Personal Page

Jordan Blaustein

Name: Jordan Blaustein
Region: United States
Competitions: 13
WCA ID: Jordan Blaustein2023BLAU01
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.01.07 - 2024.11.24
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube472862212416211.0612.701979150503844107/110
2x2x2 Cube37744928176572.783.7183142379185890/90
4x4x4 Cube306842221711850.281:00.28192144802349831/35
5x5x5 Cube51716900243022:40.523/4
3x3x3 One-Handed8631152464114.9819.7758021389101865/66

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Loon Cubikon 2024Second round22 11.49 12.70
12.67     11.49     12.38     13.80     13.05
First round24 11.08 13.16
11.08     11.59     13.36     14.54     DNF
New England Championship 2024Second round83 11.06 13.91
12.92     11.06     12.92     17.80     15.89
First round76 12.75 13.15
13.50     12.98     12.75     12.96     13.77
Wakefield MA Summer 2024Second round24 11.33 13.31
14.48     11.33     14.40     12.11     13.41
First round26 12.43 13.88
14.28     12.43     13.09     15.75     14.28
Fall River Cubikon 2024Second round25 13.10 14.92
14.47     15.18     13.10     17.77     15.12
First round27 13.57 14.73
14.85     13.88     15.45     13.57     24.25
Loon Cubikon 2023Second round38 12.12 14.23
16.78     13.24     12.12     14.66     14.80
First round40 13.18 14.66
13.18     16.64     13.44     14.50     16.05
New England Championship 2023Second round153 13.33 19.22
DNF       15.26     26.37     13.33     16.02
First round114 12.83 15.42
12.83     15.88     15.23     19.05     15.14
Mystic Cubikon 2023First round38 14.86 16.00
17.67     14.86     15.05     15.65     17.31
Cubehenge 2023First round47 16.96 18.72
21.75     19.53     18.26     16.96     18.38
Middleboro Cubikon 2023First round37 14.95 17.66
20.21     14.95     18.03     15.17     19.77
Saint John's Scramble 2023Second round39 14.30 17.90
19.19     22.78     17.25     17.25     14.30
First round49 16.87 19.41
18.70     21.23     25.36     18.29     16.87
Fall River Cubikon 2023First round40 17.68 19.92
19.72     17.68     21.03     26.06     19.00
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023Second round69 23.28 26.43
23.59     23.28     DNF       27.70     28.00
First round57 18.27 20.85
24.03     23.16     20.55     18.27     18.84
Puzzling in Providence 2023Second round55 18.10 19.92
19.17     22.74     21.22     18.10     19.36
First round65 21.95 25.10
28.13     24.57     21.95     22.77     27.96
2x2x2 Cube
Loon Cubikon 2024First round13 3.01 3.74
4.40      3.01      3.24      3.58      6.76
New England Championship 2024Second round39 3.36 3.79
3.87      3.36      10.06     4.01      3.48
First round45 3.18 3.79
3.18      3.45      4.49      3.44      5.77
Wakefield MA Summer 2024Second round22 3.37 4.75
3.37      3.75      4.52      8.05      5.97
First round9 3.46 3.90
3.46      4.38      4.27      3.85      3.59
Fall River Cubikon 2024First round17 2.78 4.12
2.78      4.13      4.04      4.18      4.69
Loon Cubikon 2023First round20 3.22 3.88
4.29      3.94      3.22      4.55      3.40
New England Championship 2023Second round89 3.61 5.42
6.31      4.49      5.45      6.95      3.61
First round41 3.16 3.71
3.27      5.63      4.10      3.76      3.16
Mystic Cubikon 2023Final25 3.53 4.62
5.57      4.15      3.53      5.52      4.20
Cubehenge 2023First round31 3.93 4.73
5.46      3.93      5.69      4.75      3.97
Middleboro Cubikon 2023Second round10 3.83 4.19
4.26      3.83      3.95      4.37      8.53
First round7 3.12 3.82
4.86      3.12      3.60      4.10      3.75
Saint John's Scramble 2023Final16 3.57 3.99
3.75      7.98      3.94      3.57      4.29
First round18 3.37 4.37
4.74      3.96      4.92      3.37      4.40
Fall River Cubikon 2023First round19 4.07 4.82
4.45      4.07      6.33      5.40      4.60
