Personal Page

Naama Anbar

Name: Naama Anbar
Region: Poland
Competitions: 11
WCA ID: Naama Anbar2023ANBA01
Gender: Female
Career: 2023.10.20 - 2025.01.26
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube101287393417012.2814.91347128683101579/85
2x2x2 Cube212119201679595.326.735476915402178328/30
4x4x4 Cube158114036486431:36.152/10
3x3x3 One-Handed1334126484744748.144/4

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Stevenage January 2025Second round70 12.31 14.91
13.14     12.31     17.14     16.36     15.22
First round76 13.73 15.52
DNF       13.73     14.35     15.21     17.01
Rubik's UK Championship 2024First round296 16.31 17.99
18.93     18.16     17.90     17.90     16.31
Stevenage October 2024First round67 12.28 16.18
16.63     20.70     14.50     12.28     17.40
Israel Championship 2024First round153 14.68 17.83
19.68     14.68     18.86     16.35     18.28
Stevenage June 2024Second round84 13.92 18.36
13.92     17.03     20.06     18.00     20.79
First round102 16.26 21.76
DNF       22.27     21.92     16.26     21.09
Stevenage May 2024Semi Final75 17.92 23.56
21.45     25.88     27.23     23.36     17.92
Second round72 14.64 19.99
20.64     22.44     16.90     14.64     DNF
First round74 16.38 19.72
22.32     17.75     16.38     19.09     23.65
Stevenage April 2024Second round104 17.12 20.73
19.27     25.81     22.18     17.12     20.73
First round112 18.09 22.52
22.99     DNF       23.41     18.09     21.17
Stevenage Newcomers Sunday 2024Final57 20.82 26.79
28.16     20.82     DNF       27.06     25.15
First round37 19.15 23.04
21.75     26.26     31.93     19.15     21.10
Stevenage February 2024First round132 23.33 26.17
23.33     26.70     31.21     24.87     26.93
Stevenage January 2024First round124 21.94 26.83
28.68     25.63     31.42     21.94     26.17
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round444 29.00 51.66
59.14     1:03.76   29.00     DNF       32.08
2x2x2 Cube
Rubik's UK Championship 2024First round378 6.17 8.77
9.51      6.17      13.24     9.39      7.40
Stevenage October 2024First round73 5.32 6.73
13.89     5.32      6.62      7.68      5.89
Stevenage June 2024First round104 5.83 7.01
7.49      6.69      6.85      7.76      5.83
Stevenage Newcomers Sunday 2024Final65 6.88 9.52
6.88      11.96     10.30     9.60      8.65
Stevenage February 2024First round164 7.96 DNF
8.93      7.96      DNF       9.23      DNF
Stevenage January 2024First round124 7.19 9.52
12.67     7.19      8.16      11.85     8.56
4x4x4 Cube
Stevenage January 2025Final98 1:50.28
DNF       1:50.28
Stevenage October 2024First round74 DNF
DNF       DNF
Stevenage June 2024First round100 DNF
DNF       DNF
Stevenage February 2024First round90 1:36.15
DNF       1:36.15
Stevenage January 2024First round98 DNF
DNF       DNF
5x5x5 Cube
Stevenage October 2024Final63 DNF
DNF       DNF
Stevenage April 2024First round93 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Stevenage June 2024Final81 48.14
48.14     54.43
Stevenage April 2024First round92 1:00.42
1:00.42   1:04.16
Stevenage January 2025First round78 29.51
29.51     DNF
Stevenage October 2024First round64 20.24
20.24     DNF
Stevenage February 2024Final83 28.52
28.52     28.55
Stevenage April 2024First round67 DNF
DNF       DNF
Rubik's UK Championship 2024First round295 11.94 12.73
13.09     12.88     14.69     11.94     12.21
Stevenage October 2024First round72 10.68 14.57
10.68     DNF       14.85     12.58     16.28
Israel Championship 2024First round132 12.70 13.77
12.70     14.11     13.95     14.90     13.24
Stevenage June 2024First round73 10.20 11.62
11.00     10.20     15.29     13.58     10.27
Stevenage April 2024Second round78 10.05 12.33
10.48     13.23     10.05     13.28     13.76
First round66 9.94 11.06
11.01     10.44     11.73     13.19     9.94
Stevenage Newcomers Sunday 2024Final62 13.59 14.75
13.59     20.10     14.59     14.98     14.69
Stevenage February 2024First round98 10.42 12.86
10.42     13.62     14.48     DNF       10.48
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round348 11.05 18.99
11.05     21.67     19.34     25.44     15.97
Israel Championship 2024First round105 10.90 15.44
14.35     19.42     16.20     10.90     15.78
Stevenage May 2024First round84 9.95 15.02
37.76     12.89     11.99     20.18     9.95
Stevenage Newcomers Sunday 2024Final57 14.59 18.67
19.05     17.51     40.23     14.59     19.46
Stevenage February 2024First round125 16.06 20.96
18.83     29.55     16.06     27.64     16.42
Stevenage January 2024First round101 14.23 21.80
DNF       21.54     14.23     17.75     26.12
Stevenage January 2025First round56 1:12.13
1:12.13   DNF
Stevenage January 2025
3x3x3 CubeSecond round70 12.31 14.91
13.14     12.31     17.14     16.36     15.22
First round76 13.73 15.52
DNF       13.73     14.35     15.21     17.01
4x4x4 CubeFinal98 1:50.28
DNF       1:50.28
