Personal Page

Matias Muñoz Isaza

Name: Matias Muñoz Isaza
Region: Colombia
Competitions: 11
WCA ID: Matias Muñoz Isaza2022ISAZ01
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.12.03 - 2024.01.28
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube134369998316418.8422.27802126679126694/95
2x2x2 Cube6643103400434.056.8453941387580058/59
4x4x4 Cube6853235415091:26.413/14
3x3x3 One-Handed80641964986457.051:07.974381837147065/11

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Please Be Solved Aventura 2024Second round38 23.20 24.86
23.90     33.63     25.94     24.75     23.20
First round50 23.81 27.94
30.32     32.59     23.81     24.84     28.66
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023Second round43 21.77 26.77
27.55     21.77     24.55     28.20     28.70
First round34 20.10 22.27
22.55     20.10     22.72     21.55     23.31
Navidad Aves Maria Teams 2023Second round26 20.32 24.41
24.94     20.32     24.54     25.22     23.76
First round25 19.08 22.68
19.08     22.03     23.19     22.83     26.28
Aves María v9 2023Second round36 19.67 25.90
27.71     23.55     26.75     19.67     27.40
First round29 20.39 24.16
25.47     26.01     26.26     20.39     20.99
El Carmen de Viboral II 2023First round20 18.84 24.59
23.06     29.03     18.84     32.18     21.69
Three Rounds Aventura 2023Second round29 22.26 24.05
23.01     27.18     22.27     26.87     22.26
First round34 23.02 25.91
23.99     DNF       29.76     23.02     23.99
Aves María Teams 2023Second round31 23.89 25.22
26.01     24.51     28.21     23.89     25.14
First round31 20.80 24.00
20.80     25.12     21.67     25.20     27.30
Rionegro al Cubo 2023Second round29 23.05 24.41
24.32     28.12     23.05     23.83     25.09
First round32 20.97 26.75
20.97     32.31     30.02     27.34     22.90
Aventura The Return 2023Second round49 22.13 32.70
34.41     30.42     22.13     34.68     33.27
First round52 28.27 34.77
40.25     28.27     42.66     34.09     29.98
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round109 36.81 42.75
36.83     39.46     58.75     51.97     36.81
Navidad Aves María 2022First round40 39.06 41.61
39.06     43.38     40.01     48.90     41.45
2x2x2 Cube
Please Be Solved Aventura 2024First round32 4.05 6.84
6.56      7.17      4.05      9.66      6.79
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023Second round32 7.12 7.29
7.12      7.30      7.35      7.23      7.58
First round35 5.17 7.78
7.71      8.75      7.50      5.17      8.13
Navidad Aves Maria Teams 2023First round24 6.76 8.73
8.21      11.12     8.28      6.76      9.71
Aves María v9 2023First round36 6.69 9.70
10.62     6.69      11.61     8.04      10.45
Three Rounds Aventura 2023Second round28 7.55 8.56
7.55      9.05      7.74      9.21      8.88
First round39 6.44 9.43
8.51      11.10     9.56      10.22     6.44
Aves María Teams 2023First round33 7.33 8.31
8.31      7.86      8.75      7.33      9.54
Rionegro al Cubo 2023First round31 5.47 13.57
16.21     5.47      13.25     14.90     12.57
Aventura The Return 2023First round43 10.07 14.72
12.04     10.07     16.17     15.96     17.11
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round93 6.77 13.14
14.54     13.41     DNF       6.77      11.48
Navidad Aves María 2022First round34 12.49 16.42
13.93     17.22     DNS       18.11     12.49
4x4x4 Cube
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023First round23 1:26.41
1:26.41   2:20.68
Navidad Aves Maria Teams 2023First round18 1:59.20
DNF       1:59.20
Aves María v9 2023Final25 DNF
DNF       DNF
El Carmen de Viboral II 2023Final16 DNF
DNF       DNF
Three Rounds Aventura 2023First round25 DNF
DNF       DNF
Aves María Teams 2023First round22 DNF
DNF       DNF
Navidad Aves María 2022First round24 DNF
DNF       DNF
5x5x5 Cube
Navidad Aves María 2022First round12 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023First round28 57.05 1:07.97
1:25.56   1:03.26   1:12.17   57.05     1:08.49
Navidad Aves Maria Teams 2023First round17 DNF
DNF       DNF
Aves María v9 2023Final22 DNF
DNF       DNF
El Carmen de Viboral II 2023Final14 DNF
DNF       DNF
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023First round10 58.89
1:06.85   58.89
Three Rounds Aventura 2023First round13 DNF
