Personal Page

Aiden Machet

Name: Aiden Machet
Region: United Kingdom
Competitions: 7
WCA ID: Aiden Machet2022MACH16
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.09.10 - 2024.05.26
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube278261295628.819.644991137013889/90
2x2x2 Cube7046970219303.024.2514119440248060/60
4x4x4 Cube92910323365641:14.971:19.2031286884284320/21
3x3x3 One-Handed24427261009518.7022.399048238821425/25

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Newcastle Tyneside Spring 2024Final19 11.31 11.97
11.31     13.21     11.87     11.50     12.55
Second round9 9.02 9.64
9.43      9.32      10.17     10.86     9.02
First round18 9.69 11.29
13.18     11.59     11.15     11.14     9.69
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round154 10.20 13.28
10.20     11.85     14.90     14.40     13.60
Edinburgh Summer 2023Final18 11.50 12.18
11.71     11.80     13.03     11.50     13.12
Semi Final15 9.38 11.34
12.20     10.38     9.38      11.45     14.38
Second round24 11.61 12.81
13.29     13.80     12.03     11.61     13.12
First round19 8.81 12.01
13.49     10.70     8.81      15.28     11.84
Glasgow Spring 2023Final11 10.01 11.86
12.02     13.65     12.87     10.69     10.01
Second round13 10.15 11.23
11.61     11.81     11.44     10.15     10.64
First round18 12.08 12.58
12.78     12.91     12.08     12.18     12.79
Edinburgh Spring 2023Final20 11.22 12.51
11.45     24.90     11.22     13.90     12.19
Second round38 11.88 14.55
13.39     14.12     DNF       11.88     16.14
First round35 12.73 14.18
24.09     13.99     12.73     15.38     13.16
Kewbz UK Championship 2022First round206 14.84 16.59
20.42     16.84     15.89     17.04     14.84
Wakefield Autumn 2022Semi Final66 18.85 24.74
24.15     27.22     29.00     18.85     22.86
Second round63 17.61 22.32
21.90     18.36     17.61     28.24     26.69
First round60 19.61 21.73
19.61     31.43     21.84     23.27     20.07
2x2x2 Cube
Newcastle Tyneside Spring 2024Final22 3.16 4.90
5.76      4.31      5.16      3.16      5.22
Second round22 4.08 4.69
4.84      5.20      4.08      4.59      4.64
First round19 3.60 4.25
5.26      4.48      3.60      3.99      4.27
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round160 3.24 4.91
4.79      6.88      4.72      5.23      3.24
Edinburgh Summer 2023Semi Final33 3.83 5.17
3.83      4.65      8.35      5.90      4.96
Second round31 4.01 4.98
4.01      6.73      5.39      5.16      4.39
First round27 3.44 4.83
3.95      4.56      3.44      7.77      5.99
Glasgow Spring 2023Final21 4.05 4.52
5.11      4.45      4.34      4.05      4.77
First round20 3.02 4.84
4.03      5.14      5.34      3.02      5.99
Edinburgh Spring 2023Final22 3.45 5.13
4.92      4.82      7.28      3.45      5.66
Second round40 4.35 5.60
8.24      5.70      5.35      4.35      5.74
First round23 4.56 5.16
5.58      4.56      7.29      4.91      5.00
4x4x4 Cube
Newcastle Tyneside Spring 2024First round54 1:34.24 1:39.00
1:44.56   DNF       1:35.38   1:34.24   1:37.05
Edinburgh Summer 2023Final45 1:28.93
1:39.17   1:28.93
First round46 1:18.43 1:28.73
1:49.15   1:18.43   1:42.64   1:19.65   1:23.91
Glasgow Spring 2023Final40 1:17.28
1:18.94   1:17.28
First round35 1:14.97 1:19.20
1:26.48   1:14.97   1:19.04   1:22.47   1:16.08
Edinburgh Spring 2023First round61 1:36.64
1:40.48   1:36.64
3x3x3 One-Handed
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round90 18.70 22.39
33.98     18.70     22.24     23.25     21.69
Edinburgh Summer 2023Final19 22.68 24.79
24.60     29.75     22.68     26.30     23.46
Second round18 22.57 24.76
22.57     25.86     31.12     22.76     25.66
First round19 20.46 26.14
31.21     23.12     28.19     27.11     20.46
Glasgow Spring 2023First round27 25.29 32.61
25.38     25.29     39.06     54.95     33.39
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round259 7.98 12.40
14.01     9.17      7.98      22.30     14.01
Edinburgh Summer 2023Second round69 13.14 17.71
14.11     13.14     14.61     DNF       24.41
First round70 6.44 14.05
19.27     31.11     8.61      14.26     6.44
Newcastle Tyneside Spring 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal19 11.31 11.97
