Personal Page

Rohni Harrington-Brice

Name: Rohni Harrington-Brice
Region: United Kingdom
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: Rohni Harrington-Brice2022HARR25
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.11.19 - 2025.01.05
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube70270382737111.4614.53319588035771120/120
2x2x2 Cube174017795625935.056.254654413181131035/35

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Weston-super-Mare Winter 2025Final37 13.64 16.02
13.64     19.34     14.69     15.81     17.55
Second round37 13.06 14.53
13.06     13.85     15.36     17.80     14.38
First round46 14.11 16.78
15.35     18.03     17.27     17.71     14.11
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024Second round56 14.31 16.70
14.31     16.10     16.62     18.61     17.39
First round56 14.89 16.04
16.49     16.65     17.75     14.89     14.99
Bristol Summer 2024Final42 13.67 14.88
17.77     15.13     15.14     14.38     13.67
Second round49 13.96 16.79
17.59     15.19     17.60     13.96     19.55
First round52 15.72 17.28
16.80     15.72     20.42     16.05     18.98
Weston-super-Mare Spring 2024Second round41 15.58 17.14
17.87     15.58     20.78     16.08     17.47
First round33 13.59 14.99
14.73     15.98     13.59     14.26     17.15
Bristol Winter 2024Final44 12.93 18.52
19.30     22.29     12.93     18.07     18.20
Second round49 14.51 17.95
21.03     15.27     14.51     29.44     17.55
First round41 11.46 15.47
13.79     11.46     18.55     17.53     15.09
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2023Second round48 16.66 19.07
23.20     19.24     20.87     17.09     16.66
First round34 13.26 15.97
19.53     17.98     13.26     14.85     15.07
Bristol Summer 2023Final52 13.38 17.32
15.36     19.71     13.38     20.77     16.88
Second round56 14.50 18.74
21.60     18.46     16.52     21.24     14.50
First round55 15.06 18.03
19.13     18.50     24.00     15.06     16.45
Exeter Summer 2023Final39 15.77 18.87
19.93     15.77     17.22     19.47     23.66
Second round41 16.25 18.27
18.56     21.88     16.25     17.30     18.96
First round42 11.82 19.35
17.84     25.01     11.82     25.73     15.20
Weston-super-Mare Spring 2023Second round52 16.16 19.63
22.38     17.18     16.16     19.34     23.96
First round48 17.98 19.82
20.48     19.87     19.10     17.98     23.85
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2022First round59 21.19 23.59
21.19     22.32     27.24     30.97     21.20
2x2x2 Cube
Weston-super-Mare Winter 2025First round51 5.05 7.05
5.75      8.84      5.05      6.56      8.88
Bristol Summer 2024First round52 6.07 6.52
7.93      6.07      6.34      6.82      6.39
Weston-super-Mare Spring 2024Second round43 5.76 7.20
7.07      5.76      7.20      7.32      12.67
First round45 5.88 7.29
6.25      7.53      5.88      8.31      8.10
Exeter Summer 2023Final53 5.94 8.31
7.27      5.94      6.56      11.09     12.30
First round37 5.39 6.25
8.07      6.56      6.35      5.85      5.39
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2022First round52 7.64 8.22
9.73      8.42      7.64      7.89      8.36
Weston-super-Mare Winter 2025First round47 12.30 16.86
12.30     DNF       17.36     12.42     20.81
Weston-super-Mare Spring 2024First round50 7.53 13.93
7.53      24.52     15.22     14.40     12.16
Exeter Summer 2023First round53 6.71 19.39
6.71      20.28     22.96     14.93     DNF
Weston-super-Mare Winter 2025First round39 11.03 15.07
16.85     13.17     11.03     15.18     18.97
Weston-super-Mare Spring 2024First round35 11.19 16.63
16.40     11.19     13.69     19.81     22.17
Weston-super-Mare Winter 2025
3x3x3 CubeFinal37 13.64 16.02
13.64     19.34     14.69     15.81     17.55
Second round37 13.06 14.53
13.06     13.85     15.36     17.80     14.38
First round46 14.11 16.78
