Personal Page

Natalia Mendoza

Name: Natalia Mendoza
Region: Colombia
Competitions: 42
WCA ID: Natalia Mendoza2022MEND24
Gender: Female
Career: 2022.09.24 - 2024.08.04
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube96950116118015.4822.178335369761339342/350
2x2x2 Cube9604513577964.818.347862660541280182/190
4x4x4 Cube8974087522091:43.552:24.1344513375379819/71
3x3x3 Fewest Moves11573510571781/4
3x3x3 One-Handed9755010602231:29.943/6

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Villa del Rio Bogotá 2024Second round41 19.64 22.55
19.64     26.82     23.79     22.10     21.75
First round46 21.56 27.42
25.80     DNF       21.56     31.16     25.29
Avenida Chile XIII 2024Second round30 20.42 22.51
21.69     26.07     22.89     22.96     20.42
First round33 19.31 25.23
26.43     19.31     23.70     28.50     25.57
Fundación Ana y José Bogotá 2024Second round27 19.72 25.19
32.72     19.72     24.75     25.43     25.39
First round26 18.46 24.57
24.71     32.00     27.13     18.46     21.88
NxN Cali 2024Second round29 21.09 22.99
31.29     21.46     23.41     24.10     21.09
First round30 20.53 22.17
20.53     31.89     21.30     22.48     22.72
Avenida Chile XII 2024First round34 23.31 25.15
26.56     51.21     23.31     23.79     25.10
Monterrey Bogotá IX 2024First round19 21.09 25.02
25.11     29.48     23.71     26.24     21.09
Rubik's 50 Años Bogotá 2024Second round45 21.64 23.26
22.25     21.64     27.04     22.01     25.52
First round44 22.05 24.38
24.44     27.10     24.51     24.20     22.05
Avenida Chile XI 2024Second round41 21.24 24.29
28.31     21.24     27.30     22.80     22.77
First round38 21.06 22.40
23.44     21.06     21.26     27.41     22.51
Madrid Cundinamarca V 2024Second round17 21.33 23.78
21.33     27.27     25.05     23.75     22.55
First round19 19.68 26.09
25.40     25.96     26.92     38.87     19.68
Popayán 2024Second round19 19.83 23.27
24.20     23.06     19.83     26.21     22.54
First round19 20.64 24.07
25.40     22.45     20.64     30.38     24.37
Cali Vuelve 2024Second round25 21.88 25.78
29.89     23.23     31.02     24.21     21.88
First round25 19.19 25.09
26.34     19.19     27.75     29.78     21.19
Centro Mayor 2024Second round75 21.99 28.37
29.60     29.41     21.99     28.98     26.72
First round71 21.07 25.50
30.50     32.96     24.82     21.17     21.07
Maloka al Cubo Bogotá 2023Second round22 21.69 24.25
26.08     25.18     24.46     21.69     23.11
First round28 23.21 27.33
28.53     28.27     25.19     23.21     37.15
2x2 Cube Masters Bogotá 2023Second round25 19.71 27.00
29.34     30.75     29.39     22.26     19.71
First round26 24.76 29.67
43.73     28.43     24.76     31.97     28.60
Avenida Chile V Levels 2023Second round67 20.88 27.57
36.91     24.44     20.88     31.37     26.89
First round72 24.26 29.36
31.03     36.87     30.67     26.39     24.26
Sol & Luna Parte 2 Bogotá 2023Second round11 23.05 26.97
28.64     23.35     37.94     23.05     28.93
First round11 21.99 26.25
34.93     24.23     27.50     21.99     27.01
Sol & Luna Parte 1 Bogotá 2023Second round19 22.92 26.98
28.51     26.09     26.35     31.18     22.92
First round16 22.95 25.00
30.47     23.07     25.83     22.95     26.10
Avenida Chile IV Teams 2023Semi Final57 22.60 32.95
37.67     DNF       30.97     30.22     22.60
Second round44 15.48 24.31
25.96     25.69     21.28     15.48     29.04
First round54 27.88 30.30
38.51     28.92     28.38     33.60     27.88
Sum of Ranks Bogotá 2023Second round38 22.03 26.74
30.44     22.45     22.03     48.78     27.34
First round37 24.30 27.97
26.55     24.30     30.32     33.36     27.04
La Florida 2023Second round30 26.33 30.37
33.93     30.81     26.38     26.33     35.34
First round31 26.96 29.48
30.78     27.60     26.96     30.07     32.05
Delacuesta al Cubo 2023Second round19 22.03 24.85
26.01     24.32     22.03     25.12     25.11
First round22 23.60 26.20
26.59     29.06     26.30     23.60     25.72
Two Days Return Bogotá 2023Second round26 24.51 26.81
28.35     32.04     24.68     24.51     27.39
First round28 24.22 31.22
29.02     39.51     24.22     33.52     31.12
Avenida Chile II 2023Second round56 25.84 28.95
35.84     33.12     26.79     26.93     25.84
First round63 25.77 32.17
25.77     38.73     29.92     DNF       27.87
Lebrija 2023Second round21 23.90 29.33
34.81     23.90     31.01     32.50     24.49
First round20 22.29 26.95
22.29     24.95     31.46     28.26     27.63
Delacuesta Open 2023Second round25 24.13 28.35
26.82     24.13     29.84     DNF       28.39
First round20 23.51 25.18
23.51     25.04     27.38     25.32     25.18
