Personal Page

Jihan Kim (김지한)

Name: Jihan Kim (김지한)
Region: Republic of Korea
Competitions: 13
WCA ID: Jihan Kim (김지한)2022KIMJ10
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.07.23 - 2024.12.14
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube783144073912812.8514.90346391298670655/55
2x2x2 Cube3576634245983.164.5818710535133355/55
4x4x4 Cube42371652067054.331:05.3522899780947035/35
5x5x5 Cube4066268212092:22.252:39.0419081564540615/17

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Seoul Winter 2024First round121 14.80 16.97
15.99     20.28     14.80     19.11     15.80
Korean Championship 2024First round151 12.85 18.06
22.12     19.42     12.85     16.38     18.37
Seoul Open 2024Second round114 15.27 16.48
16.39     16.80     22.19     16.24     15.27
First round113 15.33 17.18
15.33     15.43     18.34     17.76     19.04
Korean Championship 2023First round96 14.31 14.90
16.35     14.36     15.55     14.78     14.31
WCA World Championship 2023First round877 14.05 17.83
19.12     16.09     18.27     14.05     19.31
Seoul Spring 2023First round102 15.01 16.48
16.38     19.68     17.50     15.01     15.56
KAIST Fall 2022First round81 16.02 19.35
19.12     16.02     20.06     18.88     23.35
Daegu Hot Autumn 2022First round65 18.18 19.52
19.25     18.18     19.80     19.51     21.61
Korean Championship 2022First round122 19.92 22.81
19.92     28.33     22.56     24.52     21.36
Seoul Summer 2022First round159 23.05 25.93
23.51     23.05     25.55     28.72     32.08
2x2x2 Cube
Seoul Winter 2024First round67 4.38 4.99
4.71      4.38      4.55      12.01     5.72
Korean Championship 2024First round101 4.78 5.87
4.93      7.86      4.78      8.99      4.83
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024First round53 4.16 5.20
6.61      5.50      4.16      4.40      5.69
Korean Championship 2023Second round49 4.62 5.31
9.20      4.68      6.00      4.62      5.24
First round42 4.36 4.58
4.69      4.47      4.58      4.91      4.36
Ansan Autumn 2023First round35 3.16 4.82
5.24      4.86      3.16      4.65      4.95
WCA World Championship 2023First round586 5.10 6.44
5.24      5.58      8.49      5.10      9.78
Seoul Spring 2023Final55 3.92 5.07
4.63      4.11      7.50      6.47      3.92
Daegu Hot Autumn 2022Final37 3.62 5.77
3.62      5.73      4.18      7.41      8.32
Korean Championship 2022First round78 4.55 6.58
6.77      7.33      4.55      6.55      6.41
Seoul Summer 2022Final68 5.10 6.16
5.10      5.43      5.69      8.45      7.36
4x4x4 Cube
Seoul Winter 2024First round103 1:01.68 1:08.92
1:05.82   1:01.68   1:22.73   1:13.29   1:07.64
Korean Championship 2024First round91 57.23 1:11.42
1:08.39   57.23     1:20.49   1:08.37   1:17.49
Seoul Open 2024First round76 54.33 1:05.35
1:19.31   54.33     1:01.71   1:10.75   1:03.59
Korean Championship 2023First round71 56.48 1:13.46
1:32.10   1:12.05   1:06.85   1:21.48   56.48
WCA World Championship 2023First round571 55.75 1:09.72
1:05.84   1:21.24   55.75     1:02.07   1:28.91
Daegu Spring 2023First round67 1:20.70 1:23.06
1:33.14   1:26.16   1:20.80   1:22.21   1:20.70
KAIST Fall 2022First round57 1:01.85 1:10.92
1:13.44   1:01.85   1:32.06   1:10.32   1:08.99
5x5x5 Cube
Korean Championship 2024First round93 2:29.91
2:29.91   DNF
Korean Championship 2023First round63 2:22.25 2:39.04
2:40.54   2:37.11   2:22.25   2:39.47   2:51.36
Ansan Autumn 2023First round58 2:36.66 2:50.38
2:50.90   2:36.66   DNF       2:50.57   2:49.66
Daegu Spring 2023First round59 2:57.20 3:16.34
3:11.24   2:57.20   3:19.60   3:18.18   3:45.44
Korean Championship 2024First round50 11.44 15.01
12.00     DNF       15.18     17.84     11.44
Ansan Autumn 2023First round42 13.64 19.09
27.60     13.64     16.35     16.97     23.95
Korean Championship 2024First round45 1:44.82 1:50.87
1:44.82   1:59.94   1:49.34   1:48.17   1:55.11
Daegu Spring 2023Final31 1:59.01 2:09.87
2:04.38   1:59.01   2:21.69   2:03.55   2:52.29
Korean Championship 2024First round76 8.72 12.97
DNF       8.72      9.39      17.74     11.77
Korean Championship 2023First round51 8.88 10.98
9.05      8.88      11.96     12.21     11.94
Seoul Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round121 14.80 16.97
15.99     20.28     14.80     19.11     15.80
2x2x2 CubeFirst round67 4.38 4.99
4.71      4.38      4.55      12.01     5.72
4x4x4 CubeFirst round103 1:01.68 1:08.92
1:05.82   1:01.68   1:22.73   1:13.29   1:07.64
