Personal Page

Dakotah Shinn

Name: Dakotah Shinn
Region: United States
Competitions: 7
WCA ID: Dakotah Shinn2022SHIN04
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.06.04 - 2024.09.28
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube20892705102338.9411.90151383897297385/85
2x2x2 Cube30733986144182.584.421640546353577159/60
4x4x4 Cube300141311676749.911:04.98226465780422130/30
5x5x5 Cube22993118117491:40.421:52.21118533153233519/19
6x6x6 Cube1997266990143:56.964:23.458577257419447/8
7x7x7 Cube1742233780526:15.633/6
3x3x3 One-Handed336846081906723.8032.38231635630411743/45

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Billings Fall 2024Second round7 11.19 13.67
18.52     11.19     14.91     12.83     13.28
First round8 11.24 14.70
11.24     22.33     11.40     18.05     14.66
Bozeman Cubing 2024Final7 13.12 14.68
17.20     13.92     13.12     14.73     15.38
Second round6 10.99 12.97
10.99     14.38     12.40     13.70     12.80
First round5 8.94 11.90
8.94      11.28     12.37     13.04     12.06
Sheridan Stampede 2024Final13 10.94 13.08
13.12     13.81     12.60     13.51     10.94
Second round13 10.83 13.27
10.83     10.87     14.29     15.25     14.64
First round14 10.37 13.08
14.25     10.37     12.08     12.90     15.20
Bozeman Cubing 2023Final5 13.23 13.97
20.57     13.36     13.23     14.53     14.01
Second round4 12.14 13.09
12.40     15.18     13.58     12.14     13.28
First round2 11.63 12.45
12.57     11.63     12.69     12.10     14.45
Billings Speedcubing 2023Final6 12.79 13.68
12.79     13.02     14.40     14.85     13.63
Second round6 12.06 13.58
14.16     12.06     13.18     13.40     16.26
First round6 13.59 14.72
13.97     15.02     16.56     15.17     13.59
Grizz Cubing 2022Second round10 13.49 16.65
16.44     17.82     20.91     15.70     13.49
First round11 14.33 16.00
14.83     17.35     14.33     16.81     16.35
Wyoming Summer 2022First round19 15.68 18.54
20.68     28.51     16.90     15.68     18.04
2x2x2 Cube
Billings Fall 2024First round9 4.98 6.94
4.98      7.12      5.95      7.75      DNF
Bozeman Cubing 2024First round9 4.75 5.35
5.79      4.75      5.41      8.31      4.84
Sheridan Stampede 2024Final16 4.24 5.29
5.71      4.24      4.88      8.01      5.29
First round12 2.58 4.64
5.60      2.58      3.77      4.94      5.22
Bozeman Cubing 2023Final2 4.10 4.65
4.38      4.64      6.22      4.10      4.93
Second round6 3.85 5.23
4.75      3.85      4.45      6.48      13.53
First round7 4.60 5.66
5.93      6.36      4.87      6.19      4.60
Billings Speedcubing 2023Final4 3.72 4.42
5.16      3.72      4.05      4.19      5.01
First round7 4.76 5.08
5.25      5.13      7.01      4.76      4.87
Grizz Cubing 2022Second round10 4.65 6.65
6.20      7.78      4.65      7.52      6.22
First round10 4.66 5.93
4.97      9.02      4.66      6.30      6.53
Wyoming Summer 2022First round28 7.54 9.66
10.12     7.60      13.52     11.27     7.54
4x4x4 Cube
Billings Fall 2024Final6 58.32 1:06.00
1:15.04   1:04.16   1:06.88   1:06.97   58.32
Bozeman Cubing 2024Final6 57.17 1:07.40
1:05.68   57.17     1:12.01   1:08.17   1:08.34
First round5 49.91 1:04.98
49.91     1:04.86   1:05.59   1:05.95   1:04.50
Bozeman Cubing 2023Final5 59.75 1:07.78
1:14.76   1:12.50   59.75     1:01.63   1:09.21
Billings Speedcubing 2023Final6 1:02.05 1:07.29
1:13.01   1:03.62   1:07.91   1:10.35   1:02.05
Grizz Cubing 2022First round11 54.04 1:14.45
54.04     1:11.72   1:35.15   1:33.04   58.59
5x5x5 Cube
Bozeman Cubing 2024Final5 1:40.42 1:52.33
