Personal Page

Max Jongbloed

Name: Max Jongbloed
Region: Netherlands
Competitions: 15
WCA ID: Max Jongbloed2022JONG02
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.10.22 - 2025.02.09
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube3582827967.048.161499413261188/190
2x2x2 Cube101934330.883.415934199373109/110
4x4x4 Cube28768582448258.781:06.0323383654627328/31
3x3x3 One-Handed501758649416.3817.3132298853235/35

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Leersum Squared 2025Final10 7.65 8.16
9.60      8.32      7.65      8.09      8.08
Second round15 8.58 9.32
8.92      8.58      10.30     9.79      9.25
First round12 7.40 9.00
9.05      8.89      9.06      10.03     7.40
Alphen Cubing 2025Final17 9.29 9.97
9.29      10.56     10.62     9.38      9.96
Second round8 8.23 9.05
8.61      11.05     8.23      9.22      9.32
First round19 8.22 10.27
9.65      12.94     8.22      11.71     9.46
Dutch Nationals 2024Semi Final32 8.57 9.30
9.75      8.57      DNF       9.51      8.64
Second round23 7.61 9.14
8.47      7.61      10.18     10.02     8.94
First round18 7.98 8.70
8.37      8.94      11.04     8.79      7.98
Heerenveen Open 2024Final11 7.45 8.78
13.36     7.70      10.74     7.45      7.90
Second round14 7.74 8.67
8.85      7.74      8.70      8.47      10.19
First round15 8.02 10.01
11.73     10.46     8.23      11.34     8.02
Lente Spring 2024Second round19 8.71 9.67
9.88      9.30      10.95     8.71      9.84
First round11 7.23 8.43
10.33     7.23      9.68      7.89      7.73
Arnhem Open B 2024Final5 8.08 9.26
10.53     8.51      8.08      9.94      9.33
Second round6 8.45 9.08
8.45      9.17      11.60     8.58      9.48
First round11 8.44 10.02
9.69      11.06     9.31      11.25     8.44
Dutch Winter North 2024Final1 7.99 9.64
10.29     9.80      7.99      8.83      12.01
Semi Final2 9.12 10.08
9.75      9.58      9.12      10.91     13.27
Second round2 7.04 9.19
10.28     7.49      11.32     9.80      7.04
First round2 7.76 9.59
11.73     7.76      9.81      10.27     8.69
Leersum Algs 2024Semi Final28 8.41 9.98
12.76     8.98      9.89      11.08     8.41
Second round31 9.32 10.80
9.32      11.08     11.60     9.72      12.22
First round16 8.83 9.56
9.70      8.83      9.97      9.00      10.81
Dutch Nationals 2023Second round33 9.21 10.81
9.21      11.03     11.59     9.81      15.51
First round26 8.97 10.35
9.40      10.41     8.97      11.40     11.23
Dutch Autumn 2023Second round15 7.49 9.70
7.49      9.51      9.87      11.34     9.73
First round34 8.97 11.38
14.21     9.64      8.97      11.66     12.85
Amsterdam Open 2023Second round23 7.86 10.67
10.01     9.20      12.81     15.27     7.86
First round30 8.58 11.50
11.53     13.63     9.35      DNF       8.58
Dutch Open 2023Second round34 10.65 11.73
11.23     12.34     11.61     10.65     13.04
First round28 10.22 10.85
10.22     11.31     10.57     10.68     13.41
Ermelo Cubing B 2023Second round44 13.89 14.47
14.82     13.89     14.44     15.85     14.14
First round23 10.56 11.69
10.56     15.15     11.11     12.50     11.46
Dutch Nationals 2022Second round91 10.94 15.64
10.94     16.40     16.27     18.80     14.25
First round100 13.94 16.82
13.94     14.82     17.25     18.38     19.40
Westfries Open 2022Second round57 17.10 17.77
17.73     18.67     17.24     17.10     18.35
First round53 16.09 17.43
17.74     18.10     16.51     16.09     18.03
2x2x2 Cube
