Personal Page

Yoel Khanin

Name: Yoel Khanin
Region: Israel
Competitions: 16
WCA ID: Yoel Khanin2022KHAN53
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.10.13 - 2024.08.25
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube47120941487.659.063058843311166/170
2x2x2 Cube63218560891.993.204179141153124/125
4x4x4 Cube471878647439.1143.86563815843745/45
5x5x5 Cube33133045661:16.591:21.80385911012820/20
3x3x3 Blindfolded81278284545:39.731/3
3x3x3 Fewest Moves65243960974446.6734701312373/3
3x3x3 One-Handed18623215212.9016.02195953618165/65

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection


Overall Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Kārķi Open 2024Final2 8.61 9.40
8.97      9.97      8.61      12.02     9.26
Second round2 8.07 9.13
9.82      8.61      8.07      12.50     8.96
First round2 8.48 9.48
10.36     9.93      8.58      9.94      8.48
WCA European Championship 2024Second round246 9.39 10.04
9.65      10.62     9.84      DNF       9.39
First round245 8.33 9.72
8.81      10.20     8.33      10.14     12.41
Mike's Cubes 2024Final11 9.96 10.64
10.38     12.10     10.48     9.96      11.05
First round6 7.69 9.06
9.20      8.87      9.11      10.21     7.69
CinemaCube Israel 2024Final10 9.57 10.38
9.57      11.66     9.77      9.70      15.91
First round8 8.92 9.62
8.92      9.17      10.27     9.42      11.94
Weekend Cubing C Israel 2024Final7 8.09 11.15
12.25     10.38     8.09      10.82     14.21
Second round4 9.37 9.91
11.68     9.37      9.53      10.49     9.72
First round6 9.39 9.62
10.51     9.39      9.81      9.63      9.41
Israel Winter Open A 2024Final4 7.65 9.15
9.21      7.65      9.24      11.28     8.99
Second round10 8.74 10.70
13.22     10.51     8.74      11.66     9.93
First round6 8.63 10.04
8.63      10.64     9.67      10.70     9.82
Cubing for Yuval 2023Semi Final38 9.42 11.72
12.18     10.41     9.42      12.56     13.13
Second round22 8.96 10.40
9.32      11.95     9.92      8.96      DNF
First round24 10.48 10.88
10.48     12.64     11.01     11.03     10.60
Tallinn Open 2023Final9 9.77 10.79
10.62     12.16     9.77      10.27     11.48
Second round7 9.76 11.33
11.09     11.64     9.76      11.25     11.64
First round11 10.70 12.55
12.79     12.13     DNF       12.74     10.70
Rodenpois Open 2023Final13 10.35 12.79
12.79     12.26     10.35     13.31     14.34
Second round10 9.31 11.53
11.31     12.99     12.58     9.31      10.70
First round9 9.46 11.24
12.52     12.14     9.46      10.75     10.84
Kubiat HaNegev A 2023Second round13 10.68 12.84
12.89     13.34     10.68     13.27     12.36
First round7 11.13 11.68
11.38     13.39     12.44     11.13     11.22
Puriminx B 2023Final9 11.37 12.80
11.37     11.92     13.90     13.52     12.97
Second round9 11.70 13.07
11.86     15.02     11.70     13.79     13.55
First round11 12.54 13.67
12.54     13.82     12.88     14.31     15.08
Kubsala Winter 2023Second round84 14.24 16.94
18.21     17.28     DNF       14.24     15.32
First round60 12.74 14.43
12.74     15.52     13.31     15.72     14.45
NR Hanukkah: Sq-1 & Skewb 2022Second round25 14.62 17.08
17.59     17.08     14.62     16.56     17.98
First round32 14.48 18.04
20.55     14.48     17.85     15.71     24.34
Kubiat HaGalil B 2022First round120 33.32 46.07
47.45     47.64     43.13     50.60     33.32
2x2x2 Cube
Kārķi Open 2024Final9 2.36 3.98
4.10      3.56      2.36      5.44      4.27
Second round7 1.99 3.61
4.76      1.99      DNF       2.83      3.23
First round8 3.38 3.88
3.38      4.02      3.91      5.72      3.72
