Personal Page

Jason Panagiotidis

Name: Jason Panagiotidis
Region: Australia
Competitions: 13
WCA ID: Jason Panagiotidis2022PANA01
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.09.24 - 2024.10.13
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube8811020746.709.966111284213101/105
2x2x2 Cube31439569342.022.5216841208744/45
4x4x4 Cube3384421135744.1750.571121744533818/22
5x5x5 Cube30739290901:31.341:37.6781493492736/7
6x6x6 Cube27135172603:25.242/3
7x7x7 Cube24632173095:49.196:12.3965562802153/3
3x3x3 Blindfolded15820443502:30.611/8
3x3x3 One-Handed84410452642828.1932.51233389017265/5

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Cubing in Wollondilly 2024Final9 9.20 9.96
12.92     10.19     9.40      9.20      10.30
Second round11 6.70 10.54
13.47     6.70      12.58     9.06      9.97
First round9 8.94 10.62
13.23     11.56     11.14     8.94      9.17
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024Second round19 9.87 11.86
9.87      11.43     14.65     12.40     11.74
First round13 8.76 10.78
10.56     8.76      10.32     14.05     11.46
Tramsheds I: Newcomer Sun 2024Final16 9.20 12.16
9.20      12.29     13.53     14.65     10.66
Second round14 8.62 11.78
8.62      12.75     11.62     10.98     14.08
First round20 9.57 12.86
12.47     15.54     11.90     14.22     9.57
Cubing at The Cube 2024Second round47 10.91 11.99
12.40     10.91     11.78     14.40     11.78
First round42 10.06 11.87
10.06     10.93     DNF       13.84     10.83
Simple Sydney Sunday 2023Second round21 9.96 12.73
13.31     12.96     9.96      11.93     15.03
First round41 11.06 16.38
15.91     DNF       11.06     19.00     14.22
Cubing at Tramsheds Sat 2023Second round22 10.58 12.52
13.85     14.03     11.93     10.58     11.78
First round27 12.55 14.47
12.55     16.01     13.35     16.23     14.05
Warm Up Sydney Saturday 2023First round21 10.00 12.84
14.57     10.66     15.17     13.29     10.00
Marrickville Many May Open 2023Second round33 12.74 14.52
12.74     15.69     16.69     13.44     14.42
First round32 13.43 14.90
16.06     13.43     17.35     13.70     14.95
North Sydney Cube Day 2023First round142 18.49 21.40
18.49     23.03     DNF       20.19     20.99
Cubing at The Cube Sunday 2023Second round62 18.44 20.28
20.85     21.05     18.44     18.94     23.55
First round56 17.61 18.93
19.01     19.76     18.03     17.61     22.67
Marrickville Mini Open AM 2022First round80 24.04 32.03
24.15     DNF       28.46     24.04     43.49
2x2x2 Cube
Cubing in Wollondilly 2024Final8 2.76 4.17
4.00      4.51      4.69      4.01      2.76
First round7 2.74 3.48
2.74      3.04      5.08      3.66      3.74
Simple Sydney Sunday 2023Final9 2.26 3.63
4.26      2.26      4.39      3.85      2.79
First round1 2.02 2.52
3.58      2.55      2.76      2.02      2.24
Warm Up Sydney Saturday 2023First round15 2.90 4.67
4.38      6.08      3.54      DNF       2.90
Marrickville Many May Open 2023First round18 3.77 4.13
3.96      7.10      4.11      4.32      3.77
Cubing at The Cube Sunday 2023First round33 5.14 5.39
5.24      5.83      5.61      5.31      5.14
Marrickville Mini Open AM 2022First round47 4.36 6.87
5.97      7.96      6.78      7.87      4.36
Even Sydney Gathering 2022First round66 3.99 9.67
8.63      3.99      8.95      11.65     11.43
4x4x4 Cube
Take Your Time Sydney 2024Final71 51.80 DNF
55.44     DNF       52.78     51.80     DNF
Cubing at The Cube 2024First round39 44.17 50.57
44.17     58.65     50.69     50.45     50.58
Cubing at Tramsheds Sat 2023First round26 48.18 1:01.62
57.99     1:06.59   1:03.36   48.18     1:03.50
Marrickville Many May Open 2023Final33 58.59 1:07.43
