Personal Page

Jakub Lučivjanský

Name: Jakub Lučivjanský
Region: Slovakia
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Jakub Lučivjanský2022LUCI02
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.06.04 - 2023.04.23
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube8796173789212.9915.823888497238724/25
2x2x2 Cube858197261813.335.192647578578828/30
4x4x4 Cube10311929418671:27.414/6

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Banská Bystrica Open 2023First round22 12.99 15.82
19.73     16.97     12.99     14.59     15.90
Lužice Open 2023Second round65 13.80 18.17
17.38     19.38     17.76     20.73     13.80
First round68 14.59 18.38
19.04     24.42     19.84     14.59     16.25
Bratislava Christmas Cubing 2022First round45 15.61 18.35
16.88     18.24     15.61     19.94     24.90
Cube4fun Jasło 2022First round74 27.89 31.47
28.14     33.03     27.89     33.23     DNF
2x2x2 Cube
Banská Bystrica Open 2023First round22 3.96 5.85
4.37      7.57      3.96      10.09     5.61
Lužice Open 2023Second round54 3.33 5.38
6.65      4.59      4.89      DNF       3.33
First round43 4.39 5.19
5.34      4.39      5.76      4.48      7.07
Bratislava Christmas Cubing 2022Second round40 5.52 6.85
5.52      8.84      6.11      5.60      DNF
First round41 3.80 6.92
4.78      6.14      14.81     3.80      9.84
Cube4fun Jasło 2022First round48 3.67 6.29
3.67      5.12      6.95      6.79      9.31
4x4x4 Cube
Banská Bystrica Open 2023First round26 1:27.41
DNF       1:27.41
Lužice Open 2023First round74 1:32.67
1:40.62   1:32.67
Bratislava Christmas Cubing 2022First round48 1:39.85
DNF       1:39.85
Banská Bystrica Open 2023Second round15 5.63 9.22
8.49      5.63      8.67      10.50     DNF
First round15 7.04 8.02
7.04      10.60     7.35      8.24      8.48
Cube4fun Jasło 2022First round47 9.23 11.47
14.99     9.23      12.79     10.96     10.65
Banská Bystrica Open 2023First round18 6.21 9.72
6.21      9.34      11.36     10.60     9.23
Lužice Open 2023First round26 7.26 9.26
17.00     10.64     9.01      7.26      8.12
Banská Bystrica Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round22 12.99 15.82
19.73     16.97     12.99     14.59     15.90
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 3.96 5.85
4.37      7.57      3.96      10.09     5.61
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 1:27.41
DNF       1:27.41
PyraminxSecond round15 5.63 9.22
8.49      5.63      8.67      10.50     DNF
First round15 7.04 8.02
7.04      10.60     7.35      8.24      8.48
SkewbFirst round18 6.21 9.72
6.21      9.34      11.36     10.60     9.23
Lužice Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round65 13.80 18.17
17.38     19.38     17.76     20.73     13.80
First round68 14.59 18.38
19.04     24.42     19.84     14.59     16.25
2x2x2 CubeSecond round54 3.33 5.38
6.65      4.59      4.89      DNF       3.33
First round43 4.39 5.19
5.34      4.39      5.76      4.48      7.07
4x4x4 CubeFirst round74 1:32.67
1:40.62   1:32.67
SkewbFirst round26 7.26 9.26
17.00     10.64     9.01      7.26      8.12
Bratislava Christmas Cubing 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round45 15.61 18.35
16.88     18.24     15.61     19.94     24.90
2x2x2 CubeSecond round40 5.52 6.85
5.52      8.84      6.11      5.60      DNF
First round41 3.80 6.92
4.78      6.14      14.81     3.80      9.84
4x4x4 CubeFirst round48 1:39.85
DNF       1:39.85
Cube4fun Jasło 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round74 27.89 31.47
28.14     33.03     27.89     33.23     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round48 3.67 6.29
3.67      5.12      6.95      6.79      9.31
PyraminxFirst round47 9.23 11.47
14.99     9.23      12.79     10.96     10.65
42023-04-22~23Banská Bystrica Open 2023SlovakiaBanská Bystrica
32023-03-04~05Lužice Open 2023Czech RepublicLužice
22022-12-16~18Bratislava Christmas Cubing 2022SlovakiaBratislava
12022-06-04~05Cube4fun Jasło 2022PolandJasło