Personal Page

Harel Gilad

Name: Harel Gilad
Region: Israel
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Harel Gilad2022GILA02
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.10.12 - 2024.01.01
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1373283121899.3010.49819121969480/80
2x2x2 Cube107327193782.233.51664122148942/45
4x4x4 Cube391627568237.4042.12501014133634/35
5x5x5 Cube49189864501:22.131:27.87564816414415/15
3x3x3 Fewest Moves6925456439441/1
3x3x3 One-Handed9927911036318.8522.41908323999517/17

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Hannukubing Israel 2024Second round39 9.30 10.49
10.71     9.30      10.09     13.10     10.68
First round32 10.18 11.06
12.19     10.18     11.98     10.50     10.69
Cubing for Yuval 2024Second round64 10.34 12.15
11.56     13.32     11.57     10.34     14.04
First round51 10.09 11.55
10.39     12.44     10.09     11.82     14.29
Around the Clock Israel 2024First round35 10.00 12.35
12.66     10.00     13.01     12.30     12.08
Israel Championship 2024Semi Final46 9.72 10.66
9.72      10.74     10.81     10.44     11.81
Second round48 9.35 11.21
11.91     12.44     11.18     10.55     9.35
First round80 9.34 12.71
12.49     13.50     13.26     9.34      12.38
Mike's Cubes 2024First round25 10.31 12.11
11.36     17.49     10.31     12.23     12.75
Israel Winter Open B 2024Second round15 10.41 11.45
11.52     16.81     10.41     10.95     11.88
First round17 10.82 11.91
12.81     13.43     11.98     10.94     10.82
Cubing for Yuval 2023Second round75 12.71 14.16
14.67     12.71     15.48     14.62     13.20
First round80 11.18 14.74
15.04     13.60     15.59     11.18     15.62
Puriminx C 2023Final53 14.82 17.77
18.49     17.82     19.88     14.82     16.99
First round57 15.58 18.27
17.50     19.63     18.55     15.58     18.75
Kubiat HaGalil A 2022First round91 20.26 25.42
27.28     27.41     25.59     23.40     20.26
2x2x2 Cube
Hannukubing Israel 2024Second round23 2.23 3.51
7.05      2.27      4.67      3.58      2.23
First round53 3.21 4.65
8.62      5.08      3.21      4.96      3.91
Cubing for Yuval 2024Second round94 4.43 6.38
4.43      6.91      5.78      6.46      DNF
First round45 2.81 3.93
3.40      2.81      2.94      DNF       5.45
Around the Clock Israel 2024First round31 2.66 4.72
5.34      10.55     4.77      2.66      4.05
Mike's Cubes 2024First round50 5.69 8.03
6.09      10.33     13.01     5.69      7.68
Cubing for Yuval 2023Second round75 4.13 5.49
4.72      6.46      5.30      4.13      DNF
First round86 3.96 6.01
5.79      5.54      7.23      6.70      3.96
Puriminx C 2023First round105 7.72 11.12
11.64     8.51      7.72      13.20     24.33
4x4x4 Cube
Cubing for Yuval 2024Final18 37.40 42.56
DNF       42.30     40.25     37.40     45.12
First round20 38.56 42.73
46.01     41.53     45.21     41.45     38.56
Around the Clock Israel 2024First round13 40.15 44.20
42.43     50.33     40.15     49.45     40.73
Israel Championship 2024First round18 38.17 42.12
41.88     45.32     38.17     39.17     52.68
Israel Winter Open B 2024First round10 40.76 47.25
48.94     40.76     42.86     49.96     54.25
Cubing for Yuval 2023First round25 40.87 50.92
51.43     53.01     48.31     40.87     55.57
Puriminx C 2023Final28 1:03.24 1:10.68
1:16.03   1:03.24   1:19.50   1:11.64   1:04.36
5x5x5 Cube
Hannukubing Israel 2024Final22 1:22.13 1:27.87
1:22.13   1:33.94   1:25.90   1:33.52   1:24.18
Around the Clock Israel 2024First round19 1:28.95 1:43.84
1:28.95   1:49.81   1:49.34   1:41.71   1:40.48
Israel Championship 2024Final40 1:32.94 1:44.72
1:35.77   1:49.84   1:51.07   1:48.54   1:32.94
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Around the Clock Israel 2024Final18 44
3x3x3 One-Handed
Cubing for Yuval 2024First round71 22.12 28.42
40.57     24.17     22.12     38.26     22.83
Around the Clock Israel 2024First round24 18.85 22.41
23.66     20.57     18.85     32.69     22.99
Cubing for Yuval 2023First round59 20.96 27.07
27.38     28.48     37.22     25.35     20.96
Kubiat HaGalil A 2022First round80 1:34.07
1:34.07   1:53.72
Hannukubing Israel 2024Final68 10.36 DNF
11.63     15.52     10.36     DNF       DNF
Around the Clock Israel 2024First round36 16.41
16.41     DNF
Hannukubing Israel 2024First round112 17.13 31.30
35.02     DNF       23.65     17.13     35.22
Puriminx C 2023First round95 13.24 19.28
16.68     16.13     25.03     33.92     13.24
Hannukubing Israel 2024First round81 9.73 14.19
DNF       16.93     9.73      14.55     11.10
Around the Clock Israel 2024First round38 9.03 13.52
9.03      14.42     9.08      DNF       17.06
Israel Winter Open B 2024First round25 12.87 14.60
18.72     14.95     13.71     15.15     12.87
Around the Clock Israel 2024First round23 15.24 26.00
22.48     15.24     28.39     27.12     34.43
Israel Championship 2024First round47 22.27 36.11
22.27     34.37     32.13     1:12.34   41.84
Mike's Cubes 2024First round25 24.02 37.09
41.04     34.77     38.10     38.40     24.02