1:12.03   1:24.04   58.59     59.13     1:11.12
Even Sydney Gathering 2022First round61 DNF
DNF       DNF
5x5x5 Cube
Take Your Time Sydney 2024Final29 1:31.34 1:37.67
1:42.57   1:48.12   1:33.55   1:31.34   1:36.90
Cubing at The Cube 2024First round49 2:05.07
2:05.07   DNF
6x6x6 Cube
Take Your Time Sydney 2024Final51 3:25.24 DNF
4:00.01   3:25.24   DNF
7x7x7 Cube
Take Your Time Sydney 2024Final27 5:49.19 6:12.39
6:24.93   5:49.19   6:23.05
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Take Your Time Sydney 2024Final23 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Cubing at The Cube 2024First round16 2:30.61 DNF
DNF       2:30.61   DNF
Cubing at Tramsheds Sat 2023First round16 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
Cubing at The Cube Sunday 2023Final12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-Handed
Marrickville Many May Open 2023Final31 28.19 32.51
33.00     35.25     29.29     28.19     35.25
Take Your Time Sydney 2024Final14 4.00 DNF
DNF       4.22      4.00      DNF       DNF
First round6 3.27 6.66
DNF       7.96      7.43      3.27      4.60
Cubing in Wollondilly 2024Final1 4.29 4.76
4.29      DNF       5.39      4.47      4.42
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024Final3 4.71 7.35
DNF       5.22      10.93     5.91      4.71
Simple Sydney Sunday 2023Final4 7.28 9.25
8.60      8.26      7.28      10.88     11.40
Even Sydney Gathering 2022Final33 49.19
49.19     DNF
Take Your Time Sydney 2024Final8 53.54 58.53
53.54     59.48     58.79     57.44     59.36
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024Final7 1:05.36 1:12.60
1:17.08   1:11.40   1:19.88   1:05.36   1:09.33
First round9 1:04.63 1:12.41
1:10.28   1:14.76   1:12.19   1:04.63   1:18.29
Cubing at The Cube 2024First round32 1:23.18 1:39.31
1:42.95   1:35.86   DNF       1:39.12   1:23.18
Cubing at Tramsheds Sat 2023First round16 1:47.47 1:51.66
1:52.58   1:49.49   DNF       1:52.91   1:47.47
Cubing in Wollondilly 2024Final5 4.21 4.99
4.21      5.85      4.92      6.84      4.21
First round4 3.43 3.93
3.43      3.98      3.52      4.71      4.28
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024Final4 3.32 4.33
3.32      3.96      4.98      6.20      4.06
First round11 2.72 5.40
2.72      6.58      4.52      6.77      5.09
Tramsheds I: Newcomer Sun 2024Final6 3.12 4.32
3.12      3.87      5.44      3.64      7.15
Second round7 3.64 4.63
4.41      5.61      3.86      5.74      3.64
First round8 4.19 4.99
4.81      4.81      5.35      4.19      7.99
Simple Sydney Sunday 2023Final8 3.94 5.79
8.73      4.93      6.99      3.94      5.46
Second round11 4.59 6.14
DNF       6.83      4.85      4.59      6.75
First round9 5.50 5.92
5.50      5.74      6.49      8.55      5.53
Cubing at The Cube Sunday 2023First round23 4.02 8.96
7.79      8.91      4.02      13.14     10.18
Cubing in Wollondilly 2024Final7 4.46 5.61
5.64      5.74      4.46      6.23      5.46
First round8 3.72 5.62
6.65      6.50      3.72      5.10      5.25
Simple Sydney Sunday 2023Final9 4.36 6.61
7.58      DNF       6.32      5.92      4.36
First round3 3.98 5.51
5.84      5.36      3.98      5.43      5.74
Cubing at The Cube Sunday 2023Final15 9.22 10.11
9.51      11.28     9.61      9.22      11.20
First round12 6.72 8.32
10.64     12.39     7.10      6.72      7.23
Take Your Time Sydney 2024Final13 17.05 21.93
17.51     26.57     50.71     21.72     17.05
Cubing at The Cube 2024First round38 37.66
37.66     DNF
Take Your Time Sydney 2024
4x4x4 CubeFinal71 51.80 DNF
55.44     DNF       52.78     51.80     DNF
5x5x5 CubeFinal29 1:31.34 1:37.67
