Personal Page

Rodrigo Loyola

Name: Rodrigo Loyola
Region: Mexico
Competitions: 11
WCA ID: Rodrigo Loyola2022LOYO01
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.07.16 - 2025.01.26
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube68189413520712.4014.0228425720855858/60
2x2x2 Cube74710960392963.916.00421691187479750/50
4x4x4 Cube51548651952152.981:03.2621430542957429/29
5x5x5 Cube6687134250852:45.734/4
6x6x6 Cube3623676120275:15.801/1
7x7x7 Cube3543245107808:57.471/1
3x3x3 Fewest Moves214189487785260.67481411131204/4
3x3x3 One-Handed66568022741828.8239.233134379417467/9

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Ruta Cubera Izcalli Clásico 2025First round42 13.38 14.02
13.56     17.36     14.24     14.26     13.38
Pony Open Morelia 2024First round31 13.58 16.07
13.58     14.41     19.16     14.65     DNF
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024Second round42 14.78 16.73
16.14     19.51     14.78     15.95     18.11
First round41 13.20 16.65
16.75     13.20     20.36     16.85     16.35
Puebla de Zaragoza Open 2024Second round42 12.40 17.27
18.80     17.28     12.40     15.73     23.27
First round38 14.99 15.32
15.84     20.27     14.99     15.01     15.11
Maxixcatzin Tlaxcala 2024First round56 12.76 16.54
15.26     12.76     20.00     14.37     DNF
Rubí Guanajuato 2024First round53 14.81 16.58
14.81     17.20     17.92     15.05     17.49
Cubing by the Cues 2024First round23 13.26 15.11
14.57     16.63     14.12     17.26     13.26
Mexican Championship 2023First round138 13.62 15.33
15.32     14.59     17.75     16.09     13.62
Bajío Open 2023First round26 16.63 18.58
23.60     18.87     18.78     18.10     16.63
Tunas Open 2022First round55 15.08 18.69
19.12     17.17     15.08     19.79     19.91
2x2x2 Cube
Ruta Cubera Izcalli Clásico 2025First round57 5.34 6.12
14.19     5.34      5.57      6.75      6.04
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024First round50 6.10 7.53
9.77      6.15      6.10      9.59      6.86
Puebla de Zaragoza Open 2024Second round30 5.14 6.00
5.41      6.37      6.85      6.22      5.14
First round54 6.95 9.44
12.85     16.78     6.95      7.76      7.70
Maxixcatzin Tlaxcala 2024First round56 3.91 6.56
7.39      3.91      6.98      7.70      5.30
Rubí Guanajuato 2024First round46 5.30 6.25
6.03      5.30      11.40     5.95      6.78
Cubing by the Cues 2024First round37 5.86 8.23
7.72      12.74     8.65      5.86      8.32
Mexican Championship 2023First round151 6.01 7.00
6.97      14.46     6.17      7.87      6.01
Bajío Open 2023First round33 5.32 7.29
6.55      5.32      8.18      7.15      21.43
Tunas Open 2022First round58 8.71 9.82
20.41     9.58      8.71      9.39      10.50
4x4x4 Cube
Pony Open Morelia 2024First round26 54.79 1:03.26
1:03.28   54.79     1:05.17   1:07.58   1:01.32
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024First round36 58.09 1:05.39
1:13.11   1:04.25   58.09     1:23.06   58.82
Puebla de Zaragoza Open 2024First round45 52.98 1:07.68
1:32.41   1:14.44   1:12.99   55.62     52.98
Maxixcatzin Tlaxcala 2024First round56 1:05.54
1:05.54   1:21.03
Rubí Guanajuato 2024First round51 1:02.47 1:08.57
1:09.76   1:15.12   1:02.47   1:03.43   1:12.53
Mexican Championship 2023First round165 1:15.96
1:28.49   1:15.96
Bajío Open 2023First round24 1:08.30 1:16.16
1:43.11   1:17.82   1:08.30   1:14.05   1:16.60
5x5x5 Cube
Maxixcatzin Tlaxcala 2024First round58 2:45.73
2:54.35   2:45.73
Rubí Guanajuato 2024First round50 2:47.74
3:11.87   2:47.74
6x6x6 Cube
Puebla de Zaragoza Open 2024Final35 5:15.80
7x7x7 Cube
Puebla de Zaragoza Open 2024First round37 8:57.47
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Ruta Cubera Izcalli Clásico 2025Final40 54 DNF
DNS       54        DNS
Don't DNF Querétaro 2024Final9 52 60.67
52        59        71
3x3x3 One-Handed
Ruta Cubera Izcalli Clásico 2025First round60 28.82 39.23
