Personal Page

Ethan Caalim

Name: Ethan Caalim
Region: Australia
Competitions: 19
WCA ID: Ethan Caalim2022CAAL01
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.09.30 - 2025.01.18
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube21428356787.959.454422211157200/200
2x2x2 Cube12216023861.413.71831444735375/75
4x4x4 Cube3194171044343.1548.19933538029166/67
5x5x5 Cube24832273451:25.091:32.67684729923139/40
6x6x6 Cube30538782553:41.813/6
7x7x7 Cube24531972685:48.402/3
3x3x3 One-Handed4564128511.5613.698073928150/52

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Perth Puzzle Party 2025Second round16 10.45 12.18
11.69     12.63     10.45     12.72     12.21
First round10 9.14 10.70
11.30     9.14      10.81     16.88     9.98
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024Semi Final42 8.97 10.07
9.21      11.54     10.93     10.07     8.97
Second round41 8.94 9.92
10.74     11.64     9.52      9.49      8.94
First round64 9.53 10.81
12.09     10.31     11.33     10.79     9.53
Move It Midland 2024Final5 9.88 10.39
10.97     10.16     13.34     9.88      10.03
Second round5 9.77 9.84
9.90      9.79      9.82      9.77      11.29
First round9 10.32 11.72
11.94     13.30     10.81     10.32     12.42
Only 3x3s in Perth 2024Second round15 9.79 11.99
14.35     15.68     10.23     9.79      11.40
First round13 10.45 11.76
11.70     11.05     10.45     12.52     12.72
Perth Autumn 2024Final7 7.95 9.45
7.95      8.90      9.67      9.78      11.89
Second round9 9.06 10.89
13.91     10.23     12.48     9.06      9.97
First round12 10.76 11.41
17.63     10.76     11.51     11.17     11.54
Going Fast in Guildford 2024Final10 10.60 11.40
12.68     11.78     10.72     11.71     10.60
Second round10 8.85 9.85
12.70     8.85      8.94      10.27     10.35
First round10 8.97 10.98
10.52     14.23     12.17     8.97      10.24
Freo Cube-Off 2024Final7 9.16 11.51
12.14     12.87     14.97     9.16      9.52
Second round9 9.27 11.88
12.92     9.27      12.67     11.54     11.42
First round9 10.15 11.70
11.24     14.57     12.26     10.15     11.59
Murdoch University Open 2024Second round23 10.54 12.56
16.35     10.54     12.31     12.03     13.33
First round15 10.08 11.18
10.37     11.11     12.05     10.08     13.72
Speedy South Perth 2023Final12 10.20 13.93
20.70     12.38     17.25     10.20     12.17
Second round10 8.97 10.72
11.38     10.62     10.17     12.62     8.97
First round18 12.30 14.89
14.69     12.30     16.67     23.09     13.31
WA Open 2023Second round24 10.82 12.67
10.88     12.74     16.56     14.38     10.82
First round28 10.39 13.12
13.28     16.64     14.22     10.39     11.86
Scarborough Skewb-Off 2023Final8 8.90 11.53
10.97     10.92     15.07     12.70     8.90
First round11 11.10 11.74
13.94     12.13     11.25     11.84     11.10
Perth Time Trial 2023Second round15 10.12 12.13
11.67     11.93     10.12     12.78     13.95
First round21 11.51 13.37
13.13     14.45     11.51     17.54     12.52
Mandurah Mayhem 2023Final8 10.59 11.44
11.34     10.59     12.40     13.29     10.59
Second round11 12.47 13.59
12.47     15.31     12.82     18.99     12.65
First round12 12.87 13.66
16.26     13.51     14.46     12.87     13.02
Freo Cube-Off 2023Second round20 11.84 14.04
14.65     12.02     15.44     11.84     15.63
First round19 13.13 14.04
16.64     13.49     13.61     15.01     13.13
Perth Summer 2023Semi Final26 12.95 14.05
12.95     15.54     16.54     13.63     12.98
Second round27 13.72 14.50
14.25     13.72     15.52     14.59     14.65
First round30 12.57 15.60
14.42     15.20     18.95     12.57     17.19
Australian Nationals 2022Second round91 13.22 18.28
27.05     14.08     18.18     22.59     13.22
First round97 14.77 17.79
20.53     17.24     18.90     17.24     14.77
2x2x2 Cube
Perth Puzzle Party 2025First round20 3.12 4.69
3.12      5.16      3.61      5.29      6.02
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024First round58 3.34 3.71
