Personal Page

Abhiraaj Arora

Name: Abhiraaj Arora
Region: India
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Abhiraaj Arora2022AROR10
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.09.24 - 2024.03.10
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube4143819109299.1314.523127511680136350/50
2x2x2 Cube14698632315213.554.3214721411962935/35
4x4x4 Cube48149581403547.3857.2916529584357320/20
5x5x5 Cube9107658282563:16.642/2
3x3x3 One-Handed2114134163803737.3344.03352291246819807/7

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Franconia Winter 2024Second round40 13.33 14.80
14.73     21.63     13.33     13.66     16.01
First round31 9.13 14.75
17.36     16.30     9.13      13.20     14.75
Cube Madness Schweinfurt 2023Final36 13.64 16.10
16.63     21.79     13.64     17.40     14.28
Second round43 13.58 15.94
15.83     16.18     13.58     16.58     15.82
First round29 13.74 14.52
14.35     14.50     25.90     14.70     13.74
German Nationals 2023Second round138 14.64 16.53
15.46     18.23     15.91     14.64     20.26
First round191 17.70 19.39
20.69     19.95     19.65     18.57     17.70
Cubing Returns Munich A 2023Second round48 16.03 17.99
16.43     16.03     18.94     18.60     20.68
First round42 13.81 16.41
20.43     13.81     14.82     16.90     17.50
Varsha Ritu Cube Open 2022First round80 25.08 25.82
32.62     25.74     25.70     25.08     26.01
2x2x2 Cube
Cube Madness Schweinfurt 2023Final17 3.66 4.32
4.35      3.66      5.67      4.58      4.04
First round33 3.92 5.18
4.95      5.52      5.87      3.92      5.07
German Nationals 2023Second round60 4.18 5.24
5.02      5.03      5.66      4.18      6.50
First round63 3.55 4.48
5.39      3.55      5.58      3.95      4.10
Cubing Returns Munich A 2023Final22 4.43 5.24
4.81      6.80      5.51      4.43      5.39
First round21 4.18 4.87
4.63      4.98      5.37      4.18      5.00
Varsha Ritu Cube Open 2022First round62 3.59 7.73
11.01     3.59      8.25      6.89      8.04
4x4x4 Cube
Franconia Winter 2024Second round32 57.59 1:02.23
1:06.62   57.59     1:01.74   1:09.92   58.33
First round33 51.49 1:00.06
1:04.38   1:06.57   55.98     51.49     59.82
German Nationals 2023First round111 47.38 57.29
1:00.80   47.38     51.72     1:06.11   59.35
Cubing Returns Munich A 2023First round27 52.28 1:03.43
1:03.30   52.28     1:04.16   1:08.69   1:02.83
5x5x5 Cube
Franconia Winter 2024First round45 3:16.64
3:16.64   3:47.00
3x3x3 One-Handed
German Nationals 2023First round149 44.45
45.36     44.45
Cubing Returns Munich A 2023First round42 37.33 44.03
37.33     47.82     48.87     41.35     42.93
Cube Madness Schweinfurt 2023First round33 8.66 10.38
9.46      8.66      10.53     13.83     11.14
German Nationals 2023First round162 11.46 13.68
11.46     13.44     14.95     12.88     14.72
Cube Madness Schweinfurt 2023First round42 12.20 14.34
12.31     12.20     16.91     16.41     14.29
German Nationals 2023First round105 7.79 11.15
7.79      15.48     11.64     8.10      13.71
Franconia Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round40 13.33 14.80
14.73     21.63     13.33     13.66     16.01
First round31 9.13 14.75
17.36     16.30     9.13      13.20     14.75
4x4x4 CubeSecond round32 57.59 1:02.23
1:06.62   57.59     1:01.74   1:09.92   58.33
First round33 51.49 1:00.06
1:04.38   1:06.57   55.98     51.49     59.82
5x5x5 CubeFirst round45 3:16.64
3:16.64   3:47.00
Cube Madness Schweinfurt 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal36 13.64 16.10
16.63     21.79     13.64     17.40     14.28
Second round43 13.58 15.94
15.83     16.18     13.58     16.58     15.82
First round29 13.74 14.52
14.35     14.50     25.90     14.70     13.74
2x2x2 CubeFinal17 3.66 4.32
4.35      3.66      5.67      4.58      4.04
First round33 3.92 5.18
4.95      5.52      5.87      3.92      5.07
PyraminxFirst round33 8.66 10.38
9.46      8.66      10.53     13.83     11.14
SkewbFirst round42 12.20 14.34
12.31     12.20     16.91     16.41     14.29
German Nationals 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round138 14.64 16.53
15.46     18.23     15.91     14.64     20.26
First round191 17.70 19.39
20.69     19.95     19.65     18.57     17.70
2x2x2 CubeSecond round60 4.18 5.24
5.02      5.03      5.66      4.18      6.50
First round63 3.55 4.48
5.39      3.55      5.58      3.95      4.10
4x4x4 CubeFirst round111 47.38 57.29
1:00.80   47.38     51.72     1:06.11   59.35
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round149 44.45
45.36     44.45
PyraminxFirst round162 11.46 13.68
11.46     13.44     14.95     12.88     14.72
SkewbFirst round105 7.79 11.15
7.79      15.48     11.64     8.10      13.71
Cubing Returns Munich A 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round48 16.03 17.99
16.43     16.03     18.94     18.60     20.68
First round42 13.81 16.41
20.43     13.81     14.82     16.90     17.50
2x2x2 CubeFinal22 4.43 5.24
4.81      6.80      5.51      4.43      5.39
First round21 4.18 4.87
4.63      4.98      5.37      4.18      5.00
4x4x4 CubeFirst round27 52.28 1:03.43
1:03.30   52.28     1:04.16   1:08.69   1:02.83
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round42 37.33 44.03
37.33     47.82     48.87     41.35     42.93
Varsha Ritu Cube Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round80 25.08 25.82
32.62     25.74     25.70     25.08     26.01
2x2x2 CubeFirst round62 3.59 7.73
11.01     3.59      8.25      6.89      8.04
52024-03-09~10Franconia Winter 2024GermanyNürnberg
42023-12-16Cube Madness Schweinfurt 2023GermanySchweinfurt
32023-08-04~06German Nationals 2023GermanyKörle
22023-07-08Cubing Returns Munich A 2023GermanyMunich
12022-09-24~25Varsha Ritu Cube Open 2022IndiaHyderabad, Telangana