Altavista Bogotá 2023Second round31 24.80 37.31
38.41     44.39     29.14     DNF       24.80
First round36 22.91 36.07
44.24     36.73     36.42     22.91     35.06
Madrid Cundinamarca 2023Second round37 29.08 32.87
29.08     35.33     31.94     31.35     37.55
First round37 24.27 30.18
24.27     27.73     33.23     37.35     29.59
Boyaquirá Tunja 2023Second round22 25.85 29.99
29.34     29.34     25.85     31.76     31.30
First round22 27.44 31.90
34.61     31.98     27.44     51.10     29.10
Belalcázar 2023Second round18 24.98 30.44
24.98     DNF       33.15     26.07     32.10
First round18 26.18 32.66
35.46     38.76     26.18     33.82     28.70
El Puente San Gil 2023First round18 30.19 32.81
32.03     35.36     31.76     30.19     34.63
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023First round58 28.52 34.98
28.52     34.60     46.16     33.91     36.42
Aves María 2023First round52 28.89 34.86
44.86     32.10     30.94     28.89     41.55
Sergio Arboleda 2023First round59 30.09 37.03
35.19     38.19     38.48     30.09     37.71
75 por Ciento Bogotá 2023First round76 30.07 32.53
30.68     30.07     33.84     41.28     33.06
Tunja 2023Second round32 28.94 35.93
30.00     1:16.12   28.94     42.60     35.19
First round35 33.49 42.08
46.02     35.64     44.92     33.49     45.69
Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2023First round48 29.29 34.98
31.70     39.33     29.29     36.98     36.27
Bibliopen II Cali 2022First round45 36.40 50.22
36.40     1:43.52   48.99     55.32     46.35
Duitama Open 2022First round25 37.80 44.18
43.69     41.90     46.95     DNF       37.80
Bucaramanga Cultural 2022First round42 35.00 43.02
49.09     37.37     42.61     DNF       35.00
Colombia Nationals 2022First round112 34.53 45.85
54.85     46.27     34.53     1:09.51   36.42
Tres en Línea Bogotá 2022First round86 46.19 51.93
54.01     57.56     53.69     48.09     46.19
2x2x2 Cube
Villa del Rio Bogotá 2024First round38 9.55 13.43
12.74     15.40     12.14     9.55      16.00
Fundación Ana y José Bogotá 2024First round27 6.39 10.37
7.42      12.20     11.48     12.81     6.39
NxN Cali 2024First round36 6.93 10.34
11.89     6.93      14.19     10.87     8.26
Avenida Chile XII 2024First round33 6.56 10.45
6.56      14.03     7.72      DNF       9.59
Monterrey Bogotá IX 2024First round18 7.59 12.51
14.07     14.31     7.59      10.33     13.14
Rubik's 50 Años Bogotá 2024First round53 10.84 13.85
16.19     12.31     10.84     18.39     13.05
Madrid Cundinamarca V 2024Final17 10.06 11.96
14.50     10.06     12.75     12.17     10.96
First round17 8.12 12.07
12.45     11.68     12.08     8.12      20.70
Popayán 2024First round27 9.61 13.43
15.57     11.71     9.61      17.88     13.01
Cali Vuelve 2024First round29 5.36 10.18
5.36      12.30     7.51      10.74     12.31
Centro Mayor 2024First round69 7.80 9.51
9.09      13.66     9.48      7.80      9.96
Maloka al Cubo Bogotá 2023First round14 6.32 8.34
6.32      9.41      8.30      9.78      7.30
2x2 Cube Masters Bogotá 2023Second round28 5.65 10.49
8.49      12.03     5.65      10.94     DNF
First round28 4.81 10.54
10.78     18.79     7.32      13.52     4.81
Avenida Chile V Levels 2023First round64 7.84 9.47
8.73      9.67      10.00     13.94     7.84
Sol & Luna Parte 1 Bogotá 2023First round18 10.10 12.24
10.82     11.19     14.70     10.10     15.34
Sum of Ranks Bogotá 2023Final41 9.84 12.87
14.92     19.36     9.84      12.17     11.53
La Florida 2023Final26 7.00 11.71
12.58     7.00      10.93     11.61     14.80
First round26 8.47 10.88
8.47      11.06     11.15     10.42     11.23
Delacuesta al Cubo 2023First round25 8.25 10.48
9.31      12.40     8.25      10.71     11.42
Avenida Chile II 2023First round59 6.54 11.72
9.67      6.54      18.06     13.64     11.84
Lebrija 2023Second round21 5.72 DNF
5.72      DNF       19.23     25.94     DNF
First round19 8.86 11.51
9.35      13.62     8.86      12.79     12.39
Delacuesta Open 2023First round36 11.12 15.75
13.45     11.12     13.07     22.37     20.72
Altavista Bogotá 2023First round29 6.25 11.11
6.25      9.86      13.83     11.30     12.16
Madrid Cundinamarca 2023First round35 9.73 12.14
13.83     9.73      16.32     11.08     11.51
Boyaquirá Tunja 2023First round25 8.87 12.76
11.74     14.16     15.30     12.39     8.87
Belalcázar 2023First round15 9.33 10.28
11.88     10.61     9.33      10.67     9.57
El Puente San Gil 2023First round36 11.80 DNF
11.80     DNF       16.83     16.55     DNF
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023Final54 8.52 12.96