3.42      5.66      4.25      3.34      3.47
Perth Autumn 2024Final12 3.10 4.40
3.36      5.70      3.10      4.96      4.88
Second round9 2.78 4.18
3.89      4.64      4.02      2.78      5.32
First round15 4.23 4.85
4.23      4.98      4.86      6.17      4.71
Murdoch University Open 2024Second round26 3.36 4.81
3.36      6.93      3.73      4.25      6.44
First round14 2.46 3.84
3.88      2.46      3.90      3.74      4.38
Speedy South Perth 2023Second round15 1.41 4.28
5.51      4.82      4.06      3.97      1.41
First round13 2.73 4.05
3.64      4.33      4.41      4.18      2.73
WA Open 2023Second round36 3.36 5.80
4.49      3.36      15.91     6.79      6.11
First round27 2.55 4.61
2.55      10.98     5.06      4.70      4.07
Perth Time Trial 2023Second round17 3.81 4.66
4.64      7.24      3.81      4.83      4.52
First round28 2.31 5.60
7.48      4.94      7.51      4.39      2.31
Perth Summer 2023Second round31 3.01 5.37
6.11      6.11      3.01      5.33      4.67
First round41 4.64 6.50
6.89      4.64      6.86      5.75      8.00
4x4x4 Cube
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024First round79 46.32 50.40
49.02     49.91     46.32     53.76     52.26
Move It Midland 2024Final7 44.45 49.19
50.30     49.28     48.00     44.45     52.13
First round8 44.81 54.15
49.24     57.08     44.81     56.76     56.46
Perth Autumn 2024Final9 46.03 48.19
48.71     48.95     59.82     46.91     46.03
Second round10 43.15 53.35
54.66     56.19     43.15     49.19     1:04.07
First round12 47.28 50.76
47.28     55.33     48.11     57.54     48.85
Going Fast in Guildford 2024First round17 49.41 54.63
1:05.72   53.21     49.41     53.88     56.80
Murdoch University Open 2024First round21 45.59 57.12
45.59     DNF       53.37     1:01.28   56.72
Clockburn 2023First round17 49.60 54.56
56.89     56.02     50.78     49.60     1:32.58
WA Open 2023First round23 54.72 1:01.55
1:03.29   1:00.47   1:00.89   1:04.94   54.72
Perth Time Trial 2023First round20 1:00.76 1:03.96
1:04.99   1:00.76   1:02.88   1:13.33   1:04.00
Freo Cube-Off 2023Final18 1:04.99 1:15.74
1:04.99   1:24.33   1:07.80   1:28.08   1:15.09
Perth Summer 2023First round30 1:04.16 1:22.81
1:08.77   1:46.35   1:04.16   1:25.75   1:33.92
Australian Nationals 2022First round130 1:58.28
1:58.28   1:59.33
5x5x5 Cube
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024First round71 1:25.09 1:32.67
1:36.08   1:40.77   1:25.09   1:36.03   1:25.89
Murdoch University Open 2024First round15 1:27.86 1:36.36
1:39.05   1:27.86   1:42.99   1:37.32   1:32.70
Clockburn 2023Final17 1:30.53 1:43.81
1:44.96   1:30.53   1:49.29   1:57.29   1:37.18
WA Open 2023First round21 1:43.94 1:55.00
1:46.36   2:03.63   1:55.84   1:43.94   2:02.80
Pinjarra Puzzle Party 2023First round24 1:52.26 2:01.54
1:58.31   2:00.90   2:05.42   1:52.26   2:06.99
Perth Time Trial 2023First round19 1:57.98 2:08.87
2:09.06   2:20.70   2:08.20   1:57.98   2:09.34
Mandurah Mayhem 2023First round15 1:56.56 2:28.30
1:56.56   DNF       2:40.66   2:20.84   2:23.41
Steady Sorrento 2022First round19 2:28.17 3:08.51
2:28.17   3:03.92   3:08.80   3:12.80   3:42.69
6x6x6 Cube
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024First round70 3:42.63
Clockburn 2023Final21 3:41.81 DNF
DNF       3:41.81   DNF
Pinjarra Puzzle Party 2023First round21 5:21.88
Perth Time Trial 2023First round18 DNF
7x7x7 Cube
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024First round66 5:48.40
Clockburn 2023Final18 6:53.47 DNF
6:53.47   DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Perth Autumn 2024First round8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Perth Puzzle Party 2025Final1 11.89 13.69
13.74     15.06     11.89     12.95     14.37
First round3 11.56 14.82
14.50     11.56     13.04     16.91     19.34
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024Second round21 13.76 15.84