WCA European Championship 2024First round309 2.39 3.70
3.88      3.37      3.96      2.39      3.86
Mike's Cubes 2024First round13 3.18 3.50
3.18      3.24      3.52      3.73      3.93
CinemaCube Israel 2024Final15 2.02 4.06
2.02      4.44      4.52      3.58      4.15
First round11 2.96 3.20
3.08      2.96      3.04      4.84      3.49
Weekend Cubing C Israel 2024Final6 2.03 3.79
2.03      4.55      3.24      3.73      4.39
First round10 2.52 4.23
5.31      3.89      2.52      4.10      4.70
Israel Winter Open A 2024Second round14 3.43 4.36
4.54      3.63      4.91      5.88      3.43
First round10 2.57 3.86
4.57      4.45      4.20      2.57      2.94
Cubing for Yuval 2023Semi Final21 2.76 3.66
3.35      5.22      2.76      4.29      3.33
Second round12 2.43 3.39
2.43      2.72      4.66      3.35      4.10
First round35 2.39 4.50
4.81      4.45      4.25      4.85      2.39
Tallinn Open 2023Final10 2.44 3.92
3.50      2.44      4.63      3.64      6.61
Second round15 3.30 4.40
4.27      3.30      4.57      4.35      4.92
First round9 2.74 3.78
4.45      2.74      3.99      2.91      4.76
Rodenpois Open 2023Final4 2.60 3.59
3.90      3.69      2.60      4.93      3.18
First round7 3.95 4.52
3.95      4.26      5.39      3.97      5.34
Puriminx B 2023Final11 4.68 5.20
4.75      5.67      5.40      5.44      4.68
Second round12 3.11 5.16
6.48      4.61      4.73      3.11      6.14
First round7 3.11 4.27
7.24      3.11      5.62      3.24      3.94
Kubsala Winter 2023Second round37 3.34 4.17
4.25      3.34      3.48      4.78      7.28
First round32 3.07 3.85
3.25      3.48      4.83      6.06      3.07
Kubiat HaGalil B 2022First round73 6.19 8.30
6.31      9.21      9.38      11.38     6.19
4x4x4 Cube
Kārķi Open 2024Final5 39.11 43.86
44.55     39.11     51.89     41.34     45.68
First round5 42.39 43.98
44.45     42.57     45.23     44.91     42.39
WCA European Championship 2024First round417 44.27 47.41
44.27     44.78     50.71     55.77     46.74
Cubing for Yuval 2023First round28 44.84 51.67
52.73     52.92     49.77     44.84     52.51
Tallinn Open 2023Second round15 54.19 55.18
54.51     56.09     54.19     54.95     1:00.40
First round12 48.42 53.79
59.42     1:02.54   51.51     48.42     50.45
Rodenpois Open 2023Final12 53.27 1:00.59
54.48     57.35     1:12.18   1:09.93   53.27
Kubsala Winter 2023Second round70 58.20 1:15.41
1:20.37   1:14.84   58.20     1:16.61   1:14.78
First round52 57.15 1:02.02
1:09.64   1:06.15   1:02.07   57.15     57.84
5x5x5 Cube
Kārķi Open 2024Final5 1:16.59 1:21.80
1:21.80   1:24.69   1:16.59   1:34.75   1:18.92
First round5 1:17.74 1:23.19
1:25.87   1:18.95   1:17.74   1:26.22   1:24.75
Rodenpois Open 2023Final11 1:51.28 1:57.92
2:17.48   2:08.45   1:53.54   1:51.28   1:51.78
Kubiat HaNegev A 2023First round11 1:44.28 1:48.33
1:46.83   1:44.28   1:46.59   2:05.65   1:51.57
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Cubing for Yuval 2023First round30 5:39.73 DNF
DNF       5:39.73   DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Mega FMC Party Israel 2023Final9 44 46.67
48        48        44
3x3x3 One-Handed
Kārķi Open 2024Final3 12.90 16.16
17.07     13.68     18.81     17.72     12.90
First round2 14.83 16.02
14.93     16.52     14.83     16.62     21.17
WCA European Championship 2024First round153 15.69 16.90
16.68     18.40     16.47     15.69     17.54
Cubing for Yuval 2023Second round24 17.42 19.20
20.24     17.42     18.12     22.40     19.24
First round9 15.57 16.35
18.90     15.57     16.43     16.45     16.18
