Personal Page

Ianne Theodore D. Pastera

Name: Ianne Theodore D. Pastera
Region: Philippines
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Ianne Theodore D. Pastera2022PAST03
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.09.24 - 2024.06.02
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube80477682150110.7012.2817286636663075/75
2x2x2 Cube2843512139192.554.5518264522445254/55
4x4x4 Cube66470592026753.8559.6718753656060725/25
5x5x5 Cube5856350215992:24.502:27.721796853825094/5
3x3x3 One-Handed89285692323126.2532.6823556885789729/30

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Bacolod Big Cubes 2024Final12 11.04 12.75
11.04     11.48     18.00     12.42     14.36
First round20 12.30 14.24
12.30     26.24     17.02     13.06     12.65
STI West Negros Cube Fest 2024First round25 12.09 15.07
14.02     15.87     12.09     16.81     15.33
Negros Speedcubing Cup 2024Second round20 10.87 14.63
15.89     10.87     14.96     15.94     13.04
First round13 11.08 13.09
12.64     13.94     17.99     11.08     12.69
Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023Final15 10.70 12.98
12.01     10.70     13.51     14.45     13.43
First round10 12.06 12.34
12.06     12.09     12.62     12.32     16.19
Side Fest in Smile City 2023Final16 11.95 15.74
17.44     15.96     16.57     11.95     14.69
First round11 10.89 12.28
12.23     12.52     12.08     10.89     14.87
West Visayas Championship 2023Second round35 15.20 16.48
21.21     17.22     16.58     15.63     15.20
First round26 11.11 15.07
15.43     11.11     14.93     14.86     15.53
Kyube Kita Kabankalan 2023First round21 14.34 18.77
14.34     15.56     23.45     25.23     17.31
Bacolod Speedcubing Rush 2023Second round22 17.93 20.35
25.38     19.75     18.66     22.65     17.93
First round22 13.91 18.40
19.13     13.91     26.49     19.85     16.23
Even Day in Bacolod 2022First round25 22.82 28.06
29.59     29.96     22.82     24.63     31.06
2x2x2 Cube
Bacolod Big Cubes 2024Final12 3.65 4.55
3.65      4.25      DNF       5.29      4.12
First round11 3.70 4.56
3.70      4.89      4.86      7.53      3.94
STI West Negros Cube Fest 2024First round21 4.10 5.92
5.80      6.63      4.10      5.63      6.34
Negros Speedcubing Cup 2024First round17 3.98 6.02
6.07      5.96      3.98      7.19      6.03
Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023Final13 2.55 4.89
5.41      4.79      4.48      2.55      5.51
Side Fest in Smile City 2023Final16 4.54 6.19
7.51      4.66      7.78      4.54      6.41
West Visayas Championship 2023First round18 4.59 5.03
5.06      5.06      5.23      4.96      4.59
Kyube Kita Kabankalan 2023Final11 4.48 5.14
6.06      5.80      4.48      4.51      5.12
Bacolod Speedcubing Rush 2023Final14 5.16 6.60
5.16      5.36      7.96      7.98      6.49
First round12 5.25 6.00
5.79      5.25      7.37      6.62      5.59
Even Day in Bacolod 2022First round23 5.82 8.17
5.82      7.58      9.17      7.76      10.00
4x4x4 Cube
Bacolod Big Cubes 2024First round13 53.85 59.67
1:02.34   1:02.90   58.91     57.77     53.85
STI West Negros Cube Fest 2024Final15 55.69 1:08.47
1:21.57   1:02.59   1:46.19   1:01.24   55.69
Negros Speedcubing Cup 2024Final13 56.26 1:01.14
59.25     1:05.37   1:12.74   56.26     58.80
Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023Final12 1:03.66 1:10.23
1:09.56   1:14.31   1:03.66   1:06.82   1:16.77
West Visayas Championship 2023First round23 1:01.80 1:06.65
1:01.80   1:10.36   1:05.63   1:04.18   1:10.15
5x5x5 Cube
Bacolod Big Cubes 2024First round14 2:24.50 2:27.72
DNF       2:25.21   2:26.55   2:31.41   2:24.50
3x3x3 One-Handed
STI West Negros Cube Fest 2024Final21 26.25 42.24
58.13     37.69     39.04     50.00     26.25
Negros Speedcubing Cup 2024First round16 30.97 32.68
33.68     56.70     31.90     30.97     32.46
Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023Final20 31.75 42.68
1:16.37   57.78     31.75     35.94     34.33
Side Fest in Smile City 2023Final16 28.64 35.54
44.28     37.87     34.25     28.64     34.50
West Visayas Championship 2023First round27 30.89 37.00
DNF       36.37     30.89     39.48     35.15
Bacolod Speedcubing Rush 2023First round19 41.76 54.00
54.51     41.76     1:12.27   51.10     56.39
Bacolod Big Cubes 2024Final11 10.62 12.63
12.56     13.08     12.25     10.62     13.79
Side Fest in Smile City 2023Final8 12.64 15.57
