Personal Page

Samuel Fernando Garzón Toro

Name: Samuel Fernando Garzón Toro
Region: Colombia
Competitions: 12
WCA ID: Samuel Fernando Garzón Toro2022TORO06
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.11.05 - 2024.03.17
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube45224843222812.0615.14362362760481120/120
2x2x2 Cube2091007135392.534.6119003131626375/75
4x4x4 Cube35017092167455.581:04.142194117213537/7
5x5x5 Cube3061467206422:19.552/4
3x3x3 One-Handed59030943732836.3239.613159825774845/5

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Avenida Chile IX 2024Second round24 12.06 15.20
15.08     15.98     12.06     14.55     15.99
First round29 13.72 15.84
15.39     15.89     16.43     13.72     16.23
Pocos Cupos Bogotá VI 2024Second round14 13.87 15.67
19.53     17.13     13.87     14.76     15.13
First round14 15.34 16.12
17.78     15.42     15.61     17.34     15.34
Monterrey Bogotá IV 2023Second round20 12.73 15.89
14.36     12.73     17.67     17.30     16.02
First round19 13.64 15.40
16.33     21.15     14.28     13.64     15.58
Avenida Chile III 2023Semi Final39 13.67 17.06
13.67     18.45     18.42     16.71     16.05
Second round33 14.04 15.14
15.63     14.71     15.08     14.04     18.17
First round43 15.18 16.96
15.66     16.31     23.36     15.18     18.90
Avenida Chile 2023Second round31 14.06 17.22
16.70     18.35     16.61     20.59     14.06
First round25 13.71 15.58
14.53     16.24     19.38     15.98     13.71
Madrid Cundinamarca 2023Second round17 12.90 16.25
18.47     16.36     15.58     12.90     16.82
First round18 12.95 16.03
17.03     17.21     12.95     13.85     20.36
Monterrey Bogotá II 2023Second round18 13.46 16.16
18.20     13.46     15.36     14.91     19.47
First round20 16.22 18.95
20.26     16.22     20.26     17.14     19.45
75 por Ciento II Bogotá 2023Final27 15.59 17.55
17.50     15.59     17.31     19.97     17.83
Second round23 14.28 15.80
18.11     15.07     14.28     16.30     16.04
First round30 15.44 18.74
17.61     15.44     20.18     21.07     18.43
Sergio Arboleda 2023Second round31 14.03 16.17
18.22     15.54     17.03     15.94     14.03
First round36 13.85 16.98
16.49     19.04     15.40     22.90     13.85
75 por Ciento Bogotá 2023Final45 17.12 18.46
18.03     17.23     17.12     22.08     20.12
Second round44 15.24 17.26
17.42     15.78     18.57     15.24     19.10
First round47 14.73 18.34
14.73     22.40     15.81     24.99     16.82
Colombia Nationals 2022First round72 16.69 18.09
17.94     18.22     23.16     16.69     18.12
2x2x2 Cube
Avenida Chile IX 2024Second round31 3.41 6.18
6.10      6.38      6.29      3.41      6.16
First round39 4.88 6.32
5.24      6.45      4.88      7.27      9.75
Pocos Cupos Bogotá VI 2024Second round17 4.60 6.19
4.60      6.73      9.85      5.34      6.51
First round14 3.26 5.42
5.77      5.82      5.86      3.26      4.66
Monterrey Bogotá IV 2023First round16 4.38 5.44
5.48      5.64      6.68      5.20      4.38
Avenida Chile III 2023First round37 4.71 5.68
6.08      5.80      4.71      5.17      7.04
Avenida Chile 2023First round12 3.73 4.61
4.56      3.73      5.05      4.21      8.12
Madrid Cundinamarca 2023Final8 3.85 4.91
3.85      5.16      4.85      5.21      4.72
Second round10 4.23 5.28
4.23      4.70      5.55      5.61      5.59
First round7 3.89 4.68
5.16      3.89      4.01      6.79      4.87
Monterrey Bogotá II 2023First round17 2.53 5.56
2.53      5.90      7.02      6.10      4.67
Sergio Arboleda 2023First round21 4.31 5.30
5.88      5.94      5.31      4.31      4.70
75 por Ciento Bogotá 2023Second round41 6.57 7.25
7.63      6.57      7.37      8.18      6.75
First round26 3.56 5.58
4.91      3.56      7.01      9.92      4.82
Colombia Nationals 2022First round64 6.02 6.25
7.55      6.02      6.19      6.36      6.21
4x4x4 Cube
