Personal Page

Sadie Parker

Name: Sadie Parker
Region: United States
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: Sadie Parker2022PARK12
Gender: Female
Career: 2022.05.28 - 2024.06.30
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube494965232541111.2214.87343868667651580/80
2x2x2 Cube816410735384833.876.6553430150901152525/25
4x4x4 Cube66718995341711:11.471:27.69352249575720518/18
5x5x5 Cube57877695266652:57.738/8
3x3x3 One-Handed581079273139731.5138.43304317673561731/32

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Northwest Championship 2024Second round146 16.26 19.11
19.06     21.92     22.44     16.36     16.26
First round159 17.47 20.80
18.35     17.81     17.47     26.25     28.26
SnoCo Veterans Day Weekend 2023Second round65 15.00 17.45
17.24     17.07     19.69     15.00     18.03
First round59 13.65 17.01
16.50     24.08     18.33     13.65     16.19
Lucky Lynnwood 2023First round73 15.50 17.73
19.93     20.91     15.50     16.59     16.67
SnoCo Has Too Much 3x3 2023Semi Final39 13.63 17.42
17.65     20.24     13.63     17.40     17.22
Second round36 14.19 16.73
14.19     18.15     16.69     15.34     20.25
First round42 16.82 19.48
17.17     16.82     23.00     18.28     25.05
Bothell Summer 2023First round47 15.80 16.45
15.80     19.11     16.73     16.43     16.20
Kent Spring 2023Second round43 13.45 14.87
18.05     14.60     13.96     13.45     16.05
First round50 11.22 15.44
16.79     11.22     14.07     15.46     21.16
Bothell Spring Open 2023Second round44 17.68 21.23
20.42     19.95     23.32     27.74     17.68
First round44 15.64 19.82
20.29     17.74     21.44     21.71     15.64
Sleepless in Seattle 2023First round122 16.84 21.68
25.95     23.85     20.19     21.01     16.84
SnoCo NxN 2022First round79 25.32 27.54
27.30     26.50     30.65     25.32     28.82
Odd Seattle Summer 2022First round51 34.08 38.57
36.22     34.08     52.15     41.05     38.43
2x2x2 Cube
Northwest Championship 2024First round143 5.44 6.80
7.92      6.16      6.31      9.46      5.44
SnoCo Veterans Day Weekend 2023First round64 3.87 7.09
7.71      7.68      3.87      5.88      10.10
Lucky Lynnwood 2023First round77 5.32 6.65
6.78      9.43      7.69      5.32      5.47
Sleepless in Seattle 2023First round105 5.83 7.18
11.35     6.68      6.57      8.28      5.83
SnoCo NxN 2022First round50 5.40 6.67
7.15      5.40      6.57      6.28      7.38
4x4x4 Cube
SnoCo Veterans Day Weekend 2023Final67 1:48.14
1:48.14   1:57.99
Bothell Summer 2023First round45 1:25.49 1:28.61
1:28.95   1:28.91   1:35.49   1:25.49   1:27.96
Kent Spring 2023First round56 1:24.51
1:37.98   1:24.51
Bothell Spring Open 2023First round33 1:11.47 1:27.69
1:11.47   1:26.10   1:33.52   1:39.58   1:23.46
Sleepless in Seattle 2023First round106 1:25.84
1:31.27   1:25.84
SnoCo NxN 2022Final55 1:39.09
1:54.22   1:39.09
5x5x5 Cube
Bothell Summer 2023Final40 3:00.19
3:03.16   3:00.19
Kent Spring 2023Final49 2:57.73
2:57.73   3:09.79
Sleepless in Seattle 2023First round98 3:05.00
3:13.10   3:05.00
SnoCo NxN 2022Final44 3:35.20
3:49.43   3:35.20
3x3x3 One-Handed
Northwest Championship 2024First round133 34.89 48.53
44.76     43.95     56.88     DNF       34.89
SnoCo Veterans Day Weekend 2023First round52 32.37 39.56
43.33     39.93     32.37     46.66     35.43
SnoCo Has Too Much 3x3 2023Second round34 31.51 38.43
31.51     44.41     1:01.85   32.69     38.18
First round37 34.08 40.57
42.53     44.09     40.64     34.08     38.54
Bothell Summer 2023First round47 42.71 46.33
49.43     42.71     53.48     44.69     44.88
Kent Spring 2023First round46 34.01 39.69
34.01     38.96     39.30     40.80     1:21.17
Sleepless in Seattle 2023First round86 41.06
1:06.94   41.06
SnoCo Veterans Day Weekend 2023First round45 50.81
DNF       50.81
SnoCo Veterans Day Weekend 2023Final51 3:07.24
3:07.24   3:35.72
Sleepless in Seattle 2023First round89 3:20.92
3:20.92   3:46.37
Northwest Championship 2024First round123 9.46 12.60
11.99     18.70     9.46      15.49     10.31
SnoCo Veterans Day Weekend 2023First round45 8.47 11.43
11.32     8.47      10.93     15.28     12.05
Lucky Lynnwood 2023First round39 6.52 8.49
13.14     8.44      9.48      6.52      7.55
Sleepless in Seattle 2023First round44 6.59 8.04
7.58      8.78      6.59      8.01      8.52
Northwest Championship 2024First round83 8.36 11.26
12.23     8.36      11.07     14.71     10.47
SnoCo Veterans Day Weekend 2023First round27 7.13 8.61
9.81      7.13      7.87      8.16      10.23
Kent Spring 2023First round19 7.29 7.98
7.29      12.00     7.57      8.66      7.70
Bothell Spring Open 2023First round18 6.36 10.33
11.50     10.55     8.94      6.36      14.01
Sleepless in Seattle 2023First round69 12.57 13.83
12.57     DNF       14.73     13.71     13.04
Northwest Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round146 16.26 19.11
19.06     21.92     22.44     16.36     16.26
