Personal Page

Josue Emmanuel Sabanero Hernández

Name: Josue Emmanuel Sabanero Hernández
Region: Mexico
Competitions: 7
WCA ID: Josue Emmanuel Sabanero Hernández2023HERN89
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.11.18 - 2024.12.22
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube3478027557.028.892944822451159/60
2x2x2 Cube156245788392.193.08386710945555/55
4x4x4 Cube1624189327.7231.21648176111260/60
5x5x5 Cube610639649.641:02.1794924920125/25
6x6x6 Cube9183729922:26.082:41.0432739221013/3
7x7x7 Cube12594734354:03.984:11.2730858521153/3
3x3x3 One-Handed91966381914.3015.6018645064835/35

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Liga SLP Jornada Negro 2024Final1 7.02 9.64
11.88     9.09      7.02      8.42      11.42
Second round3 7.22 9.44
8.66      9.82      10.58     7.22      9.84
First round4 8.42 10.83
8.42      12.01     12.05     11.34     9.13
Liga SLP Jornada Verde 2024Final3 7.16 8.89
9.10      8.72      8.85      7.16      10.35
First round4 8.36 9.65
9.04      11.70     8.36      9.60      10.32
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024Final6 8.67 9.45
9.91      8.67      9.26      9.17      11.98
Second round7 7.89 9.96
8.30      DNF       12.25     9.33      7.89
First round12 9.52 10.65
10.11     11.60     10.25     12.92     9.52
Rubí Guanajuato 2024First round19 9.21 10.88
11.77     10.87     9.21      10.00     12.25
Bajío Open 2023Final6 9.32 9.96
10.10     9.32      10.20     9.85      9.92
Second round7 8.32 10.31
10.93     8.32      10.28     11.12     9.73
First round7 9.48 10.63
10.74     10.25     10.89     9.48      10.94
2x2x2 Cube
Liga SLP Jornada Negro 2024Final4 2.19 4.07
4.18      3.92      2.19      4.12      5.15
Second round3 2.95 3.69
2.95      3.57      5.60      3.94      3.55
First round12 4.58 5.40
4.58      5.40      5.34      5.54      5.45
Liga SLP Jornada Naranja 2024Final5 3.27 4.35
4.29      5.20      3.55      3.27      9.41
First round6 2.89 4.17
4.54      5.02      4.22      3.74      2.89
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024Second round13 3.09 4.55
3.66      5.52      3.09      4.46      5.73
First round7 2.36 3.52
3.72      2.36      3.67      3.55      3.34
Rubí Guanajuato 2024Second round18 3.49 4.05
3.79      4.29      5.12      4.08      3.49
First round11 3.10 3.67
3.31      4.10      3.10      3.59      5.61
Bajío Open 2023Second round11 3.41 4.29
3.69      3.78      3.41      6.39      5.41
First round3 2.48 3.08
2.48      3.76      2.69      3.56      3.00
4x4x4 Cube
Liga SLP Jornada Azul 2024Final2 30.05 34.05
35.51     33.90     30.05     34.09     34.16
First round1 31.58 33.79
36.51     31.58     33.34     32.40     35.62
Liga SLP Jornada Naranja 2024Final1 27.84 31.80
34.05     38.26     32.81     27.84     28.55
First round1 29.10 31.21
29.10     30.72     36.07     33.50     29.40
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024Final2 31.50 34.18
36.54     31.50     32.54     33.46     43.56
Second round2 32.61 35.03
35.96     35.42     33.72     32.61     36.73
First round1 30.67 35.60
41.21     30.67     34.19     34.87     37.73
Rubí Guanajuato 2024Final6 30.81 35.85
30.81     36.58     36.47     34.49     1:19.07
Second round3 27.72 31.22
31.64     27.72     36.82     32.93     29.10
First round6 31.29 34.44
31.29     36.86     37.49     34.90     31.55
Bajío Open 2023Final5 32.46 38.02
1:08.21   36.99     32.46     38.28     38.79
First round2 30.82 34.98
39.58     30.82     37.07     31.02     36.85
5x5x5 Cube
Liga SLP Jornada Azul 2024Final3 49.64 1:07.28
1:15.44   1:01.12   1:05.27   49.64     1:16.32
First round2 1:00.02 1:02.17
1:07.92   1:02.80   1:00.54   1:00.02   1:03.16