8.52      13.75     11.17     14.14     13.95
Aves María 2023First round40 11.22 12.14
11.22     16.80     11.68     12.84     11.91
Sergio Arboleda 2023First round49 8.26 10.93
9.58      10.84     8.26      14.07     12.36
75 por Ciento Bogotá 2023First round56 5.94 10.18
11.68     DNF       9.46      9.40      5.94
Tunja 2023First round28 5.61 10.07
13.79     5.61      6.48      12.99     10.75
Bibliopen II Cali 2022First round34 11.29 12.20
11.83     11.49     13.28     14.13     11.29
Duitama Open 2022First round23 11.39 19.19
13.76     25.63     18.19     DNF       11.39
Bucaramanga Cultural 2022First round36 15.24 20.38
42.90     27.05     16.97     17.12     15.24
Tres en Línea Bogotá 2022First round64 14.44 19.24
21.88     14.44     19.43     28.54     16.42
4x4x4 Cube
Villa del Rio Bogotá 2024First round34 2:13.11 DNF
DNF       2:24.81   2:13.11   DNF       DNS
Avenida Chile XIII 2024First round21 1:46.46
DNF       1:46.46
Fundación Ana y José Bogotá 2024First round18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF
NxN Cali 2024First round27 1:54.91
DNF       1:54.91
Avenida Chile XII 2024First round24 DNF
DNF       DNF
Monterrey Bogotá IX 2024First round18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF
Avenida Chile XI 2024First round30 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF
Madrid Cundinamarca V 2024First round12 1:43.55 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:43.55   DNF       1:52.23
Popayán 2024First round13 1:54.26 2:24.13
2:11.85   DNF       1:54.26   2:16.09   2:44.44
Cali Vuelve 2024Final20 1:59.97
1:59.97   DNF
Centro Mayor 2024Final46 2:06.28
DNF       2:06.28
Maloka al Cubo Bogotá 2023Final12 1:52.08 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:52.08   DNF       DNS
First round12 1:56.38
DNF       1:56.38
Sol & Luna Parte 2 Bogotá 2023Second round12 2:21.31 2:37.14
2:26.92   2:21.31   2:47.54   DNF       2:36.95
First round14 3:24.55
DNF       3:24.55
Sol & Luna Parte 1 Bogotá 2023First round16 DNF
DNF       DNF
Sum of Ranks Bogotá 2023Final27 DNF
DNF       DNF
Delacuesta al Cubo 2023First round12 DNF
DNF       DNF
Pocos Cupos Bogotá III 2023First round17 DNF
DNF       DNF
Lebrija 2023First round13 DNF
DNF       DNF
Delacuesta Open 2023Final15 DNF
DNF       DNF
Belalcázar 2023First round11 DNF
DNF       DNF
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023Final45 DNF
DNF       DNS
Aves María 2023First round30 DNF
DNF       DNF
Tunja 2023Final26 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Sum of Ranks Bogotá 2023Final9 DNF
Pocos Cupos Bogotá III 2023Final17 78 DNF
DNF       78        DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
NxN Cali 2024Final27 1:29.94
1:29.94   DNF
Centro Mayor 2024Final60 DNF
DNF       DNF
2x2 Cube Masters Bogotá 2023First round25 1:45.12
1:59.35   1:45.12
Villa del Rio Bogotá 2024First round19 25.54 34.05
25.54     47.75     DNF       26.94     27.46
Avenida Chile XIII 2024First round16 22.69 29.96
35.50     25.16     30.49     34.24     22.69
NxN Cali 2024Final10 22.69 27.88
28.91     28.02     26.72     22.69     56.95
Monterrey Bogotá IX 2024First round14 27.82 32.75
DNF       36.69     33.29     27.82     28.28
Avenida Chile XI 2024First round25 29.24 46.86
DNF       1:07.90   29.24     35.32     37.37
Avenida Chile IV Teams 2023First round21 41.22
45.84     41.22
Sum of Ranks Bogotá 2023Final18 37.60
DNF       37.60
Delacuesta al Cubo 2023Final13 34.10 40.73
41.93     43.54     37.87     42.38     34.10
Pocos Cupos Bogotá III 2023First round19 DNF
DNF       DNF
Lebrija 2023First round11 52.45 59.19
DNF       52.45     55.48     1:00.53   1:01.55
Boyaquirá Tunja 2023First round12 59.99
DNF       59.99
2x2 Cube Masters Bogotá 2023First round18 DNF
DNF       DNF
Sum of Ranks Bogotá 2023Final16 DNF
DNF       DNF
Aves María 2023Final15 DNF
DNF       DNF
Tunja 2023Final15 DNF
DNF       DNF
Bibliopen II Cali 2022First round16 DNF
DNF       DNF
Villa del Rio Bogotá 2024First round18 10.96 11.55
30.14     12.42     10.96     11.14     11.08
Avenida Chile XIII 2024First round29 21.10 26.28
21.10     23.13     26.18     54.00     29.53
Fundación Ana y José Bogotá 2024First round33 15.25 18.97
19.61     39.96     18.46     18.85     15.25
NxN Cali 2024Final37 15.69 23.13
15.69     34.10     23.93     23.78     21.68
Avenida Chile XII 2024First round26 14.56 16.50
15.95     17.38     16.18     14.56     24.74
Madrid Cundinamarca V 2024First round15 13.38 19.32
15.65     17.16     25.14     13.38     25.43
Popayán 2024Final15 14.32 20.05
15.00     14.32     16.56     28.58     DNF
Cali Vuelve 2024First round32 12.64 21.79
