Personal Page

Ethan Ickowicz

Name: Ethan Ickowicz
Region: Australia
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Ethan Ickowicz2022ICKO01
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.10.16 - 2025.01.12
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube321438929074519.3822.17833533486288028/30
2x2x2 Cube17262124405453.976.38488222536206020/20
4x4x4 Cube14641838429221:25.401:31.4036640159912575/5
5x5x5 Cube9571206268672:59.375/6
6x6x6 Cube521644141408:52.521/1
3x3x3 One-Handed131816314094039.7946.02374001502121113/13

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Cubing at The Cube 2025Second round97 19.66 22.17
19.66     30.44     23.19     20.74     22.59
First round120 19.38 26.75
26.43     28.57     25.25     29.34     19.38
Tramsheds III: August Sun 2024First round57 22.67 25.64
28.40     24.97     DNF       23.56     22.67
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024First round51 22.20 25.78
28.32     22.20     24.41     28.14     24.78
Simple Sydney Saturday 2023First round95 25.65 27.91
37.03     26.92     25.65     28.57     28.23
Marrickville Mini Open AM 2022First round98 38.74 43.95
40.18     52.09     39.57     DNF       38.74
2x2x2 Cube
Cubing at The Cube 2025First round100 3.97 7.91
3.97      7.74      8.85      7.65      8.34
Simple Sydney Saturday 2023Second round52 4.30 6.38
6.06      7.52      8.08      4.30      5.57
First round56 5.32 6.40
6.07      6.39      6.75      8.15      5.32
Marrickville Mini Open AM 2022First round87 6.37 12.83
15.45     19.23     11.82     11.23     6.37
4x4x4 Cube
Cubing at The Cube 2025First round79 1:25.40 1:31.40
1:26.63   1:36.64   1:25.40   1:31.73   1:35.83
5x5x5 Cube
Cubing at The Cube 2025Final71 2:59.37
2:59.37   3:08.34
Odd Sides in Sydney 2024First round48 3:22.10
3:26.93   3:22.10
Sydney Square-1v1 2023Final40 3:25.36
DNF       3:25.36
6x6x6 Cube
Sydney Square-1v1 2023First round35 8:52.52
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Cubing at The Cube 2025First round26 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
Odd Sides in Sydney 2024First round28 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
Sydney Square-1v1 2023First round17 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
PBQ at UTS 2023First round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Sydney Clock Clash 2023First round21 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
PBQ at UTS 2023Final18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Cubing at The Cube 2025First round81 47.30
1:15.36   47.30
Odd Sides in Sydney 2024First round42 39.79 46.02
46.08     43.58     51.94     48.39     39.79
Simple Sydney Saturday 2023First round67 59.62
1:09.30   59.62
Sydney Square-1v1 2023First round40 52.07
52.07     1:00.83
Sydney Clock Clash 2023First round55 1:24.50
1:36.24   1:24.50
Cubing at The Cube 2025Final15 8.00 10.25
9.46      DNF       10.08     11.22     8.00
First round12 8.44 9.61
9.78      8.44      DNF       9.75      9.30
Odd Sides in Sydney 2024First round45 8.59 DNF
DNF       9.96      8.59      9.99      DNF
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024Final8 8.55 9.35
8.55      8.59      8.91      DNF       10.55
Simple Sydney Saturday 2023Final15 13.79 15.72
16.38     DNF       15.77     13.79     15.00
Sydney Square-1v1 2023Second round19 13.99 17.26
17.36     17.62     18.03     16.80     13.99
First round19 14.98 16.36
17.03     16.36     15.68     21.85     14.98
Sydney Clock Clash 2023First round40 18.88 20.66
20.95     20.09     20.94     21.95     18.88
Cubing at The Cube 2025First round51 2:08.46
2:12.62   2:08.46
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024First round30 2:09.67
2:23.34   2:09.67
Tramsheds III: August Sun 2024First round26 7.17 9.56
11.33     9.19      7.17      8.17      DNF
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024First round29 6.60 9.46
9.33      9.22      9.84      6.60      10.72
Simple Sydney Saturday 2023First round30 8.00 11.39
10.73     12.42     11.02     14.16     8.00
Sydney Clock Clash 2023First round43 8.97 12.99
11.39     14.51     13.07     8.97      19.48
Odd Sides in Sydney 2024Final24 23.79 35.90
40.60     40.35     23.79     37.38     29.96
Tramsheds III: August Sun 2024Final16 28.77 35.98
28.77     34.58     DNF       38.20     35.17
Sydney Square-1v1 2023First round29 40.06 1:13.45
