Personal Page

Alex Tucker

Name: Alex Tucker
Region: United Kingdom
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Alex Tucker2022TUCK05
Gender: Male
Career: 2022.10.01 - 2023.10.01
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube89190743543612.5015.4838075950690755/55
2x2x2 Cube160216479572674.835.934025111526113525/25
4x4x4 Cube7818437298801:06.291:08.6324667691265211/11
5x5x5 Cube7067139231042:35.554/4
3x3x3 One-Handed78989143396433.8137.6929061751468014/14

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Kent Autumn 2023Second round59 14.68 16.36
15.31     18.29     19.04     14.68     15.49
First round52 14.53 15.70
16.56     15.80     14.83     14.53     16.48
Stevenage July 2023Semi Final76 15.14 17.38
16.23     19.68     15.14     20.26     16.23
Second round76 13.25 15.48
14.99     18.50     13.25     15.00     16.45
First round86 15.29 18.30
17.03     21.54     15.29     17.70     20.17
Essex Spring 2023Final52 16.43 19.00
20.65     18.64     20.01     18.34     16.43
Second round57 12.50 19.35
21.02     18.92     12.50     19.60     19.52
First round53 15.78 18.69
18.26     19.39     21.70     18.43     15.78
Stevenage Autumn B 2022Final73 16.16 19.87
20.82     23.91     16.16     19.21     19.58
Second round74 16.63 19.95
22.68     19.32     16.63     21.76     18.77
First round86 18.02 21.53
21.47     18.02     22.33     22.99     20.80
2x2x2 Cube
Stevenage July 2023First round95 4.83 6.54
4.83      5.72      7.44      8.28      6.47
Essex Spring 2023Second round58 6.88 7.37
8.72      6.88      7.48      7.59      7.04
First round43 5.21 5.93
5.21      7.06      8.50      5.45      5.28
Stevenage Autumn B 2022Second round75 6.60 7.79
7.02      6.60      12.18     7.36      9.00
First round93 5.41 8.57
8.12      9.00      10.04     8.58      5.41
4x4x4 Cube
Kent Autumn 2023First round57 1:18.85
1:18.85   1:32.39
Stevenage July 2023First round59 1:06.29 1:08.63
1:08.08   1:08.04   1:06.29   1:09.78   1:11.60
Stevenage Autumn B 2022Final59 1:19.98
1:19.98   1:23.45
First round60 1:19.72
1:19.72   1:25.76
5x5x5 Cube
Stevenage July 2023First round69 2:35.55
2:53.83   2:35.55
Essex Spring 2023First round43 3:05.75
3:05.75   3:09.71
3x3x3 One-Handed
Stevenage July 2023Final65 40.24
1:00.09   40.24
Essex Spring 2023Final46 33.81 47.50
47.95     33.81     44.10     1:26.82   50.46
First round42 36.76 37.69
36.76     37.63     37.16     38.27     45.43
Stevenage Autumn B 2022First round57 41.95
41.95     52.73
Kent Autumn 2023Second round50 8.76 11.14
11.71     12.06     8.76      11.76     9.94
First round49 9.09 10.53
11.65     10.73     9.09      12.45     9.22
Stevenage July 2023Second round75 9.72 10.31
9.79      10.73     9.72      12.49     10.42
First round72 6.78 10.54
14.87     7.96      6.78      9.44      14.23
Stevenage Autumn B 2022Final66 8.88 12.53
11.23     8.88      13.18     13.17     14.96
First round85 10.54 14.81
15.05     10.54     22.59     15.28     14.10
Essex Spring 2023First round61 11.23 16.43
16.87     17.12     18.38     15.31     11.23
Stevenage Autumn B 2022First round86 15.12 20.75
20.71     26.83     17.80     15.12     23.73
Kent Autumn 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round59 14.68 16.36
15.31     18.29     19.04     14.68     15.49
First round52 14.53 15.70
16.56     15.80     14.83     14.53     16.48
4x4x4 CubeFirst round57 1:18.85
1:18.85   1:32.39
PyraminxSecond round50 8.76 11.14
11.71     12.06     8.76      11.76     9.94
First round49 9.09 10.53
11.65     10.73     9.09      12.45     9.22
Stevenage July 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final76 15.14 17.38
16.23     19.68     15.14     20.26     16.23
Second round76 13.25 15.48
14.99     18.50     13.25     15.00     16.45
First round86 15.29 18.30
17.03     21.54     15.29     17.70     20.17
2x2x2 CubeFirst round95 4.83 6.54
4.83      5.72      7.44      8.28      6.47
4x4x4 CubeFirst round59 1:06.29 1:08.63
1:08.08   1:08.04   1:06.29   1:09.78   1:11.60
5x5x5 CubeFirst round69 2:35.55
2:53.83   2:35.55
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal65 40.24
1:00.09   40.24
PyraminxSecond round75 9.72 10.31
9.79      10.73     9.72      12.49     10.42
First round72 6.78 10.54
14.87     7.96      6.78      9.44      14.23
Essex Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal52 16.43 19.00
20.65     18.64     20.01     18.34     16.43
Second round57 12.50 19.35
21.02     18.92     12.50     19.60     19.52
First round53 15.78 18.69
18.26     19.39     21.70     18.43     15.78
2x2x2 CubeSecond round58 6.88 7.37
8.72      6.88      7.48      7.59      7.04
First round43 5.21 5.93
5.21      7.06      8.50      5.45      5.28
5x5x5 CubeFirst round43 3:05.75
3:05.75   3:09.71
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal46 33.81 47.50
47.95     33.81     44.10     1:26.82   50.46
First round42 36.76 37.69
36.76     37.63     37.16     38.27     45.43
SkewbFirst round61 11.23 16.43
16.87     17.12     18.38     15.31     11.23
Stevenage Autumn B 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal73 16.16 19.87
20.82     23.91     16.16     19.21     19.58
Second round74 16.63 19.95
22.68     19.32     16.63     21.76     18.77
First round86 18.02 21.53
21.47     18.02     22.33     22.99     20.80
2x2x2 CubeSecond round75 6.60 7.79
7.02      6.60      12.18     7.36      9.00
First round93 5.41 8.57
8.12      9.00      10.04     8.58      5.41
4x4x4 CubeFinal59 1:19.98
1:19.98   1:23.45
First round60 1:19.72
1:19.72   1:25.76
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round57 41.95
41.95     52.73
PyraminxFinal66 8.88 12.53
11.23     8.88      13.18     13.17     14.96
First round85 10.54 14.81
15.05     10.54     22.59     15.28     14.10
SkewbFirst round86 15.12 20.75
20.71     26.83     17.80     15.12     23.73
42023-09-30~10-01Kent Autumn 2023United KingdomMaidstone, Kent
32023-07-22~23Stevenage July 2023United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
22023-04-08~09Essex Spring 2023United KingdomSouth Woodham Ferrers, Essex
12022-10-01~02Stevenage Autumn B 2022United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire