Personal Page

Nathan Priser

Name: Nathan Priser
Region: France
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Nathan Priser2022PRIS01
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.06.04 - 2024.10.27
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube725106994266613.2716.12434181077474678/80
2x2x2 Cube95716834587684.866.68539501518086934/35
4x4x4 Cube89013424467071:32.401:59.65425901199183015/15
3x3x3 One-Handed715101763889237.5942.3734470893664213/14

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Lonay Cube 2024Final33 13.27 16.67
15.95     16.99     18.49     17.06     13.27
Second round35 14.80 16.12
14.80     14.81     17.11     18.57     16.44
First round38 14.79 18.65
16.83     19.13     20.88     19.99     14.79
Barby Cube Autumn 2024Final36 15.32 17.74
18.37     17.79     17.06     15.32     18.57
First round38 15.90 17.74
18.95     16.02     18.24     15.90     19.29
Ivrea: Back to Square One 2024Second round41 15.22 17.21
15.22     17.39     16.12     18.12     20.73
First round50 17.28 22.83
28.72     17.51     17.28     22.25     DNF
Barby Cube 2024Second round62 15.85 17.85
18.84     16.15     15.85     18.57     19.87
First round64 15.74 17.74
16.64     15.74     16.81     19.76     21.00
Sens Open 2023First round43 13.49 19.85
15.21     29.33     15.00     37.44     13.49
Barby Cube 2023Second round62 16.19 19.22
21.27     25.75     16.69     19.71     16.19
First round58 16.50 18.15
16.63     18.91     16.50     18.92     DNF
Swisscubing Cup V 2022Second round47 19.48 23.38
35.95     19.48     27.25     20.30     22.60
First round45 17.90 21.54
25.68     23.34     17.90     18.69     22.59
French Championship 2022First round144 21.86 26.26
25.25     28.23     21.86     26.63     26.89
Sézanne Open 2022First round58 26.48 30.98
37.20     29.75     26.48     33.32     29.88
2x2x2 Cube
Barby Cube Autumn 2024Final36 5.21 6.78
7.14      5.21      6.87      6.64      6.82
Barby Cube 2024First round62 5.65 6.68
8.78      5.65      7.24      6.22      6.58
Sens Open 2023First round44 5.87 8.09
DNF       5.87      9.19      6.38      8.71
Barby Cube 2023First round55 4.86 6.95
5.52      8.96      7.14      8.18      4.86
Swisscubing Cup V 2022First round51 6.62 8.65
9.60      8.45      6.62      8.29      9.21
French Championship 2022First round137 5.50 11.06
5.50      11.32     9.94      11.93     12.93
Sézanne Open 2022First round54 6.34 11.45
10.31     6.34      10.93     13.23     13.10
4x4x4 Cube
Lonay Cube 2024First round44 1:58.97
2:08.44   1:58.97
Barby Cube Autumn 2024Final41 1:32.40
1:36.09   1:32.40
Ivrea: Back to Square One 2024First round41 1:37.01
1:37.01   1:42.03
Barby Cube 2024First round65 1:50.96 1:59.65
1:55.73   2:03.46   1:50.96   1:59.77   2:12.86
Sens Open 2023First round46 1:50.88
1:50.88   2:02.10
Barby Cube 2023First round63 2:28.43
2:28.43   2:30.99
5x5x5 Cube
Barby Cube Autumn 2024First round27 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Lonay Cube 2024First round10 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Barby Cube Autumn 2024First round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Barby Cube 2024First round31 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Barby Cube Autumn 2024Final44 1:21.85
DNF       1:21.85
Barby Cube 2024First round47 38.78 42.37
1:01.61   45.54     38.78     42.58     38.99
Barby Cube 2023Final36 37.59 51.95
52.55     37.59     51.64     55.07     51.67
French Championship 2022First round114 1:00.25
1:08.54   1:00.25
Lonay Cube 2024First round27 20.60
20.60     20.69
Barby Cube Autumn 2024Final31 18.67 28.05
18.67     21.63     22.96     49.45     39.57
Ivrea: Back to Square One 2024Final25 15.73
15.73     31.48
Barby Cube 2024First round34 15.81 20.69
22.34     18.26     21.48     15.81     27.75
Barby Cube 2023Second round21 17.50 21.71
DNF       20.01     19.70     17.50     25.42
First round22 18.67 21.24
23.41     19.39     DNF       18.67     20.92
French Championship 2022First round70 DNF
DNF       DNF
Lonay Cube 2024First round43 14.57 16.83
15.85     21.02     17.10     14.57     17.53
Barby Cube Autumn 2024Final36 8.02 13.09
22.04     9.79      12.06     17.41     8.02
Barby Cube 2024First round52 10.33 14.38
13.96     10.33     15.70     15.97     13.47
Barby Cube 2023Final46 14.03 17.00
17.18     17.91     15.92     22.22     14.03
Swisscubing Cup V 2022First round39 12.13 14.22
12.76     21.87     13.60     12.13     16.29
Lonay Cube 2024First round26 13.31 22.59
27.59     29.56     18.60     21.58     13.31
Barby Cube Autumn 2024First round32 12.61 DNF
DNF       22.40     DNF       17.58     12.61
Barby Cube 2024First round47 19.83 23.14
19.98     28.91     43.58     20.53     19.83