29.78     19.89     22.38     12.64     23.10
Centro Mayor 2024First round52 11.21 15.91
27.90     17.85     12.95     16.94     11.21
Sol & Luna Parte 1 Bogotá 2023First round16 18.14 DNF
18.14     20.34     DNF       18.49     DNF
Avenida Chile IV Teams 2023First round49 9.58 18.30
9.58      37.79     17.67     14.80     22.43
Sum of Ranks Bogotá 2023Final27 13.30 15.88
17.29     13.30     15.51     14.85     19.65
Delacuesta al Cubo 2023First round20 11.20 18.17
22.82     11.20     16.75     36.85     14.93
Lebrija 2023First round23 19.07 23.98
26.86     19.07     22.63     22.44     40.34
Delacuesta Open 2023First round21 13.24 17.37
13.24     19.56     17.77     24.98     14.78
Altavista Bogotá 2023First round24 11.16 17.81
24.34     16.34     11.16     19.79     17.31
Madrid Cundinamarca 2023First round26 12.82 19.86
21.98     22.47     20.97     12.82     16.64
Boyaquirá Tunja 2023First round20 8.91 14.95
16.91     10.45     37.33     8.91      17.48
Belalcázar 2023First round13 12.42 16.91
23.61     17.62     12.42     15.33     17.77
El Puente San Gil 2023First round11 8.06 14.15
8.06      12.06     32.59     15.91     14.49
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023Final48 17.93
17.93     18.28
Aves María 2023First round32 13.08 15.89
13.32     14.15     20.19     13.08     DNF
Sergio Arboleda 2023First round30 8.63 12.49
13.79     11.41     8.63      21.37     12.26
75 por Ciento Bogotá 2023First round55 19.20
49.01     19.20
Tunja 2023First round24 15.98 23.53
15.98     27.94     24.88     20.97     24.74
Bibliopen II Cali 2022First round31 22.21 27.39
DNF       32.39     22.25     22.21     27.54
Duitama Open 2022First round15 15.57 19.13
18.38     15.57     18.23     20.78     DNF
Bucaramanga Cultural 2022First round27 16.20 29.38
16.20     24.06     DNF       35.54     28.55
Tres en Línea Bogotá 2022First round45 16.90 26.17
23.63     30.89     27.90     26.97     16.90
Fundación Ana y José Bogotá 2024First round18 18.29 24.86
26.09     21.78     18.29     26.71     34.89
NxN Cali 2024Final20 11.57 16.00
17.04     11.57     18.15     12.82     20.02
Cali Vuelve 2024First round16 16.34 22.87
29.41     16.34     57.87     20.97     18.23
Centro Mayor 2024First round47 22.55 26.57
26.50     22.55     25.91     27.31     31.58
Sum of Ranks Bogotá 2023Final21 10.27 24.25
21.40     10.27     36.42     24.08     27.26
La Florida 2023Final11 17.62 22.30
22.90     23.47     22.97     21.02     17.62
Pocos Cupos Bogotá III 2023First round22 12.34 25.56
DNF       12.34     46.52     12.50     17.65
Delacuesta Open 2023Final10 14.45 17.98
15.19     29.67     18.85     14.45     19.91
Madrid Cundinamarca 2023First round21 17.08 24.27
34.08     21.84     31.79     17.08     19.17
Boyaquirá Tunja 2023Final11 15.11 17.26
15.26     18.59     17.94     15.11     27.76
First round12 13.07 16.90
13.07     21.03     45.28     14.18     15.50
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023Final35 18.42
18.42     DNF
Sergio Arboleda 2023First round30 43.58
43.95     43.58
75 por Ciento Bogotá 2023First round44 18.50
18.50     26.31
Tunja 2023First round23 15.17 23.26
20.81     29.08     15.17     19.88     32.67
Bibliopen II Cali 2022First round27 21.22 27.43
26.00     28.69     28.80     21.22     27.59
Villa del Rio Bogotá 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round41 19.64 22.55
19.64     26.82     23.79     22.10     21.75
First round46 21.56 27.42
25.80     DNF       21.56     31.16     25.29
2x2x2 CubeFirst round38 9.55 13.43
12.74     15.40     12.14     9.55      16.00
4x4x4 CubeFirst round34 2:13.11 DNF
DNF       2:24.81   2:13.11   DNF       DNS
ClockFirst round19 25.54 34.05
25.54     47.75     DNF       26.94     27.46
PyraminxFirst round18 10.96 11.55
30.14     12.42     10.96     11.14     11.08
Avenida Chile XIII 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 20.42 22.51
21.69     26.07     22.89     22.96     20.42
First round33 19.31 25.23
26.43     19.31     23.70     28.50     25.57
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 1:46.46
DNF       1:46.46
ClockFirst round16 22.69 29.96
35.50     25.16     30.49     34.24     22.69
PyraminxFirst round29 21.10 26.28
21.10     23.13     26.18     54.00     29.53
Fundación Ana y José Bogotá 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 19.72 25.19
32.72     19.72     24.75     25.43     25.39
First round26 18.46 24.57
24.71     32.00     27.13     18.46     21.88
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 6.39 10.37
7.42      12.20     11.48     12.81     6.39
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round33 15.25 18.97