1:44.95   2:00.86   1:55.23   1:56.81   1:40.42
Bozeman Cubing 2023Final5 2:02.25
2:02.25   2:02.89
Billings Speedcubing 2023Final4 1:44.84 1:52.21
1:49.61   1:56.37   1:44.84   1:50.65   1:56.72
Grizz Cubing 2022First round9 2:26.61
2:28.50   2:26.61
Wyoming Summer 2022Final15 2:21.38 2:54.80
2:56.61   2:21.38   3:16.75   2:41.57   3:06.21
6x6x6 Cube
Billings Fall 2024Final8 6:40.28 DNF
6:40.28   DNF       DNS
Bozeman Cubing 2023Final4 3:56.96 4:23.45
4:23.87   3:56.96   4:49.52
Grizz Cubing 2022Final8 4:15.23 4:45.14
5:29.07   4:15.23   4:31.12
7x7x7 Cube
Billings Fall 2024Final5 8:01.02 DNF
8:01.02   DNS       DNS
Bozeman Cubing 2023Final4 6:32.92 DNF
6:32.92   DNF       DNF
Billings Speedcubing 2023Final6 6:15.63
Grizz Cubing 2022Final8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-Handed
Billings Fall 2024First round8 23.80 32.48
DNF       37.20     34.79     25.46     23.80
Bozeman Cubing 2024Final6 32.41 36.78
33.51     48.61     40.70     32.41     36.12
First round5 28.05 33.71
29.37     28.05     37.13     DNF       34.63
Sheridan Stampede 2024First round13 29.22 34.07
33.29     29.22     35.32     33.60     38.65
Bozeman Cubing 2023Final4 24.27 32.38
24.27     37.60     30.19     33.66     33.28
First round6 30.05 34.79
36.46     39.59     36.90     31.01     30.05
Grizz Cubing 2022Second round10 37.24 44.61
51.62     56.57     43.09     39.11     37.24
First round9 34.47 40.77
57.78     42.40     44.83     35.08     34.47
Wyoming Summer 2022Final19 49.81 57.36
1:06.59   52.39     53.11     1:17.73   49.81
Sheridan Stampede 2024Final17 DNF
DNF       DNF
Bozeman Cubing 2024Final5 2:16.76
3:07.80   2:16.76
Sheridan Stampede 2024Final13 2:31.64
2:33.88   2:31.64
Bozeman Cubing 2023Final3 2:19.43
2:40.92   2:19.43
Billings Speedcubing 2023Final9 2:17.73
2:38.71   2:17.73
Grizz Cubing 2022First round12 2:40.28
2:50.96   2:40.28
Billings Fall 2024First round9 9.41 10.29
17.01     9.52      9.41      11.18     10.17
Bozeman Cubing 2024Final6 6.81 9.63
9.72      9.75      6.81      9.54      9.63
First round4 8.75 9.41
10.24     8.82      9.16      8.75      11.99
Sheridan Stampede 2024Final8 6.13 8.71
6.13      7.93      9.18      10.70     9.01
First round13 8.50 11.47
13.52     14.15     11.28     8.50      9.60
Bozeman Cubing 2023Final5 8.60 10.15
12.12     8.60      9.13      12.85     9.19
First round5 10.01 11.09
10.01     11.12     10.78     11.37     11.53
Billings Speedcubing 2023Final7 8.59 10.10
8.59      9.71      11.86     9.83      10.76
First round5 9.29 10.93
10.07     9.29      11.51     12.63     11.20
Grizz Cubing 2022First round6 8.33 10.78
8.33      14.27     9.53      8.53      DNF
Wyoming Summer 2022First round21 12.02 13.38
12.02     18.28     13.01     14.11     13.03
Billings Fall 2024First round10 14.79 16.97
18.68     16.77     14.79     16.06     18.08
Bozeman Cubing 2024First round9 9.50 13.87
13.64     9.50      11.72     16.24     22.06
Sheridan Stampede 2024First round20 12.20 18.87
27.49     12.20     23.27     16.25     17.10
Bozeman Cubing 2023Final6 11.68 16.19
15.81     14.72     18.05     23.54     11.68
First round10 12.76 17.42
12.76     17.59     17.53     17.64     17.14
Billings Speedcubing 2023First round12 11.71 14.88
24.72     13.82     11.71     15.15     15.66
Grizz Cubing 2022First round16 7.90 20.23
24.38     19.00     7.90      17.32     28.31
Bozeman Cubing 2024Final5 44.13 1:00.48
1:07.71   1:16.02   44.95     44.13     1:08.78
Billings Speedcubing 2023Final4 43.48 1:04.80
1:13.21   1:05.86   1:02.91   1:05.63   43.48