First round159 17.47 20.80
18.35     17.81     17.47     26.25     28.26
2x2x2 CubeFirst round143 5.44 6.80
7.92      6.16      6.31      9.46      5.44
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round133 34.89 48.53
44.76     43.95     56.88     DNF       34.89
PyraminxFirst round123 9.46 12.60
11.99     18.70     9.46      15.49     10.31
SkewbFirst round83 8.36 11.26
12.23     8.36      11.07     14.71     10.47
SnoCo Veterans Day Weekend 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round65 15.00 17.45
17.24     17.07     19.69     15.00     18.03
First round59 13.65 17.01
16.50     24.08     18.33     13.65     16.19
2x2x2 CubeFirst round64 3.87 7.09
7.71      7.68      3.87      5.88      10.10
4x4x4 CubeFinal67 1:48.14
1:48.14   1:57.99
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round52 32.37 39.56
43.33     39.93     32.37     46.66     35.43
ClockFirst round45 50.81
DNF       50.81
MegaminxFinal51 3:07.24
3:07.24   3:35.72
PyraminxFirst round45 8.47 11.43
11.32     8.47      10.93     15.28     12.05
SkewbFirst round27 7.13 8.61
9.81      7.13      7.87      8.16      10.23
Lucky Lynnwood 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round73 15.50 17.73
19.93     20.91     15.50     16.59     16.67
2x2x2 CubeFirst round77 5.32 6.65
6.78      9.43      7.69      5.32      5.47
PyraminxFirst round39 6.52 8.49
13.14     8.44      9.48      6.52      7.55
SnoCo Has Too Much 3x3 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final39 13.63 17.42
17.65     20.24     13.63     17.40     17.22
Second round36 14.19 16.73
14.19     18.15     16.69     15.34     20.25
First round42 16.82 19.48
17.17     16.82     23.00     18.28     25.05
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round34 31.51 38.43
31.51     44.41     1:01.85   32.69     38.18
First round37 34.08 40.57
42.53     44.09     40.64     34.08     38.54
Bothell Summer 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round47 15.80 16.45
15.80     19.11     16.73     16.43     16.20
4x4x4 CubeFirst round45 1:25.49 1:28.61
1:28.95   1:28.91   1:35.49   1:25.49   1:27.96
5x5x5 CubeFinal40 3:00.19
3:03.16   3:00.19
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round47 42.71 46.33
49.43     42.71     53.48     44.69     44.88
Kent Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round43 13.45 14.87
18.05     14.60     13.96     13.45     16.05
First round50 11.22 15.44
16.79     11.22     14.07     15.46     21.16
4x4x4 CubeFirst round56 1:24.51
1:37.98   1:24.51
5x5x5 CubeFinal49 2:57.73
2:57.73   3:09.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round46 34.01 39.69
34.01     38.96     39.30     40.80     1:21.17
SkewbFirst round19 7.29 7.98
7.29      12.00     7.57      8.66      7.70
Bothell Spring Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round44 17.68 21.23
20.42     19.95     23.32     27.74     17.68
First round44 15.64 19.82
20.29     17.74     21.44     21.71     15.64
4x4x4 CubeFirst round33 1:11.47 1:27.69
1:11.47   1:26.10   1:33.52   1:39.58   1:23.46
SkewbFirst round18 6.36 10.33
11.50     10.55     8.94      6.36      14.01
Sleepless in Seattle 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round122 16.84 21.68
25.95     23.85     20.19     21.01     16.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round105 5.83 7.18
11.35     6.68      6.57      8.28      5.83
4x4x4 CubeFirst round106 1:25.84
1:31.27   1:25.84
5x5x5 CubeFirst round98 3:05.00
3:13.10   3:05.00
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round86 41.06
1:06.94   41.06
MegaminxFirst round89 3:20.92
3:20.92   3:46.37
PyraminxFirst round44 6.59 8.04
7.58      8.78      6.59      8.01      8.52
SkewbFirst round69 12.57 13.83
12.57     DNF       14.73     13.71     13.04
SnoCo NxN 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round79 25.32 27.54
27.30     26.50     30.65     25.32     28.82
2x2x2 CubeFirst round50 5.40 6.67
7.15      5.40      6.57      6.28      7.38
4x4x4 CubeFinal55 1:39.09
1:54.22   1:39.09
5x5x5 CubeFinal44 3:35.20
3:49.43   3:35.20
Odd Seattle Summer 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round51 34.08 38.57
36.22     34.08     52.15     41.05     38.43
102024-06-28~30Northwest Championship 2024United StatesLynnwood, Washington
92023-11-10~11SnoCo Veterans Day Weekend 2023United StatesEverett, Washington
82023-09-30Lucky Lynnwood 2023United StatesLynnwood, Washington
72023-08-12SnoCo Has Too Much 3x3 2023United StatesEverett, Washington
62023-07-08Bothell Summer 2023United StatesBothell, Washington
52023-05-27Kent Spring 2023United StatesKent, Washington
42023-03-17~18Bothell Spring Open 2023United StatesBothell, Washington
32023-02-18~19Sleepless in Seattle 2023United StatesEverett, Washington
22022-09-24SnoCo NxN 2022United StatesEverett, Washington
12022-05-28Odd Seattle Summer 2022United StatesSeattle, Washington