43.32     38.26     43.33     28.82     36.12
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024First round59 DNF
DNF       DNF
Rubí Guanajuato 2024First round55 53.52
53.52     1:10.80
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024First round25 13.74 15.12
14.54     14.77     16.04     DNF       13.74
Don't DNF Querétaro 2024First round19 16.02 25.16
16.02     35.60     21.66     18.21     DNF
Maxixcatzin Tlaxcala 2024First round45 19.04 22.75
39.76     28.95     19.04     19.76     19.53
Pony Open Morelia 2024Second round21 1:44.03 1:59.77
2:01.62   1:54.34   2:03.35   2:09.39   1:44.03
First round20 1:48.28 1:56.97
2:02.33   2:28.31   1:48.28   1:59.13   1:49.44
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024First round38 2:40.20
2:54.26   2:40.20
Maxixcatzin Tlaxcala 2024First round64 4:02.73
4:02.73   4:05.73
Pony Open Morelia 2024Second round16 9.01 9.94
9.24      10.93     DNF       9.65      9.01
First round18 7.84 9.23
8.16      12.64     7.84      10.61     8.93
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024Second round32 10.96 16.65
16.25     12.80     10.96     DNF       20.89
First round32 9.44 10.59
10.39     14.53     10.79     9.44      10.58
Cubing by the Cues 2024First round40 12.59 14.84
16.11     19.26     14.26     12.59     14.15
Bajío Open 2023First round28 12.32 13.82
13.65     14.35     13.98     12.32     13.83
Pony Open Morelia 2024Second round19 5.68 8.77
5.68      9.57      6.17      10.58     12.41
First round16 7.65 10.19
9.95      7.65      12.87     8.57      12.05
Puebla de Zaragoza Open 2024First round22 5.41 8.85
8.04      9.46      9.06      5.41      17.67
Don't DNF Querétaro 2024First round17 6.71 8.23
8.97      8.03      8.08      6.71      8.59
Cubing by the Cues 2024First round34 9.83 14.22
19.94     9.83      21.56     12.31     10.41
Bajío Open 2023Second round23 11.51 16.51
16.18     25.29     13.20     20.15     11.51
First round22 12.06 15.57
15.80     12.06     22.36     15.34     15.56
Puebla de Zaragoza Open 2024First round19 32.95 39.16
33.04     32.95     41.28     43.15     43.20
Ruta Cubera Izcalli Clásico 2025
3x3x3 CubeFirst round42 13.38 14.02
13.56     17.36     14.24     14.26     13.38
2x2x2 CubeFirst round57 5.34 6.12
14.19     5.34      5.57      6.75      6.04
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal40 54 DNF
DNS       54        DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round60 28.82 39.23
43.32     38.26     43.33     28.82     36.12
Pony Open Morelia 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round31 13.58 16.07
13.58     14.41     19.16     14.65     DNF
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 54.79 1:03.26
1:03.28   54.79     1:05.17   1:07.58   1:01.32
MegaminxSecond round21 1:44.03 1:59.77
2:01.62   1:54.34   2:03.35   2:09.39   1:44.03
First round20 1:48.28 1:56.97
2:02.33   2:28.31   1:48.28   1:59.13   1:49.44
PyraminxSecond round16 9.01 9.94
9.24      10.93     DNF       9.65      9.01
First round18 7.84 9.23
8.16      12.64     7.84      10.61     8.93
SkewbSecond round19 5.68 8.77
5.68      9.57      6.17      10.58     12.41
First round16 7.65 10.19
9.95      7.65      12.87     8.57      12.05
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round42 14.78 16.73
16.14     19.51     14.78     15.95     18.11
First round41 13.20 16.65
16.75     13.20     20.36     16.85     16.35
2x2x2 CubeFirst round50 6.10 7.53
9.77      6.15      6.10      9.59      6.86
4x4x4 CubeFirst round36 58.09 1:05.39
1:13.11   1:04.25   58.09     1:23.06   58.82
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round59 DNF
DNF       DNF
ClockFirst round25 13.74 15.12
14.54     14.77     16.04     DNF       13.74
MegaminxFirst round38 2:40.20
2:54.26   2:40.20
PyraminxSecond round32 10.96 16.65
16.25     12.80     10.96     DNF       20.89
First round32 9.44 10.59
