Personal Page

Felix Rowan

Name: Felix Rowan
Region: United Kingdom
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Felix Rowan2023ROWA01
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.05.26 - 2024.04.28
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1279137285520915.1218.0553952133301223175/75
2x2x2 Cube138114363493284.538.497659421259208620/20
4x4x4 Cube104511688411281:25.941:44.68382671076895411/11
5x5x5 Cube6786943225042:37.192:56.5919200573654612/13
3x3x3 Blindfolded243320596538:32.411/5
3x3x3 One-Handed64472592795630.1838.1228564737966725/26

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Mallorca Open 2024Second round25 17.11 18.67
17.11     19.29     18.35     21.43     18.36
First round26 15.12 18.05
20.50     17.73     15.91     20.52     15.12
Kuutionvääntelyt 2024Second round56 17.62 19.57
17.62     20.22     20.59     21.33     17.90
First round59 17.48 19.64
28.55     18.68     17.48     20.28     19.96
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round319 18.95 22.08
23.15     18.95     20.95     23.95     22.13
Harrow Autumn 2023Second round79 16.52 21.58
23.44     20.14     16.52     22.91     21.69
First round84 16.35 23.14
22.45     16.35     26.31     25.59     21.39
Mind Sports Olympiad Cubing 2023First round29 20.35 22.43
26.88     21.37     20.35     21.72     24.21
Stevenage June 2023Second round116 18.46 21.40
23.23     20.68     18.46     20.28     23.28
First round115 18.38 22.13
24.55     20.81     18.38     21.77     23.81
Greenland Open 2023Final3 18.80 21.49
19.95     18.80     28.32     21.64     22.87
First round4 19.09 20.64
21.27     26.07     21.13     19.53     19.09
Glasgow Spring 2023Final53 15.59 19.62
20.76     30.21     15.59     19.01     19.10
Second round67 16.90 23.32
24.70     16.90     27.02     23.27     21.99
First round68 20.99 23.18
23.57     23.12     20.99     22.86     34.72
2x2x2 Cube
Mallorca Open 2024First round36 6.71 10.19
9.46      16.15     8.71      6.71      12.40
Kuutionvääntelyt 2024First round74 4.53 8.49
4.53      8.86      10.43     6.18      10.73
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round394 8.52 11.97
12.53     17.48     8.52      12.54     10.84
Harrow Autumn 2023First round85 8.18 9.19
9.15      9.03      9.39      10.90     8.18
4x4x4 Cube
Mallorca Open 2024First round32 1:28.61 1:44.68
1:56.12   1:28.61   1:46.03   1:55.47   1:32.55
Kuutionvääntelyt 2024First round52 1:37.61
1:37.61   1:49.02
Stevenage June 2023First round82 1:25.94
1:30.59   1:25.94
Glasgow Spring 2023First round49 1:37.49
1:37.49   1:41.96
5x5x5 Cube
Mallorca Open 2024Final26 3:08.54
3:08.71   3:08.54
Kuutionvääntelyt 2024First round36 2:37.19
2:51.75   2:37.19
Harrow Autumn 2023Final55 2:55.93
DNF       2:55.93
Stevenage June 2023First round79 2:40.23 2:56.59
3:57.22   3:07.43   2:46.52   2:55.82   2:40.23
Glasgow Spring 2023First round38 2:48.44
3:08.10   2:48.44
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Mallorca Open 2024Final12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Harrow Autumn 2023First round25 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
Mind Sports Olympiad Cubing 2023First round12 8:32.41 DNF
8:32.41   DNF       DNS
3x3x3 One-Handed
Mallorca Open 2024First round25 42.37 51.77
55.48     DNF       46.19     53.65     42.37
Kuutionvääntelyt 2024Second round40 30.18 40.14
35.57     30.18     38.43     46.42     52.68
First round43 40.09
40.09     51.21
Harrow Autumn 2023Final61 41.20
41.20     45.67
Stevenage June 2023Final60 34.43 38.12
42.29     34.43     37.23     34.85     52.29