15.88     13.76     17.72     15.52     16.13
First round16 14.36 15.17
14.60     14.36     15.45     15.47     16.81
Only 3x3s in Perth 2024Final6 15.86 16.87
16.93     15.86     16.81     16.88     21.01
Second round4 13.53 17.33
13.53     15.58     20.59     DNF       15.83
First round7 13.62 19.14
23.22     13.62     18.80     21.97     16.65
Freo Cube-Off 2024Final6 16.99 19.00
20.97     16.99     17.27     18.77     24.87
First round3 12.39 14.96
16.44     13.20     20.38     12.39     15.24
Murdoch University Open 2024First round17 16.94 23.84
16.94     34.72     18.72     18.09     DNF
Australian Nationals 2022First round77 37.76
37.76     47.31
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024First round37 7.17 8.35
7.17      12.65     8.52      7.88      8.65
Perth Autumn 2024Final7 7.48 9.19
7.70      8.70      DNF       11.18     7.48
Second round6 6.84 7.79
7.85      7.74      6.84      11.94     7.79
First round6 8.28 9.09
9.58      8.28      13.45     8.36      9.34
Clockburn 2023First round23 9.69 DNF
9.69      DNF       DNF       DNF       13.32
Scarborough Skewb-Off 2023Final12 10.08 DNF
10.08     DNF       DNF       13.50     10.15
First round9 10.26 10.97
10.37     11.39     11.14     DNF       10.26
Perth Summer 2023Final9 10.77 12.95
12.88     19.23     10.77     11.28     14.68
Steady Sorrento 2022Final6 18.08 20.92
19.84     22.80     20.13     18.08     DNF
First round8 19.46 23.34
19.46     21.19     27.78     25.63     23.20
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024First round97 1:56.91
1:56.91   DNF
Move It Midland 2024Final9 1:39.52 1:54.82
1:49.37   2:11.53   1:43.55   1:39.52   2:15.20
Going Fast in Guildford 2024Final17 1:40.37 1:57.19
1:49.79   1:40.37   1:53.66   2:08.12   DNF
Clockburn 2023First round20 1:48.63 2:15.31
2:08.65   2:13.90   1:48.63   2:23.37   DNF
WA Open 2023First round21 2:05.91
2:24.52   2:05.91
Pinjarra Puzzle Party 2023First round21 2:26.41
2:26.41   3:10.36
Perth Summer 2023First round24 2:12.33
2:12.33   2:40.08
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024First round143 11.46 12.58
12.75     13.09     11.46     11.91     14.63
Move It Midland 2024Final12 8.40 9.94
8.40      8.46      11.42     18.56     9.95
First round12 5.70 7.28
10.38     5.70      9.41      6.06      6.38
Perth Autumn 2024Second round27 9.82 11.86
28.66     10.99     12.12     9.82      12.47
First round26 6.74 12.16
12.49     12.82     17.53     6.74      11.16
Going Fast in Guildford 2024First round21 7.91 9.49
7.91      11.10     18.14     9.29      8.07
Murdoch University Open 2024First round38 4.02 11.03
11.34     13.11     10.49     4.02      11.25
WA Open 2023First round20 7.56 8.07
7.94      8.51      7.77      7.56      13.60
Mandurah Mayhem 2023First round17 8.50 11.20
10.45     12.69     14.77     8.50      10.46
Perth Summer 2023First round43 8.19 11.96
17.16     11.55     15.32     9.02      8.19
Perth Puzzle Party 2025Final12 5.08 8.08
8.90      5.08      12.20     10.05     5.29
First round12 3.86 7.03
4.52      8.53      8.03      3.86      10.65
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024First round70 5.16 8.49
8.89      9.98      6.61      11.63     5.16
Move It Midland 2024Final10 5.56 7.19
6.91      7.37      7.89      7.28      5.56
First round11 4.01 7.52
4.01      8.60      7.96      5.99      11.38
Perth Autumn 2024Final6 4.82 6.37
5.49      7.38      6.82      6.80      4.82
Second round6 5.38 6.59
6.13      6.90      6.75      5.38      DNF
First round8 4.88 7.32
7.81      6.57      7.59      10.26     4.88
Murdoch University Open 2024Final11 2.35 6.19
6.07      6.49      2.35      6.01      14.39
First round7 5.16 6.04
7.46      5.16      6.89      5.97      5.27
WA Open 2023Final13 4.99 6.41
6.14      5.66      9.24      4.99      7.42
First round15 3.74 7.10
7.81      3.74      12.86     8.80      4.68
Scarborough Skewb-Off 2023Final11 3.67 7.24
3.67      7.14      7.07      7.93      7.52
