Personal Page

Reuben Mould

Name: Reuben Mould
Region: United Kingdom
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Reuben Mould2023MOUL02
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.11.18 - 2025.01.19
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube171167159698.0310.9810348275627870/70
2x2x2 Cube4263974115802.393.788977290632424/25
4x4x4 Cube2232381828440.6946.448016226521425/25
5x5x5 Cube10999933691:09.961:24.914936142014620/20
6x6x6 Cube186172357023:03.193:07.87508715291663/3
7x7x7 Cube134129043484:27.364:52.83459413851593/3
3x3x3 One-Handed54660542335326.3229.7419544500345514/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Chichester January 2025Final15 9.54 10.98
13.68     9.54      10.87     11.31     10.75
Second round18 8.03 11.30
11.42     8.03      13.84     12.40     10.08
First round20 9.07 11.79
12.79     12.94     9.83      9.07      12.75
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024Second round36 11.29 12.29
11.81     12.02     13.05     13.12     11.29
First round37 9.66 11.77
9.66      13.55     13.72     10.57     11.20
Crewe Spring 2024Final28 13.02 13.80
15.13     13.90     13.89     13.02     13.61
Second round22 11.20 12.07
13.11     11.51     11.59     11.20     13.12
First round26 10.92 13.41
12.64     17.43     14.02     10.92     13.58
Bristol Winter 2024Final34 12.73 14.77
12.73     17.01     14.04     14.01     16.27
Second round35 13.63 14.65
14.09     13.63     16.19     17.91     13.66
First round19 10.36 12.22
11.82     10.36     15.48     10.67     14.18
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2023Final31 15.42 16.38
17.01     21.52     15.42     16.05     16.08
Second round32 13.93 15.91
15.36     16.01     13.93     16.37     18.24
First round46 14.87 18.86
17.92     20.01     22.66     14.87     18.64
2x2x2 Cube
Chichester January 2025Final14 3.48 3.78
3.96      3.53      3.48      3.89      3.93
Second round16 2.39 4.15
3.79      4.46      DNF       2.39      4.20
First round24 3.24 4.56
6.18      5.49      3.80      3.24      4.40
Crewe Spring 2024Second round28 4.03 4.61
6.17      5.60      4.03      4.10      4.12
First round23 3.48 4.18
4.36      3.71      4.91      4.46      3.48
4x4x4 Cube
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024First round26 40.69 46.44
47.35     46.03     40.69     48.66     45.95
Crewe Spring 2024First round26 45.83 50.23
53.14     51.68     45.83     49.70     49.32
Bristol Winter 2024First round21 43.12 51.19
57.64     54.25     43.12     51.38     47.94
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2023Final26 54.25 57.82
59.94     55.76     57.76     54.25     1:04.05
First round30 1:02.91 1:05.93
1:02.91   1:11.06   1:07.71   1:05.39   1:04.69
5x5x5 Cube
Chichester January 2025Final16 1:09.96 1:30.28
1:20.75   1:34.37   1:09.96   1:35.73   1:39.59
First round15 1:12.60 1:24.91
1:23.96   1:44.29   1:22.47   1:28.31   1:12.60
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024Final30 1:21.76 1:32.09
1:21.76   1:31.84   1:34.44   1:29.98   1:37.26
Crewe Spring 2024First round31 1:33.47 1:59.55
2:08.26   1:45.09   1:33.47   2:05.31   2:13.46
6x6x6 Cube
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024Final28 3:03.19 3:07.87
3:03.19   3:06.74   3:13.67
7x7x7 Cube
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024Final27 4:27.36 4:52.83
4:27.36   4:29.70   5:41.43
3x3x3 One-Handed
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024First round40 27.77 29.74
29.04     27.81     59.33     32.36     27.77
Crewe Spring 2024First round36 30.25 34.02
30.25     34.33     33.62     51.22     34.12
Bristol Winter 2024Final37 26.32 36.82
DNF       26.32     34.60     44.35     31.52
Crewe Spring 2024First round39 12.90 13.65
14.08     13.37     14.57     12.90     13.49
Bristol Winter 2024First round47 11.45 DNF
DNF       12.56     DNF       11.45     13.72
Chichester January 2025Final4 41.71 44.56
43.84     45.88     53.42     41.71     43.97
First round4 43.91 46.14
43.91     52.53     46.30     45.03     47.09
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024Final10 44.64 52.10
52.24     44.64     55.65     51.36     52.71
First round10 50.05 55.77
1:00.25   50.05     56.98     53.89     56.44
Crewe Spring 2024Final11 56.39 1:04.11
1:06.20   1:19.16   56.39     59.57     1:06.56
First round7 51.78 57.75
51.78     57.21     1:06.53   56.93     59.12
Bristol Winter 2024Final12 1:04.58 1:11.14
1:04.58   1:09.75   1:20.88   1:12.47   1:11.20
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2023Final16 1:34.66 1:36.37
1:35.64   1:36.94   1:47.65   1:36.53   1:34.66
First round15 1:18.22 1:26.77
1:35.56   1:18.22   1:24.84   1:24.24   1:31.22
Chichester January 2025Final8 3.32 5.80
7.21      3.32      4.95      5.23      7.39
First round4 5.20 5.95
6.22      5.98      DNF       5.64      5.20
Crewe Spring 2024Final26 7.60 9.91
10.73     11.32     7.67      15.20     7.60
Second round31 6.65 10.34
20.89     9.12      6.65      13.23     8.66