DNF       DNF
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023First round27 13.65 15.06
13.65     15.10     15.01     15.52     15.06
Navidad Aves Maria Teams 2023First round18 9.53 15.27
22.09     13.18     12.50     9.53      20.12
Aves María v9 2023First round18 11.74 13.67
14.28     15.28     13.16     13.58     11.74
El Carmen de Viboral II 2023First round15 11.35 14.82
21.33     12.25     15.73     16.48     11.35
Three Rounds Aventura 2023Final16 9.42 12.30
13.04     13.55     9.42      15.73     10.32
First round23 10.80 14.68
10.80     13.01     15.87     15.16     16.43
Aves María Teams 2023Second round13 7.19 14.74
16.33     19.24     12.23     7.19      15.67
First round12 7.69 11.79
12.00     14.33     11.25     12.13     7.69
Rionegro al Cubo 2023First round29 15.24
15.24     18.02
Aventura The Return 2023Final16 9.96 13.50
18.88     11.22     9.96      14.19     15.09
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round58 15.78
15.78     20.27
Navidad Aves María 2022First round20 13.27 19.62
22.72     19.27     19.15     20.45     13.27
Please Be Solved Aventura 2024First round18 11.77 14.16
13.58     15.26     14.02     11.77     14.88
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023First round13 9.78 12.78
25.12     13.72     12.86     9.78      11.77
Navidad Aves Maria Teams 2023Final9 8.17 15.88
17.44     15.07     15.13     8.17      17.65
First round6 9.41 12.68
13.57     12.57     9.41      11.89     13.61
Aves María v9 2023First round13 8.67 14.31
17.54     20.72     13.11     8.67      12.27
Three Rounds Aventura 2023Second round9 9.72 12.80
9.72      14.90     13.11     10.38     20.80
First round10 10.59 12.40
10.59     13.84     12.75     10.62     16.18
Rionegro al Cubo 2023First round15 DNF
DNF       DNF
Aventura The Return 2023Final15 34.10
DNF       34.10
Nacionales Colombia 2023First round48 48.27
59.24     48.27
Navidad Aves María 2022First round17 42.21 54.08
50.72     DNF       52.78     42.21     58.73
Please Be Solved Aventura 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round38 23.20 24.86
23.90     33.63     25.94     24.75     23.20
First round50 23.81 27.94
30.32     32.59     23.81     24.84     28.66
2x2x2 CubeFirst round32 4.05 6.84
6.56      7.17      4.05      9.66      6.79
SkewbFirst round18 11.77 14.16
13.58     15.26     14.02     11.77     14.88
Navidad Explora Medellín 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round43 21.77 26.77
27.55     21.77     24.55     28.20     28.70
First round34 20.10 22.27
22.55     20.10     22.72     21.55     23.31
2x2x2 CubeSecond round32 7.12 7.29
7.12      7.30      7.35      7.23      7.58
First round35 5.17 7.78
7.71      8.75      7.50      5.17      8.13
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 1:26.41
1:26.41   2:20.68
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round28 57.05 1:07.97
1:25.56   1:03.26   1:12.17   57.05     1:08.49
ClockFirst round10 58.89
1:06.85   58.89
PyraminxFirst round27 13.65 15.06
13.65     15.10     15.01     15.52     15.06
SkewbFirst round13 9.78 12.78
25.12     13.72     12.86     9.78      11.77
Navidad Aves Maria Teams 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 20.32 24.41
24.94     20.32     24.54     25.22     23.76
First round25 19.08 22.68
19.08     22.03     23.19     22.83     26.28
2x2x2 CubeFirst round24 6.76 8.73
8.21      11.12     8.28      6.76      9.71
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 1:59.20
DNF       1:59.20
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round17 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round18 9.53 15.27
22.09     13.18     12.50     9.53      20.12
SkewbFinal9 8.17 15.88
17.44     15.07     15.13     8.17      17.65
First round6 9.41 12.68
13.57     12.57     9.41      11.89     13.61
Aves María v9 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 19.67 25.90
27.71     23.55     26.75     19.67     27.40
First round29 20.39 24.16
25.47     26.01     26.26     20.39     20.99
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 6.69 9.70
10.62     6.69      11.61     8.04      10.45
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal22 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round18 11.74 13.67
