Personal Page

Leonidas Baroutsos

Name: Leonidas Baroutsos
Region: South Africa
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Leonidas Baroutsos2023BARO04
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.04.22 - 2024.11.10
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube3547687651817.4320.477281569631644/45
2x2x2 Cube277484518554.527.787104667137625/25
4x4x4 Cube197398476991:34.321:43.66399623651808/10
5x5x5 Cube105188259102:51.743:50.28216081931156/7
3x3x3 One-Handed1683714171640.6354.414209639117610/10

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Beginner and Blind CT 2024Second round20 17.43 21.23
23.18     18.93     17.43     30.91     21.59
First round20 21.65 24.58
22.71     27.56     23.86     21.65     27.18
WCA African Championship 2024Second round76 19.17 21.62
19.87     21.78     19.17     23.21     DNF
First round85 20.11 24.96
22.98     26.24     25.65     32.60     20.11
Qualifying in Kirstenhof 2024Final25 18.12 20.47
18.12     30.28     18.69     20.04     22.67
Second round29 20.98 22.65
24.35     30.51     21.97     20.98     21.62
First round36 19.65 24.89
19.65     27.38     28.67     22.94     24.34
CubingZA Cape Cubes Autumn 2023Second round55 25.93 30.89
30.07     28.88     25.93     50.49     33.72
First round57 30.01 32.06
37.78     32.62     30.01     30.34     33.23
2x2x2 Cube
Beginner and Blind CT 2024First round20 4.52 7.78
8.50      4.52      8.37      9.97      6.47
WCA African Championship 2024Second round78 8.19 9.95
8.41      8.19      12.54     8.89      12.77
First round76 7.16 8.32
8.31      9.06      8.24      8.41      7.16
Qualifying in Kirstenhof 2024First round34 8.90 12.66
10.19     13.32     14.48     8.90      17.20
CubingZA Cape Cubes Autumn 2023First round55 7.06 11.42
13.80     10.02     7.06      10.44     23.56
4x4x4 Cube
WCA African Championship 2024First round60 1:34.32 1:43.66
1:35.74   DNF       1:34.32   1:57.53   1:37.70
Qualifying in Kirstenhof 2024First round31 1:54.48 2:16.87
DNF       2:02.61   2:23.76   2:24.25   1:54.48
5x5x5 Cube
WCA African Championship 2024First round54 3:30.26
3:44.12   3:30.26
Qualifying in Kirstenhof 2024Final21 2:51.74 3:50.28
3:47.84   4:11.20   2:51.74   DNF       3:31.79
3x3x3 One-Handed
WCA African Championship 2024First round72 40.63 54.41
51.86     1:09.81   1:14.91   40.63     41.56
Qualifying in Kirstenhof 2024First round27 47.92 55.93
57.28     47.92     1:01.89   1:10.02   48.61
Beginner and Blind CT 2024First round13 35.07 43.89
1:02.38   46.02     46.01     35.07     39.65
Beginner and Blind CT 2024Final13 8.14 11.36
8.14      9.81      DNF       9.30      14.97
First round10 7.50 9.29
7.50      8.29      10.04     9.53      12.38
WCA African Championship 2024Second round49 11.71 13.85
13.93     12.24     11.71     15.37     15.38
First round69 12.09 17.14
DNF       16.49     13.42     12.09     21.52
Qualifying in Kirstenhof 2024Final18 9.59 11.44
DNF       15.01     9.69      9.59      9.62
First round17 6.63 10.36
12.32     9.36      9.41      6.63      14.41
CubingZA Cape Cubes Autumn 2023First round21 7.17 10.69
13.46     9.73      11.59     7.17      10.74
WCA African Championship 2024First round59 16.57 20.48
28.35     23.92     18.14     19.37     16.57
Qualifying in Kirstenhof 2024First round26 14.84 19.09
29.61     15.95     21.89     19.42     14.84
WCA African Championship 2024First round29 47.57 54.10
47.57     1:23.56   58.89     51.78     51.64
Qualifying in Kirstenhof 2024Final11 57.51 1:25.81
1:32.15   1:22.93   1:22.34   57.51     DNF
Beginner and Blind CT 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 17.43 21.23
23.18     18.93     17.43     30.91     21.59
First round20 21.65 24.58
22.71     27.56     23.86     21.65     27.18
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 4.52 7.78
8.50      4.52      8.37      9.97      6.47
ClockFirst round13 35.07 43.89
1:02.38   46.02     46.01     35.07     39.65
PyraminxFinal13 8.14 11.36
8.14      9.81      DNF       9.30      14.97
First round10 7.50 9.29
7.50      8.29      10.04     9.53      12.38
WCA African Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round76 19.17 21.62
19.87     21.78     19.17     23.21     DNF
First round85 20.11 24.96
22.98     26.24     25.65     32.60     20.11
2x2x2 CubeSecond round78 8.19 9.95
8.41      8.19      12.54     8.89      12.77
First round76 7.16 8.32
8.31      9.06      8.24      8.41      7.16
4x4x4 CubeFirst round60 1:34.32 1:43.66
1:35.74   DNF       1:34.32   1:57.53   1:37.70
5x5x5 CubeFirst round54 3:30.26
3:44.12   3:30.26
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round72 40.63 54.41
51.86     1:09.81   1:14.91   40.63     41.56
PyraminxSecond round49 11.71 13.85
13.93     12.24     11.71     15.37     15.38
First round69 12.09 17.14
DNF       16.49     13.42     12.09     21.52
SkewbFirst round59 16.57 20.48
28.35     23.92     18.14     19.37     16.57
Square-1First round29 47.57 54.10
47.57     1:23.56   58.89     51.78     51.64
Qualifying in Kirstenhof 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal25 18.12 20.47
18.12     30.28     18.69     20.04     22.67
Second round29 20.98 22.65
24.35     30.51     21.97     20.98     21.62
First round36 19.65 24.89
19.65     27.38     28.67     22.94     24.34
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 8.90 12.66
10.19     13.32     14.48     8.90      17.20
4x4x4 CubeFirst round31 1:54.48 2:16.87
DNF       2:02.61   2:23.76   2:24.25   1:54.48
5x5x5 CubeFinal21 2:51.74 3:50.28
3:47.84   4:11.20   2:51.74   DNF       3:31.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round27 47.92 55.93
57.28     47.92     1:01.89   1:10.02   48.61
PyraminxFinal18 9.59 11.44
DNF       15.01     9.69      9.59      9.62
First round17 6.63 10.36
12.32     9.36      9.41      6.63      14.41
SkewbFirst round26 14.84 19.09
29.61     15.95     21.89     19.42     14.84
Square-1Final11 57.51 1:25.81
1:32.15   1:22.93   1:22.34   57.51     DNF
CubingZA Cape Cubes Autumn 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round55 25.93 30.89
30.07     28.88     25.93     50.49     33.72
First round57 30.01 32.06
37.78     32.62     30.01     30.34     33.23
2x2x2 CubeFirst round55 7.06 11.42
13.80     10.02     7.06      10.44     23.56
PyraminxFirst round21 7.17 10.69
13.46     9.73      11.59     7.17      10.74
42024-11-09~10Beginner and Blind CT 2024South AfricaCape Town
32024-09-21~24WCA African Championship 2024South AfricaCape Town
22024-08-24~25Qualifying in Kirstenhof 2024South AfricaCape Town
12023-04-22~23CubingZA Cape Cubes Autumn 2023South AfricaCape Town