Personal Page

Sebastian Troiano

Name: Sebastian Troiano
Region: Australia
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Sebastian Troiano2022TROI01
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.01.21 - 2023.01.22
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube80710052462311.1212.191679068354444/45
2x2x2 Cube650814151952.634.6419511101280540/40
4x4x4 Cube11971503359861:14.084/4
5x5x5 Cube763964219322:26.442/2
3x3x3 One-Handed4555711486521.4336.742847811118936/7

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Melbourne Summer 2023Semi Final45 11.12 12.19
11.55     13.25     14.61     11.77     11.12
Second round57 11.13 12.80
12.83     13.29     12.99     12.57     11.13
First round65 11.20 13.28
14.87     11.20     12.15     13.38     14.31
Wonderful Williamstown 2022Second round70 16.03 17.71
17.43     19.53     16.03     16.17     20.48
First round85 15.48 18.82
22.83     20.59     17.10     18.77     15.48
Melbourne Mini Sunday 2022Second round28 15.28 16.00
20.35     15.28     16.22     15.85     15.94
First round33 15.79 17.27
16.40     16.58     15.79     18.84     DNF
Melbourne Summer 2022Second round78 15.18 17.25
19.61     17.38     15.18     17.25     17.11
First round89 16.07 17.80
18.92     17.19     16.07     17.63     18.59
2x2x2 Cube
Melbourne Summer 2023Semi Final66 2.63 5.42
5.76      6.45      4.58      2.63      5.91
Second round43 3.75 4.64
5.29      5.38      4.48      4.15      3.75
First round83 4.45 4.99
4.45      4.80      4.59      5.59      6.18
Wonderful Williamstown 2022Second round66 4.04 6.06
5.72      4.04      6.09      8.74      6.37
First round68 3.52 5.85
3.52      5.52      6.19      8.63      5.84
Melbourne Mini Sunday 2022First round20 4.67 5.05
5.73      4.82      4.84      4.67      5.48
Melbourne Summer 2022Second round62 5.04 5.97
7.05      5.50      7.46      5.37      5.04
First round56 4.86 5.40
4.86      6.30      5.07      5.29      5.85
4x4x4 Cube
Melbourne Summer 2023First round92 1:14.08
1:14.08   1:15.43
Melbourne Summer 2022First round90 1:30.85
1:37.99   1:30.85
5x5x5 Cube
Melbourne Summer 2022First round60 2:26.44
2:35.28   2:26.44
3x3x3 One-Handed
Melbourne Summer 2023First round70 21.43 36.74
21.43     34.14     DNF       38.24     37.85
Melbourne Summer 2022First round70 42.65
42.65     45.96
Melbourne Summer 2022First round59 36.86
40.60     36.86
Melbourne Summer 2023Second round59 5.74 8.72
5.74      7.56      9.01      9.63      9.59
First round44 6.48 7.77
12.02     6.48      6.62      8.33      8.35
Wonderful Williamstown 2022First round59 8.06 11.45
11.28     15.34     12.02     8.06      11.06
Melbourne Mini Sunday 2022First round26 4.38 9.83
12.88     7.30      10.84     11.34     4.38
Melbourne Summer 2022Semi Final34 7.23 9.66
10.34     9.59      7.23      9.06      11.36
Second round41 7.43 9.68
12.33     8.65      10.17     7.43      10.21
First round61 8.12 11.44
11.34     8.12      11.30     11.69     19.42
Melbourne Summer 2023Semi Final48 7.41 9.27
7.41      10.99     8.34      10.11     9.37
Second round64 7.57 11.20
10.02     15.48     19.38     8.10      7.57
First round63 6.86 11.17
9.74      10.54     13.22     6.86      DNF
Wonderful Williamstown 2022First round48 8.12 11.46
11.03     11.08     12.27     8.12      12.82
Melbourne Mini Sunday 2022First round21 9.04 10.68
11.29     10.41     10.34     9.04      11.79
Melbourne Summer 2022Second round68 6.95 12.59
10.89     13.36     15.06     6.95      13.53
First round77 9.72 14.59
18.88     13.58     16.99     13.19     9.72
Melbourne Summer 2023Second round34 26.70 28.24
26.70     28.53     27.90     28.30     33.97
