Personal Page

Junhyeok Choi (최준혁)

Name: Junhyeok Choi (최준혁)
Region: Republic of Korea
Competitions: 12
WCA ID: Junhyeok Choi (최준혁)2022CHOI05
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.05.29 - 2025.02.09
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube186312589738.6910.407827279916544/45
2x2x2 Cube4169032531.552.8126266414350/50
4x4x4 Cube1191788509036.5738.98327211658135/35
5x5x5 Cube5875022291:04.311:18.22348412108825/25
6x6x6 Cube323269941:54.452:04.691071357339/9
7x7x7 Cube313439772:59.723:07.799013212922/22
3x3x3 One-Handed546118873318832.8038.6030630110965245/5

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Seoul Winter 2024First round25 8.72 10.40
9.85      8.72      11.07     10.28     11.43
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024First round33 8.69 11.12
11.30     8.69      12.27     11.84     10.21
Anyang Haseyo 2024First round33 10.97 12.23
11.37     11.89     14.38     10.97     13.43
Korean Championship 2023First round94 10.69 14.82
14.40     16.65     15.35     10.69     14.70
WCA World Championship 2023First round508 11.07 11.64
11.53     11.07     12.01     14.17     11.39
Seoul Spring 2023First round62 11.66 13.45
16.07     13.83     14.72     11.66     11.81
Korean Championship 2022First round103 14.81 17.14
19.41     18.82     15.69     14.81     16.90
Seoul Summer 2022First round111 14.39 17.80
14.39     21.07     15.48     DNF       16.86
Korean Spring 2022First round60 15.74 17.42
17.98     17.50     16.78     15.74     21.41
2x2x2 Cube
Seoul Winter 2024Final12 1.59 2.81
2.07      6.23      1.59      3.03      3.33
First round14 1.55 3.38
3.80      1.55      2.75      3.58      4.21
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024Final8 3.04 3.35
3.27      4.03      3.58      3.04      3.21
First round12 2.61 3.32
3.49      3.59      2.87      3.60      2.61
Korean Championship 2023Second round32 3.26 4.52
3.26      5.98      3.92      3.66      6.85
First round8 2.05 3.37
3.30      9.90      3.25      2.05      3.57
Seoul Spring 2023Final38 4.03 4.56
4.03      4.83      4.32      5.12      4.54
Korean Championship 2022Second round30 2.39 4.83
8.04      4.96      4.59      4.95      2.39
First round29 3.15 4.39
4.40      3.15      5.73      4.45      4.31
Seoul Summer 2022Final17 2.37 4.21
4.75      2.37      5.92      4.87      3.01
4x4x4 Cube
Anyang Haseyo 2025Second round22 37.17 40.33
39.57     41.34     37.17     40.09     47.11
First round21 36.57 38.98
37.57     44.42     42.54     36.57     36.82
Seoul Winter 2024First round36 36.84 44.03
44.17     36.84     53.49     48.07     39.86
Korean Championship 2023First round28 39.72 45.93
43.37     47.67     46.74     52.86     39.72
WCA World Championship 2023First round375 44.60 46.67
46.20     49.83     44.60     49.21     44.61
Korean Championship 2022First round71 1:07.10 1:10.18
1:10.13   1:09.14   1:07.10   1:11.26   1:12.58
Korean Spring 2022Final45 1:14.45 1:15.77
1:15.00   1:15.94   1:17.60   1:16.37   1:14.45
5x5x5 Cube
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024First round26 1:04.31 1:18.22
1:10.81   1:25.72   1:21.26   1:22.58   1:04.31
Korean Championship 2023First round23 1:17.80 1:24.67
1:18.94   1:26.09   1:17.80   1:31.81   1:28.98
WCA World Championship 2023First round356 1:23.23 1:31.37
1:28.08   1:23.23   1:34.70   1:31.32   1:34.75
Please Big Cubes Korea 2022First round33 1:34.71 1:45.46
1:48.98   1:59.18   1:43.76   1:43.63   1:34.71
Korean Spring 2022Final33 2:06.22 2:37.20
2:06.22   2:35.87   2:29.17   2:46.56   2:53.48
6x6x6 Cube
Anyang Haseyo 2025Final8 2:03.56 2:07.80
2:07.03   2:03.56   2:12.80
First round8 1:54.45 2:04.69
