Personal Page

JiHwan Kong (공지환)

Name: JiHwan Kong (공지환)
Region: Republic of Korea
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: JiHwan Kong (공지환)2022KONG05
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.10.22 - 2024.04.07
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube37265281819310.2313.3924208905249867/70
2x2x2 Cube3246171230853.084.3915986452427724/25
4x4x4 Cube5729708289481:04.491:10.8026512881454317/17
5x5x5 Cube4406639228732:32.102:44.1819471576441721/22
6x6x6 Cube2723358139898:04.421/3
3x3x3 One-Handed29463351696022.5830.952118680423719/10

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Busan Spring 2024Second round82 13.98 16.42
16.92     15.49     19.52     13.98     16.86
First round86 10.32 16.30
12.98     10.32     19.66     16.96     18.96
Seoul Open 2024Second round101 12.20 15.81
12.20     14.23     20.35     12.85     22.25
First round76 11.99 13.71
15.91     12.55     11.99     14.43     14.14
Korean Championship 2023Second round68 10.23 13.56
11.99     15.69     10.23     14.51     14.18
First round80 12.55 13.99
14.47     12.98     DNF       14.52     12.55
Suncheon Fall 2023Semi Final47 11.19 13.39
11.19     13.92     12.95     13.29     17.82
Second round47 11.73 13.91
11.73     14.85     14.82     13.08     13.84
First round51 12.59 14.97
12.59     15.44     17.38     16.26     13.22
WCA World Championship 2023First round1135 15.93 DNF
17.39     15.93     DNF       16.06     DNF
Poway Summer Cubing 2023Final31 15.83 17.31
17.78     17.57     16.57     15.83     19.42
Second round25 12.06 14.41
13.04     14.16     12.06     17.91     16.03
First round35 13.68 16.63
16.62     13.68     17.41     18.13     15.85
Daegu Spring 2023First round84 15.11 16.40
23.01     15.11     17.05     16.85     15.30
2x2x2 Cube
Korean Championship 2023Second round44 3.92 4.93
10.25     3.92      5.28      4.83      4.67
First round36 3.08 4.39
4.93      4.02      5.99      3.08      4.23
Ansan Autumn 2023First round39 3.87 4.91
4.76      DNF       5.18      3.87      4.78
WCA World Championship 2023First round532 4.23 5.97
4.23      5.78      6.70      6.39      5.74
Daegu Spring 2023Final75 3.24 6.35
6.23      3.24      7.44      5.39      8.46
4x4x4 Cube
Seoul Open 2024First round81 1:04.49 1:10.80
1:12.76   1:04.49   1:12.79   1:06.86   1:13.63
Korean Championship 2023First round84 1:08.94 1:21.15
1:19.28   1:39.29   1:08.94   1:23.07   1:21.11
Poway Summer Cubing 2023First round31 1:22.53
1:22.53   1:49.65
Daegu Spring 2023First round77 1:26.74 1:44.89
1:26.74   1:54.41   1:45.66   1:56.96   1:34.60
5x5x5 Cube
Busan Spring 2024First round68 2:33.43 2:46.83
2:44.59   2:43.54   2:52.36   2:33.43   3:01.62
Korean Championship 2023First round67 2:54.41
DNF       2:54.41
Ansan Autumn 2023First round55 2:32.10 2:44.18
3:05.36   2:39.95   2:40.67   2:51.91   2:32.10
Daegu Spring 2023First round63 3:19.49 3:45.17
4:31.47   3:51.23   3:19.49   3:48.50   3:35.79
Please Big Cubes Korea 2022First round59 3:28.48 3:46.41
3:28.48   3:52.04   3:50.81   3:36.72   3:51.70
6x6x6 Cube
Daegu Spring 2023Final40 8:04.42 DNF
8:04.42   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Busan Spring 2024First round41 24.95 30.95
27.32     28.94     24.95     53.58     36.60
Korean Championship 2023First round48 22.58 31.44
22.58     28.83     38.73     DNF       26.77
Ansan Spring 2023First round55 28.00 31.10
30.95     DNF       29.48     28.00     32.86
Daegu Spring 2023Final60 3:47.97 4:47.38
3:47.97   4:37.23   4:41.94   5:52.18   5:02.96
Busan Spring 2024First round42 8.50 9.45
8.67      8.50      13.42     9.52      10.17
Korean Championship 2023First round48 7.14 10.38
10.57     12.58     14.58     7.14      7.99
WCA World Championship 2023First round501 7.60 15.61
9.47      28.99     14.55     7.60      22.81
Ansan Spring 2023First round44 8.30 10.91
14.33     9.00      22.32     8.30      9.40
Korean Championship 2023First round26 5.83 7.84
8.51      6.65      14.93     5.83      8.35
WCA World Championship 2023First round459 13.61 DNF
15.05     DNF       DNF       17.39     13.61
Poway Summer Cubing 2023First round45 17.46 22.07
20.83     21.21     24.40     24.17     17.46
Daegu Spring 2023Final66 13.87 16.95
16.66     34.64     15.23     13.87     18.96
Ansan Spring 2023First round65 19.13 23.28
19.13     21.12     DNF       23.64     25.08
Korean Championship 2023Final27 35.63 46.63
46.89     47.97     54.77     45.02     35.63
Poway Summer Cubing 2023First round25 47.50
DNF       47.50
Busan Spring 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round82 13.98 16.42