Greenland Open 2023Final4 31.89 43.41
39.11     46.19     31.89     56.25     44.94
Glasgow Spring 2023First round42 45.02
53.15     45.02
Mallorca Open 2024Final33 22.71 DNF
DNF       22.71     DNF       27.92     23.17
Mallorca Open 2024Final28 4:02.04
4:16.38   4:02.04
Kuutionvääntelyt 2024First round42 DNF
DNF       DNF
Mallorca Open 2024First round24 7.45 12.55
12.39     11.79     13.46     7.45      16.85
Kuutionvääntelyt 2024Second round55 9.71 11.58
11.62     9.71      12.56     11.53     11.59
First round56 10.39 11.31
11.59     12.66     10.52     10.39     11.82
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round255 9.65 12.33
12.40     11.85     9.65      12.75     13.72
Stevenage June 2023First round92 12.11 13.53
12.11     12.34     12.83     27.05     15.42
Glasgow Spring 2023First round85 11.49 17.72
17.24     11.49     22.01     21.49     14.42
Mallorca Open 2024Final10 6.54 7.43
6.76      7.02      10.37     6.54      8.52
First round12 7.08 9.26
9.82      7.08      9.96      7.99      10.41
Kuutionvääntelyt 2024Final23 4.60 7.19
9.58      5.89      6.09      4.60      10.75
Second round21 4.91 7.29
6.59      4.91      8.26      7.01      10.58
First round22 5.98 7.34
7.78      10.33     6.77      7.47      5.98
Rubik's UK Championship 2023First round127 5.53 8.85
10.53     7.53      8.49      5.53      11.31
Harrow Autumn 2023Final31 6.64 9.46
9.32      15.79     9.23      9.84      6.64
First round26 4.79 7.52
9.65      10.47     4.79      6.26      6.65
Stevenage June 2023Final23 4.96 7.13
4.96      10.66     6.86      7.54      7.00
First round39 7.37 7.93
7.47      8.42      11.37     7.37      7.91
Glasgow Spring 2023Final17 7.17 9.10
8.18      12.90     7.17      11.76     7.35
First round23 6.08 8.56
11.93     8.17      7.21      6.08      10.31
Mallorca Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 17.11 18.67
17.11     19.29     18.35     21.43     18.36
First round26 15.12 18.05
20.50     17.73     15.91     20.52     15.12
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 6.71 10.19
9.46      16.15     8.71      6.71      12.40
4x4x4 CubeFirst round32 1:28.61 1:44.68
1:56.12   1:28.61   1:46.03   1:55.47   1:32.55
5x5x5 CubeFinal26 3:08.54
3:08.71   3:08.54
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round25 42.37 51.77
55.48     DNF       46.19     53.65     42.37
ClockFinal33 22.71 DNF
DNF       22.71     DNF       27.92     23.17
MegaminxFinal28 4:02.04
4:16.38   4:02.04
PyraminxFirst round24 7.45 12.55
12.39     11.79     13.46     7.45      16.85
SkewbFinal10 6.54 7.43
6.76      7.02      10.37     6.54      8.52
First round12 7.08 9.26
9.82      7.08      9.96      7.99      10.41
Kuutionvääntelyt 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round56 17.62 19.57
17.62     20.22     20.59     21.33     17.90
First round59 17.48 19.64
28.55     18.68     17.48     20.28     19.96
2x2x2 CubeFirst round74 4.53 8.49
4.53      8.86      10.43     6.18      10.73
4x4x4 CubeFirst round52 1:37.61
1:37.61   1:49.02
5x5x5 CubeFirst round36 2:37.19
2:51.75   2:37.19
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round40 30.18 40.14
35.57     30.18     38.43     46.42     52.68
First round43 40.09
40.09     51.21
MegaminxFirst round42 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxSecond round55 9.71 11.58
11.62     9.71      12.56     11.53     11.59
First round56 10.39 11.31
11.59     12.66     10.52     10.39     11.82
SkewbFinal23 4.60 7.19
9.58      5.89      6.09      4.60      10.75
Second round21 4.91 7.29