19.61     39.96     18.46     18.85     15.25
SkewbFirst round18 18.29 24.86
26.09     21.78     18.29     26.71     34.89
NxN Cali 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 21.09 22.99
31.29     21.46     23.41     24.10     21.09
First round30 20.53 22.17
20.53     31.89     21.30     22.48     22.72
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 6.93 10.34
11.89     6.93      14.19     10.87     8.26
4x4x4 CubeFirst round27 1:54.91
DNF       1:54.91
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal27 1:29.94
1:29.94   DNF
ClockFinal10 22.69 27.88
28.91     28.02     26.72     22.69     56.95
PyraminxFinal37 15.69 23.13
15.69     34.10     23.93     23.78     21.68
SkewbFinal20 11.57 16.00
17.04     11.57     18.15     12.82     20.02
Avenida Chile XII 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round34 23.31 25.15
26.56     51.21     23.31     23.79     25.10
2x2x2 CubeFirst round33 6.56 10.45
6.56      14.03     7.72      DNF       9.59
4x4x4 CubeFirst round24 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round26 14.56 16.50
15.95     17.38     16.18     14.56     24.74
Monterrey Bogotá IX 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round19 21.09 25.02
25.11     29.48     23.71     26.24     21.09
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 7.59 12.51
14.07     14.31     7.59      10.33     13.14
4x4x4 CubeFirst round18 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF
ClockFirst round14 27.82 32.75
DNF       36.69     33.29     27.82     28.28
Rubik's 50 Años Bogotá 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round45 21.64 23.26
22.25     21.64     27.04     22.01     25.52
First round44 22.05 24.38
24.44     27.10     24.51     24.20     22.05
2x2x2 CubeFirst round53 10.84 13.85
16.19     12.31     10.84     18.39     13.05
Avenida Chile XI 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round41 21.24 24.29
28.31     21.24     27.30     22.80     22.77
First round38 21.06 22.40
23.44     21.06     21.26     27.41     22.51
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF
ClockFirst round25 29.24 46.86
DNF       1:07.90   29.24     35.32     37.37
Madrid Cundinamarca V 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 21.33 23.78
21.33     27.27     25.05     23.75     22.55
First round19 19.68 26.09
25.40     25.96     26.92     38.87     19.68
2x2x2 CubeFinal17 10.06 11.96
14.50     10.06     12.75     12.17     10.96
First round17 8.12 12.07
12.45     11.68     12.08     8.12      20.70
4x4x4 CubeFirst round12 1:43.55 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:43.55   DNF       1:52.23
PyraminxFirst round15 13.38 19.32
15.65     17.16     25.14     13.38     25.43
Popayán 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 19.83 23.27
24.20     23.06     19.83     26.21     22.54
First round19 20.64 24.07
25.40     22.45     20.64     30.38     24.37
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 9.61 13.43
15.57     11.71     9.61      17.88     13.01
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 1:54.26 2:24.13
2:11.85   DNF       1:54.26   2:16.09   2:44.44
PyraminxFinal15 14.32 20.05
15.00     14.32     16.56     28.58     DNF
Cali Vuelve 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 21.88 25.78
29.89     23.23     31.02     24.21     21.88
First round25 19.19 25.09
26.34     19.19     27.75     29.78     21.19
2x2x2 CubeFirst round29 5.36 10.18
5.36      12.30     7.51      10.74     12.31
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 1:59.97
1:59.97   DNF
PyraminxFirst round32 12.64 21.79
29.78     19.89     22.38     12.64     23.10
SkewbFirst round16 16.34 22.87
29.41     16.34     57.87     20.97     18.23
Centro Mayor 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round75 21.99 28.37
29.60     29.41     21.99     28.98     26.72
First round71 21.07 25.50
30.50     32.96     24.82     21.17     21.07
2x2x2 CubeFirst round69 7.80 9.51
9.09      13.66     9.48      7.80      9.96
4x4x4 CubeFinal46 2:06.28
DNF       2:06.28
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal60 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round52 11.21 15.91
27.90     17.85     12.95     16.94     11.21
SkewbFirst round47 22.55 26.57
26.50     22.55     25.91     27.31     31.58
Maloka al Cubo Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 21.69 24.25
26.08     25.18     24.46     21.69     23.11
First round28 23.21 27.33
28.53     28.27     25.19     23.21     37.15
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 6.32 8.34