14.85     12.64     DNF       16.07     15.78
Bacolod Big Cubes 2024First round13 1:59.75 2:05.63
2:07.06   2:01.13   2:08.69   1:59.75   2:14.22
STI West Negros Cube Fest 2024First round11 2:15.07 2:23.25
2:28.35   2:24.26   2:15.07   2:48.34   2:17.14
Negros Speedcubing Cup 2024Final7 2:04.40 2:17.72
2:16.74   2:41.20   2:04.40   2:31.72   2:04.71
Bacolod Big Cubes 2024Final4 3.76 5.26
3.76      8.98      6.62      4.07      5.10
STI West Negros Cube Fest 2024Final7 5.29 7.44
10.19     5.29      6.03      9.64      6.64
Negros Speedcubing Cup 2024Final5 3.35 5.48
5.03      3.35      7.87      7.40      4.01
First round7 5.29 6.04
6.11      7.09      5.29      6.52      5.48
Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023Final6 3.23 6.72
7.72      3.23      7.10      5.92      7.15
Side Fest in Smile City 2023Final6 5.77 6.54
6.04      6.80      6.77      5.77      9.39
First round5 4.34 5.38
6.95      4.34      4.98      6.08      5.08
West Visayas Championship 2023Final8 5.94 7.30
5.94      8.50      7.80      6.87      7.24
First round10 7.52 8.70
7.71      8.93      12.30     7.52      9.45
Kyube Kita Kabankalan 2023Final7 7.05 8.38
8.15      7.05      8.89      13.62     8.11
Bacolod Speedcubing Rush 2023Final8 9.15 10.18
9.75      9.15      10.53     15.30     10.27
Even Day in Bacolod 2022Final10 9.55 13.83
12.10     16.58     12.82     9.55      17.29
Bacolod Big Cubes 2024Final5 4.71 5.80
5.71      4.71      7.57      5.01      6.67
STI West Negros Cube Fest 2024Final6 4.32 6.14
5.50      4.96      4.32      7.96      9.33
Negros Speedcubing Cup 2024Final8 5.79 7.71
11.33     6.99      6.34      5.79      9.79
First round10 5.21 11.59
8.79      12.57     5.21      13.67     13.42
Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023Final7 4.02 9.52
4.02      10.16     8.17      14.98     10.22
Side Fest in Smile City 2023Final5 8.29 9.40
10.74     9.44      9.09      9.66      8.29
West Visayas Championship 2023First round14 8.61 14.12
13.76     8.61      12.22     16.39     23.85
Kyube Kita Kabankalan 2023Final8 6.55 18.32
21.80     34.59     20.41     6.55      12.76
Bacolod Big Cubes 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 11.04 12.75
11.04     11.48     18.00     12.42     14.36
First round20 12.30 14.24
12.30     26.24     17.02     13.06     12.65
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 3.65 4.55
3.65      4.25      DNF       5.29      4.12
First round11 3.70 4.56
3.70      4.89      4.86      7.53      3.94
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 53.85 59.67
1:02.34   1:02.90   58.91     57.77     53.85
5x5x5 CubeFirst round14 2:24.50 2:27.72
DNF       2:25.21   2:26.55   2:31.41   2:24.50
ClockFinal11 10.62 12.63
12.56     13.08     12.25     10.62     13.79
MegaminxFirst round13 1:59.75 2:05.63
2:07.06   2:01.13   2:08.69   1:59.75   2:14.22
PyraminxFinal4 3.76 5.26
3.76      8.98      6.62      4.07      5.10
SkewbFinal5 4.71 5.80
5.71      4.71      7.57      5.01      6.67
STI West Negros Cube Fest 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round25 12.09 15.07
14.02     15.87     12.09     16.81     15.33
2x2x2 CubeFirst round21 4.10 5.92
5.80      6.63      4.10      5.63      6.34
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 55.69 1:08.47
1:21.57   1:02.59   1:46.19   1:01.24   55.69
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal21 26.25 42.24
58.13     37.69     39.04     50.00     26.25
MegaminxFirst round11 2:15.07 2:23.25
2:28.35   2:24.26   2:15.07   2:48.34   2:17.14
PyraminxFinal7 5.29 7.44
10.19     5.29      6.03      9.64      6.64
SkewbFinal6 4.32 6.14
5.50      4.96      4.32      7.96      9.33
Negros Speedcubing Cup 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 10.87 14.63
15.89     10.87     14.96     15.94     13.04
First round13 11.08 13.09
12.64     13.94     17.99     11.08     12.69
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 3.98 6.02
6.07      5.96      3.98      7.19      6.03
4x4x4 CubeFinal13 56.26 1:01.14
59.25     1:05.37   1:12.74   56.26     58.80
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round16 30.97 32.68
33.68     56.70     31.90     30.97     32.46
MegaminxFinal7 2:04.40 2:17.72
2:16.74   2:41.20   2:04.40   2:31.72   2:04.71
PyraminxFinal5 3.35 5.48
5.03      3.35      7.87      7.40      4.01
First round7 5.29 6.04