15.35     18.03     17.27     17.71     14.11
2x2x2 CubeFirst round51 5.05 7.05
5.75      8.84      5.05      6.56      8.88
PyraminxFirst round47 12.30 16.86
12.30     DNF       17.36     12.42     20.81
SkewbFirst round39 11.03 15.07
16.85     13.17     11.03     15.18     18.97
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round56 14.31 16.70
14.31     16.10     16.62     18.61     17.39
First round56 14.89 16.04
16.49     16.65     17.75     14.89     14.99
Bristol Summer 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal42 13.67 14.88
17.77     15.13     15.14     14.38     13.67
Second round49 13.96 16.79
17.59     15.19     17.60     13.96     19.55
First round52 15.72 17.28
16.80     15.72     20.42     16.05     18.98
2x2x2 CubeFirst round52 6.07 6.52
7.93      6.07      6.34      6.82      6.39
Weston-super-Mare Spring 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round41 15.58 17.14
17.87     15.58     20.78     16.08     17.47
First round33 13.59 14.99
14.73     15.98     13.59     14.26     17.15
2x2x2 CubeSecond round43 5.76 7.20
7.07      5.76      7.20      7.32      12.67
First round45 5.88 7.29
6.25      7.53      5.88      8.31      8.10
PyraminxFirst round50 7.53 13.93
7.53      24.52     15.22     14.40     12.16
SkewbFirst round35 11.19 16.63
16.40     11.19     13.69     19.81     22.17
Bristol Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal44 12.93 18.52
19.30     22.29     12.93     18.07     18.20
Second round49 14.51 17.95
21.03     15.27     14.51     29.44     17.55
First round41 11.46 15.47
13.79     11.46     18.55     17.53     15.09
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round48 16.66 19.07
23.20     19.24     20.87     17.09     16.66
First round34 13.26 15.97
19.53     17.98     13.26     14.85     15.07
Bristol Summer 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal52 13.38 17.32
15.36     19.71     13.38     20.77     16.88
Second round56 14.50 18.74
21.60     18.46     16.52     21.24     14.50
First round55 15.06 18.03
19.13     18.50     24.00     15.06     16.45
Exeter Summer 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal39 15.77 18.87
19.93     15.77     17.22     19.47     23.66
Second round41 16.25 18.27
18.56     21.88     16.25     17.30     18.96
First round42 11.82 19.35
17.84     25.01     11.82     25.73     15.20
2x2x2 CubeFinal53 5.94 8.31
7.27      5.94      6.56      11.09     12.30
First round37 5.39 6.25
8.07      6.56      6.35      5.85      5.39
PyraminxFirst round53 6.71 19.39
6.71      20.28     22.96     14.93     DNF
Weston-super-Mare Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round52 16.16 19.63
22.38     17.18     16.16     19.34     23.96
First round48 17.98 19.82
20.48     19.87     19.10     17.98     23.85
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round59 21.19 23.59
21.19     22.32     27.24     30.97     21.20
2x2x2 CubeFirst round52 7.64 8.22
9.73      8.42      7.64      7.89      8.36
102025-01-04~05Weston-super-Mare Winter 2025United KingdomWeston-super-Mare, Somerset
92024-11-16~17Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024United KingdomWeston-super-Mare, Somerset
82024-07-13~14Bristol Summer 2024United KingdomBristol, City of Bristol
72024-05-18~19Weston-super-Mare Spring 2024United KingdomWeston-super-Mare, Somerset
62024-01-20~21Bristol Winter 2024United KingdomBristol, City of Bristol
52023-11-18~19Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2023United KingdomWeston-super-Mare, Somerset
42023-07-08~09Bristol Summer 2023United KingdomBristol, City of Bristol
32023-06-03~04Exeter Summer 2023United KingdomExeter, Devon
22023-05-13~14Weston-super-Mare Spring 2023United KingdomWeston-super-Mare, Somerset
12022-11-19~20Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2022United KingdomWeston-super-Mare, Somerset