Grizz Cubing 2022First round8 1:36.95
1:36.95   2:40.07
Billings Fall 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round7 11.19 13.67
18.52     11.19     14.91     12.83     13.28
First round8 11.24 14.70
11.24     22.33     11.40     18.05     14.66
2x2x2 CubeFirst round9 4.98 6.94
4.98      7.12      5.95      7.75      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 58.32 1:06.00
1:15.04   1:04.16   1:06.88   1:06.97   58.32
6x6x6 CubeFinal8 6:40.28 DNF
6:40.28   DNF       DNS
7x7x7 CubeFinal5 8:01.02 DNF
8:01.02   DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round8 23.80 32.48
DNF       37.20     34.79     25.46     23.80
PyraminxFirst round9 9.41 10.29
17.01     9.52      9.41      11.18     10.17
SkewbFirst round10 14.79 16.97
18.68     16.77     14.79     16.06     18.08
Bozeman Cubing 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 13.12 14.68
17.20     13.92     13.12     14.73     15.38
Second round6 10.99 12.97
10.99     14.38     12.40     13.70     12.80
First round5 8.94 11.90
8.94      11.28     12.37     13.04     12.06
2x2x2 CubeFirst round9 4.75 5.35
5.79      4.75      5.41      8.31      4.84
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 57.17 1:07.40
1:05.68   57.17     1:12.01   1:08.17   1:08.34
First round5 49.91 1:04.98
49.91     1:04.86   1:05.59   1:05.95   1:04.50
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:40.42 1:52.33
1:44.95   2:00.86   1:55.23   1:56.81   1:40.42
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 32.41 36.78
33.51     48.61     40.70     32.41     36.12
First round5 28.05 33.71
29.37     28.05     37.13     DNF       34.63
MegaminxFinal5 2:16.76
3:07.80   2:16.76
PyraminxFinal6 6.81 9.63
9.72      9.75      6.81      9.54      9.63
First round4 8.75 9.41
10.24     8.82      9.16      8.75      11.99
SkewbFirst round9 9.50 13.87
13.64     9.50      11.72     16.24     22.06
Square-1Final5 44.13 1:00.48
1:07.71   1:16.02   44.95     44.13     1:08.78
Sheridan Stampede 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 10.94 13.08
13.12     13.81     12.60     13.51     10.94
Second round13 10.83 13.27
10.83     10.87     14.29     15.25     14.64
First round14 10.37 13.08
14.25     10.37     12.08     12.90     15.20
2x2x2 CubeFinal16 4.24 5.29
5.71      4.24      4.88      8.01      5.29
First round12 2.58 4.64
5.60      2.58      3.77      4.94      5.22
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round13 29.22 34.07
33.29     29.22     35.32     33.60     38.65
ClockFinal17 DNF
DNF       DNF
MegaminxFinal13 2:31.64
2:33.88   2:31.64
PyraminxFinal8 6.13 8.71
6.13      7.93      9.18      10.70     9.01
First round13 8.50 11.47
13.52     14.15     11.28     8.50      9.60
SkewbFirst round20 12.20 18.87
27.49     12.20     23.27     16.25     17.10
Bozeman Cubing 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 13.23 13.97
20.57     13.36     13.23     14.53     14.01
Second round4 12.14 13.09
12.40     15.18     13.58     12.14     13.28
First round2 11.63 12.45
12.57     11.63     12.69     12.10     14.45
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 4.10 4.65
4.38      4.64      6.22      4.10      4.93
Second round6 3.85 5.23
4.75      3.85      4.45      6.48      13.53
First round7 4.60 5.66
5.93      6.36      4.87      6.19      4.60
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 59.75 1:07.78
1:14.76   1:12.50   59.75     1:01.63   1:09.21
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 2:02.25
2:02.25   2:02.89
6x6x6 CubeFinal4 3:56.96 4:23.45
