Personal Page

Shawn Li

Name: Shawn Li
Region: China
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Shawn Li2022LISH01
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.08.13 - 2024.09.21
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube17695414152009.7911.57133184886163490/90
2x2x2 Cube20586787251633.194.20135263778114925/25
4x4x4 Cube9212683761139.8647.3586633097108420/20
5x5x5 Cube11003342103301:35.361:51.2811641376112597/7
7x7x7 Cube937251091897:00.571/1
3x3x3 One-Handed202558061565321.8524.82124464772173514/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
UMBC Fall 2024Second round38 11.39 12.17
13.11     12.02     11.39     13.04     11.45
First round51 12.57 14.30
16.33     14.14     16.17     12.60     12.57
Cubing at Carson 2024Second round34 10.91 11.60
11.01     12.85     10.91     10.94     14.45
First round40 11.64 13.61
16.84     12.06     13.48     11.64     15.30
Slow N Steady Spring 2024Second round50 11.60 14.98
13.00     17.86     21.95     11.60     14.08
First round35 10.71 11.57
10.71     15.72     10.96     12.57     11.17
UMBC Winter 2024Second round30 11.71 13.15
14.37     12.44     12.64     11.71     17.06
First round21 10.15 12.06
12.77     10.15     11.49     11.93     14.66
Cubing in the Lion's Den 2024Second round48 12.28 13.54
12.28     12.56     15.18     12.89     16.29
First round40 11.17 13.06
16.05     11.17     17.72     11.46     11.67
NoVa Cube Winter 2024Second round46 11.97 13.72
14.16     17.01     11.97     12.73     14.27
First round46 9.79 12.61
14.57     9.79      9.91      13.36     23.21
Potomac Spring 2023Second round36 13.20 14.66
15.18     15.73     13.52     15.29     13.20
First round40 12.81 15.35
12.81     16.33     15.97     13.74     19.31
Crystal City Fall 2022Second round17 13.15 13.98
16.20     14.91     13.28     13.74     13.15
First round17 12.41 14.58
17.50     12.41     15.01     14.93     13.80
Silver Spring Summer 2022Second round41 14.13 15.26
15.47     14.13     15.23     17.96     15.07
First round44 14.18 16.07
17.79     15.24     15.46     17.51     14.18
2x2x2 Cube
Cubing at Carson 2024First round25 3.47 4.20
8.62      4.29      3.53      4.79      3.47
Slow N Steady Spring 2024First round53 4.15 5.22
5.60      4.15      5.43      4.62      6.61
NoVa Cube Winter 2024First round66 4.61 5.70
5.62      5.62      4.61      9.60      5.87
Crystal City Fall 2022Second round17 3.43 5.11
6.96      5.60      5.13      3.43      4.59
First round17 3.19 5.04
3.19      5.40      5.52      6.28      4.20
4x4x4 Cube
UMBC Fall 2024First round22 42.44 48.68
50.66     42.44     46.66     48.72     51.80
Cubing at Carson 2024First round24 39.86 47.35
48.59     50.96     53.89     39.86     42.49
UMBC Winter 2024First round25 45.89 55.76
1:00.77   45.89     1:02.73   54.06     52.46
Cubing in the Lion's Den 2024First round49 56.23 1:01.19
1:05.40   1:03.77   1:00.10   56.23     59.69
5x5x5 Cube
Slow N Steady Spring 2024Final30 1:35.36 1:51.28
1:53.67   2:08.65   1:51.39   1:48.77   1:35.36
Cubing in the Lion's Den 2024Final47 2:09.75
2:12.82   2:09.75
7x7x7 Cube
UMBC Winter 2024Final16 7:00.57
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Cubing at Carson 2024Final9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Slow N Steady Spring 2024First round21 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Cubing in the Lion's Den 2024Final25 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
NoVa Cube Winter 2024Final13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
UMBC Fall 2024Final36 25.37 28.62
29.78     26.29     29.80     25.37     33.17
Slow N Steady Spring 2024Final30 21.85 24.82
23.95     21.85     31.16     23.85     26.65
Potomac Spring 2023Final51 27.52 47.15
1:07.45   39.55     DNF       34.44     27.52
Cubing in the Lion's Den 2024Final66 DNF
DNF       DNS
NoVa Cube Winter 2024First round62 2:57.64
DNF       2:57.64
UMBC Fall 2024First round35 7.75 9.99
14.68     7.75      10.88     9.15      9.94
Crystal City Fall 2022First round21 7.83 10.19
10.69     9.25      13.23     10.62     7.83
Silver Spring Summer 2022First round32 7.71 9.39
13.46     7.71      9.68      8.98      9.52
UMBC Winter 2024First round71 15.49 19.45
24.05     21.59     17.17     19.59     15.49
Potomac Spring 2023Final60 17.51 22.89
24.07     20.40     24.20     17.51     36.68
Cubing at Carson 2024Final20 20.45 23.35
24.01     22.60     20.45     23.45     28.49
NoVa Cube Winter 2024First round27 19.32 23.45
32.88     22.92     22.23     25.21     19.32
Potomac Spring 2023First round27 31.20 46.34
52.52     31.20     44.70     56.61     41.79