14.28     15.28     13.16     13.58     11.74
SkewbFirst round13 8.67 14.31
17.54     20.72     13.11     8.67      12.27
El Carmen de Viboral II 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round20 18.84 24.59
23.06     29.03     18.84     32.18     21.69
4x4x4 CubeFinal16 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal14 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round15 11.35 14.82
21.33     12.25     15.73     16.48     11.35
Three Rounds Aventura 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 22.26 24.05
23.01     27.18     22.27     26.87     22.26
First round34 23.02 25.91
23.99     DNF       29.76     23.02     23.99
2x2x2 CubeSecond round28 7.55 8.56
7.55      9.05      7.74      9.21      8.88
First round39 6.44 9.43
8.51      11.10     9.56      10.22     6.44
4x4x4 CubeFirst round25 DNF
DNF       DNF
MegaminxFirst round13 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal16 9.42 12.30
13.04     13.55     9.42      15.73     10.32
First round23 10.80 14.68
10.80     13.01     15.87     15.16     16.43
SkewbSecond round9 9.72 12.80
9.72      14.90     13.11     10.38     20.80
First round10 10.59 12.40
10.59     13.84     12.75     10.62     16.18
Aves María Teams 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 23.89 25.22
26.01     24.51     28.21     23.89     25.14
First round31 20.80 24.00
20.80     25.12     21.67     25.20     27.30
2x2x2 CubeFirst round33 7.33 8.31
8.31      7.86      8.75      7.33      9.54
4x4x4 CubeFirst round22 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxSecond round13 7.19 14.74
16.33     19.24     12.23     7.19      15.67
First round12 7.69 11.79
12.00     14.33     11.25     12.13     7.69
Rionegro al Cubo 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 23.05 24.41
24.32     28.12     23.05     23.83     25.09
First round32 20.97 26.75
20.97     32.31     30.02     27.34     22.90
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 5.47 13.57
16.21     5.47      13.25     14.90     12.57
PyraminxFirst round29 15.24
15.24     18.02
SkewbFirst round15 DNF
DNF       DNF
Aventura The Return 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round49 22.13 32.70
34.41     30.42     22.13     34.68     33.27
First round52 28.27 34.77
40.25     28.27     42.66     34.09     29.98
2x2x2 CubeFirst round43 10.07 14.72
12.04     10.07     16.17     15.96     17.11
PyraminxFinal16 9.96 13.50
18.88     11.22     9.96      14.19     15.09
SkewbFinal15 34.10
DNF       34.10
Nacionales Colombia 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round109 36.81 42.75
36.83     39.46     58.75     51.97     36.81
2x2x2 CubeFirst round93 6.77 13.14
14.54     13.41     DNF       6.77      11.48
PyraminxFirst round58 15.78
15.78     20.27
SkewbFirst round48 48.27
59.24     48.27
Navidad Aves María 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round40 39.06 41.61
39.06     43.38     40.01     48.90     41.45
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 12.49 16.42
13.93     17.22     DNS       18.11     12.49
4x4x4 CubeFirst round24 DNF
DNF       DNF
5x5x5 CubeFirst round12 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round20 13.27 19.62
22.72     19.27     19.15     20.45     13.27
SkewbFirst round17 42.21 54.08
50.72     DNF       52.78     42.21     58.73
112024-01-28Please Be Solved Aventura 2024ColombiaMedellín, Antioquia
102023-12-08~10Navidad Explora Medellín 2023ColombiaMedellín, Antioquia
92023-12-02~03Navidad Aves Maria Teams 2023ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.
82023-11-06Aves María v9 2023ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.
72023-11-05El Carmen de Viboral II 2023ColombiaEl Carmen de Viboral, Antioquia
62023-10-21~22Three Rounds Aventura 2023ColombiaMedellín - Antioquia
52023-08-20~21Aves María Teams 2023ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.
42023-07-29~30Rionegro al Cubo 2023ColombiaRionegro, Antioquia
32023-06-25Aventura The Return 2023ColombiaMedellín - Antioquia
22023-05-20~22Nacionales Colombia 2023ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.
12022-12-03~04Navidad Aves María 2022ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.