16.92     15.49     19.52     13.98     16.86
First round86 10.32 16.30
12.98     10.32     19.66     16.96     18.96
5x5x5 CubeFirst round68 2:33.43 2:46.83
2:44.59   2:43.54   2:52.36   2:33.43   3:01.62
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round41 24.95 30.95
27.32     28.94     24.95     53.58     36.60
PyraminxFirst round42 8.50 9.45
8.67      8.50      13.42     9.52      10.17
Seoul Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round101 12.20 15.81
12.20     14.23     20.35     12.85     22.25
First round76 11.99 13.71
15.91     12.55     11.99     14.43     14.14
4x4x4 CubeFirst round81 1:04.49 1:10.80
1:12.76   1:04.49   1:12.79   1:06.86   1:13.63
Korean Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round68 10.23 13.56
11.99     15.69     10.23     14.51     14.18
First round80 12.55 13.99
14.47     12.98     DNF       14.52     12.55
2x2x2 CubeSecond round44 3.92 4.93
10.25     3.92      5.28      4.83      4.67
First round36 3.08 4.39
4.93      4.02      5.99      3.08      4.23
4x4x4 CubeFirst round84 1:08.94 1:21.15
1:19.28   1:39.29   1:08.94   1:23.07   1:21.11
5x5x5 CubeFirst round67 2:54.41
DNF       2:54.41
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round48 22.58 31.44
22.58     28.83     38.73     DNF       26.77
PyraminxFirst round48 7.14 10.38
10.57     12.58     14.58     7.14      7.99
SkewbFirst round26 5.83 7.84
8.51      6.65      14.93     5.83      8.35
Square-1Final27 35.63 46.63
46.89     47.97     54.77     45.02     35.63
Suncheon Fall 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final47 11.19 13.39
11.19     13.92     12.95     13.29     17.82
Second round47 11.73 13.91
11.73     14.85     14.82     13.08     13.84
First round51 12.59 14.97
12.59     15.44     17.38     16.26     13.22
Ansan Autumn 2023
2x2x2 CubeFirst round39 3.87 4.91
4.76      DNF       5.18      3.87      4.78
5x5x5 CubeFirst round55 2:32.10 2:44.18
3:05.36   2:39.95   2:40.67   2:51.91   2:32.10
WCA World Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round1135 15.93 DNF
17.39     15.93     DNF       16.06     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round532 4.23 5.97
4.23      5.78      6.70      6.39      5.74
PyraminxFirst round501 7.60 15.61
9.47      28.99     14.55     7.60      22.81
SkewbFirst round459 13.61 DNF
15.05     DNF       DNF       17.39     13.61
Poway Summer Cubing 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal31 15.83 17.31
17.78     17.57     16.57     15.83     19.42
Second round25 12.06 14.41
13.04     14.16     12.06     17.91     16.03
First round35 13.68 16.63
16.62     13.68     17.41     18.13     15.85
4x4x4 CubeFirst round31 1:22.53
1:22.53   1:49.65
SkewbFirst round45 17.46 22.07
20.83     21.21     24.40     24.17     17.46
Square-1First round25 47.50
DNF       47.50
Daegu Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round84 15.11 16.40
23.01     15.11     17.05     16.85     15.30
2x2x2 CubeFinal75 3.24 6.35
6.23      3.24      7.44      5.39      8.46
4x4x4 CubeFirst round77 1:26.74 1:44.89
1:26.74   1:54.41   1:45.66   1:56.96   1:34.60
5x5x5 CubeFirst round63 3:19.49 3:45.17
4:31.47   3:51.23   3:19.49   3:48.50   3:35.79
6x6x6 CubeFinal40 8:04.42 DNF
8:04.42   DNF       DNF
MegaminxFinal60 3:47.97 4:47.38
3:47.97   4:37.23   4:41.94   5:52.18   5:02.96
SkewbFinal66 13.87 16.95
16.66     34.64     15.23     13.87     18.96
Ansan Spring 2023
ClockFirst round55 28.00 31.10
30.95     DNF       29.48     28.00     32.86
PyraminxFirst round44 8.30 10.91
14.33     9.00      22.32     8.30      9.40
SkewbFirst round65 19.13 23.28
19.13     21.12     DNF       23.64     25.08
Please Big Cubes Korea 2022
5x5x5 CubeFirst round59 3:28.48 3:46.41
3:28.48   3:52.04   3:50.81   3:36.72   3:51.70
102024-04-06~07Busan Spring 2024Republic of Korea부산광역시 (Busan)
92024-01-06Seoul Open 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
82023-12-15~17Korean Championship 2023Republic of Korea대전광역시 (Daejeon)
72023-10-29Suncheon Fall 2023Republic of Korea전라남도 순천시 (Suncheon-si, Jeollanam-do)
62023-09-24Ansan Autumn 2023Republic of Korea경기도 안산시 (Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do)
52023-08-12~15WCA World Championship 2023Republic of Korea인천광역시 (Incheon)
42023-06-18Poway Summer Cubing 2023United StatesPoway, California
32023-04-15~16Daegu Spring 2023Republic of Korea대구광역시 (Daegu)
22023-03-26Ansan Spring 2023Republic of Korea경기도 안산시 (Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do)
12022-10-22Please Big Cubes Korea 2022Republic of Korea경기도 안산시 (Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do)