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023First round21 4.18 4.74
5.17      4.73      4.78      4.70      4.18
Puzzling in Providence 2023Final34 4.51 5.04
5.70      4.56      7.36      4.85      4.51
4x4x4 Cube
Loon Cubikon 2024Final33 1:08.07 1:09.98
1:10.57   1:08.77   1:08.07   1:18.84   1:10.60
New England Championship 2024First round92 1:02.90 1:05.80
1:02.98   1:02.90   DNF       1:08.47   1:05.95
Loon Cubikon 2023Final35 1:01.64 1:07.88
1:07.06   1:07.46   1:09.11   1:16.19   1:01.64
New England Championship 2023Second round96 54.40 1:15.46
1:34.99   54.40     1:09.62   DNF       1:01.76
First round85 50.28 1:00.28
50.28     1:04.21   1:00.67   55.96     1:04.90
Mystic Cubikon 2023Final36 1:15.41
1:15.41   1:26.37
Cubehenge 2023Final42 1:11.32
1:11.32   1:18.34
Saint John's Scramble 2023Final40 1:24.40
1:24.40   1:40.78
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023First round58 DNF
DNF       DNF
Puzzling in Providence 2023First round60 2:12.30
2:12.30   3:30.31
5x5x5 Cube
New England Championship 2024First round94 2:40.52
2:56.54   2:40.52
Wakefield MA Summer 2024Final23 2:47.11
DNF       2:47.11
3x3x3 One-Handed
Loon Cubikon 2024Final8 14.98 19.77
20.87     20.79     14.98     19.78     18.74
First round10 15.94 20.20
20.45     20.96     19.19     23.97     15.94
New England Championship 2024First round40 17.54 22.38
23.60     20.83     17.54     26.63     22.72
Fall River Cubikon 2024Final11 21.85 24.84
27.61     23.62     21.85     32.42     23.29
First round14 21.32 25.11
24.49     27.19     21.32     27.05     23.78
Loon Cubikon 2023First round24 21.82 26.15
21.82     31.10     26.59     26.61     25.26
New England Championship 2023Second round54 20.64 24.68
22.51     20.64     23.32     28.20     29.47
First round69 24.45 27.29
29.43     26.39     26.06     35.81     24.45
Mystic Cubikon 2023Final32 26.13 34.85
43.71     26.56     26.13     43.93     34.27
Cubehenge 2023First round35 30.69 36.29
35.06     30.69     42.86     36.70     37.11
Saint John's Scramble 2023Final19 27.05 33.45
36.90     27.05     32.74     45.78     30.71
First round18 25.37 27.98
28.28     27.69     33.55     25.37     27.98
Fall River Cubikon 2023First round36 54.97
58.59     54.97
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023Final46 1:01.20
1:01.20   DNF
Puzzling in Providence 2023Final48 1:08.63
1:35.40   1:08.63
Loon Cubikon 2024First round45 31.66
DNF       31.66
Fall River Cubikon 2024Final31 23.61 32.99
40.19     23.61     29.54     39.10     30.33
New England Championship 2024First round112 10.50 11.05
10.76     16.79     11.36     10.50     11.03
Fall River Cubikon 2024Final36 7.55 13.22
13.18     7.55      DNF       11.63     14.84
New England Championship 2023First round172 10.98 15.30
10.99     13.09     10.98     21.82     22.84
Mystic Cubikon 2023Final58 11.97 14.80
17.23     14.23     11.97     13.15     17.03
Cubehenge 2023First round50 11.88 14.52
DNF       12.90     16.56     14.09     11.88
Saint John's Scramble 2023Final44 10.79 13.50
13.16     10.79     14.02     14.34     13.31
Fall River Cubikon 2023Final40 7.16 11.52
11.62     13.55     DNF       9.38      7.16
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023First round63 13.30 14.30
13.30     14.42     14.81     13.67     15.75
Puzzling in Providence 2023Final43 9.05 11.75
11.97     14.09     9.05      12.09     11.20
New England Championship 2024First round138 11.61 19.10
18.87     35.62     18.80     19.63     11.61
Wakefield MA Summer 2024First round35 16.29 20.32
18.46     16.29     25.16     47.93     17.33
Loon Cubikon 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 11.49 12.70
12.67     11.49     12.38     13.80     13.05
First round24 11.08 13.16
11.08     11.59     13.36     14.54     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 3.01 3.74
4.40      3.01      3.24      3.58      6.76