Tallinn Open 2023Final8 18.75 21.06
20.16     22.36     18.75     20.66     25.63
First round7 18.54 20.11
19.36     20.28     20.69     23.09     18.54
Rodenpois Open 2023Final10 19.65 24.18
23.65     24.32     26.31     24.58     19.65
First round9 19.00 23.37
24.03     23.20     23.60     23.31     19.00
Kubiat HaNegev A 2023Final8 18.26 21.99
24.52     18.26     22.06     21.89     22.01
Second round10 19.14 22.31
21.98     19.14     23.90     21.04     28.66
First round9 16.51 22.72
25.52     20.83     16.51     29.92     21.82
Kubsala Winter 2023Final48 28.45 31.35
47.26     30.73     28.45     31.46     31.85
Kārķi Open 2024Final4 5.98 7.52
7.33      5.98      DNF       7.88      7.34
First round2 5.34 7.97
5.34      7.24      8.36      8.57      8.32
WCA European Championship 2024First round132 6.86 7.38
7.70      7.31      7.12      DNF       6.86
C.S.M. Israel 2024Final3 5.34 6.37
6.95      5.34      5.66      DNF       6.50
Second round7 6.10 7.73
7.88      6.10      8.20      8.00      7.30
First round4 6.73 7.16
6.73      7.30      8.28      6.90      7.27
Tallinn Open 2023Second round12 9.44 DNF
9.44      DNF       12.15     DNF       12.00
First round9 10.38 11.24
12.31     10.89     11.36     10.38     11.48
Mega FMC Party Israel 2023Final10 11.00 16.49
DNF       21.97     13.51     13.99     11.00
Kārķi Open 2024Final5 1:04.36 1:08.59
1:04.36   1:09.05   1:09.68   1:15.07   1:07.05
First round6 1:03.36 1:15.63
1:13.40   1:18.89   1:14.61   1:24.20   1:03.36
WCA European Championship 2024First round294 1:06.65 1:18.55
1:17.73   1:18.65   1:06.65   1:19.26   1:24.21
C.S.M. Israel 2024Final10 1:05.35 1:15.98
1:26.22   1:05.35   1:11.92   1:23.49   1:12.53
First round5 1:02.75 1:09.08
1:02.75   1:17.84   1:16.94   1:05.94   1:04.36
Tallinn Open 2023Final10 1:13.68 1:38.67
1:50.82   1:41.62   1:31.07   1:43.33   1:13.68
Mega FMC Party Israel 2023Final10 1:17.11 1:33.01
1:24.58   1:33.21   1:41.25   1:46.46   1:17.11
Kubsala Winter 2023First round29 1:27.80 1:44.79
1:47.56   1:46.13   1:27.80   1:57.03   1:40.67
Kārķi Open 2024Final1 2.68 3.01
3.71      2.68      3.50      2.80      2.73
Second round1 1.74 3.15
3.29      3.70      2.45      5.62      1.74
First round1 2.02 2.70
2.60      2.82      3.83      2.02      2.68
WCA European Championship 2024Second round30 2.11 2.98
3.25      3.02      2.68      4.63      2.11
First round59 2.26 3.43
2.93      2.26      2.80      5.29      4.57
CinemaCube Israel 2024Final2 1.69 3.08
4.28      1.69      3.32      3.30      2.63
First round2 2.46 3.26
2.46      3.26      3.92      2.61      5.46
Weekend Cubing C Israel 2024Final2 2.28 3.41
2.28      2.30      3.11      4.81      8.85
First round2 2.09 3.16
2.09      4.90      3.74      2.68      3.05
Israel Winter Open A 2024Final3 2.44 2.92
3.67      3.17      2.44      2.48      3.10
Second round2 2.16 2.89
2.47      3.48      2.72      3.94      2.16
First round4NR 1.07 3.48
4.38      1.07      2.67      3.70      4.08
Tallinn Open 2023Final3 2.61 4.22
6.98      4.93      3.12      2.61      4.60
Second round2 3.09 3.49
3.68      3.09      3.36      3.42      3.77
First round2 2.18 4.13
3.97      4.54      2.18      3.88      6.19
Rodenpois Open 2023Final5 3.19 4.29
DNF       3.19      4.12      3.23      5.53
First round1 2.66 3.17
4.45      2.76      2.66      2.94      3.80
Puriminx B 2023Final3 4.31 4.94
4.31      4.98      5.09      4.76      5.71
Second round4 4.17 4.47
4.48      4.17      5.45      4.65      4.27
First round4 3.99 4.86
4.64      5.47      5.67      3.99      4.48