1:42.57   1:48.12   1:33.55   1:31.34   1:36.90
6x6x6 CubeFinal51 3:25.24 DNF
4:00.01   3:25.24   DNF
7x7x7 CubeFinal27 5:49.19 6:12.39
6:24.93   5:49.19   6:23.05
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal23 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
ClockFinal14 4.00 DNF
DNF       4.22      4.00      DNF       DNF
First round6 3.27 6.66
DNF       7.96      7.43      3.27      4.60
MegaminxFinal8 53.54 58.53
53.54     59.48     58.79     57.44     59.36
Square-1Final13 17.05 21.93
17.51     26.57     50.71     21.72     17.05
Cubing in Wollondilly 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 9.20 9.96
12.92     10.19     9.40      9.20      10.30
Second round11 6.70 10.54
13.47     6.70      12.58     9.06      9.97
First round9 8.94 10.62
13.23     11.56     11.14     8.94      9.17
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 2.76 4.17
4.00      4.51      4.69      4.01      2.76
First round7 2.74 3.48
2.74      3.04      5.08      3.66      3.74
ClockFinal1 4.29 4.76
4.29      DNF       5.39      4.47      4.42
PyraminxFinal5 4.21 4.99
4.21      5.85      4.92      6.84      4.21
First round4 3.43 3.93
3.43      3.98      3.52      4.71      4.28
SkewbFinal7 4.46 5.61
5.64      5.74      4.46      6.23      5.46
First round8 3.72 5.62
6.65      6.50      3.72      5.10      5.25
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 9.87 11.86
9.87      11.43     14.65     12.40     11.74
First round13 8.76 10.78
10.56     8.76      10.32     14.05     11.46
ClockFinal3 4.71 7.35
DNF       5.22      10.93     5.91      4.71
MegaminxFinal7 1:05.36 1:12.60
1:17.08   1:11.40   1:19.88   1:05.36   1:09.33
First round9 1:04.63 1:12.41
1:10.28   1:14.76   1:12.19   1:04.63   1:18.29
PyraminxFinal4 3.32 4.33
3.32      3.96      4.98      6.20      4.06
First round11 2.72 5.40
2.72      6.58      4.52      6.77      5.09
Tramsheds I: Newcomer Sun 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal16 9.20 12.16
9.20      12.29     13.53     14.65     10.66
Second round14 8.62 11.78
8.62      12.75     11.62     10.98     14.08
First round20 9.57 12.86
12.47     15.54     11.90     14.22     9.57
PyraminxFinal6 3.12 4.32
3.12      3.87      5.44      3.64      7.15
Second round7 3.64 4.63
4.41      5.61      3.86      5.74      3.64
First round8 4.19 4.99
4.81      4.81      5.35      4.19      7.99
Cubing at The Cube 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round47 10.91 11.99
12.40     10.91     11.78     14.40     11.78
First round42 10.06 11.87
10.06     10.93     DNF       13.84     10.83
4x4x4 CubeFirst round39 44.17 50.57
44.17     58.65     50.69     50.45     50.58
5x5x5 CubeFirst round49 2:05.07
2:05.07   DNF
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round16 2:30.61 DNF
DNF       2:30.61   DNF
MegaminxFirst round32 1:23.18 1:39.31
1:42.95   1:35.86   DNF       1:39.12   1:23.18
Square-1First round38 37.66
37.66     DNF
Simple Sydney Sunday 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 9.96 12.73
13.31     12.96     9.96      11.93     15.03
First round41 11.06 16.38
15.91     DNF       11.06     19.00     14.22
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 2.26 3.63
4.26      2.26      4.39      3.85      2.79
First round1 2.02 2.52
3.58      2.55      2.76      2.02      2.24
ClockFinal4 7.28 9.25
8.60      8.26      7.28      10.88     11.40
PyraminxFinal8 3.94 5.79
8.73      4.93      6.99      3.94      5.46
Second round11 4.59 6.14
DNF       6.83      4.85      4.59      6.75
First round9 5.50 5.92
5.50      5.74      6.49      8.55      5.53
SkewbFinal9 4.36 6.61
