Personal Page

Taebin Kim (김태빈)

Name: Taebin Kim (김태빈)
Region: Republic of Korea
Competitions: 14
WCA ID: Taebin Kim (김태빈)2022KIMT05
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.09.17 - 2025.02.09
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube2764803135929.5311.48128554705269114/115
2x2x2 Cube123217591142.213.9610786293718964/65
4x4x4 Cube26544161255145.4747.168532305019835/35
3x3x3 One-Handed20943321170319.6324.1311477439521635/35

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Anyang Haseyo 2025Second round47 9.95 11.48
11.05     10.55     9.95      12.85     14.15
First round52 9.86 12.10
13.15     10.54     17.30     9.86      12.60
Seoul Winter 2024First round82 12.58 13.54
15.89     12.87     12.58     14.57     13.17
Leicestershire Autumn 2024Final27 12.68 13.49
12.90     13.49     12.68     15.50     14.08
Second round33 13.14 15.24
16.07     16.24     15.82     13.82     13.14
First round25 11.08 12.98
11.08     12.40     15.96     12.36     14.19
Korean Championship 2024First round118 10.59 14.79
10.59     15.68     17.05     13.28     15.40
Busan Spring 2024Second round89 12.14 17.10
12.14     17.53     17.07     16.96     17.27
First round67 12.63 14.46
13.91     12.66     12.63     16.82     17.15
Vancouver Fall Fest 2023Second round18 10.25 12.32
12.62     10.71     13.64     10.25     14.05
First round25 11.68 13.57
11.68     11.75     18.62     14.48     14.47
Richmond Summer Open 2023Second round36 15.51 16.94
17.46     16.31     15.51     17.06     17.55
First round35 15.25 16.19
15.72     15.27     15.25     18.22     17.59
CubingUSA Nationals 2023First round597 12.84 14.87
18.58     13.92     15.67     15.01     12.84
Vancouver Pride 2023First round59 14.83 17.58
17.62     18.83     19.42     14.83     16.28
BC Spring Solving B 2023Second round35 15.06 18.74
19.30     16.74     20.53     20.17     15.06
First round35 14.17 18.14
16.79     18.97     24.75     14.17     18.66
Cubing on Par A 2023Second round25 11.81 17.18
18.17     16.80     16.56     11.81     19.15
First round29 15.61 18.51
17.27     18.45     15.61     19.80     19.93
KAIST Fall 2022First round60 9.53 15.14
DNF       14.64     15.67     9.53      15.12
Cubing SimCheong Open 2022Second round51 12.09 17.57
20.02     12.09     16.79     20.57     15.91
First round49 15.62 16.71
16.53     15.62     15.65     19.72     17.95
Daegu Hot Autumn 2022First round63 17.87 19.20
18.97     21.24     18.95     19.67     17.87
2x2x2 Cube
Seoul Winter 2024First round31 2.92 3.96
4.94      3.87      2.92      4.37      3.65
Leicestershire Autumn 2024Final20 4.67 5.68
4.85      4.67      6.94      5.48      6.72
Second round19 4.11 4.33
4.54      4.42      4.30      4.27      4.11
First round20 2.27 4.18
4.61      4.68      4.36      2.27      3.58
Korean Championship 2024Second round42 3.32 4.54
4.38      6.74      3.32      5.42      3.83
First round41 3.89 4.28
4.23      3.89      3.96      4.65      6.35
Richmond Summer Open 2023First round20 2.21 4.51
5.90      5.70      3.83      3.99      2.21
CubingUSA Nationals 2023First round555 4.03 5.41
5.45      4.03      4.30      7.81      6.47
Cubing on Par A 2023Final12 4.61 5.11
4.96      5.62      4.61      5.03      5.35
First round16 4.99 5.47
7.52      4.99      5.78      5.45      5.17
Cubing SimCheong Open 2022Second round21 4.44 5.39
5.99      5.93      4.44      5.09      5.16
First round19 4.80 5.71
DNF       5.23      6.55      4.80      5.35
Daegu Hot Autumn 2022Final29 4.57 5.28
14.19     5.35      4.57      4.64      5.84
4x4x4 Cube
Anyang Haseyo 2025First round43 45.47 47.16
49.22     45.73     47.81     47.95     45.47
Seoul Winter 2024First round53 45.59 50.08
55.94     47.19     51.01     45.59     52.03
Leicestershire Autumn 2024First round20 48.53 54.05
48.53     56.87     57.23     51.75     53.53
Busan Spring 2024Second round50 56.32 1:03.41
1:03.37   1:02.49   1:04.37   56.32     1:13.39
First round50 50.45 59.70