Second round9 4.84 6.53
5.52      11.01     7.48      4.84      6.59
First round12 5.34 8.88
5.34      9.30      8.03      10.32     9.32
Mandurah Mayhem 2023First round19 7.21 11.80
13.90     13.01     7.21      9.21      13.17
Perth Summer 2023First round29 10.93 11.35
10.93     11.27     16.50     11.40     11.39
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024Final11 7.84 10.66
11.77     7.84      10.40     13.06     9.80
Second round11 7.48 10.28
10.33     11.49     15.35     9.02      7.48
First round9 7.56 10.56
7.56      15.16     11.08     12.02     8.57
Move It Midland 2024Final2 10.16 13.18
11.35     14.62     13.58     15.55     10.16
First round1 8.69 12.69
13.29     8.69      14.45     12.89     11.88
Going Fast in Guildford 2024Final3 11.57 13.50
13.65     11.57     16.03     12.97     13.89
Clockburn 2023Final5 12.43 17.97
15.88     12.43     23.51     16.31     21.71
First round6 9.28 15.10
13.23     18.40     9.28      14.29     17.79
Pinjarra Puzzle Party 2023Final5 11.05 17.04
12.33     11.05     26.46     15.75     23.03
First round3 10.43 14.79
14.91     10.43     16.52     17.49     12.93
Perth Summer 2023Final4 12.73 14.01
12.73     12.86     13.09     21.68     16.07
First round4 13.19 14.95
15.39     19.71     13.19     13.43     16.03
Steady Sorrento 2022Final5 17.64 24.99
17.64     24.87     31.30     27.23     22.87
First round4 15.66 21.76
20.63     15.66     26.00     20.90     23.76
Australian Nationals 2022First round32 29.09 31.08
33.38     29.96     29.09     DNF       29.91
Perth Puzzle Party 2025
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 10.45 12.18
11.69     12.63     10.45     12.72     12.21
First round10 9.14 10.70
11.30     9.14      10.81     16.88     9.98
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 3.12 4.69
3.12      5.16      3.61      5.29      6.02
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.89 13.69
13.74     15.06     11.89     12.95     14.37
First round3 11.56 14.82
14.50     11.56     13.04     16.91     19.34
SkewbFinal12 5.08 8.08
8.90      5.08      12.20     10.05     5.29
First round12 3.86 7.03
4.52      8.53      8.03      3.86      10.65
WCA Oceanic Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final42 8.97 10.07
9.21      11.54     10.93     10.07     8.97
Second round41 8.94 9.92
10.74     11.64     9.52      9.49      8.94
First round64 9.53 10.81
12.09     10.31     11.33     10.79     9.53
2x2x2 CubeFirst round58 3.34 3.71
3.42      5.66      4.25      3.34      3.47
4x4x4 CubeFirst round79 46.32 50.40
49.02     49.91     46.32     53.76     52.26
5x5x5 CubeFirst round71 1:25.09 1:32.67
1:36.08   1:40.77   1:25.09   1:36.03   1:25.89
6x6x6 CubeFirst round70 3:42.63
7x7x7 CubeFirst round66 5:48.40
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round21 13.76 15.84
15.88     13.76     17.72     15.52     16.13
First round16 14.36 15.17
14.60     14.36     15.45     15.47     16.81
ClockFirst round37 7.17 8.35
7.17      12.65     8.52      7.88      8.65
MegaminxFirst round97 1:56.91
1:56.91   DNF
PyraminxFirst round143 11.46 12.58
12.75     13.09     11.46     11.91     14.63
SkewbFirst round70 5.16 8.49
8.89      9.98      6.61      11.63     5.16
Square-1Final11 7.84 10.66
11.77     7.84      10.40     13.06     9.80
Second round11 7.48 10.28
10.33     11.49     15.35     9.02      7.48
First round9 7.56 10.56
7.56      15.16     11.08     12.02     8.57
Move It Midland 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 9.88 10.39
10.97     10.16     13.34     9.88      10.03
Second round5 9.77 9.84
9.90      9.79      9.82      9.77      11.29
First round9 10.32 11.72
11.94     13.30     10.81     10.32     12.42
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 44.45 49.19
50.30     49.28     48.00     44.45     52.13
First round8 44.81 54.15
49.24     57.08     44.81     56.76     56.46
MegaminxFinal9 1:39.52 1:54.82