11.31     13.21     11.87     11.50     12.55
Second round9 9.02 9.64
9.43      9.32      10.17     10.86     9.02
First round18 9.69 11.29
13.18     11.59     11.15     11.14     9.69
2x2x2 CubeFinal22 3.16 4.90
5.76      4.31      5.16      3.16      5.22
Second round22 4.08 4.69
4.84      5.20      4.08      4.59      4.64
First round19 3.60 4.25
5.26      4.48      3.60      3.99      4.27
4x4x4 CubeFirst round54 1:34.24 1:39.00
1:44.56   DNF       1:35.38   1:34.24   1:37.05
Rubik's UK Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round154 10.20 13.28
10.20     11.85     14.90     14.40     13.60
2x2x2 CubeFirst round160 3.24 4.91
4.79      6.88      4.72      5.23      3.24
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round90 18.70 22.39
33.98     18.70     22.24     23.25     21.69
PyraminxFirst round259 7.98 12.40
14.01     9.17      7.98      22.30     14.01
Edinburgh Summer 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal18 11.50 12.18
11.71     11.80     13.03     11.50     13.12
Semi Final15 9.38 11.34
12.20     10.38     9.38      11.45     14.38
Second round24 11.61 12.81
13.29     13.80     12.03     11.61     13.12
First round19 8.81 12.01
13.49     10.70     8.81      15.28     11.84
2x2x2 CubeSemi Final33 3.83 5.17
3.83      4.65      8.35      5.90      4.96
Second round31 4.01 4.98
4.01      6.73      5.39      5.16      4.39
First round27 3.44 4.83
3.95      4.56      3.44      7.77      5.99
4x4x4 CubeFinal45 1:28.93
1:39.17   1:28.93
First round46 1:18.43 1:28.73
1:49.15   1:18.43   1:42.64   1:19.65   1:23.91
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal19 22.68 24.79
24.60     29.75     22.68     26.30     23.46
Second round18 22.57 24.76
22.57     25.86     31.12     22.76     25.66
First round19 20.46 26.14
31.21     23.12     28.19     27.11     20.46
PyraminxSecond round69 13.14 17.71
14.11     13.14     14.61     DNF       24.41
First round70 6.44 14.05
19.27     31.11     8.61      14.26     6.44
Glasgow Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 10.01 11.86
12.02     13.65     12.87     10.69     10.01
Second round13 10.15 11.23
11.61     11.81     11.44     10.15     10.64
First round18 12.08 12.58
12.78     12.91     12.08     12.18     12.79
2x2x2 CubeFinal21 4.05 4.52
5.11      4.45      4.34      4.05      4.77
First round20 3.02 4.84
4.03      5.14      5.34      3.02      5.99
4x4x4 CubeFinal40 1:17.28
1:18.94   1:17.28
First round35 1:14.97 1:19.20
1:26.48   1:14.97   1:19.04   1:22.47   1:16.08
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round27 25.29 32.61
25.38     25.29     39.06     54.95     33.39
Edinburgh Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal20 11.22 12.51
11.45     24.90     11.22     13.90     12.19
Second round38 11.88 14.55
13.39     14.12     DNF       11.88     16.14
First round35 12.73 14.18
24.09     13.99     12.73     15.38     13.16
2x2x2 CubeFinal22 3.45 5.13
4.92      4.82      7.28      3.45      5.66
Second round40 4.35 5.60
8.24      5.70      5.35      4.35      5.74
First round23 4.56 5.16
5.58      4.56      7.29      4.91      5.00
4x4x4 CubeFirst round61 1:36.64
1:40.48   1:36.64
Kewbz UK Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round206 14.84 16.59
20.42     16.84     15.89     17.04     14.84
Wakefield Autumn 2022
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final66 18.85 24.74
24.15     27.22     29.00     18.85     22.86
Second round63 17.61 22.32
21.90     18.36     17.61     28.24     26.69
First round60 19.61 21.73
19.61     31.43     21.84     23.27     20.07
72024-05-25~26Newcastle Tyneside Spring 2024United KingdomNewcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear
62023-10-20~22Rubik's UK Championship 2023United KingdomCoventry, West Midlands
52023-07-15~16Edinburgh Summer 2023United KingdomEdinburgh, City of Edinburgh
42023-05-26~28Glasgow Spring 2023United KingdomGlasgow, City of Glasgow
32023-03-04~05Edinburgh Spring 2023United KingdomEdinburgh, City of Edinburgh
22022-10-28~30Kewbz UK Championship 2022United KingdomCoventry, West Midlands
12022-09-10~11Wakefield Autumn 2022United KingdomWakefield, West Yorkshire