Personal Page

Mustafa Irfan

Name: Mustafa Irfan
Region: United Kingdom
Competitions: 7
WCA ID: Mustafa Irfan2022IRFA02
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.10.01 - 2024.09.01
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube8082827967.049.8858241591157113/115
2x2x2 Cube7657682244163.154.4216405506053949/50
4x4x4 Cube56859732132755.081:12.4927534775773016/17
3x3x3 One-Handed1731893696416.7018.924863130212336/37

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Kewbz UK Open 2024Semi Final62 10.10 11.12
10.10     12.76     11.50     11.44     10.42
Second round49 8.57 10.32
11.58     10.09     16.28     9.30      8.57
First round88 7.87 12.60
13.43     16.64     13.31     7.87      11.05
Stevenage June 2024Final23 9.76 10.83
10.01     DNF       9.76      10.91     11.56
Second round20 7.80 10.30
7.80      10.58     9.78      10.54     11.64
First round20 9.74 10.76
10.33     9.74      10.11     14.77     11.84
Stevenage January 2024Semi Final23 9.76 10.44
10.51     12.43     10.10     9.76      10.72
Second round18 8.74 9.88
9.40      8.74      9.99      10.70     10.25
First round17 7.04 10.18
9.33      7.04      11.09     10.82     10.39
Stevenage September 2023Final19 10.44 12.19
12.91     13.93     10.44     11.72     11.95
Semi Final18 10.35 11.17
11.34     11.11     10.35     12.97     11.05
Second round18 8.25 10.52
11.34     9.62      11.50     10.60     8.25
First round30 8.82 11.84
14.26     11.77     11.57     12.17     8.82
Stevenage May 2023Semi Final62 12.61 14.60
18.06     13.73     14.55     15.52     12.61
Second round38 10.58 12.27
13.39     12.15     12.38     10.58     12.28
First round37 9.77 12.19
11.53     12.58     9.77      14.64     12.45
Stevenage January 2023Final26 11.33 12.31
11.60     11.33     12.77     12.76     12.56
Semi Final33 11.11 12.65
11.50     14.28     11.11     14.18     12.26
Second round33 11.83 12.64
11.96     13.41     12.56     DNF       11.83
First round28 11.58 12.40
11.58     12.44     11.97     12.80     15.99
Stevenage Autumn B 2022Final65 14.97 18.40
14.97     19.95     17.39     19.31     18.49
Second round57 16.41 16.94
16.79     17.60     16.89     17.13     16.41
First round72 16.25 19.71
22.50     17.94     16.25     20.68     20.51
2x2x2 Cube
Stevenage June 2024Second round53 3.52 4.77
6.07      3.56      6.11      4.69      3.52
First round67 3.90 5.11
5.98      4.87      5.42      5.04      3.90
Stevenage September 2023Final60 3.15 4.42
4.61      3.33      3.15      6.93      5.32
First round49 4.51 4.82
6.95      4.65      4.51      5.07      4.75
Stevenage May 2023Second round61 4.27 4.95
5.02      5.49      4.35      6.37      4.27
First round43 4.40 4.94
4.40      5.49      5.88      4.57      4.75
Stevenage January 2023Second round54 3.73 5.25
3.73      5.64      8.72      5.16      4.96
First round62 3.80 5.81
6.04      6.41      6.09      5.30      3.80
Stevenage Autumn B 2022Second round68 5.53 7.20
7.02      5.53      7.66      8.34      6.92
First round78 6.67 7.63
7.93      DNF       7.23      7.72      6.67
4x4x4 Cube
Stevenage January 2024First round69 55.08 1:12.49
55.08     1:21.66   59.84     1:21.38   1:16.24
Stevenage September 2023First round73 1:17.00
1:17.00   1:25.20
Stevenage May 2023Final73 1:30.86
1:30.86   1:31.79
First round67 1:18.54
1:25.94   1:18.54
Stevenage January 2023Final74 1:41.91
DNF       1:41.91
First round74 1:22.43
1:26.69   1:22.43
Stevenage Autumn B 2022First round81 1:51.84
1:51.84   1:59.83
3x3x3 One-Handed
Kewbz UK Open 2024Final57 20.00 25.13
27.28     22.22     20.00     DNF       25.89
First round34 16.70 18.92
16.98     20.40     27.22     19.39     16.70
Stevenage September 2023Final16 19.55 21.41
19.55     20.84     23.37     21.83     21.55
Stevenage May 2023Final18 18.17 24.95
26.02     21.28     18.17     27.54     31.24
First round20 17.16 23.01
17.16     32.36     23.87     22.54     22.63
Stevenage January 2023Final22 22.91 24.00
22.91     23.40     27.87     23.75     24.84
First round29 18.53 24.59
18.53     36.39     25.74     19.84     28.20
Stevenage Autumn B 2022First round64 51.89
1:07.15   51.89
Stevenage January 2023First round116 12.37 16.58
20.30     15.10     14.33     20.48     12.37
Stevenage Autumn B 2022First round98 9.25 16.26
13.07     24.87     15.76     9.25      19.94
Stevenage September 2023First round61 7.15 10.13
12.28     11.46     7.15      7.19      11.73
Stevenage May 2023Final53 7.43 9.52
9.87      10.38     8.31      7.43      12.32
First round79 10.14 13.34
13.06     17.85     13.08     13.89     10.14
Stevenage January 2023Final52 8.57 11.61
8.57      16.77     13.86     11.15     9.82
First round54 8.32 11.69
11.49     13.03     10.55     8.32      16.22
Stevenage Autumn B 2022Final77 10.00 17.59
17.27     10.00     24.12     21.68     13.83
First round33 8.28 9.93
11.10     9.82      11.01     8.96      8.28
Kewbz UK Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final62 10.10 11.12
10.10     12.76     11.50     11.44     10.42
Second round49 8.57 10.32
11.58     10.09     16.28     9.30      8.57