Liga SLP Jornada Verde 2024Final5 1:00.18 1:05.54
1:07.03   1:00.18   1:03.41   1:08.90   1:06.18
First round4 58.53 1:05.47
1:13.23   1:08.68   1:08.44   58.53     59.28
Rubí Guanajuato 2024First round28 1:19.44 1:25.39
1:28.34   1:46.24   1:24.14   1:23.68   1:19.44
6x6x6 Cube
Rubí Guanajuato 2024First round24 2:26.08 2:41.04
2:59.67   2:26.08   2:37.36
7x7x7 Cube
Rubí Guanajuato 2024First round23 4:03.98 4:11.27
4:11.91   4:03.98   4:17.91
3x3x3 One-Handed
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024Final6 14.64 17.08
14.64     18.94     14.69     17.60     20.48
Second round7 14.30 16.65
14.30     18.24     18.70     16.71     15.01
First round6 14.37 15.60
15.11     15.21     16.48     14.37     19.33
Rubí Guanajuato 2024First round16 15.43 20.21
24.08     20.15     22.90     17.58     15.43
Bajío Open 2023Final8 17.40 18.68
19.13     19.11     17.40     19.43     17.80
Second round8 19.19 20.42
21.46     19.60     20.20     25.51     19.19
First round8 16.95 19.11
18.61     20.86     16.95     23.42     17.85
Liga SLP Jornada Negro 2024Final4 4.20 5.45
5.00      5.43      5.91      4.20      6.54
Second round3 3.81 4.68
3.98      5.53      4.52      6.57      3.81
First round2 3.04 3.65
3.61      3.39      3.95      4.07      3.04
Liga SLP Jornada Verde 2024Final3 3.34 4.81
4.27      3.34      5.76      4.53      5.63
First round4 3.79 5.65
5.86      3.79      4.61      6.79      6.48
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024Final1 3.67 4.10
3.75      4.30      4.26      3.67      4.34
Second round5 3.80 4.43
4.83      3.80      4.50      3.95      5.61
First round8 5.53 6.02
5.66      5.53      6.68      DNF       5.71
Bajío Open 2023Final1 3.50 5.05
3.50      4.60      4.62      6.87      5.92
Second round2 3.75 6.11
5.48      6.64      11.02     3.75      6.21
First round2 3.39 6.72
6.32      8.08      5.76      8.42      3.39
Liga SLP Jornada Negro 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.02 9.64
11.88     9.09      7.02      8.42      11.42
Second round3 7.22 9.44
8.66      9.82      10.58     7.22      9.84
First round4 8.42 10.83
8.42      12.01     12.05     11.34     9.13
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 2.19 4.07
4.18      3.92      2.19      4.12      5.15
Second round3 2.95 3.69
2.95      3.57      5.60      3.94      3.55
First round12 4.58 5.40
4.58      5.40      5.34      5.54      5.45
PyraminxFinal4 4.20 5.45
5.00      5.43      5.91      4.20      6.54
Second round3 3.81 4.68
3.98      5.53      4.52      6.57      3.81
First round2 3.04 3.65
3.61      3.39      3.95      4.07      3.04
Liga SLP Jornada Azul 2024
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 30.05 34.05
35.51     33.90     30.05     34.09     34.16
First round1 31.58 33.79
36.51     31.58     33.34     32.40     35.62
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 49.64 1:07.28
1:15.44   1:01.12   1:05.27   49.64     1:16.32
First round2 1:00.02 1:02.17
1:07.92   1:02.80   1:00.54   1:00.02   1:03.16
Liga SLP Jornada Naranja 2024
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.27 4.35
4.29      5.20      3.55      3.27      9.41
First round6 2.89 4.17
4.54      5.02      4.22      3.74      2.89
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 27.84 31.80
34.05     38.26     32.81     27.84     28.55
First round1 29.10 31.21
29.10     30.72     36.07     33.50     29.40
Liga SLP Jornada Verde 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 7.16 8.89
9.10      8.72      8.85      7.16      10.35
First round4 8.36 9.65
9.04      11.70     8.36      9.60      10.32
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:00.18 1:05.54
1:07.03   1:00.18   1:03.41   1:08.90   1:06.18
