Personal Page

Aravind Bhat Pattaje

Name: Aravind Bhat Pattaje
Region: India
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Aravind Bhat Pattaje2022PATT02
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.04.16 - 2024.05.19
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1318110103004912.0014.272841310635119445/45
2x2x2 Cube7934654176932.854.3013799390460639/40
4x4x4 Cube77272682103356.1459.2517382611960825/25
3x3x3 Blindfolded203161347952:49.49210/21
3x3x3 Fewest Moves48826289620611/3
3x3x3 One-Handed85262001647622.8227.1115019579775930/30

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Final18 12.00 14.27
12.65     15.22     12.00     14.93     18.10
Second round27 12.21 15.15
15.40     15.46     16.46     14.58     12.21
First round21 12.39 14.85
12.39     16.71     14.18     15.22     15.15
Mangalore Cube Open 2023Final6 12.66 14.31
13.21     16.93     16.07     13.65     12.66
Second round10 13.68 16.48
19.24     15.27     13.68     16.49     17.69
First round5 13.67 14.69
14.22     16.10     13.67     16.69     13.75
Bangalore Cube Open July 2023First round43 14.68 16.88
16.38     17.40     14.68     16.86     17.68
Nexus Monsoon Open 2022First round38 13.17 15.51
13.17     15.89     16.06     16.48     14.58
Cubing Returns Bengaluru 2022First round55 14.62 17.73
14.62     19.15     18.08     15.96     25.05
2x2x2 Cube
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Final16 4.37 5.08
5.38      4.37      5.28      4.96      4.99
Second round21 4.00 5.29
4.62      4.00      6.65      4.61      9.30
First round26 4.27 5.67
5.69      6.40      6.64      4.27      4.92
Mangalore Cube Open 2023Final4 4.50 5.12
DNF       5.42      4.50      4.89      5.04
First round3 3.72 4.30
5.95      3.93      4.08      4.88      3.72
Bangalore Cube Open July 2023First round24 4.76 5.20
4.85      5.80      5.34      4.76      5.40
Nexus Monsoon Open 2022First round17 3.72 4.50
3.72      5.06      5.88      3.81      4.62
Cubing Returns Bengaluru 2022First round31 2.85 5.05
4.89      5.49      7.80      4.77      2.85
4x4x4 Cube
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Second round19 1:04.41 1:09.84
1:04.41   1:06.83   1:15.26   1:07.44   1:22.35
First round18 59.74 1:08.37
1:30.35   1:04.08   59.74     1:15.27   1:05.76
Mangalore Cube Open 2023Final6 56.14 59.25
56.14     1:00.79   59.09     58.10     1:00.56
First round7 1:00.88 1:06.27
1:00.88   1:04.97   1:03.92   1:09.91   1:11.66
Nexus Monsoon Open 2022First round26 1:02.83 1:07.97
1:02.83   1:06.55   1:10.70   1:06.65   1:12.30
3x3x3 Blindfolded
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Final7 3:12.64 DNF
3:41.46   DNF       3:12.64
First round5 3:14.36 DNF
DNF       3:14.36   DNF
Mangalore Cube Open 2023Final3 2:49.49 DNF
3:42.25   DNF       2:49.49
Nexus Monsoon Open 2022Second round7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round4 2:59.95 DNF
DNF       2:59.95   DNF
Cubing Returns Bengaluru 2022Final3 3:14.70 DNF
3:14.70   5:17.86   DNF
First round6 4:05.72 DNF
DNF       4:05.72   4:30.00
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Cubing Returns Bengaluru 2022Final22 61 DNF
DNF       DNF       61
3x3x3 One-Handed
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Second round21 26.59 31.02
35.13     27.69     26.59     33.90     31.48
First round13 25.12 27.11
27.34     30.97     28.81     25.19     25.12
Mangalore Cube Open 2023Final6 24.59 30.12
27.59     24.59     30.18     34.01     32.60
First round11 31.45 36.90
41.52     36.16     51.92     33.01     31.45
Bangalore Cube Open July 2023First round28 22.82 33.93
40.73     22.82     29.44     40.02     32.34
Nexus Monsoon Open 2022First round32 27.11 34.39
38.74     27.11     38.23     35.24     29.69
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Final10 7.29 8.28
9.19      7.29      7.62      8.82      8.41
Second round10 5.90 7.86
10.05     6.75      7.56      5.90      9.26
First round20 8.03 9.28
8.03      9.95      10.54     9.54      8.36
Mangalore Cube Open 2023Final3 4.81 7.18
7.57      7.11      6.85      4.81      9.22
First round4 7.33 8.13
7.33      8.07      8.61      7.70      DNF
Bangalore Cube Open July 2023First round11 6.13 6.86
6.14      7.51      6.13      6.94      7.95
Nexus Monsoon Open 2022First round20 5.35 8.26
11.28     5.35      7.55      5.98      11.25
Cubing Returns Bengaluru 2022Second round22 5.84 8.56