Alphen Cubing 2025Final21 3.65 4.42
3.65      5.94      3.86      4.09      5.30
First round20 3.71 3.92
3.71      3.77      4.15      6.23      3.85
Dutch Nationals 2024Second round83 3.71 4.93
5.53      4.94      4.46      5.40      3.71
First round133 3.36 5.51
4.41      8.66      4.66      7.47      3.36
Arnhem Open B 2024Final12 3.56 3.85
3.73      3.56      4.13      4.04      3.78
Second round18 2.41 3.49
12.29     3.34      2.41      2.74      4.40
First round12 3.41 3.65
4.62      3.68      3.41      3.46      3.82
Dutch Winter North 2024Final12 3.24 3.92
4.26      3.24      3.65      4.18      3.92
First round15 3.54 4.31
4.49      4.38      4.61      4.07      3.54
Leersum Algs 2024Final18 2.56 3.62
4.68      3.78      3.75      3.34      2.56
Second round21 0.88 3.57
4.11      0.88      4.24      3.95      2.65
First round21 3.51 3.85
5.27      3.81      3.51      3.64      4.11
Dutch Nationals 2023Final27 3.23 3.86
4.08      3.23      3.94      3.55      4.18
First round39 2.04 4.26
5.55      3.19      2.04      DNF       4.04
Dutch Autumn 2023First round37 4.08 4.39
4.17      4.08      5.89      4.88      4.13
Amsterdam Open 2023Final36 2.77 4.52
4.15      4.68      4.72      5.17      2.77
First round14 2.33 3.41
3.86      3.28      5.85      3.10      2.33
Ermelo Cubing B 2023First round40 4.45 5.09
5.18      5.24      4.86      4.45      5.77
Dutch Nationals 2022Final67 4.79 5.54
6.00      4.79      5.47      6.31      5.14
First round43 3.67 4.77
7.00      3.67      5.20      5.41      3.70
Westfries Open 2022Second round42 5.11 5.88
6.64      5.11      7.27      5.56      5.44
First round43 5.33 5.72
5.42      6.00      5.33      5.75      6.38
4x4x4 Cube
Leersum Squared 2025First round121 DNF
DNF       DNF
Dutch Nationals 2024First round143 1:07.42
1:21.64   1:07.42
Heerenveen Open 2024First round62 1:06.54 1:18.87
1:11.99   1:21.80   1:22.81   1:06.54   DNF
Arnhem Open B 2024Final46 1:01.13 1:06.73
1:02.54   1:28.31   1:01.42   1:16.23   1:01.13
Dutch Winter North 2024Final26 58.78 1:06.03
1:01.94   58.78     1:03.52   1:12.64   1:14.91
Dutch Nationals 2023First round78 1:01.14
1:07.40   1:01.14
Dutch Autumn 2023Final60 1:01.06 1:07.01
1:07.60   1:10.30   1:01.06   1:03.12   1:30.93
Ermelo Cubing B 2023Final41 1:14.13 1:15.88
1:18.97   1:17.93   1:14.59   1:14.13   1:15.11
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Leersum Algs 2024Final33 DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Leersum Squared 2025Final20 16.54 19.38
17.34     22.73     16.54     18.90     21.90
Dutch Nationals 2024Final39 16.78 19.80
16.78     24.48     18.21     21.54     19.64
Lente Spring 2024Final26 19.14 21.90
20.55     22.05     19.14     26.18     23.10
Arnhem Open B 2024Final5 16.38 17.31
16.54     16.38     18.44     16.95     19.90
Dutch Nationals 2023Final21 17.74 20.30
19.31     17.74     22.27     20.71     20.88
Amsterdam Open 2023Final23 19.08 23.18
23.83     21.42     19.08     27.88     24.30
Dutch Open 2023Final40 27.24 30.56
28.17     30.85     35.22     27.24     32.66
Dutch Nationals 2024First round141 8.76 11.01
11.82     10.83     11.32     8.76      10.89
Arnhem Open B 2024First round92 10.11 12.86
16.00     14.63     12.17     10.11     11.79
Dutch Winter North 2024Second round42 9.65 11.90
11.82     12.43     14.18     9.65      11.44
First round33 7.26 11.23
7.26      10.11     12.12     14.10     11.46