ClockFirst round78 29.51
29.51     DNF
Square-1First round56 1:12.13
1:12.13   DNF
Rubik's UK Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round296 16.31 17.99
18.93     18.16     17.90     17.90     16.31
2x2x2 CubeFirst round378 6.17 8.77
9.51      6.17      13.24     9.39      7.40
PyraminxFirst round295 11.94 12.73
13.09     12.88     14.69     11.94     12.21
Stevenage October 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round67 12.28 16.18
16.63     20.70     14.50     12.28     17.40
2x2x2 CubeFirst round73 5.32 6.73
13.89     5.32      6.62      7.68      5.89
4x4x4 CubeFirst round74 DNF
DNF       DNF
5x5x5 CubeFinal63 DNF
DNF       DNF
ClockFirst round64 20.24
20.24     DNF
PyraminxFirst round72 10.68 14.57
10.68     DNF       14.85     12.58     16.28
Israel Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round153 14.68 17.83
19.68     14.68     18.86     16.35     18.28
PyraminxFirst round132 12.70 13.77
12.70     14.11     13.95     14.90     13.24
SkewbFirst round105 10.90 15.44
14.35     19.42     16.20     10.90     15.78
Stevenage June 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round84 13.92 18.36
13.92     17.03     20.06     18.00     20.79
First round102 16.26 21.76
DNF       22.27     21.92     16.26     21.09
2x2x2 CubeFirst round104 5.83 7.01
7.49      6.69      6.85      7.76      5.83
4x4x4 CubeFirst round100 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal81 48.14
48.14     54.43
PyraminxFirst round73 10.20 11.62
11.00     10.20     15.29     13.58     10.27
Stevenage May 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final75 17.92 23.56
21.45     25.88     27.23     23.36     17.92
Second round72 14.64 19.99
20.64     22.44     16.90     14.64     DNF
First round74 16.38 19.72
22.32     17.75     16.38     19.09     23.65
SkewbFirst round84 9.95 15.02
37.76     12.89     11.99     20.18     9.95
Stevenage April 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round104 17.12 20.73
19.27     25.81     22.18     17.12     20.73
First round112 18.09 22.52
22.99     DNF       23.41     18.09     21.17
5x5x5 CubeFirst round93 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round92 1:00.42
1:00.42   1:04.16
MegaminxFirst round67 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxSecond round78 10.05 12.33
10.48     13.23     10.05     13.28     13.76
First round66 9.94 11.06
11.01     10.44     11.73     13.19     9.94
Stevenage Newcomers Sunday 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal57 20.82 26.79
28.16     20.82     DNF       27.06     25.15
First round37 19.15 23.04
21.75     26.26     31.93     19.15     21.10
2x2x2 CubeFinal65 6.88 9.52
6.88      11.96     10.30     9.60      8.65
PyraminxFinal62 13.59 14.75
13.59     20.10     14.59     14.98     14.69
SkewbFinal57 14.59 18.67
19.05     17.51     40.23     14.59     19.46
Stevenage February 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round132 23.33 26.17
23.33     26.70     31.21     24.87     26.93
2x2x2 CubeFirst round164 7.96 DNF
8.93      7.96      DNF       9.23      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFirst round90 1:36.15
DNF       1:36.15
ClockFinal83 28.52
28.52     28.55
PyraminxFirst round98 10.42 12.86
10.42     13.62     14.48     DNF       10.48
SkewbFirst round125 16.06 20.96
18.83     29.55     16.06     27.64     16.42
Stevenage January 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round124 21.94 26.83
28.68     25.63     31.42     21.94     26.17
2x2x2 CubeFirst round124 7.19 9.52
12.67     7.19      8.16      11.85     8.56
4x4x4 CubeFirst round98 DNF
DNF       DNF
SkewbFirst round101 14.23 21.80
DNF       21.54     14.23     17.75     26.12
Rubik's UK Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round444 29.00 51.66
59.14     1:03.76   29.00     DNF       32.08
PyraminxFirst round348 11.05 18.99
11.05     21.67     19.34     25.44     15.97
112025-01-25~26Stevenage January 2025United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
102024-11-01~03Rubik's UK Championship 2024United KingdomCoventry, West Midlands
92024-10-05~06Stevenage October 2024United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
82024-08-18~21Israel Championship 2024IsraelRehovot
72024-06-08~09Stevenage June 2024United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
62024-05-11~12Stevenage May 2024United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
52024-04-20~21Stevenage April 2024United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
42024-03-10Stevenage Newcomers Sunday 2024United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
32024-02-10~11Stevenage February 2024United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
22024-01-13~14Stevenage January 2024United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
12023-10-20~22Rubik's UK Championship 2023United KingdomCoventry, West Midlands