Personal Page

Brendan Flynn

Name: Brendan Flynn
Region: United States
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Brendan Flynn2023FLYN04
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.10.14 - 2024.01.20
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube439657732233910.8113.88274866934523149/50
2x2x2 Cube63308314297533.434.15129613644282834/35
4x4x4 Cube15482146890641.4048.7097182340169129/30
5x5x5 Cube1637223785761:29.561:42.0493112461180620/20
6x6x6 Cube998134648012:50.763:06.434988141610506/6
7x7x7 Cube1141154754894:57.785:04.604958139310244/4
3x3x3 Blindfolded17242319100648:37.341/5
3x3x3 One-Handed9538128934889750.542/2

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
DeNxNver 2024Second round25 12.75 14.19
13.81     13.27     12.75     15.49     16.22
First round23 11.88 13.88
14.18     14.06     13.39     11.88     14.49
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023Second round31 12.71 15.69
12.71     15.24     18.67     18.83     13.15
First round29 10.81 15.04
12.87     10.81     15.78     16.46     17.22
Cold Hands Showdown 2023Second round21 11.88 15.17
17.34     11.88     20.50     14.56     13.62
First round20 12.68 15.18
14.73     16.26     12.68     15.53     15.27
Virginia Championship 2023Second round90 14.20 15.86
14.20     15.11     15.74     DNF       16.74
First round86 12.89 16.03
16.44     17.05     12.89     15.45     16.20
The Art of the Cube CO 2023Second round34 15.79 18.53
16.47     22.16     19.15     15.79     19.97
First round37 18.11 20.10
18.11     20.55     22.21     19.43     20.33
2x2x2 Cube
DeNxNver 2024Final14 3.65 5.71
3.65      4.03      8.59      8.60      4.51
First round13 3.43 4.15
3.62      9.09      3.43      4.55      4.29
Cold Hands Showdown 2023First round21 3.61 5.46
3.61      4.75      4.82      DNF       6.82
Virginia Championship 2023Second round70 4.04 5.25
5.68      12.96     5.79      4.04      4.27
First round53 3.97 4.67
7.71      3.97      4.74      4.89      4.38
The Art of the Cube CO 2023Second round23 4.15 5.31
4.18      4.15      6.87      4.88      7.98
First round20 4.06 5.01
6.06      4.14      4.06      5.68      5.22
4x4x4 Cube
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023Final15 48.81 50.82
48.81     1:04.78   50.29     52.29     49.89
First round14 41.40 48.70
41.40     57.65     53.34     47.46     45.31
Cold Hands Showdown 2023Final15 53.30 56.92
DNF       1:02.34   54.33     53.30     54.08
Virginia Championship 2023First round58 51.37 58.70
1:00.82   51.37     1:00.29   54.98     1:02.04
The Art of the Cube CO 2023Final21 58.58 1:02.63
1:05.02   58.58     1:10.19   59.63     1:03.23
First round18 52.46 1:00.15
1:07.15   1:04.09   52.46     1:00.44   55.92
5x5x5 Cube
DeNxNver 2024Final20 1:29.56 1:42.04
1:51.88   1:37.40   1:49.42   1:29.56   1:39.30
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023Final16 1:34.44 1:45.15
1:49.16   1:34.44   1:43.44   1:42.84   2:01.09
Cold Hands Showdown 2023First round16 1:48.86 1:53.97
1:48.86   1:54.78   1:56.26   1:51.79   1:55.35
Virginia Championship 2023First round51 1:56.54 2:01.93
2:06.04   1:59.99   2:04.77   1:56.54   2:01.03
6x6x6 Cube
DeNxNver 2024Final16 2:50.76 3:06.43
3:10.22   3:18.30   2:50.76
Virginia Championship 2023Final32 3:34.17 3:39.85
3:34.17   3:43.40   3:41.99
7x7x7 Cube
DeNxNver 2024Final16 4:57.78 5:04.60
4:57.78   5:03.51   5:12.51
Virginia Championship 2023Final39 6:24.86
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Virginia Championship 2023First round19 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
The Art of the Cube CO 2023Final10 8:37.34 DNF
8:37.34   DNF       DNS
3x3x3 One-Handed
Virginia Championship 2023First round108 50.54
50.54     1:02.76
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023First round24 10.41 12.69
12.92     12.65     12.51     13.29     10.41
Virginia Championship 2023First round74 15.04 DNF
DNF       27.84     DNF       15.04     16.74
DeNxNver 2024First round14 1:16.51 1:27.66
1:17.31   DNF       1:34.65   1:31.03   1:16.51
Virginia Championship 2023Final32 1:22.39 1:42.15
1:43.20   2:05.03   1:41.88   1:41.37   1:22.39
Cold Hands Showdown 2023First round17 3.75 9.37
14.09     9.56      10.97     3.75      7.57
Virginia Championship 2023Second round84 6.59 10.76
9.98      12.09     10.22     6.59      12.08
First round71 7.31 10.88
10.96     12.93     11.30     7.31      10.37
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023Second round20 5.60 7.12
5.83      8.40      5.60      12.76     7.14
First round29 5.98 8.54
11.96     6.06      9.47      10.09     5.98
Virginia Championship 2023First round25 5.89 7.63
6.53      5.89      8.34      11.91     8.03