51.85     50.45     1:05.37   1:17.89   1:01.87
Richmond Summer Open 2023Final28 1:03.29 1:06.89
1:18.62   1:06.34   1:08.56   1:05.78   1:03.29
Vancouver Pride 2023Final38 1:02.24 1:13.10
1:18.50   1:25.54   1:08.23   1:12.56   1:02.24
3x3x3 One-Handed
Anyang Haseyo 2025First round32 19.63 24.13
26.52     25.29     19.63     24.68     22.41
Leicestershire Autumn 2024Final32 28.75 36.77
34.61     41.21     34.49     28.75     52.90
First round33 29.62 35.57
31.47     44.56     30.69     29.62     44.97
Busan Spring 2024First round54 24.90 37.35
36.36     36.91     24.90     38.79     50.78
Richmond Summer Open 2023First round38 33.89 47.12
1:03.20   48.54     49.85     42.97     33.89
Vancouver Pride 2023Final47 34.01 44.27
48.78     1:04.34   35.13     48.89     34.01
BC Spring Solving B 2023Final24 36.00 41.66
45.65     43.31     36.00     36.03     52.84
Vancouver Fall Fest 2023First round15 16.01 21.30
29.23     DNF       16.01     17.06     17.62
Busan Spring 2024First round33 5.90 8.69
8.69      10.55     6.83      15.12     5.90
Vancouver Fall Fest 2023First round14 7.39 8.42
8.38      9.01      12.24     7.87      7.39
Vancouver Pride 2023First round44 9.70 11.43
14.38     9.88      12.02     9.70      12.39
Vancouver Fall Fest 2023First round30 8.05 12.03
11.90     14.15     8.05      DNF       10.05
Vancouver Fall Fest 2023Final25 1:10.53 DNF
1:55.15   2:04.79   DNF       1:10.53   DNF
Anyang Haseyo 2025
3x3x3 CubeSecond round47 9.95 11.48
11.05     10.55     9.95      12.85     14.15
First round52 9.86 12.10
13.15     10.54     17.30     9.86      12.60
4x4x4 CubeFirst round43 45.47 47.16
49.22     45.73     47.81     47.95     45.47
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round32 19.63 24.13
26.52     25.29     19.63     24.68     22.41
Seoul Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round82 12.58 13.54
15.89     12.87     12.58     14.57     13.17
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 2.92 3.96
4.94      3.87      2.92      4.37      3.65
4x4x4 CubeFirst round53 45.59 50.08
55.94     47.19     51.01     45.59     52.03
Leicestershire Autumn 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal27 12.68 13.49
12.90     13.49     12.68     15.50     14.08
Second round33 13.14 15.24
16.07     16.24     15.82     13.82     13.14
First round25 11.08 12.98
11.08     12.40     15.96     12.36     14.19
2x2x2 CubeFinal20 4.67 5.68
4.85      4.67      6.94      5.48      6.72
Second round19 4.11 4.33
4.54      4.42      4.30      4.27      4.11
First round20 2.27 4.18
4.61      4.68      4.36      2.27      3.58
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 48.53 54.05
48.53     56.87     57.23     51.75     53.53
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal32 28.75 36.77
34.61     41.21     34.49     28.75     52.90
First round33 29.62 35.57
31.47     44.56     30.69     29.62     44.97
Korean Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round118 10.59 14.79
10.59     15.68     17.05     13.28     15.40
2x2x2 CubeSecond round42 3.32 4.54
4.38      6.74      3.32      5.42      3.83
First round41 3.89 4.28
4.23      3.89      3.96      4.65      6.35
Busan Spring 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round89 12.14 17.10
12.14     17.53     17.07     16.96     17.27
First round67 12.63 14.46
13.91     12.66     12.63     16.82     17.15
4x4x4 CubeSecond round50 56.32 1:03.41
1:03.37   1:02.49   1:04.37   56.32     1:13.39
First round50 50.45 59.70
51.85     50.45     1:05.37   1:17.89   1:01.87
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round54 24.90 37.35
36.36     36.91     24.90     38.79     50.78
PyraminxFirst round33 5.90 8.69
8.69      10.55     6.83      15.12     5.90
Vancouver Fall Fest 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 10.25 12.32
12.62     10.71     13.64     10.25     14.05
First round25 11.68 13.57
11.68     11.75     18.62     14.48     14.47
ClockFirst round15 16.01 21.30