6.11      7.09      5.29      6.52      5.48
SkewbFinal8 5.79 7.71
11.33     6.99      6.34      5.79      9.79
First round10 5.21 11.59
8.79      12.57     5.21      13.67     13.42
Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal15 10.70 12.98
12.01     10.70     13.51     14.45     13.43
First round10 12.06 12.34
12.06     12.09     12.62     12.32     16.19
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 2.55 4.89
5.41      4.79      4.48      2.55      5.51
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 1:03.66 1:10.23
1:09.56   1:14.31   1:03.66   1:06.82   1:16.77
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal20 31.75 42.68
1:16.37   57.78     31.75     35.94     34.33
PyraminxFinal6 3.23 6.72
7.72      3.23      7.10      5.92      7.15
SkewbFinal7 4.02 9.52
4.02      10.16     8.17      14.98     10.22
Side Fest in Smile City 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal16 11.95 15.74
17.44     15.96     16.57     11.95     14.69
First round11 10.89 12.28
12.23     12.52     12.08     10.89     14.87
2x2x2 CubeFinal16 4.54 6.19
7.51      4.66      7.78      4.54      6.41
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal16 28.64 35.54
44.28     37.87     34.25     28.64     34.50
ClockFinal8 12.64 15.57
14.85     12.64     DNF       16.07     15.78
PyraminxFinal6 5.77 6.54
6.04      6.80      6.77      5.77      9.39
First round5 4.34 5.38
6.95      4.34      4.98      6.08      5.08
SkewbFinal5 8.29 9.40
10.74     9.44      9.09      9.66      8.29
West Visayas Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round35 15.20 16.48
21.21     17.22     16.58     15.63     15.20
First round26 11.11 15.07
15.43     11.11     14.93     14.86     15.53
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 4.59 5.03
5.06      5.06      5.23      4.96      4.59
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 1:01.80 1:06.65
1:01.80   1:10.36   1:05.63   1:04.18   1:10.15
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round27 30.89 37.00
DNF       36.37     30.89     39.48     35.15
PyraminxFinal8 5.94 7.30
5.94      8.50      7.80      6.87      7.24
First round10 7.52 8.70
7.71      8.93      12.30     7.52      9.45
SkewbFirst round14 8.61 14.12
13.76     8.61      12.22     16.39     23.85
Kyube Kita Kabankalan 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round21 14.34 18.77
14.34     15.56     23.45     25.23     17.31
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 4.48 5.14
6.06      5.80      4.48      4.51      5.12
PyraminxFinal7 7.05 8.38
8.15      7.05      8.89      13.62     8.11
SkewbFinal8 6.55 18.32
21.80     34.59     20.41     6.55      12.76
Bacolod Speedcubing Rush 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 17.93 20.35
25.38     19.75     18.66     22.65     17.93
First round22 13.91 18.40
19.13     13.91     26.49     19.85     16.23
2x2x2 CubeFinal14 5.16 6.60
5.16      5.36      7.96      7.98      6.49
First round12 5.25 6.00
5.79      5.25      7.37      6.62      5.59
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 41.76 54.00
54.51     41.76     1:12.27   51.10     56.39
PyraminxFinal8 9.15 10.18
9.75      9.15      10.53     15.30     10.27
Even Day in Bacolod 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round25 22.82 28.06
29.59     29.96     22.82     24.63     31.06
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 5.82 8.17
5.82      7.58      9.17      7.76      10.00
PyraminxFinal10 9.55 13.83
12.10     16.58     12.82     9.55      17.29
92024-06-01~02Bacolod Big Cubes 2024PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental
82024-04-21STI West Negros Cube Fest 2024PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental
72024-01-13~14Negros Speedcubing Cup 2024PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occ.
62023-10-15Masskara Speedcubing Cup 2023PhilippinesBacolod City
52023-08-12Side Fest in Smile City 2023PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental
42023-05-27~28West Visayas Championship 2023PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental
32023-02-18Kyube Kita Kabankalan 2023PhilippinesKabankalan City, Negros Occidental
22023-01-28Bacolod Speedcubing Rush 2023PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental
12022-09-24Even Day in Bacolod 2022PhilippinesBacolod City, Negros Occidental