Dutch Nationals 2023Final76 7.82 11.16
7.82      10.92     8.81      14.28     13.74
First round75 7.89 10.75
10.30     12.73     12.82     7.89      9.23
Dutch Autumn 2023First round65 5.27 10.46
11.28     5.27      10.38     11.43     9.72
Ermelo Cubing B 2023First round57 8.97 9.83
14.48     8.97      9.87      9.71      9.90
Dutch Nationals 2022First round83 8.05 11.61
12.19     9.51      13.13     8.05      15.17
Westfries Open 2022Final41 8.18 12.55
12.95     12.22     12.48     8.18      15.65
First round25 8.69 9.23
8.69      8.75      12.87     9.30      9.63
Leersum Squared 2025Final77 9.17 14.04
12.21     9.17      22.04     10.12     19.79
Alphen Cubing 2025First round81 10.23 13.31
13.85     21.16     10.23     14.52     11.57
Dutch Nationals 2024First round170 13.13 16.67
17.66     16.61     13.13     15.74     19.62
Dutch Nationals 2023First round113 15.60 19.19
22.17     19.65     18.17     15.60     19.75
Amsterdam Open 2023Final106 14.86 18.98
18.17     19.48     14.86     19.30     19.91
Dutch Nationals 2022Final78 14.71 18.39
30.52     16.01     24.28     14.89     14.71
First round77 13.39 16.45
17.80     19.90     13.39     13.53     18.01
Westfries Open 2022Final38 9.25 14.06
17.33     15.58     20.35     9.26      9.25
Dutch Nationals 2024Final87 1:00.88
1:00.88   1:07.28
Leersum Algs 2024First round60 1:17.15
1:35.73   1:17.15
Leersum Squared 2025
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 7.65 8.16
9.60      8.32      7.65      8.09      8.08
Second round15 8.58 9.32
8.92      8.58      10.30     9.79      9.25
First round12 7.40 9.00
9.05      8.89      9.06      10.03     7.40
4x4x4 CubeFirst round121 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal20 16.54 19.38
17.34     22.73     16.54     18.90     21.90
SkewbFinal77 9.17 14.04
12.21     9.17      22.04     10.12     19.79
Alphen Cubing 2025
3x3x3 CubeFinal17 9.29 9.97
9.29      10.56     10.62     9.38      9.96
Second round8 8.23 9.05
8.61      11.05     8.23      9.22      9.32
First round19 8.22 10.27
9.65      12.94     8.22      11.71     9.46
2x2x2 CubeFinal21 3.65 4.42
3.65      5.94      3.86      4.09      5.30
First round20 3.71 3.92
3.71      3.77      4.15      6.23      3.85
SkewbFirst round81 10.23 13.31
13.85     21.16     10.23     14.52     11.57
Dutch Nationals 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final32 8.57 9.30
9.75      8.57      DNF       9.51      8.64
Second round23 7.61 9.14
8.47      7.61      10.18     10.02     8.94
First round18 7.98 8.70
8.37      8.94      11.04     8.79      7.98
2x2x2 CubeSecond round83 3.71 4.93
5.53      4.94      4.46      5.40      3.71
First round133 3.36 5.51
4.41      8.66      4.66      7.47      3.36
4x4x4 CubeFirst round143 1:07.42
1:21.64   1:07.42
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal39 16.78 19.80
16.78     24.48     18.21     21.54     19.64
PyraminxFirst round141 8.76 11.01
11.82     10.83     11.32     8.76      10.89
SkewbFirst round170 13.13 16.67
17.66     16.61     13.13     15.74     19.62
Square-1Final87 1:00.88
1:00.88   1:07.28
Heerenveen Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 7.45 8.78
13.36     7.70      10.74     7.45      7.90
Second round14 7.74 8.67
8.85      7.74      8.70      8.47      10.19
First round15 8.02 10.01
11.73     10.46     8.23      11.34     8.02
4x4x4 CubeFirst round62 1:06.54 1:18.87
1:11.99   1:21.80   1:22.81   1:06.54   DNF