First round36 24.05 27.52
24.30     28.21     30.05     24.05     30.95
Wonderful Williamstown 2022First round30 37.54
37.54     DNF
Melbourne Summer 2022First round41 58.77
DNF       58.77
Melbourne Summer 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final45 11.12 12.19
11.55     13.25     14.61     11.77     11.12
Second round57 11.13 12.80
12.83     13.29     12.99     12.57     11.13
First round65 11.20 13.28
14.87     11.20     12.15     13.38     14.31
2x2x2 CubeSemi Final66 2.63 5.42
5.76      6.45      4.58      2.63      5.91
Second round43 3.75 4.64
5.29      5.38      4.48      4.15      3.75
First round83 4.45 4.99
4.45      4.80      4.59      5.59      6.18
4x4x4 CubeFirst round92 1:14.08
1:14.08   1:15.43
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round70 21.43 36.74
21.43     34.14     DNF       38.24     37.85
PyraminxSecond round59 5.74 8.72
5.74      7.56      9.01      9.63      9.59
First round44 6.48 7.77
12.02     6.48      6.62      8.33      8.35
SkewbSemi Final48 7.41 9.27
7.41      10.99     8.34      10.11     9.37
Second round64 7.57 11.20
10.02     15.48     19.38     8.10      7.57
First round63 6.86 11.17
9.74      10.54     13.22     6.86      DNF
Square-1Second round34 26.70 28.24
26.70     28.53     27.90     28.30     33.97
First round36 24.05 27.52
24.30     28.21     30.05     24.05     30.95
Wonderful Williamstown 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round70 16.03 17.71
17.43     19.53     16.03     16.17     20.48
First round85 15.48 18.82
22.83     20.59     17.10     18.77     15.48
2x2x2 CubeSecond round66 4.04 6.06
5.72      4.04      6.09      8.74      6.37
First round68 3.52 5.85
3.52      5.52      6.19      8.63      5.84
PyraminxFirst round59 8.06 11.45
11.28     15.34     12.02     8.06      11.06
SkewbFirst round48 8.12 11.46
11.03     11.08     12.27     8.12      12.82
Square-1First round30 37.54
37.54     DNF
Melbourne Mini Sunday 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 15.28 16.00
20.35     15.28     16.22     15.85     15.94
First round33 15.79 17.27
16.40     16.58     15.79     18.84     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 4.67 5.05
5.73      4.82      4.84      4.67      5.48
PyraminxFirst round26 4.38 9.83
12.88     7.30      10.84     11.34     4.38
SkewbFirst round21 9.04 10.68
11.29     10.41     10.34     9.04      11.79
Melbourne Summer 2022
3x3x3 CubeSecond round78 15.18 17.25
19.61     17.38     15.18     17.25     17.11
First round89 16.07 17.80
18.92     17.19     16.07     17.63     18.59
2x2x2 CubeSecond round62 5.04 5.97
7.05      5.50      7.46      5.37      5.04
First round56 4.86 5.40
4.86      6.30      5.07      5.29      5.85
4x4x4 CubeFirst round90 1:30.85
1:37.99   1:30.85
5x5x5 CubeFirst round60 2:26.44
2:35.28   2:26.44
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round70 42.65
42.65     45.96
ClockFirst round59 36.86
40.60     36.86
PyraminxSemi Final34 7.23 9.66
10.34     9.59      7.23      9.06      11.36
Second round41 7.43 9.68
12.33     8.65      10.17     7.43      10.21
First round61 8.12 11.44
11.34     8.12      11.30     11.69     19.42
SkewbSecond round68 6.95 12.59
10.89     13.36     15.06     6.95      13.53
First round77 9.72 14.59
18.88     13.58     16.99     13.19     9.72
Square-1First round41 58.77
DNF       58.77
42023-01-20~22Melbourne Summer 2023AustraliaMelbourne, Victoria
32022-04-23~24Wonderful Williamstown 2022AustraliaMelbourne, Victoria
22022-03-06Melbourne Mini Sunday 2022AustraliaMelbourne, Victoria
12022-01-21~23Melbourne Summer 2022AustraliaMelbourne, Victoria