2:10.40   1:54.45   2:09.21
Please Big Cubes Korea 2022First round28 3:37.88 3:44.28
3:41.04   3:37.88   3:53.92
7x7x7 Cube
Anyang Haseyo 2025Final10 2:59.72 3:16.60
3:21.92   2:59.72   3:28.16
First round11 3:05.23 3:22.93
3:36.29   3:05.23   3:27.27
Seoul Winter 2024Final10 3:05.98 3:18.05
3:20.89   3:27.27   3:05.98
First round8 3:01.66 3:07.79
3:09.28   3:12.44   3:01.66
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024First round16 3:24.36 3:35.14
3:42.44   3:24.36   3:38.62
WCA World Championship 2023First round186 4:02.15
Seoul Spring 2023Final17 3:47.77 4:07.82
4:25.75   3:47.77   4:09.95
Please Big Cubes Korea 2022First round30 5:45.33 6:00.19
5:45.33   6:13.97   6:01.28
3x3x3 One-Handed
Seoul Summer 2022Final62 32.80 38.60
34.28     45.14     32.80     38.95     42.56
Anyang Haseyo 2024First round34 11.22 11.95
DNF       11.26     11.22     12.76     11.84
Ansan Spring 2023First round36 12.26 14.24
15.86     13.90     15.30     13.52     12.26
Korean Championship 2023First round17 4.81 6.50
7.11      5.53      4.81      6.85      15.05
Ansan Spring 2023First round34 8.01 9.36
10.27     9.16      8.66      8.01      13.03
Anyang Haseyo 2025Final8 4.50 5.30
5.15      5.23      5.52      4.50      6.33
First round10 4.82 5.80
6.85      6.80      5.75      4.82      4.84
Anyang Haseyo 2024First round24 5.18 7.38
7.98      7.25      5.18      6.92      9.66
Seoul Summer 2022Final43 7.58 14.85
14.66     7.58      16.95     13.60     16.28
Anyang Haseyo 2024First round32 39.52 43.47
39.52     45.64     43.02     41.74     55.08
Ansan Spring 2023First round42 50.67 1:45.24
50.67     1:04.89   2:52.12   DNF       1:18.70
Anyang Haseyo 2025
4x4x4 CubeSecond round22 37.17 40.33
39.57     41.34     37.17     40.09     47.11
First round21 36.57 38.98
37.57     44.42     42.54     36.57     36.82
6x6x6 CubeFinal8 2:03.56 2:07.80
2:07.03   2:03.56   2:12.80
First round8 1:54.45 2:04.69
2:10.40   1:54.45   2:09.21
7x7x7 CubeFinal10 2:59.72 3:16.60
3:21.92   2:59.72   3:28.16
First round11 3:05.23 3:22.93
3:36.29   3:05.23   3:27.27
SkewbFinal8 4.50 5.30
5.15      5.23      5.52      4.50      6.33
First round10 4.82 5.80
6.85      6.80      5.75      4.82      4.84
Seoul Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round25 8.72 10.40
9.85      8.72      11.07     10.28     11.43
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 1.59 2.81
2.07      6.23      1.59      3.03      3.33
First round14 1.55 3.38
3.80      1.55      2.75      3.58      4.21
4x4x4 CubeFirst round36 36.84 44.03
44.17     36.84     53.49     48.07     39.86
7x7x7 CubeFinal10 3:05.98 3:18.05
3:20.89   3:27.27   3:05.98
First round8 3:01.66 3:07.79
3:09.28   3:12.44   3:01.66
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round33 8.69 11.12
11.30     8.69      12.27     11.84     10.21
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 3.04 3.35
3.27      4.03      3.58      3.04      3.21
First round12 2.61 3.32
3.49      3.59      2.87      3.60      2.61
5x5x5 CubeFirst round26 1:04.31 1:18.22
1:10.81   1:25.72   1:21.26   1:22.58   1:04.31
7x7x7 CubeFirst round16 3:24.36 3:35.14
3:42.44   3:24.36   3:38.62
Anyang Haseyo 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round33 10.97 12.23
11.37     11.89     14.38     10.97     13.43
ClockFirst round34 11.22 11.95
DNF       11.26     11.22     12.76     11.84
SkewbFirst round24 5.18 7.38
7.98      7.25      5.18      6.92      9.66
Square-1First round32 39.52 43.47
39.52     45.64     43.02     41.74     55.08
Korean Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round94 10.69 14.82
14.40     16.65     15.35     10.69     14.70
2x2x2 CubeSecond round32 3.26 4.52