Korean Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round151 12.85 18.06
22.12     19.42     12.85     16.38     18.37
2x2x2 CubeFirst round101 4.78 5.87
4.93      7.86      4.78      8.99      4.83
4x4x4 CubeFirst round91 57.23 1:11.42
1:08.39   57.23     1:20.49   1:08.37   1:17.49
5x5x5 CubeFirst round93 2:29.91
2:29.91   DNF
ClockFirst round50 11.44 15.01
12.00     DNF       15.18     17.84     11.44
MegaminxFirst round45 1:44.82 1:50.87
1:44.82   1:59.94   1:49.34   1:48.17   1:55.11
PyraminxFirst round76 8.72 12.97
DNF       8.72      9.39      17.74     11.77
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024
2x2x2 CubeFirst round53 4.16 5.20
6.61      5.50      4.16      4.40      5.69
Seoul Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round114 15.27 16.48
16.39     16.80     22.19     16.24     15.27
First round113 15.33 17.18
15.33     15.43     18.34     17.76     19.04
4x4x4 CubeFirst round76 54.33 1:05.35
1:19.31   54.33     1:01.71   1:10.75   1:03.59
Korean Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round96 14.31 14.90
16.35     14.36     15.55     14.78     14.31
2x2x2 CubeSecond round49 4.62 5.31
9.20      4.68      6.00      4.62      5.24
First round42 4.36 4.58
4.69      4.47      4.58      4.91      4.36
4x4x4 CubeFirst round71 56.48 1:13.46
1:32.10   1:12.05   1:06.85   1:21.48   56.48
5x5x5 CubeFirst round63 2:22.25 2:39.04
2:40.54   2:37.11   2:22.25   2:39.47   2:51.36
PyraminxFirst round51 8.88 10.98
9.05      8.88      11.96     12.21     11.94
Ansan Autumn 2023
2x2x2 CubeFirst round35 3.16 4.82
5.24      4.86      3.16      4.65      4.95
5x5x5 CubeFirst round58 2:36.66 2:50.38
2:50.90   2:36.66   DNF       2:50.57   2:49.66
ClockFirst round42 13.64 19.09
27.60     13.64     16.35     16.97     23.95
WCA World Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round877 14.05 17.83
19.12     16.09     18.27     14.05     19.31
2x2x2 CubeFirst round586 5.10 6.44
5.24      5.58      8.49      5.10      9.78
4x4x4 CubeFirst round571 55.75 1:09.72
1:05.84   1:21.24   55.75     1:02.07   1:28.91
Seoul Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round102 15.01 16.48
16.38     19.68     17.50     15.01     15.56
2x2x2 CubeFinal55 3.92 5.07
4.63      4.11      7.50      6.47      3.92
Daegu Spring 2023
4x4x4 CubeFirst round67 1:20.70 1:23.06
1:33.14   1:26.16   1:20.80   1:22.21   1:20.70
5x5x5 CubeFirst round59 2:57.20 3:16.34
3:11.24   2:57.20   3:19.60   3:18.18   3:45.44
MegaminxFinal31 1:59.01 2:09.87
2:04.38   1:59.01   2:21.69   2:03.55   2:52.29
KAIST Fall 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round81 16.02 19.35
19.12     16.02     20.06     18.88     23.35
4x4x4 CubeFirst round57 1:01.85 1:10.92
1:13.44   1:01.85   1:32.06   1:10.32   1:08.99
Daegu Hot Autumn 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round65 18.18 19.52
19.25     18.18     19.80     19.51     21.61
2x2x2 CubeFinal37 3.62 5.77
3.62      5.73      4.18      7.41      8.32
Korean Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round122 19.92 22.81
19.92     28.33     22.56     24.52     21.36
2x2x2 CubeFirst round78 4.55 6.58
6.77      7.33      4.55      6.55      6.41
Seoul Summer 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round159 23.05 25.93
23.51     23.05     25.55     28.72     32.08
2x2x2 CubeFinal68 5.10 6.16
5.10      5.43      5.69      8.45      7.36
132024-12-14Seoul Winter 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
122024-08-15~17Korean Championship 2024Republic of Korea경기도 수원시 (Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do)
112024-06-15Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
102024-01-06Seoul Open 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
92023-12-15~17Korean Championship 2023Republic of Korea대전광역시 (Daejeon)
82023-09-24Ansan Autumn 2023Republic of Korea경기도 안산시 (Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do)
72023-08-12~15WCA World Championship 2023Republic of Korea인천광역시 (Incheon)
62023-05-07Seoul Spring 2023Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
52023-04-15~16Daegu Spring 2023Republic of Korea대구광역시 (Daegu)
42022-11-20KAIST Fall 2022Republic of Korea대전광역시 (Daejeon)
32022-09-17Daegu Hot Autumn 2022Republic of Korea대구광역시 (Daegu)
22022-08-12~14Korean Championship 2022Republic of Korea경기도 안양시 (Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do)
12022-07-23~24Seoul Summer 2022Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)