First round35 6.05 9.99
10.79     11.82     9.38      9.79      6.05
Bristol Winter 2024Final28 4.74 9.51
9.74      9.53      13.29     9.26      4.74
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024Final36 30.13 DNF
DNF       37.42     1:03.23   DNF       30.13
Crewe Spring 2024First round33 46.11
46.11     DNF
Chichester January 2025
3x3x3 CubeFinal15 9.54 10.98
13.68     9.54      10.87     11.31     10.75
Second round18 8.03 11.30
11.42     8.03      13.84     12.40     10.08
First round20 9.07 11.79
12.79     12.94     9.83      9.07      12.75
2x2x2 CubeFinal14 3.48 3.78
3.96      3.53      3.48      3.89      3.93
Second round16 2.39 4.15
3.79      4.46      DNF       2.39      4.20
First round24 3.24 4.56
6.18      5.49      3.80      3.24      4.40
5x5x5 CubeFinal16 1:09.96 1:30.28
1:20.75   1:34.37   1:09.96   1:35.73   1:39.59
First round15 1:12.60 1:24.91
1:23.96   1:44.29   1:22.47   1:28.31   1:12.60
MegaminxFinal4 41.71 44.56
43.84     45.88     53.42     41.71     43.97
First round4 43.91 46.14
43.91     52.53     46.30     45.03     47.09
PyraminxFinal8 3.32 5.80
7.21      3.32      4.95      5.23      7.39
First round4 5.20 5.95
6.22      5.98      DNF       5.64      5.20
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 11.29 12.29
11.81     12.02     13.05     13.12     11.29
First round37 9.66 11.77
9.66      13.55     13.72     10.57     11.20
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 40.69 46.44
47.35     46.03     40.69     48.66     45.95
5x5x5 CubeFinal30 1:21.76 1:32.09
1:21.76   1:31.84   1:34.44   1:29.98   1:37.26
6x6x6 CubeFinal28 3:03.19 3:07.87
3:03.19   3:06.74   3:13.67
7x7x7 CubeFinal27 4:27.36 4:52.83
4:27.36   4:29.70   5:41.43
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 27.77 29.74
29.04     27.81     59.33     32.36     27.77
MegaminxFinal10 44.64 52.10
52.24     44.64     55.65     51.36     52.71
First round10 50.05 55.77
1:00.25   50.05     56.98     53.89     56.44
Square-1Final36 30.13 DNF
DNF       37.42     1:03.23   DNF       30.13
Crewe Spring 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal28 13.02 13.80
15.13     13.90     13.89     13.02     13.61
Second round22 11.20 12.07
13.11     11.51     11.59     11.20     13.12
First round26 10.92 13.41
12.64     17.43     14.02     10.92     13.58
2x2x2 CubeSecond round28 4.03 4.61
6.17      5.60      4.03      4.10      4.12
First round23 3.48 4.18
4.36      3.71      4.91      4.46      3.48
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 45.83 50.23
53.14     51.68     45.83     49.70     49.32
5x5x5 CubeFirst round31 1:33.47 1:59.55
2:08.26   1:45.09   1:33.47   2:05.31   2:13.46
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round36 30.25 34.02
30.25     34.33     33.62     51.22     34.12
ClockFirst round39 12.90 13.65
14.08     13.37     14.57     12.90     13.49
MegaminxFinal11 56.39 1:04.11
1:06.20   1:19.16   56.39     59.57     1:06.56
First round7 51.78 57.75
51.78     57.21     1:06.53   56.93     59.12
SkewbFinal26 7.60 9.91
10.73     11.32     7.67      15.20     7.60
Second round31 6.65 10.34
20.89     9.12      6.65      13.23     8.66
First round35 6.05 9.99
10.79     11.82     9.38      9.79      6.05
Square-1First round33 46.11
46.11     DNF
Bristol Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal34 12.73 14.77
12.73     17.01     14.04     14.01     16.27
Second round35 13.63 14.65
14.09     13.63     16.19     17.91     13.66
First round19 10.36 12.22
11.82     10.36     15.48     10.67     14.18
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 43.12 51.19
57.64     54.25     43.12     51.38     47.94
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal37 26.32 36.82
DNF       26.32     34.60     44.35     31.52
ClockFirst round47 11.45 DNF
DNF       12.56     DNF       11.45     13.72
MegaminxFinal12 1:04.58 1:11.14
1:04.58   1:09.75   1:20.88   1:12.47   1:11.20
SkewbFinal28 4.74 9.51
9.74      9.53      13.29     9.26      4.74
Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal31 15.42 16.38
17.01     21.52     15.42     16.05     16.08
Second round32 13.93 15.91
15.36     16.01     13.93     16.37     18.24
First round46 14.87 18.86
17.92     20.01     22.66     14.87     18.64
4x4x4 CubeFinal26 54.25 57.82
59.94     55.76     57.76     54.25     1:04.05
First round30 1:02.91 1:05.93
1:02.91   1:11.06   1:07.71   1:05.39   1:04.69
MegaminxFinal16 1:34.66 1:36.37
1:35.64   1:36.94   1:47.65   1:36.53   1:34.66
First round15 1:18.22 1:26.77
1:35.56   1:18.22   1:24.84   1:24.24   1:31.22
52025-01-18~19Chichester January 2025United KingdomChichester, West Sussex
42024-11-16~17Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2024United KingdomWeston-super-Mare, Somerset
32024-04-27~28Crewe Spring 2024United KingdomCrewe, Cheshire
22024-01-20~21Bristol Winter 2024United KingdomBristol, City of Bristol
12023-11-18~19Weston-super-Mare Autumn 2023United KingdomWeston-super-Mare, Somerset