4x4x4 CubeFinal33 1:08.07 1:09.98
1:10.57   1:08.77   1:08.07   1:18.84   1:10.60
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 14.98 19.77
20.87     20.79     14.98     19.78     18.74
First round10 15.94 20.20
20.45     20.96     19.19     23.97     15.94
ClockFirst round45 31.66
DNF       31.66
New England Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round83 11.06 13.91
12.92     11.06     12.92     17.80     15.89
First round76 12.75 13.15
13.50     12.98     12.75     12.96     13.77
2x2x2 CubeSecond round39 3.36 3.79
3.87      3.36      10.06     4.01      3.48
First round45 3.18 3.79
3.18      3.45      4.49      3.44      5.77
4x4x4 CubeFirst round92 1:02.90 1:05.80
1:02.98   1:02.90   DNF       1:08.47   1:05.95
5x5x5 CubeFirst round94 2:40.52
2:56.54   2:40.52
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 17.54 22.38
23.60     20.83     17.54     26.63     22.72
PyraminxFirst round112 10.50 11.05
10.76     16.79     11.36     10.50     11.03
SkewbFirst round138 11.61 19.10
18.87     35.62     18.80     19.63     11.61
Wakefield MA Summer 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 11.33 13.31
14.48     11.33     14.40     12.11     13.41
First round26 12.43 13.88
14.28     12.43     13.09     15.75     14.28
2x2x2 CubeSecond round22 3.37 4.75
3.37      3.75      4.52      8.05      5.97
First round9 3.46 3.90
3.46      4.38      4.27      3.85      3.59
5x5x5 CubeFinal23 2:47.11
DNF       2:47.11
SkewbFirst round35 16.29 20.32
18.46     16.29     25.16     47.93     17.33
Fall River Cubikon 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 13.10 14.92
14.47     15.18     13.10     17.77     15.12
First round27 13.57 14.73
14.85     13.88     15.45     13.57     24.25
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 2.78 4.12
2.78      4.13      4.04      4.18      4.69
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 21.85 24.84
27.61     23.62     21.85     32.42     23.29
First round14 21.32 25.11
24.49     27.19     21.32     27.05     23.78
ClockFinal31 23.61 32.99
40.19     23.61     29.54     39.10     30.33
PyraminxFinal36 7.55 13.22
13.18     7.55      DNF       11.63     14.84
Loon Cubikon 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round38 12.12 14.23
16.78     13.24     12.12     14.66     14.80
First round40 13.18 14.66
13.18     16.64     13.44     14.50     16.05
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 3.22 3.88
4.29      3.94      3.22      4.55      3.40
4x4x4 CubeFinal35 1:01.64 1:07.88
1:07.06   1:07.46   1:09.11   1:16.19   1:01.64
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round24 21.82 26.15
21.82     31.10     26.59     26.61     25.26
New England Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round153 13.33 19.22
DNF       15.26     26.37     13.33     16.02
First round114 12.83 15.42
12.83     15.88     15.23     19.05     15.14
2x2x2 CubeSecond round89 3.61 5.42
6.31      4.49      5.45      6.95      3.61
First round41 3.16 3.71
3.27      5.63      4.10      3.76      3.16
4x4x4 CubeSecond round96 54.40 1:15.46
1:34.99   54.40     1:09.62   DNF       1:01.76
First round85 50.28 1:00.28
50.28     1:04.21   1:00.67   55.96     1:04.90
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round54 20.64 24.68
22.51     20.64     23.32     28.20     29.47
First round69 24.45 27.29
29.43     26.39     26.06     35.81     24.45
PyraminxFirst round172 10.98 15.30
10.99     13.09     10.98     21.82     22.84
Mystic Cubikon 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round38 14.86 16.00
17.67     14.86     15.05     15.65     17.31
2x2x2 CubeFinal25 3.53 4.62
5.57      4.15      3.53      5.52      4.20
4x4x4 CubeFinal36 1:15.41
1:15.41   1:26.37
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal32 26.13 34.85
43.71     26.56     26.13     43.93     34.27