1:49.37   2:11.53   1:43.55   1:39.52   2:15.20
PyraminxFinal12 8.40 9.94
8.40      8.46      11.42     18.56     9.95
First round12 5.70 7.28
10.38     5.70      9.41      6.06      6.38
SkewbFinal10 5.56 7.19
6.91      7.37      7.89      7.28      5.56
First round11 4.01 7.52
4.01      8.60      7.96      5.99      11.38
Square-1Final2 10.16 13.18
11.35     14.62     13.58     15.55     10.16
First round1 8.69 12.69
13.29     8.69      14.45     12.89     11.88
Only 3x3s in Perth 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 9.79 11.99
14.35     15.68     10.23     9.79      11.40
First round13 10.45 11.76
11.70     11.05     10.45     12.52     12.72
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 15.86 16.87
16.93     15.86     16.81     16.88     21.01
Second round4 13.53 17.33
13.53     15.58     20.59     DNF       15.83
First round7 13.62 19.14
23.22     13.62     18.80     21.97     16.65
Perth Autumn 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 7.95 9.45
7.95      8.90      9.67      9.78      11.89
Second round9 9.06 10.89
13.91     10.23     12.48     9.06      9.97
First round12 10.76 11.41
17.63     10.76     11.51     11.17     11.54
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 3.10 4.40
3.36      5.70      3.10      4.96      4.88
Second round9 2.78 4.18
3.89      4.64      4.02      2.78      5.32
First round15 4.23 4.85
4.23      4.98      4.86      6.17      4.71
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 46.03 48.19
48.71     48.95     59.82     46.91     46.03
Second round10 43.15 53.35
54.66     56.19     43.15     49.19     1:04.07
First round12 47.28 50.76
47.28     55.33     48.11     57.54     48.85
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
ClockFinal7 7.48 9.19
7.70      8.70      DNF       11.18     7.48
Second round6 6.84 7.79
7.85      7.74      6.84      11.94     7.79
First round6 8.28 9.09
9.58      8.28      13.45     8.36      9.34
PyraminxSecond round27 9.82 11.86
28.66     10.99     12.12     9.82      12.47
First round26 6.74 12.16
12.49     12.82     17.53     6.74      11.16
SkewbFinal6 4.82 6.37
5.49      7.38      6.82      6.80      4.82
Second round6 5.38 6.59
6.13      6.90      6.75      5.38      DNF
First round8 4.88 7.32
7.81      6.57      7.59      10.26     4.88
Going Fast in Guildford 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 10.60 11.40
12.68     11.78     10.72     11.71     10.60
Second round10 8.85 9.85
12.70     8.85      8.94      10.27     10.35
First round10 8.97 10.98
10.52     14.23     12.17     8.97      10.24
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 49.41 54.63
1:05.72   53.21     49.41     53.88     56.80
MegaminxFinal17 1:40.37 1:57.19
1:49.79   1:40.37   1:53.66   2:08.12   DNF
PyraminxFirst round21 7.91 9.49
7.91      11.10     18.14     9.29      8.07
Square-1Final3 11.57 13.50
13.65     11.57     16.03     12.97     13.89
Freo Cube-Off 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 9.16 11.51
12.14     12.87     14.97     9.16      9.52
Second round9 9.27 11.88
12.92     9.27      12.67     11.54     11.42
First round9 10.15 11.70
11.24     14.57     12.26     10.15     11.59
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 16.99 19.00
20.97     16.99     17.27     18.77     24.87
First round3 12.39 14.96
16.44     13.20     20.38     12.39     15.24
Murdoch University Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 10.54 12.56
16.35     10.54     12.31     12.03     13.33
First round15 10.08 11.18
10.37     11.11     12.05     10.08     13.72
2x2x2 CubeSecond round26 3.36 4.81
3.36      6.93      3.73      4.25      6.44
First round14 2.46 3.84
3.88      2.46      3.90      3.74      4.38
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 45.59 57.12
45.59     DNF       53.37     1:01.28   56.72
5x5x5 CubeFirst round15 1:27.86 1:36.36
1:39.05   1:27.86   1:42.99   1:37.32   1:32.70