3.26      5.98      3.92      3.66      6.85
First round8 2.05 3.37
3.30      9.90      3.25      2.05      3.57
4x4x4 CubeFirst round28 39.72 45.93
43.37     47.67     46.74     52.86     39.72
5x5x5 CubeFirst round23 1:17.80 1:24.67
1:18.94   1:26.09   1:17.80   1:31.81   1:28.98
PyraminxFirst round17 4.81 6.50
7.11      5.53      4.81      6.85      15.05
WCA World Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round508 11.07 11.64
11.53     11.07     12.01     14.17     11.39
4x4x4 CubeFirst round375 44.60 46.67
46.20     49.83     44.60     49.21     44.61
5x5x5 CubeFirst round356 1:23.23 1:31.37
1:28.08   1:23.23   1:34.70   1:31.32   1:34.75
7x7x7 CubeFirst round186 4:02.15
Seoul Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round62 11.66 13.45
16.07     13.83     14.72     11.66     11.81
2x2x2 CubeFinal38 4.03 4.56
4.03      4.83      4.32      5.12      4.54
7x7x7 CubeFinal17 3:47.77 4:07.82
4:25.75   3:47.77   4:09.95
Ansan Spring 2023
ClockFirst round36 12.26 14.24
15.86     13.90     15.30     13.52     12.26
PyraminxFirst round34 8.01 9.36
10.27     9.16      8.66      8.01      13.03
Square-1First round42 50.67 1:45.24
50.67     1:04.89   2:52.12   DNF       1:18.70
Please Big Cubes Korea 2022
5x5x5 CubeFirst round33 1:34.71 1:45.46
1:48.98   1:59.18   1:43.76   1:43.63   1:34.71
6x6x6 CubeFirst round28 3:37.88 3:44.28
3:41.04   3:37.88   3:53.92
7x7x7 CubeFirst round30 5:45.33 6:00.19
5:45.33   6:13.97   6:01.28
Korean Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round103 14.81 17.14
19.41     18.82     15.69     14.81     16.90
2x2x2 CubeSecond round30 2.39 4.83
8.04      4.96      4.59      4.95      2.39
First round29 3.15 4.39
4.40      3.15      5.73      4.45      4.31
4x4x4 CubeFirst round71 1:07.10 1:10.18
1:10.13   1:09.14   1:07.10   1:11.26   1:12.58
Seoul Summer 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round111 14.39 17.80
14.39     21.07     15.48     DNF       16.86
2x2x2 CubeFinal17 2.37 4.21
4.75      2.37      5.92      4.87      3.01
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal62 32.80 38.60
34.28     45.14     32.80     38.95     42.56
SkewbFinal43 7.58 14.85
14.66     7.58      16.95     13.60     16.28
Korean Spring 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round60 15.74 17.42
17.98     17.50     16.78     15.74     21.41
4x4x4 CubeFinal45 1:14.45 1:15.77
1:15.00   1:15.94   1:17.60   1:16.37   1:14.45
5x5x5 CubeFinal33 2:06.22 2:37.20
2:06.22   2:35.87   2:29.17   2:46.56   2:53.48
122025-02-08~09Anyang Haseyo 2025Republic of Korea경기도 안양시 (Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do)
112024-12-14Seoul Winter 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
102024-06-15Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
92024-03-09Anyang Haseyo 2024Republic of Korea경기도 안양시 (Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do)
82023-12-15~17Korean Championship 2023Republic of Korea대전광역시 (Daejeon)
72023-08-12~15WCA World Championship 2023Republic of Korea인천광역시 (Incheon)
62023-05-07Seoul Spring 2023Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
52023-03-26Ansan Spring 2023Republic of Korea경기도 안산시 (Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do)
42022-10-22Please Big Cubes Korea 2022Republic of Korea경기도 안산시 (Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do)
32022-08-12~14Korean Championship 2022Republic of Korea경기도 안양시 (Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do)
22022-07-23~24Seoul Summer 2022Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
12022-05-29Korean Spring 2022Republic of Korea경기도 용인시 (Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do)