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023Final24 19.76 34.00
51.57     36.28     40.32     25.39     19.76
Virginia Championship 2023First round30 19.94 28.04
35.26     26.72     28.81     19.94     28.60
The Art of the Cube CO 2023Final19 25.45 31.63
25.45     26.52     43.72     37.40     30.98
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
Virginia Championship 2023Final12 DNF
DeNxNver 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 12.75 14.19
13.81     13.27     12.75     15.49     16.22
First round23 11.88 13.88
14.18     14.06     13.39     11.88     14.49
2x2x2 CubeFinal14 3.65 5.71
3.65      4.03      8.59      8.60      4.51
First round13 3.43 4.15
3.62      9.09      3.43      4.55      4.29
5x5x5 CubeFinal20 1:29.56 1:42.04
1:51.88   1:37.40   1:49.42   1:29.56   1:39.30
6x6x6 CubeFinal16 2:50.76 3:06.43
3:10.22   3:18.30   2:50.76
7x7x7 CubeFinal16 4:57.78 5:04.60
4:57.78   5:03.51   5:12.51
MegaminxFirst round14 1:16.51 1:27.66
1:17.31   DNF       1:34.65   1:31.03   1:16.51
Happy Holidays Colorado 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 12.71 15.69
12.71     15.24     18.67     18.83     13.15
First round29 10.81 15.04
12.87     10.81     15.78     16.46     17.22
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 48.81 50.82
48.81     1:04.78   50.29     52.29     49.89
First round14 41.40 48.70
41.40     57.65     53.34     47.46     45.31
5x5x5 CubeFinal16 1:34.44 1:45.15
1:49.16   1:34.44   1:43.44   1:42.84   2:01.09
ClockFirst round24 10.41 12.69
12.92     12.65     12.51     13.29     10.41
SkewbSecond round20 5.60 7.12
5.83      8.40      5.60      12.76     7.14
First round29 5.98 8.54
11.96     6.06      9.47      10.09     5.98
Square-1Final24 19.76 34.00
51.57     36.28     40.32     25.39     19.76
Cold Hands Showdown 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 11.88 15.17
17.34     11.88     20.50     14.56     13.62
First round20 12.68 15.18
14.73     16.26     12.68     15.53     15.27
2x2x2 CubeFirst round21 3.61 5.46
3.61      4.75      4.82      DNF       6.82
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 53.30 56.92
DNF       1:02.34   54.33     53.30     54.08
5x5x5 CubeFirst round16 1:48.86 1:53.97
1:48.86   1:54.78   1:56.26   1:51.79   1:55.35
PyraminxFirst round17 3.75 9.37
14.09     9.56      10.97     3.75      7.57
Virginia Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round90 14.20 15.86
14.20     15.11     15.74     DNF       16.74
First round86 12.89 16.03
16.44     17.05     12.89     15.45     16.20
2x2x2 CubeSecond round70 4.04 5.25
5.68      12.96     5.79      4.04      4.27
First round53 3.97 4.67
7.71      3.97      4.74      4.89      4.38
4x4x4 CubeFirst round58 51.37 58.70
1:00.82   51.37     1:00.29   54.98     1:02.04
5x5x5 CubeFirst round51 1:56.54 2:01.93
2:06.04   1:59.99   2:04.77   1:56.54   2:01.03
6x6x6 CubeFinal32 3:34.17 3:39.85
3:34.17   3:43.40   3:41.99
7x7x7 CubeFinal39 6:24.86
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round19 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round108 50.54
50.54     1:02.76
ClockFirst round74 15.04 DNF
DNF       27.84     DNF       15.04     16.74
MegaminxFinal32 1:22.39 1:42.15
1:43.20   2:05.03   1:41.88   1:41.37   1:22.39
PyraminxSecond round84 6.59 10.76
9.98      12.09     10.22     6.59      12.08
First round71 7.31 10.88
10.96     12.93     11.30     7.31      10.37
SkewbFirst round25 5.89 7.63
6.53      5.89      8.34      11.91     8.03
Square-1First round30 19.94 28.04
35.26     26.72     28.81     19.94     28.60
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal12 DNF
The Art of the Cube CO 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round34 15.79 18.53
16.47     22.16     19.15     15.79     19.97
First round37 18.11 20.10
18.11     20.55     22.21     19.43     20.33
2x2x2 CubeSecond round23 4.15 5.31
4.18      4.15      6.87      4.88      7.98
First round20 4.06 5.01
6.06      4.14      4.06      5.68      5.22
4x4x4 CubeFinal21 58.58 1:02.63
1:05.02   58.58     1:10.19   59.63     1:03.23
First round18 52.46 1:00.15
1:07.15   1:04.09   52.46     1:00.44   55.92
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal10 8:37.34 DNF
8:37.34   DNF       DNS
Square-1Final19 25.45 31.63
25.45     26.52     43.72     37.40     30.98
52024-01-20DeNxNver 2024United StatesDenver, Colorado
42023-12-30Happy Holidays Colorado 2023United StatesAurora, Colorado
32023-12-02Cold Hands Showdown 2023United StatesCentennial, Colorado
22023-11-10~12Virginia Championship 2023United StatesRichmond, Virginia
12023-10-14The Art of the Cube CO 2023United StatesDenver, Colorado