Kubsala Winter 2023First round22 4.86 5.73
5.68      4.96      4.86      6.56      7.09
Kubiat HaGalil B 2022First round65 12.05 14.84
14.03     17.52     16.89     13.61     12.05
Kārķi Open 2024Final6 3.92 6.53
7.42      5.42      3.92      DNF       6.74
First round2 3.15 5.33
5.35      4.79      6.52      5.84      3.15
WCA European Championship 2024Second round95 3.67 5.00
5.61      3.67      5.09      6.64      4.29
First round80 4.19 4.42
4.23      4.30      4.74      5.08      4.19
Tallinn Open 2023Final6 4.65 6.04
6.35      4.66      DNF       4.65      7.11
First round3 3.43 4.95
3.43      4.51      5.79      4.55      5.82
Rodenpois Open 2023Final1 5.17 6.24
6.65      5.52      5.17      7.57      6.56
Kubsala Winter 2023Final10 3.09 5.93
4.69      3.09      6.15      7.36      6.96
NR Hanukkah: Sq-1 & Skewb 2022Second round16 5.29 8.67
7.34      5.29      DNF       12.34     6.33
First round15 5.86 8.74
11.92     8.99      10.75     5.86      6.49
Kārķi Open 2024Final3 14.67 18.67
41.65     19.84     19.20     16.97     14.67
First round3 16.20 18.76
18.68     16.20     17.91     19.70     21.44
WCA European Championship 2024First round195 16.35 18.42
16.35     20.20     24.13     16.53     18.52
Mike's Cubes 2024First round16 17.49 22.00
29.25     19.90     23.48     22.61     17.49
C.S.M. Israel 2024First round22 17.08 21.49
21.01     22.17     17.08     23.52     21.30
Tallinn Open 2023First round16 1:06.25
1:06.25   1:15.86
Kārķi Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 8.61 9.40
8.97      9.97      8.61      12.02     9.26
Second round2 8.07 9.13
9.82      8.61      8.07      12.50     8.96
First round2 8.48 9.48
10.36     9.93      8.58      9.94      8.48
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 2.36 3.98
4.10      3.56      2.36      5.44      4.27
Second round7 1.99 3.61
4.76      1.99      DNF       2.83      3.23
First round8 3.38 3.88
3.38      4.02      3.91      5.72      3.72
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 39.11 43.86
44.55     39.11     51.89     41.34     45.68
First round5 42.39 43.98
44.45     42.57     45.23     44.91     42.39
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:16.59 1:21.80
1:21.80   1:24.69   1:16.59   1:34.75   1:18.92
First round5 1:17.74 1:23.19
1:25.87   1:18.95   1:17.74   1:26.22   1:24.75
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 12.90 16.16
17.07     13.68     18.81     17.72     12.90
First round2 14.83 16.02
14.93     16.52     14.83     16.62     21.17
ClockFinal4 5.98 7.52
7.33      5.98      DNF       7.88      7.34
First round2 5.34 7.97
5.34      7.24      8.36      8.57      8.32
MegaminxFinal5 1:04.36 1:08.59
1:04.36   1:09.05   1:09.68   1:15.07   1:07.05
First round6 1:03.36 1:15.63
1:13.40   1:18.89   1:14.61   1:24.20   1:03.36
PyraminxFinal1 2.68 3.01
3.71      2.68      3.50      2.80      2.73
Second round1 1.74 3.15
3.29      3.70      2.45      5.62      1.74
First round1 2.02 2.70
2.60      2.82      3.83      2.02      2.68
SkewbFinal6 3.92 6.53
7.42      5.42      3.92      DNF       6.74
First round2 3.15 5.33
5.35      4.79      6.52      5.84      3.15
Square-1Final3 14.67 18.67
41.65     19.84     19.20     16.97     14.67
First round3 16.20 18.76
18.68     16.20     17.91     19.70     21.44
WCA European Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round246 9.39 10.04
9.65      10.62     9.84      DNF       9.39
First round245 8.33 9.72
8.81      10.20     8.33      10.14     12.41
2x2x2 CubeFirst round309 2.39 3.70
