round4 34.79 41.38
42.53     34.79     43.21     39.58     42.02
First round4 33.42 41.20
46.56     33.42     38.97     38.06     55.47
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Second round8 2:52.05 DNF
2:52.05   DNF       DNF
First round9 2:52.58 DNF
2:52.58   3:13.85   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.80 14.69
11.80     13.68     16.25     25.94     14.13
Second round1 13.25 14.61
13.25     16.89     13.59     13.36     17.98
First round1 12.52 15.05
14.13     12.52     14.88     16.14     17.70
MegaminxSecond round11 2:36.58
2:56.25   2:36.58
First round12 2:46.01
2:57.66   2:46.01
SkewbFirst round14 10.08 15.18
14.53     10.08     13.93     DNF       17.09
Square-1First round11 1:04.37
1:20.74   1:04.37
Bangalore Cube Open July 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 9.16 11.18
11.41     11.12     11.78     11.00     9.16
Second round9 8.92 10.79
9.74      10.89     12.77     8.92      11.73
First round12 10.57 11.29
11.48     11.60     13.17     10.79     10.57
2x2x2 CubeFinal20 3.70 4.93
4.54      5.13      3.70      5.13      5.56
First round19 3.19 4.77
3.19      5.34      3.62      5.35      5.46
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 37.92 44.99
44.38     46.92     37.92     48.33     43.67
First round5 38.74 46.11
50.49     46.95     38.74     43.82     47.56
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 15.58 16.18
16.24     16.39     15.58     15.90     18.25
First round2 12.57 14.65
12.57     15.41     15.52     18.82     13.02
Nexus Summer Open Sunday 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 9.84 12.34
12.82     14.05     12.34     9.84      11.85
Second round6 9.12 10.79
11.76     10.77     10.00     11.61     9.12
First round5 10.56 11.40
10.56     11.26     11.80     12.91     11.14
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 41.28 44.03
41.84     46.45     41.28     43.79     52.95
First round2 40.58 43.38
44.01     41.01     47.03     40.58     45.13
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 16.32 17.38
18.95     16.56     18.92     16.32     16.65
First round2 14.53 15.64
14.59     17.73     14.53     14.60     19.17
Northern Lights Coimbatore 2023
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 38.18 46.93
56.74     DNF       38.18     41.51     42.55
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 13.38 17.56
16.25     16.85     20.92     13.38     19.57
First round2 13.94 14.86
14.66     22.33     13.94     15.31     14.60
Cubing Kerala Malabar Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 8.40 10.90
9.92      12.72     12.94     10.06     8.40
First round7 10.50 10.85
10.50     12.82     10.60     11.15     10.81
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.32 4.01
5.19      4.45      3.32      3.76      3.82
First round11 4.01 4.66
4.17      6.75      5.18      4.64      4.01
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 40.15 44.14
51.06     40.15     48.21     41.58     42.63
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 15.07 16.31
17.66     15.07     15.32     18.03     15.96
RVITM Big N Blind 2023
4x4x4 CubeSecond round10 42.78 48.54
49.89     1:00.43   49.69     46.03     42.78
First round14 40.51 47.70
52.40     40.51     49.01     49.01     45.07
5x5x5 CubeSecond round12 1:25.58 1:42.35
1:45.38   1:25.58   1:42.84   1:48.36   1:38.82
First round14 1:31.29 1:54.33
1:50.62   1:56.61   1:31.29   2:06.23   1:55.75
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round17 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Nexus Winter Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal18 10.84 13.19
16.17     13.94     10.84     11.78     13.86
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 46.99 50.57
54.91     50.53     49.03     46.99     52.16
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Nexus Monsoon Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 12.03 12.89
12.40     12.03     15.36     12.07     14.19
First round27 12.90 14.01
17.72     13.56     13.47     15.01     12.90
2x2x2 CubeFirst round28 3.80 5.34
5.72      6.04      6.01      3.80      4.28
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round13 17.86 22.87
17.86     22.70     26.82     23.33     22.57
First round11 17.71 20.25
17.71     20.84     21.16     23.18     18.76
Cubing Returns Bengaluru 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 9.97 12.55
12.05     12.80     13.67     12.79     9.97
First round40 13.24 15.59
16.34     14.84     13.24     15.60     17.72
2x2x2 CubeFirst round60 5.37 6.56
5.37      5.40      7.23      8.78      7.05
132024-08-03~04MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024IndiaBangalore, Karnataka
122024-03-30~31Bangalore Newcomers 2024IndiaBangalore, Karnataka
112024-02-10~11Side Events Bangalore Feb 2024IndiaBangalore, Karnataka
102023-12-23~25Bangalore Championship 2023IndiaBengaluru, Karnataka
92023-10-28~29Side Events Bangalore Oct 2023IndiaBangalore, Karnataka
82023-07-29~30Bangalore Cube Open July 2023IndiaBangalore, Karnataka
72023-05-28Nexus Summer Open Sunday 2023IndiaBengaluru, Karnataka
62023-05-27~28Northern Lights Coimbatore 2023IndiaCoimbatore, Tamil Nadu
52023-04-29Cubing Kerala Malabar Open 2023IndiaKozhikode, Kerala
42023-02-25~26RVITM Big N Blind 2023IndiaBengaluru, Karnataka
32022-11-26Nexus Winter Open 2022IndiaBengaluru, Karnataka
22022-06-25~26Nexus Monsoon Open 2022IndiaBengaluru, Karnataka
12022-04-16~17Cubing Returns Bengaluru 2022IndiaBengaluru, Karnataka