PyraminxFinal58 11.97 14.80
17.23     14.23     11.97     13.15     17.03
Cubehenge 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round47 16.96 18.72
21.75     19.53     18.26     16.96     18.38
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 3.93 4.73
5.46      3.93      5.69      4.75      3.97
4x4x4 CubeFinal42 1:11.32
1:11.32   1:18.34
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round35 30.69 36.29
35.06     30.69     42.86     36.70     37.11
PyraminxFirst round50 11.88 14.52
DNF       12.90     16.56     14.09     11.88
Middleboro Cubikon 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round37 14.95 17.66
20.21     14.95     18.03     15.17     19.77
2x2x2 CubeSecond round10 3.83 4.19
4.26      3.83      3.95      4.37      8.53
First round7 3.12 3.82
4.86      3.12      3.60      4.10      3.75
Saint John's Scramble 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round39 14.30 17.90
19.19     22.78     17.25     17.25     14.30
First round49 16.87 19.41
18.70     21.23     25.36     18.29     16.87
2x2x2 CubeFinal16 3.57 3.99
3.75      7.98      3.94      3.57      4.29
First round18 3.37 4.37
4.74      3.96      4.92      3.37      4.40
4x4x4 CubeFinal40 1:24.40
1:24.40   1:40.78
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal19 27.05 33.45
36.90     27.05     32.74     45.78     30.71
First round18 25.37 27.98
28.28     27.69     33.55     25.37     27.98
PyraminxFinal44 10.79 13.50
13.16     10.79     14.02     14.34     13.31
Fall River Cubikon 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round40 17.68 19.92
19.72     17.68     21.03     26.06     19.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst round19 4.07 4.82
4.45      4.07      6.33      5.40      4.60
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round36 54.97
58.59     54.97
PyraminxFinal40 7.16 11.52
11.62     13.55     DNF       9.38      7.16
Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round69 23.28 26.43
23.59     23.28     DNF       27.70     28.00
First round57 18.27 20.85
24.03     23.16     20.55     18.27     18.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round21 4.18 4.74
5.17      4.73      4.78      4.70      4.18
4x4x4 CubeFirst round58 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal46 1:01.20
1:01.20   DNF
PyraminxFirst round63 13.30 14.30
13.30     14.42     14.81     13.67     15.75
Puzzling in Providence 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round55 18.10 19.92
19.17     22.74     21.22     18.10     19.36
First round65 21.95 25.10
28.13     24.57     21.95     22.77     27.96
2x2x2 CubeFinal34 4.51 5.04
5.70      4.56      7.36      4.85      4.51
4x4x4 CubeFirst round60 2:12.30
2:12.30   3:30.31
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal48 1:08.63
1:35.40   1:08.63
PyraminxFinal43 9.05 11.75
11.97     14.09     9.05      12.09     11.20
132024-11-24Loon Cubikon 2024United StatesManchester, New Hampshire
122024-08-23~25New England Championship 2024United StatesProvidence, Rhode Island
112024-06-30Wakefield MA Summer 2024United StatesWakefield, Massachusetts
102024-02-04Fall River Cubikon 2024United StatesFall River, Massachusetts
92023-11-19Loon Cubikon 2023United StatesManchester, New Hampshire
82023-10-07~09New England Championship 2023United StatesSpringfield, Massachusetts
72023-08-20Mystic Cubikon 2023United StatesGroton, Connecticut
62023-06-11Cubehenge 2023United StatesSalem, New Hampshire
52023-05-06Middleboro Cubikon 2023United StatesMiddleboro, Massachusetts
42023-04-01Saint John's Scramble 2023United StatesShrewsbury, Massachusetts
32023-02-05Fall River Cubikon 2023United StatesFall River, Massachusetts
22023-01-21Pioneer Valley Cubing A 2023United StatesAmherst, Massachusetts
12023-01-07Puzzling in Providence 2023United StatesProvidence, Rhode Island