1:21.52   1:33.45   40.06     53.43     1:25.40
Sydney Clock Clash 2023Final35 38.88 1:04.67
DNF       38.88     47.40     1:19.09   1:07.51
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
PBQ at UTS 2023Final10 DNF
Cubing at The Cube 2025
3x3x3 CubeSecond round97 19.66 22.17
19.66     30.44     23.19     20.74     22.59
First round120 19.38 26.75
26.43     28.57     25.25     29.34     19.38
2x2x2 CubeFirst round100 3.97 7.91
3.97      7.74      8.85      7.65      8.34
4x4x4 CubeFirst round79 1:25.40 1:31.40
1:26.63   1:36.64   1:25.40   1:31.73   1:35.83
5x5x5 CubeFinal71 2:59.37
2:59.37   3:08.34
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round26 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round81 47.30
1:15.36   47.30
ClockFinal15 8.00 10.25
9.46      DNF       10.08     11.22     8.00
First round12 8.44 9.61
9.78      8.44      DNF       9.75      9.30
MegaminxFirst round51 2:08.46
2:12.62   2:08.46
Odd Sides in Sydney 2024
5x5x5 CubeFirst round48 3:22.10
3:26.93   3:22.10
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round28 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round42 39.79 46.02
46.08     43.58     51.94     48.39     39.79
ClockFirst round45 8.59 DNF
DNF       9.96      8.59      9.99      DNF
Square-1Final24 23.79 35.90
40.60     40.35     23.79     37.38     29.96
Tramsheds III: August Sun 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round57 22.67 25.64
28.40     24.97     DNF       23.56     22.67
PyraminxFirst round26 7.17 9.56
11.33     9.19      7.17      8.17      DNF
Square-1Final16 28.77 35.98
28.77     34.58     DNF       38.20     35.17
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round51 22.20 25.78
28.32     22.20     24.41     28.14     24.78
ClockFinal8 8.55 9.35
8.55      8.59      8.91      DNF       10.55
MegaminxFirst round30 2:09.67
2:23.34   2:09.67
PyraminxFirst round29 6.60 9.46
9.33      9.22      9.84      6.60      10.72
Simple Sydney Saturday 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round95 25.65 27.91
37.03     26.92     25.65     28.57     28.23
2x2x2 CubeSecond round52 4.30 6.38
6.06      7.52      8.08      4.30      5.57
First round56 5.32 6.40
6.07      6.39      6.75      8.15      5.32
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round67 59.62
1:09.30   59.62
ClockFinal15 13.79 15.72
16.38     DNF       15.77     13.79     15.00
SkewbFirst round30 8.00 11.39
10.73     12.42     11.02     14.16     8.00
Sydney Square-1v1 2023
5x5x5 CubeFinal40 3:25.36
DNF       3:25.36
6x6x6 CubeFirst round35 8:52.52
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round17 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 52.07
52.07     1:00.83
ClockSecond round19 13.99 17.26
17.36     17.62     18.03     16.80     13.99
First round19 14.98 16.36
17.03     16.36     15.68     21.85     14.98
Square-1First round29 40.06 1:13.45
1:21.52   1:33.45   40.06     53.43     1:25.40
PBQ at UTS 2023
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal10 DNF
Sydney Clock Clash 2023
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round21 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round55 1:24.50
1:36.24   1:24.50
ClockFirst round40 18.88 20.66
20.95     20.09     20.94     21.95     18.88
SkewbFirst round43 8.97 12.99
11.39     14.51     13.07     8.97      19.48
Square-1Final35 38.88 1:04.67
DNF       38.88     47.40     1:19.09   1:07.51
Marrickville Mini Open AM 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round98 38.74 43.95
40.18     52.09     39.57     DNF       38.74
2x2x2 CubeFirst round87 6.37 12.83
15.45     19.23     11.82     11.23     6.37
92025-01-11~12Cubing at The Cube 2025AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
82024-12-07~08Odd Sides in Sydney 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
72024-08-25Tramsheds III: August Sun 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
62024-04-13Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
52023-09-09Simple Sydney Saturday 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
42023-06-03~04Sydney Square-1v1 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
32023-04-30PBQ at UTS 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
22023-03-26Sydney Clock Clash 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
12022-10-16Marrickville Mini Open AM 2022AustraliaSydney, New South Wales