UMBC Fall 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round38 11.39 12.17
13.11     12.02     11.39     13.04     11.45
First round51 12.57 14.30
16.33     14.14     16.17     12.60     12.57
4x4x4 CubeFirst round22 42.44 48.68
50.66     42.44     46.66     48.72     51.80
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal36 25.37 28.62
29.78     26.29     29.80     25.37     33.17
PyraminxFirst round35 7.75 9.99
14.68     7.75      10.88     9.15      9.94
Cubing at Carson 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round34 10.91 11.60
11.01     12.85     10.91     10.94     14.45
First round40 11.64 13.61
16.84     12.06     13.48     11.64     15.30
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 3.47 4.20
8.62      4.29      3.53      4.79      3.47
4x4x4 CubeFirst round24 39.86 47.35
48.59     50.96     53.89     39.86     42.49
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Square-1Final20 20.45 23.35
24.01     22.60     20.45     23.45     28.49
Slow N Steady Spring 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round50 11.60 14.98
13.00     17.86     21.95     11.60     14.08
First round35 10.71 11.57
10.71     15.72     10.96     12.57     11.17
2x2x2 CubeFirst round53 4.15 5.22
5.60      4.15      5.43      4.62      6.61
5x5x5 CubeFinal30 1:35.36 1:51.28
1:53.67   2:08.65   1:51.39   1:48.77   1:35.36
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round21 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal30 21.85 24.82
23.95     21.85     31.16     23.85     26.65
UMBC Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 11.71 13.15
14.37     12.44     12.64     11.71     17.06
First round21 10.15 12.06
12.77     10.15     11.49     11.93     14.66
4x4x4 CubeFirst round25 45.89 55.76
1:00.77   45.89     1:02.73   54.06     52.46
7x7x7 CubeFinal16 7:00.57
SkewbFirst round71 15.49 19.45
24.05     21.59     17.17     19.59     15.49
Cubing in the Lion's Den 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round48 12.28 13.54
12.28     12.56     15.18     12.89     16.29
First round40 11.17 13.06
16.05     11.17     17.72     11.46     11.67
4x4x4 CubeFirst round49 56.23 1:01.19
1:05.40   1:03.77   1:00.10   56.23     59.69
5x5x5 CubeFinal47 2:09.75
2:12.82   2:09.75
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal25 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
MegaminxFinal66 DNF
DNF       DNS
NoVa Cube Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round46 11.97 13.72
14.16     17.01     11.97     12.73     14.27
First round46 9.79 12.61
14.57     9.79      9.91      13.36     23.21
2x2x2 CubeFirst round66 4.61 5.70
5.62      5.62      4.61      9.60      5.87
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
MegaminxFirst round62 2:57.64
DNF       2:57.64
Square-1First round27 19.32 23.45
32.88     22.92     22.23     25.21     19.32
Potomac Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 13.20 14.66
15.18     15.73     13.52     15.29     13.20
First round40 12.81 15.35
12.81     16.33     15.97     13.74     19.31
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal51 27.52 47.15
1:07.45   39.55     DNF       34.44     27.52
SkewbFinal60 17.51 22.89
24.07     20.40     24.20     17.51     36.68
Square-1First round27 31.20 46.34
52.52     31.20     44.70     56.61     41.79
Crystal City Fall 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 13.15 13.98
16.20     14.91     13.28     13.74     13.15
First round17 12.41 14.58
17.50     12.41     15.01     14.93     13.80
2x2x2 CubeSecond round17 3.43 5.11
6.96      5.60      5.13      3.43      4.59
First round17 3.19 5.04
3.19      5.40      5.52      6.28      4.20
PyraminxFirst round21 7.83 10.19
10.69     9.25      13.23     10.62     7.83
Silver Spring Summer 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round41 14.13 15.26
15.47     14.13     15.23     17.96     15.07
First round44 14.18 16.07
17.79     15.24     15.46     17.51     14.18
PyraminxFirst round32 7.71 9.39
13.46     7.71      9.68      8.98      9.52
92024-09-21UMBC Fall 2024United StatesCatonsville, Maryland
82024-05-04Cubing at Carson 2024United StatesHerndon, Virginia
72024-04-13~14Slow N Steady Spring 2024United StatesCollege Park, Maryland
62024-03-02UMBC Winter 2024United StatesCatonsville, Maryland
52024-02-10Cubing in the Lion's Den 2024United StatesEllicott City, Maryland
42024-02-03NoVa Cube Winter 2024United StatesFairfax, Virginia
32023-04-01Potomac Spring 2023United StatesPotomac, Maryland
22022-12-03Crystal City Fall 2022United StatesArlington, Virginia
12022-08-13Silver Spring Summer 2022United StatesSilver Spring, Maryland