Pocos Cupos Bogotá III 2023First round15 55.58 1:04.14
1:06.90   1:07.12   1:04.11   55.58     1:01.41
Colombia Nationals 2022First round63 1:13.77
1:24.09   1:13.77
5x5x5 Cube
Avenida Chile 2023Final25 2:19.55
2:20.29   2:19.55
Colombia Nationals 2022First round37 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
75 por Ciento II Bogotá 2023First round22 36.32 39.61
41.28     40.82     36.32     46.30     36.74
Avenida Chile IX 2024Final5 6.77 9.40
7.85      6.77      DNF       8.48      11.87
Second round3 7.36 8.03
7.36      13.12     7.92      7.79      8.39
First round7 9.04 11.44
9.94      9.04      16.69     14.80     9.58
Pocos Cupos Bogotá VI 2024Final4 7.88 10.61
10.82     13.12     7.88      DNF       7.88
First round3 8.37 9.32
9.45      8.37      9.62      8.88      DNF
Monterrey Bogotá IV 2023Final11 8.88 DNF
9.86      12.68     DNF       DNF       8.88
First round1 8.45 8.90
9.00      8.70      8.45      14.25     9.00
Pocos Cupos Bogotá III 2023Final6 11.15 11.77
11.40     DNF       11.15     12.18     11.74
First round6 9.33 12.95
11.52     9.33      16.04     DNF       11.30
Avenida Chile 2023Final4 10.20 10.61
11.00     10.42     12.89     10.20     10.40
Monterrey Bogotá II 2023Final5 9.43 10.88
11.41     10.68     DNF       9.43      10.56
Colombia Nationals 2022Final13 14.76 17.94
19.15     15.34     DNF       14.76     19.32
Monterrey Bogotá IV 2023First round13 2:01.42 2:08.17
2:07.46   2:07.96   2:09.10   2:09.26   2:01.42
Avenida Chile 2023First round26 2:51.51
2:51.51   DNF
75 por Ciento II Bogotá 2023First round21 DNF
DNF       DNF
Avenida Chile IX 2024Final11 4.96 7.38
9.68      4.96      7.61      5.98      8.55
Second round9 5.52 6.55
9.56      7.61      6.30      5.52      5.73
First round17 4.28 8.09
5.57      9.35      12.38     9.34      4.28
Pocos Cupos Bogotá VI 2024Final8 7.27 7.89
7.47      8.21      7.99      7.27      10.42
Second round8 6.25 7.20
7.28      10.13     6.25      7.44      6.87
First round10 6.51 8.94
11.40     7.19      6.51      10.75     8.89
Monterrey Bogotá IV 2023Final12 7.06 9.76
9.06      7.06      9.11      13.25     11.12
First round3 5.38 6.73
7.85      5.38      15.94     6.15      6.19
Avenida Chile III 2023First round18 6.74 8.21
7.86      8.80      7.96      15.29     6.74
Madrid Cundinamarca 2023Second round14 7.75 9.65
7.75      10.87     9.96      9.64      9.34
First round12 6.22 10.35
11.69     14.18     10.69     8.68      6.22
Monterrey Bogotá II 2023First round17 8.37 10.17
DNF       8.37      9.71      9.34      11.45
75 por Ciento Bogotá 2023Final22 5.15 10.11
5.15      7.39      10.04     18.56     12.89
Second round20 5.36 9.28
11.96     12.02     5.36      9.04      6.83
First round33 9.74 10.03
10.72     10.44     9.74      9.79      9.85
Colombia Nationals 2022First round26 6.27 8.19
8.80      8.70      8.66      6.27      7.20
Pocos Cupos Bogotá VI 2024Second round10 3.17 8.80
9.81      3.17      8.61      10.28     7.97
First round12 6.99 9.11
8.14      12.72     11.25     7.95      6.99
Monterrey Bogotá IV 2023First round18 7.61 11.76
19.36     8.14      7.61      19.29     7.85
Avenida Chile III 2023First round24 7.82 9.40
8.27      7.82      9.83      10.11     15.85
Pocos Cupos Bogotá III 2023First round14 6.70 8.82
10.21     9.17      14.30     7.07      6.70
Madrid Cundinamarca 2023Second round14 7.17 13.71
7.17      16.40     DNF       12.51     12.23
First round17 8.83 19.07
8.83      23.89     19.90     18.64     18.68
Monterrey Bogotá II 2023Second round19 9.02 17.92
16.53     9.02      14.21     24.06     23.01
First round16 5.37 10.09
5.37      15.38     7.40      7.49      DNF
Avenida Chile IX 2024Second round18 43.16 47.37
47.93     48.35     43.16     45.82     57.15
First round18 33.27 53.41
33.27     1:06.17   DNF       52.82     41.25