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round17 16.94 23.84
16.94     34.72     18.72     18.09     DNF
PyraminxFirst round38 4.02 11.03
11.34     13.11     10.49     4.02      11.25
SkewbFinal11 2.35 6.19
6.07      6.49      2.35      6.01      14.39
First round7 5.16 6.04
7.46      5.16      6.89      5.97      5.27
Clockburn 2023
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 49.60 54.56
56.89     56.02     50.78     49.60     1:32.58
5x5x5 CubeFinal17 1:30.53 1:43.81
1:44.96   1:30.53   1:49.29   1:57.29   1:37.18
6x6x6 CubeFinal21 3:41.81 DNF
DNF       3:41.81   DNF
7x7x7 CubeFinal18 6:53.47 DNF
6:53.47   DNF       DNS
ClockFirst round23 9.69 DNF
9.69      DNF       DNF       DNF       13.32
MegaminxFirst round20 1:48.63 2:15.31
2:08.65   2:13.90   1:48.63   2:23.37   DNF
Square-1Final5 12.43 17.97
15.88     12.43     23.51     16.31     21.71
First round6 9.28 15.10
13.23     18.40     9.28      14.29     17.79
Speedy South Perth 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 10.20 13.93
20.70     12.38     17.25     10.20     12.17
Second round10 8.97 10.72
11.38     10.62     10.17     12.62     8.97
First round18 12.30 14.89
14.69     12.30     16.67     23.09     13.31
2x2x2 CubeSecond round15 1.41 4.28
5.51      4.82      4.06      3.97      1.41
First round13 2.73 4.05
3.64      4.33      4.41      4.18      2.73
WA Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 10.82 12.67
10.88     12.74     16.56     14.38     10.82
First round28 10.39 13.12
13.28     16.64     14.22     10.39     11.86
2x2x2 CubeSecond round36 3.36 5.80
4.49      3.36      15.91     6.79      6.11
First round27 2.55 4.61
2.55      10.98     5.06      4.70      4.07
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 54.72 1:01.55
1:03.29   1:00.47   1:00.89   1:04.94   54.72
5x5x5 CubeFirst round21 1:43.94 1:55.00
1:46.36   2:03.63   1:55.84   1:43.94   2:02.80
MegaminxFirst round21 2:05.91
2:24.52   2:05.91
PyraminxFirst round20 7.56 8.07
7.94      8.51      7.77      7.56      13.60
SkewbFinal13 4.99 6.41
6.14      5.66      9.24      4.99      7.42
First round15 3.74 7.10
7.81      3.74      12.86     8.80      4.68
Scarborough Skewb-Off 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 8.90 11.53
10.97     10.92     15.07     12.70     8.90
First round11 11.10 11.74
13.94     12.13     11.25     11.84     11.10
ClockFinal12 10.08 DNF
10.08     DNF       DNF       13.50     10.15
First round9 10.26 10.97
10.37     11.39     11.14     DNF       10.26
SkewbFinal11 3.67 7.24
3.67      7.14      7.07      7.93      7.52
Second round9 4.84 6.53
5.52      11.01     7.48      4.84      6.59
First round12 5.34 8.88
5.34      9.30      8.03      10.32     9.32
Pinjarra Puzzle Party 2023
5x5x5 CubeFirst round24 1:52.26 2:01.54
1:58.31   2:00.90   2:05.42   1:52.26   2:06.99
6x6x6 CubeFirst round21 5:21.88
MegaminxFirst round21 2:26.41
2:26.41   3:10.36
Square-1Final5 11.05 17.04
12.33     11.05     26.46     15.75     23.03
First round3 10.43 14.79
14.91     10.43     16.52     17.49     12.93
Perth Time Trial 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 10.12 12.13
11.67     11.93     10.12     12.78     13.95
First round21 11.51 13.37
13.13     14.45     11.51     17.54     12.52
2x2x2 CubeSecond round17 3.81 4.66
4.64      7.24      3.81      4.83      4.52
First round28 2.31 5.60
7.48      4.94      7.51      4.39      2.31
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 1:00.76 1:03.96
1:04.99   1:00.76   1:02.88   1:13.33   1:04.00
5x5x5 CubeFirst round19 1:57.98 2:08.87
2:09.06   2:20.70   2:08.20   1:57.98   2:09.34
6x6x6 CubeFirst round18 DNF
Mandurah Mayhem 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 10.59 11.44
11.34     10.59     12.40     13.29     10.59
Second round11 12.47 13.59
12.47     15.31     12.82     18.99     12.65
First round12 12.87 13.66
16.26     13.51     14.46     12.87     13.02
