Personal Page

Fernando Martinez

Name: Fernando Martinez
Region: Peru
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Fernando Martinez2023MART11
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.02.11 - 2024.11.02
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube145656100778.9610.1867424058198/100
2x2x2 Cube166784104332.333.54668043295169/70
4x4x4 Cube109455613538.2149.65102377691835/5
3x3x3 One-Handed115470611816.2118.18399629568239/40

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
TCG Spring Arequipa 2024Final4 8.96 10.18
9.29      12.12     DNF       9.14      8.96
Second round7 9.91 11.84
11.64     12.52     12.15     9.91      11.73
First round6 10.27 11.09
10.27     10.77     11.78     11.24     11.26
200 Perú 2024Final6 9.00 12.00
10.80     12.77     13.49     12.44     9.00
Second round5 11.56 12.26
11.88     22.07     13.24     11.65     11.56
First round3 10.46 11.04
10.73     10.46     12.08     11.29     11.11
UNSA SC Primavera II 2023Final8 11.49 12.94
11.83     11.49     18.99     14.69     12.29
Second round7 11.40 12.41
17.53     11.59     12.81     11.40     12.83
First round8 10.77 12.14
13.36     11.61     10.77     13.96     11.46
UNSA Speedcubing Primavera 2023Final7 11.74 12.13
11.74     13.28     11.89     12.64     11.85
Second round7 12.73 12.90
12.81     12.73     13.05     13.07     12.85
First round13 12.27 14.61
15.24     15.69     12.90     21.88     12.27
Peru Nationals 2023Second round45 13.78 15.63
15.87     17.28     13.90     17.11     13.78
First round36 13.32 14.48
13.59     13.32     14.87     20.31     14.98
UNSA Speedcubing Pre-Nats 2023Final17 13.86 17.86
13.86     16.15     17.83     19.61     22.92
Second round18 14.36 16.67
16.40     14.88     18.73     14.36     20.64
First round25 14.36 17.64
14.36     21.11     17.03     19.95     15.94
UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 2023First round43 18.83 20.72
22.36     20.39     19.42     18.83     27.26
TCG Summer Arequipa 2023Second round23 17.44 18.99
32.91     17.73     19.93     17.44     19.30
First round30 20.50 25.36
DNF       27.09     26.48     22.51     20.50
2x2x2 Cube
TCG Spring Arequipa 2024Final4 3.01 4.33
5.08      3.01      3.47      4.45      7.47
First round2 2.33 3.54
3.70      4.19      6.46      2.33      2.72
200 Perú 2024Final2 2.74 3.78
4.79      3.62      3.73      2.74      4.00
First round5 2.50 4.57
5.68      2.50      6.89      3.44      4.59
UNSA SC Primavera II 2023Final4 2.90 4.55
4.18      6.75      4.16      2.90      5.32
First round1 3.42 3.60
3.71      3.48      3.60      3.42      5.83
UNSA Speedcubing Primavera 2023Final6 3.51 4.86
5.04      3.51      4.45      6.27      5.08
First round11 3.65 5.43
3.98      6.10      3.65      6.20      6.37
Peru Nationals 2023Final32 5.15 5.70
5.52      6.76      6.43      5.15      5.16
First round24 4.28 5.36
5.32      4.28      5.13      5.64      7.76
UNSA Speedcubing Pre-Nats 2023First round14 3.81 6.16
6.75      5.72      16.16     3.81      6.02
UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 2023First round26 6.91 8.88
10.99     11.88     7.67      7.99      6.91
TCG Summer Arequipa 2023Final12 7.57 9.11
7.57      9.24      7.60      11.09     10.48
First round11 7.69 8.42
7.77      DNF       9.68      7.69      7.81
4x4x4 Cube
TCG Spring Arequipa 2024Final4 38.21 49.65
55.32     50.42     47.93     50.61     38.21
3x3x3 One-Handed
TCG Spring Arequipa 2024Final2 17.38 18.18
18.49     18.12     20.32     17.93     17.38
First round2 16.60 19.21
19.59     17.92     16.60     22.36     20.12
200 Perú 2024Final2 16.21 19.23
16.21     20.19     17.32     21.84     20.18
First round3 18.04 19.64
18.43     21.00     18.04     DNF       19.48
UNSA SC Primavera II 2023Final4 19.13 23.00
19.13     26.00     22.72     20.38     25.89
First round4 20.02 24.07
28.50     20.02     22.35     21.80     28.07
UNSA Speedcubing Primavera 2023Final6 25.46 26.68
27.97     26.82     26.99     25.46     26.23
First round5 19.20 26.31
19.20     30.85     21.61     28.00     29.33
TCG Spring Arequipa 2024Final3 58.35 1:05.07
1:10.73   1:07.69   58.35     1:00.21   1:07.32
UNSA SC Primavera II 2023First round8 1:32.96 1:35.90
1:33.31   1:39.71   1:32.96   1:34.69   1:43.16
Peru Nationals 2023First round21 1:30.15 1:44.20
1:42.23   1:49.93   1:56.02   1:40.44   1:30.15
UNSA Speedcubing Primavera 2023Final10 7.00 8.71
7.00      9.39      8.76      8.88      8.49
First round10 4.68 8.49
9.21      9.63      8.55      4.68      7.72
Peru Nationals 2023Final28 6.16 11.67
11.80     11.19     DNF       12.03     6.16
First round39 7.19 16.16
11.98     19.97     7.19      16.53     20.61
UNSA Speedcubing Primavera 2023Final4 7.36 8.81
9.37      7.57      7.36      9.48      10.71
UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 2023Final8 11.39 12.62
11.63     15.58     11.39     14.61     11.62
Peru Nationals 2023Final8 28.19 42.71
54.21     28.19     36.60     56.79     37.31
TCG Spring Arequipa 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 8.96 10.18
