Personal Page

Hyungjun Hwang (황형준)

Name: Hyungjun Hwang (황형준)
Region: Republic of Korea
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Hyungjun Hwang (황형준)2023HWAN10
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.12.15 - 2025.01.19
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube97163250157.7810.086559230913763/65
2x2x2 Cube4859018326903.585.373115392725295/5
4x4x4 Cube31340101428.1836.2620747045130/30
5x5x5 Cube5976022541:04.491:14.2226629246920/20
3x3x3 One-Handed1683380921118.1621.267613288315220/20

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Happy Suseong 2025Second round28 7.78 10.08
10.22     9.39      7.78      11.20     10.64
First round37 9.40 10.82
10.77     9.40      11.63     12.08     10.05
Seoul Winter 2024First round43 9.49 11.17
10.48     11.99     9.49      11.59     11.45
Brown Fall Seongnam 2024First round20 10.01 10.45
10.17     10.01     16.87     10.02     11.15
Korean Championship 2024Second round42 9.03 11.16
9.03      10.77     11.64     12.53     11.08
First round45 8.96 11.30
8.96      14.24     11.11     9.92      12.88
Ansan Summer 2024Second round29 10.48 12.59
13.85     12.31     13.16     12.30     10.48
First round33 11.95 12.37
12.38     12.29     11.95     12.44     12.95
Korea Qualifier - Seoul B 2024Final8 9.16 10.58
12.36     10.59     11.26     9.88      9.16
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024First round50 10.03 12.40
15.57     10.97     12.41     10.03     13.82
Seoul Open 2024Second round121 13.28 17.05
16.29     13.28     15.93     21.87     18.93
First round112 14.76 16.98
16.20     14.76     17.56     DNF       17.18
Korean Championship 2023First round130 16.72 20.46
20.17     20.88     20.32     DNF       16.72
2x2x2 Cube
Korean Championship 2024First round86 3.58 5.37
7.24      4.67      5.79      5.65      3.58
4x4x4 Cube
Happy Suseong 2025First round20 28.18 36.26
41.95     38.72     33.75     36.30     28.18
Seoul Winter 2024First round19 34.28 36.40
34.62     37.38     34.28     39.12     37.19
Korean Championship 2024Second round21 33.98 39.87
54.13     39.10     38.56     33.98     41.95
First round28 37.33 42.88
44.65     37.33     37.40     46.60     48.42
Seoul Open 2024First round82 59.76 1:11.18
1:08.41   1:19.51   59.76     1:26.95   1:05.62
Korean Championship 2023First round77 1:04.47 1:15.61
1:12.71   1:04.47   1:21.21   1:17.40   1:16.71
5x5x5 Cube
Happy Suseong 2025First round33 1:04.49 1:14.22
1:20.03   1:15.28   1:21.04   1:04.49   1:07.34
Korean Championship 2024First round42 1:11.25 1:22.53
1:24.68   1:16.67   1:11.25   1:26.23   1:30.90
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024First round39 1:17.65 1:29.35
1:17.65   1:47.74   1:28.06   1:22.04   1:37.95
Korean Championship 2023First round61 2:13.01 2:37.11
2:44.53   2:40.46   2:41.76   2:29.11   2:13.01
3x3x3 One-Handed
Korean Championship 2024Second round24 18.16 21.26
18.16     22.89     20.38     20.51     41.38
First round31 18.32 23.33
23.83     22.69     26.39     23.46     18.32
Ansan Summer 2024First round24 21.97 24.52
25.27     21.97     23.73     27.32     24.57
Korean Championship 2023First round59 32.84 40.38
50.77     33.33     46.86     40.96     32.84
Korean Championship 2024First round37 1:22.83 1:33.01
1:33.07   1:22.83   1:31.36   1:38.12   1:34.60
Korean Championship 2024Second round26 6.26 8.48
6.57      8.20      6.26      10.68     14.88
First round18 5.88 6.72
6.37      5.88      9.22      7.34      6.44
Korean Championship 2023First round26 5.57 7.80
11.05     6.60      10.46     6.33      5.57
Happy Suseong 2025
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 7.78 10.08
10.22     9.39      7.78      11.20     10.64
First round37 9.40 10.82
10.77     9.40      11.63     12.08     10.05