6.32      9.41      8.30      9.78      7.30
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 1:52.08 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:52.08   DNF       DNS
First round12 1:56.38
DNF       1:56.38
2x2 Cube Masters Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 19.71 27.00
29.34     30.75     29.39     22.26     19.71
First round26 24.76 29.67
43.73     28.43     24.76     31.97     28.60
2x2x2 CubeSecond round28 5.65 10.49
8.49      12.03     5.65      10.94     DNF
First round28 4.81 10.54
10.78     18.79     7.32      13.52     4.81
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round25 1:45.12
1:59.35   1:45.12
MegaminxFirst round18 DNF
DNF       DNF
Avenida Chile V Levels 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round67 20.88 27.57
36.91     24.44     20.88     31.37     26.89
First round72 24.26 29.36
31.03     36.87     30.67     26.39     24.26
2x2x2 CubeFirst round64 7.84 9.47
8.73      9.67      10.00     13.94     7.84
Sol & Luna Parte 2 Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round11 23.05 26.97
28.64     23.35     37.94     23.05     28.93
First round11 21.99 26.25
34.93     24.23     27.50     21.99     27.01
4x4x4 CubeSecond round12 2:21.31 2:37.14
2:26.92   2:21.31   2:47.54   DNF       2:36.95
First round14 3:24.55
DNF       3:24.55
Sol & Luna Parte 1 Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 22.92 26.98
28.51     26.09     26.35     31.18     22.92
First round16 22.95 25.00
30.47     23.07     25.83     22.95     26.10
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 10.10 12.24
10.82     11.19     14.70     10.10     15.34
4x4x4 CubeFirst round16 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round16 18.14 DNF
18.14     20.34     DNF       18.49     DNF
Avenida Chile IV Teams 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final57 22.60 32.95
37.67     DNF       30.97     30.22     22.60
Second round44 15.48 24.31
25.96     25.69     21.28     15.48     29.04
First round54 27.88 30.30
38.51     28.92     28.38     33.60     27.88
ClockFirst round21 41.22
45.84     41.22
PyraminxFirst round49 9.58 18.30
9.58      37.79     17.67     14.80     22.43
Sum of Ranks Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round38 22.03 26.74
30.44     22.45     22.03     48.78     27.34
First round37 24.30 27.97
26.55     24.30     30.32     33.36     27.04
2x2x2 CubeFinal41 9.84 12.87
14.92     19.36     9.84      12.17     11.53
4x4x4 CubeFinal27 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal9 DNF
ClockFinal18 37.60
DNF       37.60
MegaminxFinal16 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal27 13.30 15.88
17.29     13.30     15.51     14.85     19.65
SkewbFinal21 10.27 24.25
21.40     10.27     36.42     24.08     27.26
La Florida 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 26.33 30.37
33.93     30.81     26.38     26.33     35.34
First round31 26.96 29.48
30.78     27.60     26.96     30.07     32.05
2x2x2 CubeFinal26 7.00 11.71
12.58     7.00      10.93     11.61     14.80
First round26 8.47 10.88
8.47      11.06     11.15     10.42     11.23
SkewbFinal11 17.62 22.30
22.90     23.47     22.97     21.02     17.62
Delacuesta al Cubo 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 22.03 24.85
26.01     24.32     22.03     25.12     25.11
First round22 23.60 26.20
26.59     29.06     26.30     23.60     25.72
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 8.25 10.48
9.31      12.40     8.25      10.71     11.42
4x4x4 CubeFirst round12 DNF
DNF       DNF
ClockFinal13 34.10 40.73
41.93     43.54     37.87     42.38     34.10
PyraminxFirst round20 11.20 18.17
22.82     11.20     16.75     36.85     14.93
Pocos Cupos Bogotá III 2023
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal17 78 DNF
DNF       78        DNF
ClockFirst round19 DNF
DNF       DNF
SkewbFirst round22 12.34 25.56
DNF       12.34     46.52     12.50     17.65
Two Days Return Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 24.51 26.81
28.35     32.04     24.68     24.51     27.39
First round28 24.22 31.22
29.02     39.51     24.22     33.52     31.12
Avenida Chile II 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round56 25.84 28.95
35.84     33.12     26.79     26.93     25.84
First round63 25.77 32.17
25.77     38.73     29.92     DNF       27.87
2x2x2 CubeFirst round59 6.54 11.72
9.67      6.54      18.06     13.64     11.84
Lebrija 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 23.90 29.33
34.81     23.90     31.01     32.50     24.49
First round20 22.29 26.95
22.29     24.95     31.46     28.26     27.63