First round4 58.53 1:05.47
1:13.23   1:08.68   1:08.44   58.53     59.28
PyraminxFinal3 3.34 4.81
4.27      3.34      5.76      4.53      5.63
First round4 3.79 5.65
5.86      3.79      4.61      6.79      6.48
Salamanca Guanajuato 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 8.67 9.45
9.91      8.67      9.26      9.17      11.98
Second round7 7.89 9.96
8.30      DNF       12.25     9.33      7.89
First round12 9.52 10.65
10.11     11.60     10.25     12.92     9.52
2x2x2 CubeSecond round13 3.09 4.55
3.66      5.52      3.09      4.46      5.73
First round7 2.36 3.52
3.72      2.36      3.67      3.55      3.34
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 31.50 34.18
36.54     31.50     32.54     33.46     43.56
Second round2 32.61 35.03
35.96     35.42     33.72     32.61     36.73
First round1 30.67 35.60
41.21     30.67     34.19     34.87     37.73
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 14.64 17.08
14.64     18.94     14.69     17.60     20.48
Second round7 14.30 16.65
14.30     18.24     18.70     16.71     15.01
First round6 14.37 15.60
15.11     15.21     16.48     14.37     19.33
PyraminxFinal1 3.67 4.10
3.75      4.30      4.26      3.67      4.34
Second round5 3.80 4.43
4.83      3.80      4.50      3.95      5.61
First round8 5.53 6.02
5.66      5.53      6.68      DNF       5.71
Rubí Guanajuato 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round19 9.21 10.88
11.77     10.87     9.21      10.00     12.25
2x2x2 CubeSecond round18 3.49 4.05
3.79      4.29      5.12      4.08      3.49
First round11 3.10 3.67
3.31      4.10      3.10      3.59      5.61
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 30.81 35.85
30.81     36.58     36.47     34.49     1:19.07
Second round3 27.72 31.22
31.64     27.72     36.82     32.93     29.10
First round6 31.29 34.44
31.29     36.86     37.49     34.90     31.55
5x5x5 CubeFirst round28 1:19.44 1:25.39
1:28.34   1:46.24   1:24.14   1:23.68   1:19.44
6x6x6 CubeFirst round24 2:26.08 2:41.04
2:59.67   2:26.08   2:37.36
7x7x7 CubeFirst round23 4:03.98 4:11.27
4:11.91   4:03.98   4:17.91
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round16 15.43 20.21
24.08     20.15     22.90     17.58     15.43
Bajío Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 9.32 9.96
10.10     9.32      10.20     9.85      9.92
Second round7 8.32 10.31
10.93     8.32      10.28     11.12     9.73
First round7 9.48 10.63
10.74     10.25     10.89     9.48      10.94
2x2x2 CubeSecond round11 3.41 4.29
3.69      3.78      3.41      6.39      5.41
First round3 2.48 3.08
2.48      3.76      2.69      3.56      3.00
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 32.46 38.02
1:08.21   36.99     32.46     38.28     38.79
First round2 30.82 34.98
39.58     30.82     37.07     31.02     36.85
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 17.40 18.68
19.13     19.11     17.40     19.43     17.80
Second round8 19.19 20.42
21.46     19.60     20.20     25.51     19.19
First round8 16.95 19.11
18.61     20.86     16.95     23.42     17.85
PyraminxFinal1 3.50 5.05
3.50      4.60      4.62      6.87      5.92
Second round2 3.75 6.11
5.48      6.64      11.02     3.75      6.21
First round2 3.39 6.72
6.32      8.08      5.76      8.42      3.39
72024-12-22Liga SLP Jornada Negro 2024MexicoSan Luis Potosí
62024-11-24Liga SLP Jornada Azul 2024MexicoSan Luis Potosí
52024-11-03Liga SLP Jornada Naranja 2024MexicoSan Luis Potosí
42024-10-27Liga SLP Jornada Verde 2024MexicoSan Luis Potosí
32024-09-14~15Salamanca Guanajuato 2024MexicoSalamanca, Guanajuato
22024-02-10~11Rubí Guanajuato 2024MexicoSan José Iturbide, Guanajuato
12023-11-18~19Bajío Open 2023MexicoSalamanca, Guanajuato