29.23     DNF       16.01     17.06     17.62
PyraminxFirst round14 7.39 8.42
8.38      9.01      12.24     7.87      7.39
SkewbFirst round30 8.05 12.03
11.90     14.15     8.05      DNF       10.05
Square-1Final25 1:10.53 DNF
1:55.15   2:04.79   DNF       1:10.53   DNF
Richmond Summer Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 15.51 16.94
17.46     16.31     15.51     17.06     17.55
First round35 15.25 16.19
15.72     15.27     15.25     18.22     17.59
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 2.21 4.51
5.90      5.70      3.83      3.99      2.21
4x4x4 CubeFinal28 1:03.29 1:06.89
1:18.62   1:06.34   1:08.56   1:05.78   1:03.29
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round38 33.89 47.12
1:03.20   48.54     49.85     42.97     33.89
CubingUSA Nationals 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round597 12.84 14.87
18.58     13.92     15.67     15.01     12.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round555 4.03 5.41
5.45      4.03      4.30      7.81      6.47
Vancouver Pride 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round59 14.83 17.58
17.62     18.83     19.42     14.83     16.28
4x4x4 CubeFinal38 1:02.24 1:13.10
1:18.50   1:25.54   1:08.23   1:12.56   1:02.24
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal47 34.01 44.27
48.78     1:04.34   35.13     48.89     34.01
PyraminxFirst round44 9.70 11.43
14.38     9.88      12.02     9.70      12.39
BC Spring Solving B 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round35 15.06 18.74
19.30     16.74     20.53     20.17     15.06
First round35 14.17 18.14
16.79     18.97     24.75     14.17     18.66
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal24 36.00 41.66
45.65     43.31     36.00     36.03     52.84
Cubing on Par A 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 11.81 17.18
18.17     16.80     16.56     11.81     19.15
First round29 15.61 18.51
17.27     18.45     15.61     19.80     19.93
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 4.61 5.11
4.96      5.62      4.61      5.03      5.35
First round16 4.99 5.47
7.52      4.99      5.78      5.45      5.17
KAIST Fall 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round60 9.53 15.14
DNF       14.64     15.67     9.53      15.12
Cubing SimCheong Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round51 12.09 17.57
20.02     12.09     16.79     20.57     15.91
First round49 15.62 16.71
16.53     15.62     15.65     19.72     17.95
2x2x2 CubeSecond round21 4.44 5.39
5.99      5.93      4.44      5.09      5.16
First round19 4.80 5.71
DNF       5.23      6.55      4.80      5.35
Daegu Hot Autumn 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round63 17.87 19.20
18.97     21.24     18.95     19.67     17.87
2x2x2 CubeFinal29 4.57 5.28
14.19     5.35      4.57      4.64      5.84
142025-02-08~09Anyang Haseyo 2025Republic of Korea경기도 안양시 (Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do)
132024-12-14Seoul Winter 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
122024-09-28~29Leicestershire Autumn 2024United KingdomLutterworth, Leicestershire
112024-08-15~17Korean Championship 2024Republic of Korea경기도 수원시 (Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do)
102024-04-06~07Busan Spring 2024Republic of Korea부산광역시 (Busan)
92023-10-14~15Vancouver Fall Fest 2023CanadaVancouver, British Columbia
82023-08-05Richmond Summer Open 2023CanadaRichmond, British Columbia
72023-07-27~30CubingUSA Nationals 2023United StatesPittsburgh, Pennsylvania
62023-06-11Vancouver Pride 2023CanadaVancouver, British Columbia
52023-05-22BC Spring Solving B 2023CanadaCoquitlam, British Columbia
42023-04-22Cubing on Par A 2023CanadaVancouver, British Columbia
32022-11-20KAIST Fall 2022Republic of Korea대전광역시 (Daejeon)
22022-10-29~30Cubing SimCheong Open 2022Republic of Korea전라남도 곡성군 (Gokseong-gun, Jeollanam-do)
12022-09-17Daegu Hot Autumn 2022Republic of Korea대구광역시 (Daegu)