2x2x2 CubeSecond round21 5.72 DNF
5.72      DNF       19.23     25.94     DNF
First round19 8.86 11.51
9.35      13.62     8.86      12.79     12.39
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 DNF
DNF       DNF
ClockFirst round11 52.45 59.19
DNF       52.45     55.48     1:00.53   1:01.55
PyraminxFirst round23 19.07 23.98
26.86     19.07     22.63     22.44     40.34
Delacuesta Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 24.13 28.35
26.82     24.13     29.84     DNF       28.39
First round20 23.51 25.18
23.51     25.04     27.38     25.32     25.18
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 11.12 15.75
13.45     11.12     13.07     22.37     20.72
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round21 13.24 17.37
13.24     19.56     17.77     24.98     14.78
SkewbFinal10 14.45 17.98
15.19     29.67     18.85     14.45     19.91
Altavista Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 24.80 37.31
38.41     44.39     29.14     DNF       24.80
First round36 22.91 36.07
44.24     36.73     36.42     22.91     35.06
2x2x2 CubeFirst round29 6.25 11.11
6.25      9.86      13.83     11.30     12.16
PyraminxFirst round24 11.16 17.81
24.34     16.34     11.16     19.79     17.31
Madrid Cundinamarca 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round37 29.08 32.87
29.08     35.33     31.94     31.35     37.55
First round37 24.27 30.18
24.27     27.73     33.23     37.35     29.59
2x2x2 CubeFirst round35 9.73 12.14
13.83     9.73      16.32     11.08     11.51
PyraminxFirst round26 12.82 19.86
21.98     22.47     20.97     12.82     16.64
SkewbFirst round21 17.08 24.27
34.08     21.84     31.79     17.08     19.17
Boyaquirá Tunja 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 25.85 29.99
29.34     29.34     25.85     31.76     31.30
First round22 27.44 31.90
34.61     31.98     27.44     51.10     29.10
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 8.87 12.76
11.74     14.16     15.30     12.39     8.87
ClockFirst round12 59.99
DNF       59.99
PyraminxFirst round20 8.91 14.95
16.91     10.45     37.33     8.91      17.48
SkewbFinal11 15.11 17.26
15.26     18.59     17.94     15.11     27.76
First round12 13.07 16.90
13.07     21.03     45.28     14.18     15.50
Belalcázar 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 24.98 30.44
24.98     DNF       33.15     26.07     32.10
First round18 26.18 32.66
35.46     38.76     26.18     33.82     28.70
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 9.33 10.28
11.88     10.61     9.33      10.67     9.57
4x4x4 CubeFirst round11 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round13 12.42 16.91
23.61     17.62     12.42     15.33     17.77
El Puente San Gil 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round18 30.19 32.81
32.03     35.36     31.76     30.19     34.63
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 11.80 DNF
11.80     DNF       16.83     16.55     DNF
PyraminxFirst round11 8.06 14.15
8.06      12.06     32.59     15.91     14.49
All or Nothing Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round58 28.52 34.98
28.52     34.60     46.16     33.91     36.42
2x2x2 CubeFinal54 8.52 12.96
8.52      13.75     11.17     14.14     13.95
4x4x4 CubeFinal45 DNF
DNF       DNS
PyraminxFinal48 17.93
17.93     18.28
SkewbFinal35 18.42
18.42     DNF
Aves María 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round52 28.89 34.86
44.86     32.10     30.94     28.89     41.55
2x2x2 CubeFirst round40 11.22 12.14
11.22     16.80     11.68     12.84     11.91
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 DNF
DNF       DNF
MegaminxFinal15 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round32 13.08 15.89
13.32     14.15     20.19     13.08     DNF
Sergio Arboleda 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round59 30.09 37.03
35.19     38.19     38.48     30.09     37.71
2x2x2 CubeFirst round49 8.26 10.93
9.58      10.84     8.26      14.07     12.36
PyraminxFirst round30 8.63 12.49
13.79     11.41     8.63      21.37     12.26
SkewbFirst round30 43.58
43.95     43.58
75 por Ciento Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round76 30.07 32.53
30.68     30.07     33.84     41.28     33.06
2x2x2 CubeFirst round56 5.94 10.18
11.68     DNF       9.46      9.40      5.94
PyraminxFirst round55 19.20
49.01     19.20
SkewbFirst round44 18.50
18.50     26.31
Tunja 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 28.94 35.93
30.00     1:16.12   28.94     42.60     35.19
First round35 33.49 42.08
46.02     35.64     44.92     33.49     45.69