6.59      4.91      8.26      7.01      10.58
First round22 5.98 7.34
7.78      10.33     6.77      7.47      5.98
Rubik's UK Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round319 18.95 22.08
23.15     18.95     20.95     23.95     22.13
2x2x2 CubeFirst round394 8.52 11.97
12.53     17.48     8.52      12.54     10.84
PyraminxFirst round255 9.65 12.33
12.40     11.85     9.65      12.75     13.72
SkewbFirst round127 5.53 8.85
10.53     7.53      8.49      5.53      11.31
Harrow Autumn 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round79 16.52 21.58
23.44     20.14     16.52     22.91     21.69
First round84 16.35 23.14
22.45     16.35     26.31     25.59     21.39
2x2x2 CubeFirst round85 8.18 9.19
9.15      9.03      9.39      10.90     8.18
5x5x5 CubeFinal55 2:55.93
DNF       2:55.93
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round25 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal61 41.20
41.20     45.67
SkewbFinal31 6.64 9.46
9.32      15.79     9.23      9.84      6.64
First round26 4.79 7.52
9.65      10.47     4.79      6.26      6.65
Mind Sports Olympiad Cubing 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round29 20.35 22.43
26.88     21.37     20.35     21.72     24.21
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round12 8:32.41 DNF
8:32.41   DNF       DNS
Stevenage June 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round116 18.46 21.40
23.23     20.68     18.46     20.28     23.28
First round115 18.38 22.13
24.55     20.81     18.38     21.77     23.81
4x4x4 CubeFirst round82 1:25.94
1:30.59   1:25.94
5x5x5 CubeFirst round79 2:40.23 2:56.59
3:57.22   3:07.43   2:46.52   2:55.82   2:40.23
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal60 34.43 38.12
42.29     34.43     37.23     34.85     52.29
PyraminxFirst round92 12.11 13.53
12.11     12.34     12.83     27.05     15.42
SkewbFinal23 4.96 7.13
4.96      10.66     6.86      7.54      7.00
First round39 7.37 7.93
7.47      8.42      11.37     7.37      7.91
Greenland Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 18.80 21.49
19.95     18.80     28.32     21.64     22.87
First round4 19.09 20.64
21.27     26.07     21.13     19.53     19.09
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 31.89 43.41
39.11     46.19     31.89     56.25     44.94
Glasgow Spring 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal53 15.59 19.62
20.76     30.21     15.59     19.01     19.10
Second round67 16.90 23.32
24.70     16.90     27.02     23.27     21.99
First round68 20.99 23.18
23.57     23.12     20.99     22.86     34.72
4x4x4 CubeFirst round49 1:37.49
1:37.49   1:41.96
5x5x5 CubeFirst round38 2:48.44
3:08.10   2:48.44
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round42 45.02
53.15     45.02
PyraminxFirst round85 11.49 17.72
17.24     11.49     22.01     21.49     14.42
SkewbFinal17 7.17 9.10
8.18      12.90     7.17      11.76     7.35
First round23 6.08 8.56
11.93     8.17      7.21      6.08      10.31
82024-04-27~28Mallorca Open 2024SpainMarratxí, Mallorca
72024-02-16~18Kuutionvääntelyt 2024FinlandKirkkonummi
62023-10-20~22Rubik's UK Championship 2023United KingdomCoventry, West Midlands
52023-09-02~03Harrow Autumn 2023United KingdomLondon, Greater London
42023-08-24Mind Sports Olympiad Cubing 2023United KingdomCamden, Greater London
32023-06-24~25Stevenage June 2023United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
22023-06-17Greenland Open 2023DenmarkNuuk, Greenland
12023-05-26~28Glasgow Spring 2023United KingdomGlasgow, City of Glasgow