Lente Spring 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 8.71 9.67
9.88      9.30      10.95     8.71      9.84
First round11 7.23 8.43
10.33     7.23      9.68      7.89      7.73
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal26 19.14 21.90
20.55     22.05     19.14     26.18     23.10
Arnhem Open B 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 8.08 9.26
10.53     8.51      8.08      9.94      9.33
Second round6 8.45 9.08
8.45      9.17      11.60     8.58      9.48
First round11 8.44 10.02
9.69      11.06     9.31      11.25     8.44
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 3.56 3.85
3.73      3.56      4.13      4.04      3.78
Second round18 2.41 3.49
12.29     3.34      2.41      2.74      4.40
First round12 3.41 3.65
4.62      3.68      3.41      3.46      3.82
4x4x4 CubeFinal46 1:01.13 1:06.73
1:02.54   1:28.31   1:01.42   1:16.23   1:01.13
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 16.38 17.31
16.54     16.38     18.44     16.95     19.90
PyraminxFirst round92 10.11 12.86
16.00     14.63     12.17     10.11     11.79
Dutch Winter North 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.99 9.64
10.29     9.80      7.99      8.83      12.01
Semi Final2 9.12 10.08
9.75      9.58      9.12      10.91     13.27
Second round2 7.04 9.19
10.28     7.49      11.32     9.80      7.04
First round2 7.76 9.59
11.73     7.76      9.81      10.27     8.69
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 3.24 3.92
4.26      3.24      3.65      4.18      3.92
First round15 3.54 4.31
4.49      4.38      4.61      4.07      3.54
4x4x4 CubeFinal26 58.78 1:06.03
1:01.94   58.78     1:03.52   1:12.64   1:14.91
PyraminxSecond round42 9.65 11.90
11.82     12.43     14.18     9.65      11.44
First round33 7.26 11.23
7.26      10.11     12.12     14.10     11.46
Leersum Algs 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final28 8.41 9.98
12.76     8.98      9.89      11.08     8.41
Second round31 9.32 10.80
9.32      11.08     11.60     9.72      12.22
First round16 8.83 9.56
9.70      8.83      9.97      9.00      10.81
2x2x2 CubeFinal18 2.56 3.62
4.68      3.78      3.75      3.34      2.56
Second round21 0.88 3.57
4.11      0.88      4.24      3.95      2.65
First round21 3.51 3.85
5.27      3.81      3.51      3.64      4.11
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal33 DNF
Square-1First round60 1:17.15
1:35.73   1:17.15
Dutch Nationals 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round33 9.21 10.81
9.21      11.03     11.59     9.81      15.51
First round26 8.97 10.35
9.40      10.41     8.97      11.40     11.23
2x2x2 CubeFinal27 3.23 3.86
4.08      3.23      3.94      3.55      4.18
First round39 2.04 4.26
5.55      3.19      2.04      DNF       4.04
4x4x4 CubeFirst round78 1:01.14
1:07.40   1:01.14
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal21 17.74 20.30
19.31     17.74     22.27     20.71     20.88
PyraminxFinal76 7.82 11.16
7.82      10.92     8.81      14.28     13.74
First round75 7.89 10.75
10.30     12.73     12.82     7.89      9.23
SkewbFirst round113 15.60 19.19
22.17     19.65     18.17     15.60     19.75
Dutch Autumn 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 7.49 9.70
7.49      9.51      9.87      11.34     9.73
First round34 8.97 11.38
14.21     9.64      8.97      11.66     12.85
2x2x2 CubeFirst round37 4.08 4.39
4.17      4.08      5.89      4.88      4.13
