Personal Page

Yoan Tomanov

Name: Yoan Tomanov
Region: Bulgaria
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Yoan Tomanov2022TOMA06
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.07.09 - 2024.11.10
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube3404377118085838.3954.021955094742637215/15
2x2x2 Cube2713555813106111.2416.131289383485026214/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Pernik Open 2024First round52 38.39 54.02
52.25     59.99     1:03.34   38.39     49.81
Tarnovo Open 2022First round88 40.42 58.22
54.35     52.68     1:07.62   40.42     1:08.85
We are Back Sofia 2022First round68 1:03.44 1:07.26
1:18.49   1:09.83   1:07.98   1:03.97   1:03.44
2x2x2 Cube
Pernik Open 2024First round48 11.49 23.17
16.09     42.52     17.90     35.53     11.49
Tarnovo Open 2022First round64 11.24 16.13
18.55     27.52     11.24     14.10     15.74
We are Back Sofia 2022First round50 19.03 46.55
22.48     1:31.85   19.03     25.33     DNF
Side Events Bulgaria 2024First round28 40.08 DNF
50.78     47.65     40.08     DNF       DNF
Pernik Open 2024Final16 56.20
56.20     DNF
Side Events Bulgaria 2024Final34 16.81 24.42
17.87     25.29     33.85     30.11     16.81
Pernik Open 2024Final38 17.41 26.31
17.41     25.16     31.69     22.08     DNF
Tarnovo Open 2022First round50 12.62 16.23
16.25     18.18     12.62     17.49     14.94
We are Back Sofia 2022Final35 13.93 18.70
15.50     23.67     27.20     16.92     13.93
Side Events Bulgaria 2024First round20 11.51 14.80
23.23     12.18     16.63     11.51     15.59
Pernik Open 2024Final26 7.24 19.89
39.68     32.33     16.58     7.24      10.75
Tarnovo Open 2022First round22 7.31 12.58
12.48     19.48     14.75     10.52     7.31
We are Back Sofia 2022Final35 12.94 DNF
24.46     13.50     DNF       DNF       12.94
Side Events Bulgaria 2024
ClockFirst round28 40.08 DNF
50.78     47.65     40.08     DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal34 16.81 24.42
17.87     25.29     33.85     30.11     16.81
SkewbFirst round20 11.51 14.80
23.23     12.18     16.63     11.51     15.59
Pernik Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round52 38.39 54.02
52.25     59.99     1:03.34   38.39     49.81
2x2x2 CubeFirst round48 11.49 23.17
16.09     42.52     17.90     35.53     11.49
ClockFinal16 56.20
56.20     DNF
PyraminxFinal38 17.41 26.31
17.41     25.16     31.69     22.08     DNF
SkewbFinal26 7.24 19.89
39.68     32.33     16.58     7.24      10.75
Tarnovo Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round88 40.42 58.22
54.35     52.68     1:07.62   40.42     1:08.85
2x2x2 CubeFirst round64 11.24 16.13
18.55     27.52     11.24     14.10     15.74
PyraminxFirst round50 12.62 16.23
16.25     18.18     12.62     17.49     14.94
SkewbFirst round22 7.31 12.58
12.48     19.48     14.75     10.52     7.31
We are Back Sofia 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round68 1:03.44 1:07.26
1:18.49   1:09.83   1:07.98   1:03.97   1:03.44
2x2x2 CubeFirst round50 19.03 46.55
22.48     1:31.85   19.03     25.33     DNF
PyraminxFinal35 13.93 18.70
15.50     23.67     27.20     16.92     13.93
SkewbFinal35 12.94 DNF
24.46     13.50     DNF       DNF       12.94
42024-11-09~10Side Events Bulgaria 2024BulgariaSofia
32024-04-27Pernik Open 2024BulgariaPernik
22022-08-06~07Tarnovo Open 2022BulgariaVeliko Tarnovo
12022-07-09We are Back Sofia 2022BulgariaSofia