Hannukubing Israel 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round39 9.30 10.49
10.71     9.30      10.09     13.10     10.68
First round32 10.18 11.06
12.19     10.18     11.98     10.50     10.69
2x2x2 CubeSecond round23 2.23 3.51
7.05      2.27      4.67      3.58      2.23
First round53 3.21 4.65
8.62      5.08      3.21      4.96      3.91
5x5x5 CubeFinal22 1:22.13 1:27.87
1:22.13   1:33.94   1:25.90   1:33.52   1:24.18
ClockFinal68 10.36 DNF
11.63     15.52     10.36     DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round112 17.13 31.30
35.02     DNF       23.65     17.13     35.22
SkewbFirst round81 9.73 14.19
DNF       16.93     9.73      14.55     11.10
Cubing for Yuval 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round64 10.34 12.15
11.56     13.32     11.57     10.34     14.04
First round51 10.09 11.55
10.39     12.44     10.09     11.82     14.29
2x2x2 CubeSecond round94 4.43 6.38
4.43      6.91      5.78      6.46      DNF
First round45 2.81 3.93
3.40      2.81      2.94      DNF       5.45
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 37.40 42.56
DNF       42.30     40.25     37.40     45.12
First round20 38.56 42.73
46.01     41.53     45.21     41.45     38.56
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round71 22.12 28.42
40.57     24.17     22.12     38.26     22.83
Around the Clock Israel 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round35 10.00 12.35
12.66     10.00     13.01     12.30     12.08
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 2.66 4.72
5.34      10.55     4.77      2.66      4.05
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 40.15 44.20
42.43     50.33     40.15     49.45     40.73
5x5x5 CubeFirst round19 1:28.95 1:43.84
1:28.95   1:49.81   1:49.34   1:41.71   1:40.48
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal18 44
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round24 18.85 22.41
23.66     20.57     18.85     32.69     22.99
ClockFirst round36 16.41
16.41     DNF
SkewbFirst round38 9.03 13.52
9.03      14.42     9.08      DNF       17.06
Square-1First round23 15.24 26.00
22.48     15.24     28.39     27.12     34.43
Israel Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final46 9.72 10.66
9.72      10.74     10.81     10.44     11.81
Second round48 9.35 11.21
11.91     12.44     11.18     10.55     9.35
First round80 9.34 12.71
12.49     13.50     13.26     9.34      12.38
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 38.17 42.12
41.88     45.32     38.17     39.17     52.68
5x5x5 CubeFinal40 1:32.94 1:44.72
1:35.77   1:49.84   1:51.07   1:48.54   1:32.94
Square-1First round47 22.27 36.11
22.27     34.37     32.13     1:12.34   41.84
Mike's Cubes 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round25 10.31 12.11
11.36     17.49     10.31     12.23     12.75
2x2x2 CubeFirst round50 5.69 8.03
6.09      10.33     13.01     5.69      7.68
Square-1First round25 24.02 37.09
41.04     34.77     38.10     38.40     24.02
Israel Winter Open B 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 10.41 11.45
11.52     16.81     10.41     10.95     11.88
First round17 10.82 11.91
12.81     13.43     11.98     10.94     10.82
4x4x4 CubeFirst round10 40.76 47.25
48.94     40.76     42.86     49.96     54.25
SkewbFirst round25 12.87 14.60
18.72     14.95     13.71     15.15     12.87
Cubing for Yuval 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round75 12.71 14.16
14.67     12.71     15.48     14.62     13.20
First round80 11.18 14.74
15.04     13.60     15.59     11.18     15.62
2x2x2 CubeSecond round75 4.13 5.49
4.72      6.46      5.30      4.13      DNF
First round86 3.96 6.01
5.79      5.54      7.23      6.70      3.96
4x4x4 CubeFirst round25 40.87 50.92
51.43     53.01     48.31     40.87     55.57
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round59 20.96 27.07
27.38     28.48     37.22     25.35     20.96
Puriminx C 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal53 14.82 17.77
18.49     17.82     19.88     14.82     16.99
First round57 15.58 18.27
17.50     19.63     18.55     15.58     18.75
2x2x2 CubeFirst round105 7.72 11.12
11.64     8.51      7.72      13.20     24.33
4x4x4 CubeFinal28 1:03.24 1:10.68
1:16.03   1:03.24   1:19.50   1:11.64   1:04.36
PyraminxFirst round95 13.24 19.28
16.68     16.13     25.03     33.92     13.24
Kubiat HaGalil A 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round91 20.26 25.42
27.28     27.41     25.59     23.40     20.26
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round80 1:34.07
1:34.07   1:53.72
92024-12-31~01-01Hannukubing Israel 2024IsraelRosh Haayin
82024-10-21~22Cubing for Yuval 2024IsraelModi'in
72024-09-05~06Around the Clock Israel 2024IsraelNatanya
62024-08-18~21Israel Championship 2024IsraelRehovot
52024-05-26Mike's Cubes 2024IsraelPardes Hana - Karkur
42024-01-12Israel Winter Open B 2024IsraelKiryat Ono
32023-10-01~02Cubing for Yuval 2023IsraelModi'in
22023-03-08Puriminx C 2023IsraelKfar Tavor
12022-10-12Kubiat HaGalil A 2022IsraelKfar Tavor