10.22     7.74      7.71      11.89     5.84
First round18 7.01 8.79
8.18      9.51      10.71     7.01      8.69
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal18 12.00 14.27
12.65     15.22     12.00     14.93     18.10
Second round27 12.21 15.15
15.40     15.46     16.46     14.58     12.21
First round21 12.39 14.85
12.39     16.71     14.18     15.22     15.15
2x2x2 CubeFinal16 4.37 5.08
5.38      4.37      5.28      4.96      4.99
Second round21 4.00 5.29
4.62      4.00      6.65      4.61      9.30
First round26 4.27 5.67
5.69      6.40      6.64      4.27      4.92
4x4x4 CubeSecond round19 1:04.41 1:09.84
1:04.41   1:06.83   1:15.26   1:07.44   1:22.35
First round18 59.74 1:08.37
1:30.35   1:04.08   59.74     1:15.27   1:05.76
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 3:12.64 DNF
3:41.46   DNF       3:12.64
First round5 3:14.36 DNF
DNF       3:14.36   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round21 26.59 31.02
35.13     27.69     26.59     33.90     31.48
First round13 25.12 27.11
27.34     30.97     28.81     25.19     25.12
PyraminxFinal10 7.29 8.28
9.19      7.29      7.62      8.82      8.41
Second round10 5.90 7.86
10.05     6.75      7.56      5.90      9.26
First round20 8.03 9.28
8.03      9.95      10.54     9.54      8.36
Mangalore Cube Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 12.66 14.31
13.21     16.93     16.07     13.65     12.66
Second round10 13.68 16.48
19.24     15.27     13.68     16.49     17.69
First round5 13.67 14.69
14.22     16.10     13.67     16.69     13.75
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 4.50 5.12
DNF       5.42      4.50      4.89      5.04
First round3 3.72 4.30
5.95      3.93      4.08      4.88      3.72
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 56.14 59.25
56.14     1:00.79   59.09     58.10     1:00.56
First round7 1:00.88 1:06.27
1:00.88   1:04.97   1:03.92   1:09.91   1:11.66
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 2:49.49 DNF
3:42.25   DNF       2:49.49
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 24.59 30.12
27.59     24.59     30.18     34.01     32.60
First round11 31.45 36.90
41.52     36.16     51.92     33.01     31.45
PyraminxFinal3 4.81 7.18
7.57      7.11      6.85      4.81      9.22
First round4 7.33 8.13
7.33      8.07      8.61      7.70      DNF
Bangalore Cube Open July 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round43 14.68 16.88
16.38     17.40     14.68     16.86     17.68
2x2x2 CubeFirst round24 4.76 5.20
4.85      5.80      5.34      4.76      5.40
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round28 22.82 33.93
40.73     22.82     29.44     40.02     32.34
PyraminxFirst round11 6.13 6.86
6.14      7.51      6.13      6.94      7.95
Nexus Monsoon Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round38 13.17 15.51
13.17     15.89     16.06     16.48     14.58
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 3.72 4.50
3.72      5.06      5.88      3.81      4.62
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 1:02.83 1:07.97
1:02.83   1:06.55   1:10.70   1:06.65   1:12.30
3x3x3 BlindfoldedSecond round7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round4 2:59.95 DNF
DNF       2:59.95   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round32 27.11 34.39
38.74     27.11     38.23     35.24     29.69
PyraminxFirst round20 5.35 8.26
11.28     5.35      7.55      5.98      11.25
Cubing Returns Bengaluru 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round55 14.62 17.73
14.62     19.15     18.08     15.96     25.05
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 2.85 5.05
4.89      5.49      7.80      4.77      2.85
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 3:14.70 DNF
3:14.70   5:17.86   DNF
First round6 4:05.72 DNF
DNF       4:05.72   4:30.00
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal22 61 DNF
DNF       DNF       61
PyraminxSecond round22 5.84 8.56
10.22     7.74      7.71      11.89     5.84
First round18 7.01 8.79
8.18      9.51      10.71     7.01      8.69
52024-05-18~19CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024IndiaBangalore, Karnataka
42023-08-19~20Mangalore Cube Open 2023IndiaMangalore, Karnataka
32023-07-29~30Bangalore Cube Open July 2023IndiaBangalore, Karnataka
22022-06-25~26Nexus Monsoon Open 2022IndiaBengaluru, Karnataka
12022-04-16~17Cubing Returns Bengaluru 2022IndiaBengaluru, Karnataka