4x4x4 CubeFinal60 1:01.06 1:07.01
1:07.60   1:10.30   1:01.06   1:03.12   1:30.93
PyraminxFirst round65 5.27 10.46
11.28     5.27      10.38     11.43     9.72
Amsterdam Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 7.86 10.67
10.01     9.20      12.81     15.27     7.86
First round30 8.58 11.50
11.53     13.63     9.35      DNF       8.58
2x2x2 CubeFinal36 2.77 4.52
4.15      4.68      4.72      5.17      2.77
First round14 2.33 3.41
3.86      3.28      5.85      3.10      2.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal23 19.08 23.18
23.83     21.42     19.08     27.88     24.30
SkewbFinal106 14.86 18.98
18.17     19.48     14.86     19.30     19.91
Dutch Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round34 10.65 11.73
11.23     12.34     11.61     10.65     13.04
First round28 10.22 10.85
10.22     11.31     10.57     10.68     13.41
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal40 27.24 30.56
28.17     30.85     35.22     27.24     32.66
Ermelo Cubing B 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round44 13.89 14.47
14.82     13.89     14.44     15.85     14.14
First round23 10.56 11.69
10.56     15.15     11.11     12.50     11.46
2x2x2 CubeFirst round40 4.45 5.09
5.18      5.24      4.86      4.45      5.77
4x4x4 CubeFinal41 1:14.13 1:15.88
1:18.97   1:17.93   1:14.59   1:14.13   1:15.11
PyraminxFirst round57 8.97 9.83
14.48     8.97      9.87      9.71      9.90
Dutch Nationals 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round91 10.94 15.64
10.94     16.40     16.27     18.80     14.25
First round100 13.94 16.82
13.94     14.82     17.25     18.38     19.40
2x2x2 CubeFinal67 4.79 5.54
6.00      4.79      5.47      6.31      5.14
First round43 3.67 4.77
7.00      3.67      5.20      5.41      3.70
PyraminxFirst round83 8.05 11.61
12.19     9.51      13.13     8.05      15.17
SkewbFinal78 14.71 18.39
30.52     16.01     24.28     14.89     14.71
First round77 13.39 16.45
17.80     19.90     13.39     13.53     18.01
Westfries Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round57 17.10 17.77
17.73     18.67     17.24     17.10     18.35
First round53 16.09 17.43
17.74     18.10     16.51     16.09     18.03
2x2x2 CubeSecond round42 5.11 5.88
6.64      5.11      7.27      5.56      5.44
First round43 5.33 5.72
5.42      6.00      5.33      5.75      6.38
PyraminxFinal41 8.18 12.55
12.95     12.22     12.48     8.18      15.65
First round25 8.69 9.23
8.69      8.75      12.87     9.30      9.63
SkewbFinal38 9.25 14.06
17.33     15.58     20.35     9.26      9.25
152025-02-08~09Leersum Squared 2025NetherlandsLeersum
142025-01-19Alphen Cubing 2025NetherlandsAlphen aan den Rijn
132024-11-15~17Dutch Nationals 2024NetherlandsArnhem
122024-09-15Heerenveen Open 2024NetherlandsHeerenveen
112024-04-07Lente Spring 2024NetherlandsLent
102024-03-24Arnhem Open B 2024NetherlandsArnhem
92024-01-14Dutch Winter North 2024NetherlandsHeerenveen
82024-01-05~06Leersum Algs 2024NetherlandsLeersum
72023-11-25~26Dutch Nationals 2023NetherlandsErmelo
62023-09-23Dutch Autumn 2023NetherlandsVeenendaal
52023-09-10Amsterdam Open 2023NetherlandsAmsterdam
42023-06-03~04Dutch Open 2023NetherlandsArnhem
32023-04-23Ermelo Cubing B 2023NetherlandsErmelo
22022-11-26~27Dutch Nationals 2022NetherlandsVeenendaal
12022-10-22~23Westfries Open 2022NetherlandsHoorn

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