9.29      12.12     DNF       9.14      8.96
Second round7 9.91 11.84
11.64     12.52     12.15     9.91      11.73
First round6 10.27 11.09
10.27     10.77     11.78     11.24     11.26
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 3.01 4.33
5.08      3.01      3.47      4.45      7.47
First round2 2.33 3.54
3.70      4.19      6.46      2.33      2.72
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 38.21 49.65
55.32     50.42     47.93     50.61     38.21
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 17.38 18.18
18.49     18.12     20.32     17.93     17.38
First round2 16.60 19.21
19.59     17.92     16.60     22.36     20.12
MegaminxFinal3 58.35 1:05.07
1:10.73   1:07.69   58.35     1:00.21   1:07.32
200 Perú 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 9.00 12.00
10.80     12.77     13.49     12.44     9.00
Second round5 11.56 12.26
11.88     22.07     13.24     11.65     11.56
First round3 10.46 11.04
10.73     10.46     12.08     11.29     11.11
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.74 3.78
4.79      3.62      3.73      2.74      4.00
First round5 2.50 4.57
5.68      2.50      6.89      3.44      4.59
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 16.21 19.23
16.21     20.19     17.32     21.84     20.18
First round3 18.04 19.64
18.43     21.00     18.04     DNF       19.48
UNSA SC Primavera II 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 11.49 12.94
11.83     11.49     18.99     14.69     12.29
Second round7 11.40 12.41
17.53     11.59     12.81     11.40     12.83
First round8 10.77 12.14
13.36     11.61     10.77     13.96     11.46
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 2.90 4.55
4.18      6.75      4.16      2.90      5.32
First round1 3.42 3.60
3.71      3.48      3.60      3.42      5.83
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 19.13 23.00
19.13     26.00     22.72     20.38     25.89
First round4 20.02 24.07
28.50     20.02     22.35     21.80     28.07
MegaminxFirst round8 1:32.96 1:35.90
1:33.31   1:39.71   1:32.96   1:34.69   1:43.16
UNSA Speedcubing Primavera 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 11.74 12.13
11.74     13.28     11.89     12.64     11.85
Second round7 12.73 12.90
12.81     12.73     13.05     13.07     12.85
First round13 12.27 14.61
15.24     15.69     12.90     21.88     12.27
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.51 4.86
5.04      3.51      4.45      6.27      5.08
First round11 3.65 5.43
3.98      6.10      3.65      6.20      6.37
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 25.46 26.68
27.97     26.82     26.99     25.46     26.23
First round5 19.20 26.31
19.20     30.85     21.61     28.00     29.33
PyraminxFinal10 7.00 8.71
7.00      9.39      8.76      8.88      8.49
First round10 4.68 8.49
9.21      9.63      8.55      4.68      7.72
SkewbFinal4 7.36 8.81
9.37      7.57      7.36      9.48      10.71
Peru Nationals 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round45 13.78 15.63
15.87     17.28     13.90     17.11     13.78
First round36 13.32 14.48
13.59     13.32     14.87     20.31     14.98
2x2x2 CubeFinal32 5.15 5.70
5.52      6.76      6.43      5.15      5.16
First round24 4.28 5.36
5.32      4.28      5.13      5.64      7.76
MegaminxFirst round21 1:30.15 1:44.20
1:42.23   1:49.93   1:56.02   1:40.44   1:30.15
PyraminxFinal28 6.16 11.67
11.80     11.19     DNF       12.03     6.16
First round39 7.19 16.16
11.98     19.97     7.19      16.53     20.61
Square-1Final8 28.19 42.71
54.21     28.19     36.60     56.79     37.31
UNSA Speedcubing Pre-Nats 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal17 13.86 17.86
13.86     16.15     17.83     19.61     22.92
Second round18 14.36 16.67
16.40     14.88     18.73     14.36     20.64
First round25 14.36 17.64
14.36     21.11     17.03     19.95     15.94
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 3.81 6.16
6.75      5.72      16.16     3.81      6.02
UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round43 18.83 20.72
22.36     20.39     19.42     18.83     27.26
2x2x2 CubeFirst round26 6.91 8.88
10.99     11.88     7.67      7.99      6.91
SkewbFinal8 11.39 12.62
11.63     15.58     11.39     14.61     11.62
TCG Summer Arequipa 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 17.44 18.99
32.91     17.73     19.93     17.44     19.30
First round30 20.50 25.36
DNF       27.09     26.48     22.51     20.50
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 7.57 9.11
7.57      9.24      7.60      11.09     10.48
First round11 7.69 8.42
7.77      DNF       9.68      7.69      7.81
82024-11-02TCG Spring Arequipa 2024PeruArequipa
72024-07-13200 Perú 2024PeruArequipa
62023-12-02~03UNSA SC Primavera II 2023PeruArequipa
52023-10-07~08UNSA Speedcubing Primavera 2023PeruArequipa
42023-08-04~06Peru Nationals 2023PeruArequipa
32023-06-24UNSA Speedcubing Pre-Nats 2023PeruArequipa
22023-04-15~16UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 2023PeruArequipa
12023-02-11TCG Summer Arequipa 2023PeruArequipa