3.88      3.37      3.96      2.39      3.86
4x4x4 CubeFirst round417 44.27 47.41
44.27     44.78     50.71     55.77     46.74
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round153 15.69 16.90
16.68     18.40     16.47     15.69     17.54
ClockFirst round132 6.86 7.38
7.70      7.31      7.12      DNF       6.86
MegaminxFirst round294 1:06.65 1:18.55
1:17.73   1:18.65   1:06.65   1:19.26   1:24.21
PyraminxSecond round30 2.11 2.98
3.25      3.02      2.68      4.63      2.11
First round59 2.26 3.43
2.93      2.26      2.80      5.29      4.57
SkewbSecond round95 3.67 5.00
5.61      3.67      5.09      6.64      4.29
First round80 4.19 4.42
4.23      4.30      4.74      5.08      4.19
Square-1First round195 16.35 18.42
16.35     20.20     24.13     16.53     18.52
Mike's Cubes 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 9.96 10.64
10.38     12.10     10.48     9.96      11.05
First round6 7.69 9.06
9.20      8.87      9.11      10.21     7.69
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 3.18 3.50
3.18      3.24      3.52      3.73      3.93
Square-1First round16 17.49 22.00
29.25     19.90     23.48     22.61     17.49
C.S.M. Israel 2024
ClockFinal3 5.34 6.37
6.95      5.34      5.66      DNF       6.50
Second round7 6.10 7.73
7.88      6.10      8.20      8.00      7.30
First round4 6.73 7.16
6.73      7.30      8.28      6.90      7.27
MegaminxFinal10 1:05.35 1:15.98
1:26.22   1:05.35   1:11.92   1:23.49   1:12.53
First round5 1:02.75 1:09.08
1:02.75   1:17.84   1:16.94   1:05.94   1:04.36
Square-1First round22 17.08 21.49
21.01     22.17     17.08     23.52     21.30
CinemaCube Israel 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 9.57 10.38
9.57      11.66     9.77      9.70      15.91
First round8 8.92 9.62
8.92      9.17      10.27     9.42      11.94
2x2x2 CubeFinal15 2.02 4.06
2.02      4.44      4.52      3.58      4.15
First round11 2.96 3.20
3.08      2.96      3.04      4.84      3.49
PyraminxFinal2 1.69 3.08
4.28      1.69      3.32      3.30      2.63
First round2 2.46 3.26
2.46      3.26      3.92      2.61      5.46
Weekend Cubing C Israel 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 8.09 11.15
12.25     10.38     8.09      10.82     14.21
Second round4 9.37 9.91
11.68     9.37      9.53      10.49     9.72
First round6 9.39 9.62
10.51     9.39      9.81      9.63      9.41
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 2.03 3.79
2.03      4.55      3.24      3.73      4.39
First round10 2.52 4.23
5.31      3.89      2.52      4.10      4.70
PyraminxFinal2 2.28 3.41
2.28      2.30      3.11      4.81      8.85
First round2 2.09 3.16
2.09      4.90      3.74      2.68      3.05
Israel Winter Open A 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 7.65 9.15
9.21      7.65      9.24      11.28     8.99
Second round10 8.74 10.70
13.22     10.51     8.74      11.66     9.93
First round6 8.63 10.04
8.63      10.64     9.67      10.70     9.82
2x2x2 CubeSecond round14 3.43 4.36
4.54      3.63      4.91      5.88      3.43
First round10 2.57 3.86
4.57      4.45      4.20      2.57      2.94
PyraminxFinal3 2.44 2.92
3.67      3.17      2.44      2.48      3.10
Second round2 2.16 2.89
2.47      3.48      2.72      3.94      2.16
First round4NR 1.07 3.48
4.38      1.07      2.67      3.70      4.08
Cubing for Yuval 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final38 9.42 11.72
12.18     10.41     9.42      12.56     13.13
Second round22 8.96 10.40
9.32      11.95     9.92      8.96      DNF
First round24 10.48 10.88