2x2x2 CubeFirst round28 5.61 10.07
13.79     5.61      6.48      12.99     10.75
4x4x4 CubeFinal26 DNF
DNF       DNF
MegaminxFinal15 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round24 15.98 23.53
15.98     27.94     24.88     20.97     24.74
SkewbFirst round23 15.17 23.26
20.81     29.08     15.17     19.88     32.67
Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round48 29.29 34.98
31.70     39.33     29.29     36.98     36.27
Bibliopen II Cali 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round45 36.40 50.22
36.40     1:43.52   48.99     55.32     46.35
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 11.29 12.20
11.83     11.49     13.28     14.13     11.29
MegaminxFirst round16 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round31 22.21 27.39
DNF       32.39     22.25     22.21     27.54
SkewbFirst round27 21.22 27.43
26.00     28.69     28.80     21.22     27.59
Duitama Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round25 37.80 44.18
43.69     41.90     46.95     DNF       37.80
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 11.39 19.19
13.76     25.63     18.19     DNF       11.39
PyraminxFirst round15 15.57 19.13
18.38     15.57     18.23     20.78     DNF
Bucaramanga Cultural 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round42 35.00 43.02
49.09     37.37     42.61     DNF       35.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 15.24 20.38
42.90     27.05     16.97     17.12     15.24
PyraminxFirst round27 16.20 29.38
16.20     24.06     DNF       35.54     28.55
Colombia Nationals 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round112 34.53 45.85
54.85     46.27     34.53     1:09.51   36.42
Tres en Línea Bogotá 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round86 46.19 51.93
54.01     57.56     53.69     48.09     46.19
2x2x2 CubeFirst round64 14.44 19.24
21.88     14.44     19.43     28.54     16.42
PyraminxFirst round45 16.90 26.17
23.63     30.89     27.90     26.97     16.90
422024-08-03~04Villa del Rio Bogotá 2024ColombiaBogotá
412024-07-21Avenida Chile XIII 2024ColombiaBogotá
402024-06-29Fundación Ana y José Bogotá 2024ColombiaBogotá, Cundinamarca
392024-06-22~23NxN Cali 2024ColombiaCali, Valle del Cauca
382024-06-16Avenida Chile XII 2024ColombiaBogotá
372024-06-09Monterrey Bogotá IX 2024ColombiaBogotá, Cundinamarca
362024-06-08Rubik's 50 Años Bogotá 2024ColombiaBogotá
352024-05-26Avenida Chile XI 2024ColombiaBogotá
342024-05-05Madrid Cundinamarca V 2024ColombiaMadrid, Cundinamarca
332024-03-17Popayán 2024ColombiaPopayán, Cauca
322024-03-16Cali Vuelve 2024ColombiaCali, Valle del Cauca
312024-02-04Centro Mayor 2024ColombiaBogotá D.C.
302023-12-03Maloka al Cubo Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá
292023-11-262x2 Cube Masters Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá
282023-11-19Avenida Chile V Levels 2023ColombiaBogotá
272023-11-12Sol & Luna Parte 2 Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá
262023-11-11Sol & Luna Parte 1 Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá
252023-10-22Avenida Chile IV Teams 2023ColombiaBogotá
242023-09-30~10-01Sum of Ranks Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá
232023-09-17La Florida 2023ColombiaFloridablanca, Santander
222023-09-16Delacuesta al Cubo 2023ColombiaPiedecuesta, Santander
212023-09-03Pocos Cupos Bogotá III 2023ColombiaBogotá
202023-08-26~27Two Days Return Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá, Cundinamarca
192023-08-13Avenida Chile II 2023ColombiaBogotá
182023-07-16Lebrija 2023ColombiaLebrija, Santander
172023-07-15Delacuesta Open 2023ColombiaPiedecuesta, Santander
162023-06-25Altavista Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá
152023-06-24Madrid Cundinamarca 2023ColombiaMadrid, Cundinamarca
142023-06-03Boyaquirá Tunja 2023ColombiaTunja
132023-05-06Belalcázar 2023ColombiaBelalcázar, Caldas
122023-04-16El Puente San Gil 2023ColombiaSan Gil, Santander
112023-03-26All or Nothing Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá
102023-03-19~20Aves María 2023ColombiaSabaneta, Antioquia.
92023-03-18Sergio Arboleda 2023ColombiaBogotá
82023-02-2675 por Ciento Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá
72023-02-25Tunja 2023ColombiaTunja
62023-02-12Regreso a Clases Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá
52022-12-03~04Bibliopen II Cali 2022ColombiaCali, Valle del Cauca.
42022-11-20Duitama Open 2022ColombiaDuitama, Boyacá
32022-11-19Bucaramanga Cultural 2022ColombiaBucaramanga, Santander.
22022-11-05~07Colombia Nationals 2022ColombiaBogotá
12022-09-24~25Tres en Línea Bogotá 2022ColombiaBogotá