4:23.87   3:56.96   4:49.52
7x7x7 CubeFinal4 6:32.92 DNF
6:32.92   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 24.27 32.38
24.27     37.60     30.19     33.66     33.28
First round6 30.05 34.79
36.46     39.59     36.90     31.01     30.05
MegaminxFinal3 2:19.43
2:40.92   2:19.43
PyraminxFinal5 8.60 10.15
12.12     8.60      9.13      12.85     9.19
First round5 10.01 11.09
10.01     11.12     10.78     11.37     11.53
SkewbFinal6 11.68 16.19
15.81     14.72     18.05     23.54     11.68
First round10 12.76 17.42
12.76     17.59     17.53     17.64     17.14
Billings Speedcubing 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 12.79 13.68
12.79     13.02     14.40     14.85     13.63
Second round6 12.06 13.58
14.16     12.06     13.18     13.40     16.26
First round6 13.59 14.72
13.97     15.02     16.56     15.17     13.59
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 3.72 4.42
5.16      3.72      4.05      4.19      5.01
First round7 4.76 5.08
5.25      5.13      7.01      4.76      4.87
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 1:02.05 1:07.29
1:13.01   1:03.62   1:07.91   1:10.35   1:02.05
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:44.84 1:52.21
1:49.61   1:56.37   1:44.84   1:50.65   1:56.72
7x7x7 CubeFinal6 6:15.63
MegaminxFinal9 2:17.73
2:38.71   2:17.73
PyraminxFinal7 8.59 10.10
8.59      9.71      11.86     9.83      10.76
First round5 9.29 10.93
10.07     9.29      11.51     12.63     11.20
SkewbFirst round12 11.71 14.88
24.72     13.82     11.71     15.15     15.66
Square-1Final4 43.48 1:04.80
1:13.21   1:05.86   1:02.91   1:05.63   43.48
Grizz Cubing 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round10 13.49 16.65
16.44     17.82     20.91     15.70     13.49
First round11 14.33 16.00
14.83     17.35     14.33     16.81     16.35
2x2x2 CubeSecond round10 4.65 6.65
6.20      7.78      4.65      7.52      6.22
First round10 4.66 5.93
4.97      9.02      4.66      6.30      6.53
4x4x4 CubeFirst round11 54.04 1:14.45
54.04     1:11.72   1:35.15   1:33.04   58.59
5x5x5 CubeFirst round9 2:26.61
2:28.50   2:26.61
6x6x6 CubeFinal8 4:15.23 4:45.14
5:29.07   4:15.23   4:31.12
7x7x7 CubeFinal8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round10 37.24 44.61
51.62     56.57     43.09     39.11     37.24
First round9 34.47 40.77
57.78     42.40     44.83     35.08     34.47
MegaminxFirst round12 2:40.28
2:50.96   2:40.28
PyraminxFirst round6 8.33 10.78
8.33      14.27     9.53      8.53      DNF
SkewbFirst round16 7.90 20.23
24.38     19.00     7.90      17.32     28.31
Square-1First round8 1:36.95
1:36.95   2:40.07
Wyoming Summer 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round19 15.68 18.54
20.68     28.51     16.90     15.68     18.04
2x2x2 CubeFirst round28 7.54 9.66
10.12     7.60      13.52     11.27     7.54
5x5x5 CubeFinal15 2:21.38 2:54.80
2:56.61   2:21.38   3:16.75   2:41.57   3:06.21
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal19 49.81 57.36
1:06.59   52.39     53.11     1:17.73   49.81
PyraminxFirst round21 12.02 13.38
12.02     18.28     13.01     14.11     13.03
72024-09-28Billings Fall 2024United StatesBillings, Montana
62024-04-20Bozeman Cubing 2024United StatesBozeman, Montana
52024-04-06Sheridan Stampede 2024United StatesSheridan, Wyoming
42023-10-29Bozeman Cubing 2023United StatesBozeman, Montana
32023-09-30Billings Speedcubing 2023United StatesBillings, Montana
22022-12-03~04Grizz Cubing 2022United StatesMissoula, Montana
12022-06-04Wyoming Summer 2022United StatesCasper, Wyoming