Lonay Cube 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal33 13.27 16.67
15.95     16.99     18.49     17.06     13.27
Second round35 14.80 16.12
14.80     14.81     17.11     18.57     16.44
First round38 14.79 18.65
16.83     19.13     20.88     19.99     14.79
4x4x4 CubeFirst round44 1:58.97
2:08.44   1:58.97
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round10 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
ClockFirst round27 20.60
20.60     20.69
PyraminxFirst round43 14.57 16.83
15.85     21.02     17.10     14.57     17.53
SkewbFirst round26 13.31 22.59
27.59     29.56     18.60     21.58     13.31
Barby Cube Autumn 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal36 15.32 17.74
18.37     17.79     17.06     15.32     18.57
First round38 15.90 17.74
18.95     16.02     18.24     15.90     19.29
2x2x2 CubeFinal36 5.21 6.78
7.14      5.21      6.87      6.64      6.82
4x4x4 CubeFinal41 1:32.40
1:36.09   1:32.40
5x5x5 CubeFirst round27 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal44 1:21.85
DNF       1:21.85
ClockFinal31 18.67 28.05
18.67     21.63     22.96     49.45     39.57
PyraminxFinal36 8.02 13.09
22.04     9.79      12.06     17.41     8.02
SkewbFirst round32 12.61 DNF
DNF       22.40     DNF       17.58     12.61
Ivrea: Back to Square One 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round41 15.22 17.21
15.22     17.39     16.12     18.12     20.73
First round50 17.28 22.83
28.72     17.51     17.28     22.25     DNF
4x4x4 CubeFirst round41 1:37.01
1:37.01   1:42.03
ClockFinal25 15.73
15.73     31.48
Barby Cube 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round62 15.85 17.85
18.84     16.15     15.85     18.57     19.87
First round64 15.74 17.74
16.64     15.74     16.81     19.76     21.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst round62 5.65 6.68
8.78      5.65      7.24      6.22      6.58
4x4x4 CubeFirst round65 1:50.96 1:59.65
1:55.73   2:03.46   1:50.96   1:59.77   2:12.86
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round31 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round47 38.78 42.37
1:01.61   45.54     38.78     42.58     38.99
ClockFirst round34 15.81 20.69
22.34     18.26     21.48     15.81     27.75
PyraminxFirst round52 10.33 14.38
13.96     10.33     15.70     15.97     13.47
SkewbFirst round47 19.83 23.14
19.98     28.91     43.58     20.53     19.83
Sens Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round43 13.49 19.85
15.21     29.33     15.00     37.44     13.49
2x2x2 CubeFirst round44 5.87 8.09
DNF       5.87      9.19      6.38      8.71
4x4x4 CubeFirst round46 1:50.88
1:50.88   2:02.10
Barby Cube 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round62 16.19 19.22
21.27     25.75     16.69     19.71     16.19
First round58 16.50 18.15
16.63     18.91     16.50     18.92     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round55 4.86 6.95
5.52      8.96      7.14      8.18      4.86
4x4x4 CubeFirst round63 2:28.43
2:28.43   2:30.99
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal36 37.59 51.95
52.55     37.59     51.64     55.07     51.67
ClockSecond round21 17.50 21.71
DNF       20.01     19.70     17.50     25.42
First round22 18.67 21.24
23.41     19.39     DNF       18.67     20.92
PyraminxFinal46 14.03 17.00
17.18     17.91     15.92     22.22     14.03
Swisscubing Cup V 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round47 19.48 23.38
35.95     19.48     27.25     20.30     22.60
First round45 17.90 21.54
25.68     23.34     17.90     18.69     22.59
2x2x2 CubeFirst round51 6.62 8.65
9.60      8.45      6.62      8.29      9.21
PyraminxFirst round39 12.13 14.22
12.76     21.87     13.60     12.13     16.29
French Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round144 21.86 26.26
25.25     28.23     21.86     26.63     26.89
2x2x2 CubeFirst round137 5.50 11.06
5.50      11.32     9.94      11.93     12.93
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round114 1:00.25
1:08.54   1:00.25
MegaminxFirst round70 DNF
DNF       DNF
Sézanne Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round58 26.48 30.98
37.20     29.75     26.48     33.32     29.88
2x2x2 CubeFirst round54 6.34 11.45
10.31     6.34      10.93     13.23     13.10
92024-10-26~27Lonay Cube 2024SwitzerlandLonay (VD)
82024-09-21~22Barby Cube Autumn 2024FranceBarby
72024-09-14~15Ivrea: Back to Square One 2024ItalyIvrea
62024-05-18~20Barby Cube 2024FranceBarby
52023-07-08~09Sens Open 2023FranceMaillot
42023-04-08~10Barby Cube 2023FranceBarby
32022-10-08~09Swisscubing Cup V 2022SwitzerlandFleurier (NE)
22022-08-26~28French Championship 2022FranceSorgues
12022-06-04~05Sézanne Open 2022FranceSézanne