Avenida Chile IX 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 12.06 15.20
15.08     15.98     12.06     14.55     15.99
First round29 13.72 15.84
15.39     15.89     16.43     13.72     16.23
2x2x2 CubeSecond round31 3.41 6.18
6.10      6.38      6.29      3.41      6.16
First round39 4.88 6.32
5.24      6.45      4.88      7.27      9.75
ClockFinal5 6.77 9.40
7.85      6.77      DNF       8.48      11.87
Second round3 7.36 8.03
7.36      13.12     7.92      7.79      8.39
First round7 9.04 11.44
9.94      9.04      16.69     14.80     9.58
PyraminxFinal11 4.96 7.38
9.68      4.96      7.61      5.98      8.55
Second round9 5.52 6.55
9.56      7.61      6.30      5.52      5.73
First round17 4.28 8.09
5.57      9.35      12.38     9.34      4.28
Square-1Second round18 43.16 47.37
47.93     48.35     43.16     45.82     57.15
First round18 33.27 53.41
33.27     1:06.17   DNF       52.82     41.25
Pocos Cupos Bogotá VI 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 13.87 15.67
19.53     17.13     13.87     14.76     15.13
First round14 15.34 16.12
17.78     15.42     15.61     17.34     15.34
2x2x2 CubeSecond round17 4.60 6.19
4.60      6.73      9.85      5.34      6.51
First round14 3.26 5.42
5.77      5.82      5.86      3.26      4.66
ClockFinal4 7.88 10.61
10.82     13.12     7.88      DNF       7.88
First round3 8.37 9.32
9.45      8.37      9.62      8.88      DNF
PyraminxFinal8 7.27 7.89
7.47      8.21      7.99      7.27      10.42
Second round8 6.25 7.20
7.28      10.13     6.25      7.44      6.87
First round10 6.51 8.94
11.40     7.19      6.51      10.75     8.89
SkewbSecond round10 3.17 8.80
9.81      3.17      8.61      10.28     7.97
First round12 6.99 9.11
8.14      12.72     11.25     7.95      6.99
Monterrey Bogotá IV 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 12.73 15.89
14.36     12.73     17.67     17.30     16.02
First round19 13.64 15.40
16.33     21.15     14.28     13.64     15.58
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 4.38 5.44
5.48      5.64      6.68      5.20      4.38
ClockFinal11 8.88 DNF
9.86      12.68     DNF       DNF       8.88
First round1 8.45 8.90
9.00      8.70      8.45      14.25     9.00
MegaminxFirst round13 2:01.42 2:08.17
2:07.46   2:07.96   2:09.10   2:09.26   2:01.42
PyraminxFinal12 7.06 9.76
9.06      7.06      9.11      13.25     11.12
First round3 5.38 6.73
7.85      5.38      15.94     6.15      6.19
SkewbFirst round18 7.61 11.76
19.36     8.14      7.61      19.29     7.85
Avenida Chile III 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final39 13.67 17.06
13.67     18.45     18.42     16.71     16.05
Second round33 14.04 15.14
15.63     14.71     15.08     14.04     18.17
First round43 15.18 16.96
15.66     16.31     23.36     15.18     18.90
2x2x2 CubeFirst round37 4.71 5.68
6.08      5.80      4.71      5.17      7.04
PyraminxFirst round18 6.74 8.21
7.86      8.80      7.96      15.29     6.74
SkewbFirst round24 7.82 9.40
8.27      7.82      9.83      10.11     15.85
Pocos Cupos Bogotá III 2023
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 55.58 1:04.14
1:06.90   1:07.12   1:04.11   55.58     1:01.41
ClockFinal6 11.15 11.77
11.40     DNF       11.15     12.18     11.74
First round6 9.33 12.95
11.52     9.33      16.04     DNF       11.30
SkewbFirst round14 6.70 8.82
10.21     9.17      14.30     7.07      6.70
Avenida Chile 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 14.06 17.22
16.70     18.35     16.61     20.59     14.06
First round25 13.71 15.58
14.53     16.24     19.38     15.98     13.71
2x2x2 CubeFirst round12 3.73 4.61
4.56      3.73      5.05      4.21      8.12
5x5x5 CubeFinal25 2:19.55
2:20.29   2:19.55
ClockFinal4 10.20 10.61
11.00     10.42     12.89     10.20     10.40
MegaminxFirst round26 2:51.51
2:51.51   DNF