10.48     12.64     11.01     11.03     10.60
2x2x2 CubeSemi Final21 2.76 3.66
3.35      5.22      2.76      4.29      3.33
Second round12 2.43 3.39
2.43      2.72      4.66      3.35      4.10
First round35 2.39 4.50
4.81      4.45      4.25      4.85      2.39
4x4x4 CubeFirst round28 44.84 51.67
52.73     52.92     49.77     44.84     52.51
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round30 5:39.73 DNF
DNF       5:39.73   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round24 17.42 19.20
20.24     17.42     18.12     22.40     19.24
First round9 15.57 16.35
18.90     15.57     16.43     16.45     16.18
Tallinn Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 9.77 10.79
10.62     12.16     9.77      10.27     11.48
Second round7 9.76 11.33
11.09     11.64     9.76      11.25     11.64
First round11 10.70 12.55
12.79     12.13     DNF       12.74     10.70
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 2.44 3.92
3.50      2.44      4.63      3.64      6.61
Second round15 3.30 4.40
4.27      3.30      4.57      4.35      4.92
First round9 2.74 3.78
4.45      2.74      3.99      2.91      4.76
4x4x4 CubeSecond round15 54.19 55.18
54.51     56.09     54.19     54.95     1:00.40
First round12 48.42 53.79
59.42     1:02.54   51.51     48.42     50.45
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 18.75 21.06
20.16     22.36     18.75     20.66     25.63
First round7 18.54 20.11
19.36     20.28     20.69     23.09     18.54
ClockSecond round12 9.44 DNF
9.44      DNF       12.15     DNF       12.00
First round9 10.38 11.24
12.31     10.89     11.36     10.38     11.48
MegaminxFinal10 1:13.68 1:38.67
1:50.82   1:41.62   1:31.07   1:43.33   1:13.68
PyraminxFinal3 2.61 4.22
6.98      4.93      3.12      2.61      4.60
Second round2 3.09 3.49
3.68      3.09      3.36      3.42      3.77
First round2 2.18 4.13
3.97      4.54      2.18      3.88      6.19
SkewbFinal6 4.65 6.04
6.35      4.66      DNF       4.65      7.11
First round3 3.43 4.95
3.43      4.51      5.79      4.55      5.82
Square-1First round16 1:06.25
1:06.25   1:15.86
Rodenpois Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 10.35 12.79
12.79     12.26     10.35     13.31     14.34
Second round10 9.31 11.53
11.31     12.99     12.58     9.31      10.70
First round9 9.46 11.24
12.52     12.14     9.46      10.75     10.84
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 2.60 3.59
3.90      3.69      2.60      4.93      3.18
First round7 3.95 4.52
3.95      4.26      5.39      3.97      5.34
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 53.27 1:00.59
54.48     57.35     1:12.18   1:09.93   53.27
5x5x5 CubeFinal11 1:51.28 1:57.92
2:17.48   2:08.45   1:53.54   1:51.28   1:51.78
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 19.65 24.18
23.65     24.32     26.31     24.58     19.65
First round9 19.00 23.37
24.03     23.20     23.60     23.31     19.00
PyraminxFinal5 3.19 4.29
DNF       3.19      4.12      3.23      5.53
First round1 2.66 3.17
4.45      2.76      2.66      2.94      3.80
SkewbFinal1 5.17 6.24
6.65      5.52      5.17      7.57      6.56
Mega FMC Party Israel 2023
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal9 44 46.67
48        48        44
ClockFinal10 11.00 16.49
DNF       21.97     13.51     13.99     11.00
MegaminxFinal10 1:17.11 1:33.01
1:24.58   1:33.21   1:41.25   1:46.46   1:17.11
Kubiat HaNegev A 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 10.68 12.84
12.89     13.34     10.68     13.27     12.36
First round7 11.13 11.68