7.58      DNF       6.32      5.92      4.36
First round3 3.98 5.51
5.84      5.36      3.98      5.43      5.74
Cubing at Tramsheds Sat 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 10.58 12.52
13.85     14.03     11.93     10.58     11.78
First round27 12.55 14.47
12.55     16.01     13.35     16.23     14.05
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 48.18 1:01.62
57.99     1:06.59   1:03.36   48.18     1:03.50
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round16 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
MegaminxFirst round16 1:47.47 1:51.66
1:52.58   1:49.49   DNF       1:52.91   1:47.47
Warm Up Sydney Saturday 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round21 10.00 12.84
14.57     10.66     15.17     13.29     10.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 2.90 4.67
4.38      6.08      3.54      DNF       2.90
Marrickville Many May Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round33 12.74 14.52
12.74     15.69     16.69     13.44     14.42
First round32 13.43 14.90
16.06     13.43     17.35     13.70     14.95
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 3.77 4.13
3.96      7.10      4.11      4.32      3.77
4x4x4 CubeFinal33 58.59 1:07.43
1:12.03   1:24.04   58.59     59.13     1:11.12
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal31 28.19 32.51
33.00     35.25     29.29     28.19     35.25
North Sydney Cube Day 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round142 18.49 21.40
18.49     23.03     DNF       20.19     20.99
Cubing at The Cube Sunday 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round62 18.44 20.28
20.85     21.05     18.44     18.94     23.55
First round56 17.61 18.93
19.01     19.76     18.03     17.61     22.67
2x2x2 CubeFirst round33 5.14 5.39
5.24      5.83      5.61      5.31      5.14
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
PyraminxFirst round23 4.02 8.96
7.79      8.91      4.02      13.14     10.18
SkewbFinal15 9.22 10.11
9.51      11.28     9.61      9.22      11.20
First round12 6.72 8.32
10.64     12.39     7.10      6.72      7.23
Marrickville Mini Open AM 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round80 24.04 32.03
24.15     DNF       28.46     24.04     43.49
2x2x2 CubeFirst round47 4.36 6.87
5.97      7.96      6.78      7.87      4.36
Even Sydney Gathering 2022
2x2x2 CubeFirst round66 3.99 9.67
8.63      3.99      8.95      11.65     11.43
4x4x4 CubeFirst round61 DNF
DNF       DNF
ClockFinal33 49.19
49.19     DNF
132024-10-12~13Take Your Time Sydney 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
122024-08-31Cubing in Wollondilly 2024AustraliaTahmoor, New South Wales
112024-04-13Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
102024-03-03Tramsheds I: Newcomer Sun 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
92024-01-06~07Cubing at The Cube 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
82023-09-10Simple Sydney Sunday 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
72023-08-26Cubing at Tramsheds Sat 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
62023-07-15Warm Up Sydney Saturday 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
52023-05-20Marrickville Many May Open 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
42023-03-05North Sydney Cube Day 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
32023-01-22Cubing at The Cube Sunday 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
22022-10-16Marrickville Mini Open AM 2022AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
12022-09-24Even Sydney Gathering 2022AustraliaSydney, New South Wales