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 28.18 36.26
41.95     38.72     33.75     36.30     28.18
5x5x5 CubeFirst round33 1:04.49 1:14.22
1:20.03   1:15.28   1:21.04   1:04.49   1:07.34
Seoul Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round43 9.49 11.17
10.48     11.99     9.49      11.59     11.45
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 34.28 36.40
34.62     37.38     34.28     39.12     37.19
Brown Fall Seongnam 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round20 10.01 10.45
10.17     10.01     16.87     10.02     11.15
Korean Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round42 9.03 11.16
9.03      10.77     11.64     12.53     11.08
First round45 8.96 11.30
8.96      14.24     11.11     9.92      12.88
2x2x2 CubeFirst round86 3.58 5.37
7.24      4.67      5.79      5.65      3.58
4x4x4 CubeSecond round21 33.98 39.87
54.13     39.10     38.56     33.98     41.95
First round28 37.33 42.88
44.65     37.33     37.40     46.60     48.42
5x5x5 CubeFirst round42 1:11.25 1:22.53
1:24.68   1:16.67   1:11.25   1:26.23   1:30.90
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round24 18.16 21.26
18.16     22.89     20.38     20.51     41.38
First round31 18.32 23.33
23.83     22.69     26.39     23.46     18.32
MegaminxFirst round37 1:22.83 1:33.01
1:33.07   1:22.83   1:31.36   1:38.12   1:34.60
PyraminxSecond round26 6.26 8.48
6.57      8.20      6.26      10.68     14.88
First round18 5.88 6.72
6.37      5.88      9.22      7.34      6.44
Ansan Summer 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 10.48 12.59
13.85     12.31     13.16     12.30     10.48
First round33 11.95 12.37
12.38     12.29     11.95     12.44     12.95
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round24 21.97 24.52
25.27     21.97     23.73     27.32     24.57
Korea Qualifier - Seoul B 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 9.16 10.58
12.36     10.59     11.26     9.88      9.16
Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round50 10.03 12.40
15.57     10.97     12.41     10.03     13.82
5x5x5 CubeFirst round39 1:17.65 1:29.35
1:17.65   1:47.74   1:28.06   1:22.04   1:37.95
Seoul Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round121 13.28 17.05
16.29     13.28     15.93     21.87     18.93
First round112 14.76 16.98
16.20     14.76     17.56     DNF       17.18
4x4x4 CubeFirst round82 59.76 1:11.18
1:08.41   1:19.51   59.76     1:26.95   1:05.62
Korean Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round130 16.72 20.46
20.17     20.88     20.32     DNF       16.72
4x4x4 CubeFirst round77 1:04.47 1:15.61
1:12.71   1:04.47   1:21.21   1:17.40   1:16.71
5x5x5 CubeFirst round61 2:13.01 2:37.11
2:44.53   2:40.46   2:41.76   2:29.11   2:13.01
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round59 32.84 40.38
50.77     33.33     46.86     40.96     32.84
PyraminxFirst round26 5.57 7.80
11.05     6.60      10.46     6.33      5.57
92025-01-18~19Happy Suseong 2025Republic of Korea대구광역시 (Daegu)
82024-12-14Seoul Winter 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
72024-09-21Brown Fall Seongnam 2024Republic of Korea경기도 성남시 (Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do)
62024-08-15~17Korean Championship 2024Republic of Korea경기도 수원시 (Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do)
52024-07-20Ansan Summer 2024Republic of Korea경기도 안산시 (Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do)
42024-06-22Korea Qualifier - Seoul B 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
32024-06-15Prime Cubing Day Seoul 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
22024-01-06Seoul Open 2024Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
12023-12-15~17Korean Championship 2023Republic of Korea대전광역시 (Daejeon)