Madrid Cundinamarca 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 12.90 16.25
18.47     16.36     15.58     12.90     16.82
First round18 12.95 16.03
17.03     17.21     12.95     13.85     20.36
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 3.85 4.91
3.85      5.16      4.85      5.21      4.72
Second round10 4.23 5.28
4.23      4.70      5.55      5.61      5.59
First round7 3.89 4.68
5.16      3.89      4.01      6.79      4.87
PyraminxSecond round14 7.75 9.65
7.75      10.87     9.96      9.64      9.34
First round12 6.22 10.35
11.69     14.18     10.69     8.68      6.22
SkewbSecond round14 7.17 13.71
7.17      16.40     DNF       12.51     12.23
First round17 8.83 19.07
8.83      23.89     19.90     18.64     18.68
Monterrey Bogotá II 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 13.46 16.16
18.20     13.46     15.36     14.91     19.47
First round20 16.22 18.95
20.26     16.22     20.26     17.14     19.45
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 2.53 5.56
2.53      5.90      7.02      6.10      4.67
ClockFinal5 9.43 10.88
11.41     10.68     DNF       9.43      10.56
PyraminxFirst round17 8.37 10.17
DNF       8.37      9.71      9.34      11.45
SkewbSecond round19 9.02 17.92
16.53     9.02      14.21     24.06     23.01
First round16 5.37 10.09
5.37      15.38     7.40      7.49      DNF
75 por Ciento II Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal27 15.59 17.55
17.50     15.59     17.31     19.97     17.83
Second round23 14.28 15.80
18.11     15.07     14.28     16.30     16.04
First round30 15.44 18.74
17.61     15.44     20.18     21.07     18.43
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round22 36.32 39.61
41.28     40.82     36.32     46.30     36.74
MegaminxFirst round21 DNF
DNF       DNF
Sergio Arboleda 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 14.03 16.17
18.22     15.54     17.03     15.94     14.03
First round36 13.85 16.98
16.49     19.04     15.40     22.90     13.85
2x2x2 CubeFirst round21 4.31 5.30
5.88      5.94      5.31      4.31      4.70
75 por Ciento Bogotá 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal45 17.12 18.46
18.03     17.23     17.12     22.08     20.12
Second round44 15.24 17.26
17.42     15.78     18.57     15.24     19.10
First round47 14.73 18.34
14.73     22.40     15.81     24.99     16.82
2x2x2 CubeSecond round41 6.57 7.25
7.63      6.57      7.37      8.18      6.75
First round26 3.56 5.58
4.91      3.56      7.01      9.92      4.82
PyraminxFinal22 5.15 10.11
5.15      7.39      10.04     18.56     12.89
Second round20 5.36 9.28
11.96     12.02     5.36      9.04      6.83
First round33 9.74 10.03
10.72     10.44     9.74      9.79      9.85
Colombia Nationals 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round72 16.69 18.09
17.94     18.22     23.16     16.69     18.12
2x2x2 CubeFirst round64 6.02 6.25
7.55      6.02      6.19      6.36      6.21
4x4x4 CubeFirst round63 1:13.77
1:24.09   1:13.77
5x5x5 CubeFirst round37 DNF
DNF       DNF
ClockFinal13 14.76 17.94
19.15     15.34     DNF       14.76     19.32
PyraminxFirst round26 6.27 8.19
8.80      8.70      8.66      6.27      7.20
122024-03-17Avenida Chile IX 2024ColombiaBogotá
112024-02-03Pocos Cupos Bogotá VI 2024ColombiaBogotá
102023-12-10Monterrey Bogotá IV 2023ColombiaBogotá, Cundinamarca
92023-09-17Avenida Chile III 2023ColombiaBogotá
82023-09-03Pocos Cupos Bogotá III 2023ColombiaBogotá
72023-07-02Avenida Chile 2023ColombiaBogotá
62023-06-24Madrid Cundinamarca 2023ColombiaMadrid, Cundinamarca
52023-06-04Monterrey Bogotá II 2023ColombiaBogotá, Cundinamarca
42023-05-0775 por Ciento II Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá
32023-03-18Sergio Arboleda 2023ColombiaBogotá
22023-02-2675 por Ciento Bogotá 2023ColombiaBogotá
12022-11-05~07Colombia Nationals 2022ColombiaBogotá