Personal Page

Tiana Panaia

Name: Tiana Panaia
Region: Australia
Competitions: 14
WCA ID: Tiana Panaia2023PANA04
Gender: Female
Career: 2023.09.09 - 2025.02.08
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube4053488010947422.1427.201113824963413280/80
2x2x2 Cube23832905555504.708.34786264076334839/40
4x4x4 Cube22752809598842:04.364/4
5x5x5 Cube10541328297383:28.004/4
3x3x3 One-Handed171321145032853.227/12

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Tramsheds IV: Summer Sat 2025First round61 26.81 27.55
32.08     28.10     27.06     26.81     27.49
Cubing at The Cube 2025Second round116 22.14 27.20
25.33     22.14     30.46     26.37     29.89
First round122 24.24 27.96
32.46     24.24     25.62     38.64     25.81
Maitland Spring 2024Second round31 26.58 29.19
28.50     29.13     26.58     31.27     29.94
First round31 24.71 27.46
27.42     27.55     28.15     24.71     27.40
Sydney Spring Saturday 2024First round78 23.90 32.61
40.00     26.79     23.90     33.39     37.65
Coffs Big Banana Bonanza 2024Second round32 22.19 32.56
39.26     37.61     31.57     28.50     22.19
First round32 24.19 27.23
25.62     24.19     30.85     27.53     28.54
Tramsheds III: August Sun 2024First round83 32.46 35.61
39.37     32.46     32.93     43.26     34.52
Chilling in Canberra Sat 2024First round56 31.72 36.55
36.04     36.61     31.72     51.72     37.01
Tramsheds II: May Saturday 2024First round79 26.56 31.49
29.46     32.51     35.51     26.56     32.51
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024First round58 26.85 31.14
28.86     26.85     43.94     34.21     30.36
G'day Maitland 2024First round53 28.18 34.01
33.90     39.49     28.18     33.27     34.87
Cubing at The Cube 2024First round147 32.21 36.18
36.18     35.58     36.77     32.21     37.83
Sydney Summer 2023First round239 36.18 41.50
36.18     1:18.13   46.90     36.19     41.42
Simple Sydney Saturday 2023First round123 41.75 47.75
41.75     45.21     52.47     56.61     45.57
2x2x2 Cube
Cubing at The Cube 2025First round105 6.01 8.34
10.13     10.88     8.25      6.01      6.63
Maitland Spring 2024First round32 7.47 9.73
8.94      10.70     7.47      10.69     9.55
Sydney Spring Saturday 2024First round67 4.70 9.68
9.91      9.20      4.70      9.93      15.24
Coffs Big Banana Bonanza 2024First round34 6.09 14.46
17.74     13.78     17.63     11.98     6.09
Chilling in Canberra Sat 2024First round63 16.23 19.58
22.18     18.36     18.21     25.52     16.23
G'day Maitland 2024First round59 14.61 16.63
19.74     14.61     19.89     14.82     15.34
Sydney Summer 2023First round226 13.11 17.45
16.14     19.98     DNF       13.11     16.22
Simple Sydney Saturday 2023First round117 13.71 37.19
1:08.50   19.51     13.71     23.55     1:14.55
4x4x4 Cube
Cubing at The Cube 2025First round99 2:04.36
2:04.36   2:28.24
Coffs Big Banana Bonanza 2024Final28 2:14.40
2:14.40   2:24.78
5x5x5 Cube
Cubing at The Cube 2025Final76 3:28.00
3:28.00   3:47.28
Odd Sides in Sydney 2024First round51 3:36.25
3:36.25   3:38.13
3x3x3 One-Handed
Cubing at The Cube 2025First round88 53.22
1:07.79   53.22
Odd Sides in Sydney 2024First round51 1:12.83
1:12.83   1:21.05
Sydney Spring Saturday 2024First round61 1:43.88
2:27.35   1:43.88
Coffs Big Banana Bonanza 2024First round29 1:45.69
DNF       1:45.69
G'day Maitland 2024First round47 DNF
DNF       DNF
Sydney Summer 2023First round124 DNF
DNF       DNF
Cubing at The Cube 2025First round73 22.38
23.93     22.38
Odd Sides in Sydney 2024First round51 39.94
39.94     DNF
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024Final33 23.63 25.41
26.37     23.63     24.43     25.76     26.03
Tramsheds IV: Summer Sat 2025First round42 3:08.71
4:38.82   3:08.71
Cubing at The Cube 2025First round72 DNF
DNF       DNF
Coffs Big Banana Bonanza 2024First round21 3:40.92
4:08.16   3:40.92
Tramsheds II: May Saturday 2024First round52 3:42.74
3:42.74   4:26.06
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024First round39 2:56.17
2:56.17   DNF
Tramsheds IV: Summer Sat 2025First round74 16.83 20.65
20.94     18.32     22.68     16.83     22.90
Maitland Spring 2024First round28 10.79 15.31
17.47     14.75     17.17     10.79     14.01
Coffs Big Banana Bonanza 2024First round34 9.57 17.59
9.57      16.14     19.28     17.34     23.74
Tramsheds III: August Sun 2024First round67 13.69 18.36
DNF       18.63     21.70     14.76     13.69
Tramsheds II: May Saturday 2024First round79 13.09 20.17
24.66     22.20     15.95     13.09     22.36
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024First round53 7.38 17.50
15.55     32.54     7.38      23.97     12.98
G'day Maitland 2024First round56 13.99 20.62
17.55     32.40     13.99     18.06     26.26
Maitland Spring 2024First round28 22.39 25.23
26.91     22.39     31.22     25.05     23.74
Coffs Big Banana Bonanza 2024First round32 29.79 43.99
29.79     40.34     39.06     1:09.16   52.58
Chilling in Canberra Sat 2024First round40 16.85 29.01
16.85     29.88     27.36     29.79     46.97
Tramsheds IV: Summer Sat 2025
3x3x3 CubeFirst round61 26.81 27.55
32.08     28.10     27.06     26.81     27.49
MegaminxFirst round42 3:08.71
4:38.82   3:08.71
PyraminxFirst round74 16.83 20.65
20.94     18.32     22.68     16.83     22.90
Cubing at The Cube 2025
3x3x3 CubeSecond round116 22.14 27.20
25.33     22.14     30.46     26.37     29.89