5x5x5 CubeFirst round15 1:56.56 2:28.30
1:56.56   DNF       2:40.66   2:20.84   2:23.41
PyraminxFirst round17 8.50 11.20
10.45     12.69     14.77     8.50      10.46
SkewbFirst round19 7.21 11.80
13.90     13.01     7.21      9.21      13.17
Freo Cube-Off 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 11.84 14.04
14.65     12.02     15.44     11.84     15.63
First round19 13.13 14.04
16.64     13.49     13.61     15.01     13.13
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 1:04.99 1:15.74
1:04.99   1:24.33   1:07.80   1:28.08   1:15.09
Perth Summer 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final26 12.95 14.05
12.95     15.54     16.54     13.63     12.98
Second round27 13.72 14.50
14.25     13.72     15.52     14.59     14.65
First round30 12.57 15.60
14.42     15.20     18.95     12.57     17.19
2x2x2 CubeSecond round31 3.01 5.37
6.11      6.11      3.01      5.33      4.67
First round41 4.64 6.50
6.89      4.64      6.86      5.75      8.00
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 1:04.16 1:22.81
1:08.77   1:46.35   1:04.16   1:25.75   1:33.92
ClockFinal9 10.77 12.95
12.88     19.23     10.77     11.28     14.68
MegaminxFirst round24 2:12.33
2:12.33   2:40.08
PyraminxFirst round43 8.19 11.96
17.16     11.55     15.32     9.02      8.19
SkewbFirst round29 10.93 11.35
10.93     11.27     16.50     11.40     11.39
Square-1Final4 12.73 14.01
12.73     12.86     13.09     21.68     16.07
First round4 13.19 14.95
15.39     19.71     13.19     13.43     16.03
Steady Sorrento 2022
5x5x5 CubeFirst round19 2:28.17 3:08.51
2:28.17   3:03.92   3:08.80   3:12.80   3:42.69
ClockFinal6 18.08 20.92
19.84     22.80     20.13     18.08     DNF
First round8 19.46 23.34
19.46     21.19     27.78     25.63     23.20
Square-1Final5 17.64 24.99
17.64     24.87     31.30     27.23     22.87
First round4 15.66 21.76
20.63     15.66     26.00     20.90     23.76
Australian Nationals 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round91 13.22 18.28
27.05     14.08     18.18     22.59     13.22
First round97 14.77 17.79
20.53     17.24     18.90     17.24     14.77
4x4x4 CubeFirst round130 1:58.28
1:58.28   1:59.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round77 37.76
37.76     47.31
Square-1First round32 29.09 31.08
33.38     29.96     29.09     DNF       29.91
192025-01-18Perth Puzzle Party 2025AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
182024-12-19~22WCA Oceanic Championship 2024AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
172024-10-26Move It Midland 2024AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
162024-05-25Only 3x3s in Perth 2024AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
152024-05-11~12Perth Autumn 2024AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
142024-04-13Going Fast in Guildford 2024AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
132024-04-07Freo Cube-Off 2024AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
122024-02-03~04Murdoch University Open 2024AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
112023-12-03Clockburn 2023AustraliaCockburn, Western Australia
102023-11-19Speedy South Perth 2023AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
92023-08-26~27WA Open 2023AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
82023-08-20Scarborough Skewb-Off 2023AustraliaScarborough, Western Australia
72023-07-16Pinjarra Puzzle Party 2023AustraliaPinjarra, Western Australia
62023-07-01~02Perth Time Trial 2023AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
52023-05-20Mandurah Mayhem 2023AustraliaMandurah, Western Australia
42023-04-16Freo Cube-Off 2023AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
32023-01-21~22Perth Summer 2023AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
22022-12-04Steady Sorrento 2022AustraliaPerth, Western Australia
12022-09-30~10-02Australian Nationals 2022AustraliaPerth, Western Australia

Seen Cubers