10.39     14.53     10.79     9.44      10.58
Puebla de Zaragoza Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round42 12.40 17.27
18.80     17.28     12.40     15.73     23.27
First round38 14.99 15.32
15.84     20.27     14.99     15.01     15.11
2x2x2 CubeSecond round30 5.14 6.00
5.41      6.37      6.85      6.22      5.14
First round54 6.95 9.44
12.85     16.78     6.95      7.76      7.70
4x4x4 CubeFirst round45 52.98 1:07.68
1:32.41   1:14.44   1:12.99   55.62     52.98
6x6x6 CubeFinal35 5:15.80
7x7x7 CubeFirst round37 8:57.47
SkewbFirst round22 5.41 8.85
8.04      9.46      9.06      5.41      17.67
Square-1First round19 32.95 39.16
33.04     32.95     41.28     43.15     43.20
Don't DNF Querétaro 2024
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal9 52 60.67
52        59        71
ClockFirst round19 16.02 25.16
16.02     35.60     21.66     18.21     DNF
SkewbFirst round17 6.71 8.23
8.97      8.03      8.08      6.71      8.59
Maxixcatzin Tlaxcala 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round56 12.76 16.54
15.26     12.76     20.00     14.37     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round56 3.91 6.56
7.39      3.91      6.98      7.70      5.30
4x4x4 CubeFirst round56 1:05.54
1:05.54   1:21.03
5x5x5 CubeFirst round58 2:45.73
2:54.35   2:45.73
ClockFirst round45 19.04 22.75
39.76     28.95     19.04     19.76     19.53
MegaminxFirst round64 4:02.73
4:02.73   4:05.73
Rubí Guanajuato 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round53 14.81 16.58
14.81     17.20     17.92     15.05     17.49
2x2x2 CubeFirst round46 5.30 6.25
6.03      5.30      11.40     5.95      6.78
4x4x4 CubeFirst round51 1:02.47 1:08.57
1:09.76   1:15.12   1:02.47   1:03.43   1:12.53
5x5x5 CubeFirst round50 2:47.74
3:11.87   2:47.74
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round55 53.52
53.52     1:10.80
Cubing by the Cues 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round23 13.26 15.11
14.57     16.63     14.12     17.26     13.26
2x2x2 CubeFirst round37 5.86 8.23
7.72      12.74     8.65      5.86      8.32
PyraminxFirst round40 12.59 14.84
16.11     19.26     14.26     12.59     14.15
SkewbFirst round34 9.83 14.22
19.94     9.83      21.56     12.31     10.41
Mexican Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round138 13.62 15.33
15.32     14.59     17.75     16.09     13.62
2x2x2 CubeFirst round151 6.01 7.00
6.97      14.46     6.17      7.87      6.01
4x4x4 CubeFirst round165 1:15.96
1:28.49   1:15.96
Bajío Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round26 16.63 18.58
23.60     18.87     18.78     18.10     16.63
2x2x2 CubeFirst round33 5.32 7.29
6.55      5.32      8.18      7.15      21.43
4x4x4 CubeFirst round24 1:08.30 1:16.16
1:43.11   1:17.82   1:08.30   1:14.05   1:16.60
PyraminxFirst round28 12.32 13.82
13.65     14.35     13.98     12.32     13.83
SkewbSecond round23 11.51 16.51
16.18     25.29     13.20     20.15     11.51
First round22 12.06 15.57
15.80     12.06     22.36     15.34     15.56
Tunas Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round55 15.08 18.69
19.12     17.17     15.08     19.79     19.91
2x2x2 CubeFirst round58 8.71 9.82
20.41     9.58      8.71      9.39      10.50
112025-01-25~26Ruta Cubera Izcalli Clásico 2025MexicoEstado de México
102024-10-05~06Pony Open Morelia 2024MexicoMorelia
92024-09-14~15Salamanca Guanajuato 2024MexicoSalamanca, Guanajuato
82024-07-13~14Puebla de Zaragoza Open 2024MexicoPuebla
72024-06-29~30Don't DNF Querétaro 2024MexicoQuerétaro
62024-03-30~31Maxixcatzin Tlaxcala 2024MexicoSan Francisco Ocotelulco, Tlaxcala.
52024-02-10~11Rubí Guanajuato 2024MexicoSan José Iturbide, Guanajuato
42024-01-21Cubing by the Cues 2024MexicoQuerétaro
32023-12-14~17Mexican Championship 2023MexicoSan Luis Potosí
22023-11-18~19Bajío Open 2023MexicoSalamanca, Guanajuato
12022-07-16~17Tunas Open 2022MexicoSan Luis Potosí