11.38     13.39     12.44     11.13     11.22
5x5x5 CubeFirst round11 1:44.28 1:48.33
1:46.83   1:44.28   1:46.59   2:05.65   1:51.57
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 18.26 21.99
24.52     18.26     22.06     21.89     22.01
Second round10 19.14 22.31
21.98     19.14     23.90     21.04     28.66
First round9 16.51 22.72
25.52     20.83     16.51     29.92     21.82
Puriminx B 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 11.37 12.80
11.37     11.92     13.90     13.52     12.97
Second round9 11.70 13.07
11.86     15.02     11.70     13.79     13.55
First round11 12.54 13.67
12.54     13.82     12.88     14.31     15.08
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 4.68 5.20
4.75      5.67      5.40      5.44      4.68
Second round12 3.11 5.16
6.48      4.61      4.73      3.11      6.14
First round7 3.11 4.27
7.24      3.11      5.62      3.24      3.94
PyraminxFinal3 4.31 4.94
4.31      4.98      5.09      4.76      5.71
Second round4 4.17 4.47
4.48      4.17      5.45      4.65      4.27
First round4 3.99 4.86
4.64      5.47      5.67      3.99      4.48
Kubsala Winter 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round84 14.24 16.94
18.21     17.28     DNF       14.24     15.32
First round60 12.74 14.43
12.74     15.52     13.31     15.72     14.45
2x2x2 CubeSecond round37 3.34 4.17
4.25      3.34      3.48      4.78      7.28
First round32 3.07 3.85
3.25      3.48      4.83      6.06      3.07
4x4x4 CubeSecond round70 58.20 1:15.41
1:20.37   1:14.84   58.20     1:16.61   1:14.78
First round52 57.15 1:02.02
1:09.64   1:06.15   1:02.07   57.15     57.84
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal48 28.45 31.35
47.26     30.73     28.45     31.46     31.85
MegaminxFirst round29 1:27.80 1:44.79
1:47.56   1:46.13   1:27.80   1:57.03   1:40.67
PyraminxFirst round22 4.86 5.73
5.68      4.96      4.86      6.56      7.09
SkewbFinal10 3.09 5.93
4.69      3.09      6.15      7.36      6.96
NR Hanukkah: Sq-1 & Skewb 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 14.62 17.08
17.59     17.08     14.62     16.56     17.98
First round32 14.48 18.04
20.55     14.48     17.85     15.71     24.34
SkewbSecond round16 5.29 8.67
7.34      5.29      DNF       12.34     6.33
First round15 5.86 8.74
11.92     8.99      10.75     5.86      6.49
Kubiat HaGalil B 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round120 33.32 46.07
47.45     47.64     43.13     50.60     33.32
2x2x2 CubeFirst round73 6.19 8.30
6.31      9.21      9.38      11.38     6.19
PyraminxFirst round65 12.05 14.84
14.03     17.52     16.89     13.61     12.05

History of National Records

 NR 1.07Israel Winter Open A 2024First round
4.38      1.07      2.67      3.70      4.08
162024-08-23~25Kārķi Open 2024LatviaKārķi
152024-07-25~28WCA European Championship 2024SpainPamplona, Navarra
142024-05-26Mike's Cubes 2024IsraelPardes Hana - Karkur
132024-05-03C.S.M. Israel 2024IsraelBe'er Ya'akov
122024-03-24CinemaCube Israel 2024IsraelJerusalem
112024-02-17Weekend Cubing C Israel 2024IsraelMoshav Shilat
102024-01-11Israel Winter Open A 2024IsraelKiryat Ono
92023-10-01~02Cubing for Yuval 2023IsraelModi'in
82023-07-29~30Tallinn Open 2023EstoniaTallinn
72023-07-15Rodenpois Open 2023LatviaRopaži
62023-04-28Mega FMC Party Israel 2023IsraelKiryat Ono
52023-04-02Kubiat HaNegev A 2023IsraelBe'er Sheva
42023-03-07Puriminx B 2023IsraelKfar Tavor
32023-01-13~15Kubsala Winter 2023SwedenUppsala
22022-12-21NR Hanukkah: Sq-1 & Skewb 2022IsraelRa'anana
12022-10-13Kubiat HaGalil B 2022IsraelKfar Tavor