First round122 24.24 27.96
32.46     24.24     25.62     38.64     25.81
2x2x2 CubeFirst round105 6.01 8.34
10.13     10.88     8.25      6.01      6.63
4x4x4 CubeFirst round99 2:04.36
2:04.36   2:28.24
5x5x5 CubeFinal76 3:28.00
3:28.00   3:47.28
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round88 53.22
1:07.79   53.22
ClockFirst round73 22.38
23.93     22.38
MegaminxFirst round72 DNF
DNF       DNF
Odd Sides in Sydney 2024
5x5x5 CubeFirst round51 3:36.25
3:36.25   3:38.13
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round51 1:12.83
1:12.83   1:21.05
ClockFirst round51 39.94
39.94     DNF
Maitland Spring 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 26.58 29.19
28.50     29.13     26.58     31.27     29.94
First round31 24.71 27.46
27.42     27.55     28.15     24.71     27.40
2x2x2 CubeFirst round32 7.47 9.73
8.94      10.70     7.47      10.69     9.55
PyraminxFirst round28 10.79 15.31
17.47     14.75     17.17     10.79     14.01
SkewbFirst round28 22.39 25.23
26.91     22.39     31.22     25.05     23.74
Sydney Spring Saturday 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round78 23.90 32.61
40.00     26.79     23.90     33.39     37.65
2x2x2 CubeFirst round67 4.70 9.68
9.91      9.20      4.70      9.93      15.24
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round61 1:43.88
2:27.35   1:43.88
Coffs Big Banana Bonanza 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 22.19 32.56
39.26     37.61     31.57     28.50     22.19
First round32 24.19 27.23
25.62     24.19     30.85     27.53     28.54
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 6.09 14.46
17.74     13.78     17.63     11.98     6.09
4x4x4 CubeFinal28 2:14.40
2:14.40   2:24.78
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round29 1:45.69
DNF       1:45.69
MegaminxFirst round21 3:40.92
4:08.16   3:40.92
PyraminxFirst round34 9.57 17.59
9.57      16.14     19.28     17.34     23.74
SkewbFirst round32 29.79 43.99
29.79     40.34     39.06     1:09.16   52.58
Tramsheds III: August Sun 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round83 32.46 35.61
39.37     32.46     32.93     43.26     34.52
PyraminxFirst round67 13.69 18.36
DNF       18.63     21.70     14.76     13.69
Chilling in Canberra Sat 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round56 31.72 36.55
36.04     36.61     31.72     51.72     37.01
2x2x2 CubeFirst round63 16.23 19.58
22.18     18.36     18.21     25.52     16.23
SkewbFirst round40 16.85 29.01
16.85     29.88     27.36     29.79     46.97
Tramsheds II: May Saturday 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round79 26.56 31.49
29.46     32.51     35.51     26.56     32.51
MegaminxFirst round52 3:42.74
3:42.74   4:26.06
PyraminxFirst round79 13.09 20.17
24.66     22.20     15.95     13.09     22.36
Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round58 26.85 31.14
28.86     26.85     43.94     34.21     30.36
ClockFinal33 23.63 25.41
26.37     23.63     24.43     25.76     26.03
MegaminxFirst round39 2:56.17
2:56.17   DNF
PyraminxFirst round53 7.38 17.50
15.55     32.54     7.38      23.97     12.98
G'day Maitland 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round53 28.18 34.01
33.90     39.49     28.18     33.27     34.87
2x2x2 CubeFirst round59 14.61 16.63
19.74     14.61     19.89     14.82     15.34
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round47 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round56 13.99 20.62
17.55     32.40     13.99     18.06     26.26
Cubing at The Cube 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round147 32.21 36.18
36.18     35.58     36.77     32.21     37.83
Sydney Summer 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round239 36.18 41.50
36.18     1:18.13   46.90     36.19     41.42
2x2x2 CubeFirst round226 13.11 17.45
16.14     19.98     DNF       13.11     16.22
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round124 DNF
DNF       DNF
Simple Sydney Saturday 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round123 41.75 47.75
41.75     45.21     52.47     56.61     45.57
2x2x2 CubeFirst round117 13.71 37.19
1:08.50   19.51     13.71     23.55     1:14.55
142025-02-08Tramsheds IV: Summer Sat 2025AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
132025-01-11~12Cubing at The Cube 2025AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
122024-12-07~08Odd Sides in Sydney 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
112024-11-23Maitland Spring 2024AustraliaMaitland, New South Wales
102024-11-16Sydney Spring Saturday 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
92024-09-28~29Coffs Big Banana Bonanza 2024AustraliaCoffs Harbour, New South Wales
82024-08-25Tramsheds III: August Sun 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
72024-06-22Chilling in Canberra Sat 2024AustraliaCanberra, Australian Capital Territory
62024-05-18Tramsheds II: May Saturday 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
52024-04-13Kogarah Cube Day Saturday 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
42024-02-03G'day Maitland 2024AustraliaMaitland, New South Wales
32024-01-06~07Cubing at The Cube 2024AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
22023-12-16~17Sydney Summer 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales
12023-09-09Simple Sydney Saturday 2023AustraliaSydney, New South Wales