First round88 7.87 12.60
13.43     16.64     13.31     7.87      11.05
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal57 20.00 25.13
27.28     22.22     20.00     DNF       25.89
First round34 16.70 18.92
16.98     20.40     27.22     19.39     16.70
Stevenage June 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal23 9.76 10.83
10.01     DNF       9.76      10.91     11.56
Second round20 7.80 10.30
7.80      10.58     9.78      10.54     11.64
First round20 9.74 10.76
10.33     9.74      10.11     14.77     11.84
2x2x2 CubeSecond round53 3.52 4.77
6.07      3.56      6.11      4.69      3.52
First round67 3.90 5.11
5.98      4.87      5.42      5.04      3.90
Stevenage January 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final23 9.76 10.44
10.51     12.43     10.10     9.76      10.72
Second round18 8.74 9.88
9.40      8.74      9.99      10.70     10.25
First round17 7.04 10.18
9.33      7.04      11.09     10.82     10.39
4x4x4 CubeFirst round69 55.08 1:12.49
55.08     1:21.66   59.84     1:21.38   1:16.24
Stevenage September 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal19 10.44 12.19
12.91     13.93     10.44     11.72     11.95
Semi Final18 10.35 11.17
11.34     11.11     10.35     12.97     11.05
Second round18 8.25 10.52
11.34     9.62      11.50     10.60     8.25
First round30 8.82 11.84
14.26     11.77     11.57     12.17     8.82
2x2x2 CubeFinal60 3.15 4.42
4.61      3.33      3.15      6.93      5.32
First round49 4.51 4.82
6.95      4.65      4.51      5.07      4.75
4x4x4 CubeFirst round73 1:17.00
1:17.00   1:25.20
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal16 19.55 21.41
19.55     20.84     23.37     21.83     21.55
SkewbFirst round61 7.15 10.13
12.28     11.46     7.15      7.19      11.73
Stevenage May 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final62 12.61 14.60
18.06     13.73     14.55     15.52     12.61
Second round38 10.58 12.27
13.39     12.15     12.38     10.58     12.28
First round37 9.77 12.19
11.53     12.58     9.77      14.64     12.45
2x2x2 CubeSecond round61 4.27 4.95
5.02      5.49      4.35      6.37      4.27
First round43 4.40 4.94
4.40      5.49      5.88      4.57      4.75
4x4x4 CubeFinal73 1:30.86
1:30.86   1:31.79
First round67 1:18.54
1:25.94   1:18.54
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal18 18.17 24.95
26.02     21.28     18.17     27.54     31.24
First round20 17.16 23.01
17.16     32.36     23.87     22.54     22.63
SkewbFinal53 7.43 9.52
9.87      10.38     8.31      7.43      12.32
First round79 10.14 13.34
13.06     17.85     13.08     13.89     10.14
Stevenage January 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal26 11.33 12.31
11.60     11.33     12.77     12.76     12.56
Semi Final33 11.11 12.65
11.50     14.28     11.11     14.18     12.26
Second round33 11.83 12.64
11.96     13.41     12.56     DNF       11.83
First round28 11.58 12.40
11.58     12.44     11.97     12.80     15.99
2x2x2 CubeSecond round54 3.73 5.25
3.73      5.64      8.72      5.16      4.96
First round62 3.80 5.81
6.04      6.41      6.09      5.30      3.80
4x4x4 CubeFinal74 1:41.91
DNF       1:41.91
First round74 1:22.43
1:26.69   1:22.43
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal22 22.91 24.00
22.91     23.40     27.87     23.75     24.84
First round29 18.53 24.59
18.53     36.39     25.74     19.84     28.20
PyraminxFirst round116 12.37 16.58
20.30     15.10     14.33     20.48     12.37
SkewbFinal52 8.57 11.61
8.57      16.77     13.86     11.15     9.82
First round54 8.32 11.69
11.49     13.03     10.55     8.32      16.22
Stevenage Autumn B 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal65 14.97 18.40
14.97     19.95     17.39     19.31     18.49
Second round57 16.41 16.94
16.79     17.60     16.89     17.13     16.41
First round72 16.25 19.71
22.50     17.94     16.25     20.68     20.51
2x2x2 CubeSecond round68 5.53 7.20
7.02      5.53      7.66      8.34      6.92
First round78 6.67 7.63
7.93      DNF       7.23      7.72      6.67
4x4x4 CubeFirst round81 1:51.84
1:51.84   1:59.83
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round64 51.89
1:07.15   51.89
PyraminxFirst round98 9.25 16.26
13.07     24.87     15.76     9.25      19.94
SkewbFinal77 10.00 17.59
17.27     10.00     24.12     21.68     13.83
First round33 8.28 9.93
11.10     9.82      11.01     8.96      8.28
72024-08-31~09-01Kewbz UK Open 2024United KingdomNewham, Greater London
62024-06-08~09Stevenage June 2024United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
52024-01-13~14Stevenage January 2024United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
42023-09-16~17Stevenage September 2023United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
32023-05-20~21Stevenage May 2023United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
22023-01-21~22Stevenage January 2023United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
12022-10-01~02Stevenage Autumn B 2022United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire