Personal Page

Miguel de Oliveira Dias dos Santos

Name: Miguel de Oliveira Dias dos Santos
Region: Brazil
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Miguel de Oliveira Dias dos Santos2023SANT65
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.07.22 - 2024.08.25
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube10144572168.469.25349218948110/110
2x2x2 Cube2910319661.371.773441775187/90
4x4x4 Cube81475645839.0940.41364625448110/10
5x5x5 Cube2131013146751:55.452:00.991301688017910/10
3x3x3 One-Handed89358461115.2417.03273518244275/75

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Back to the Cube Ceilândia 2024Final5 9.78 11.23
11.44     11.79     9.78      10.47     13.88
Second round1 8.49 9.25
8.57      12.05     9.34      9.83      8.49
First round3 9.54 10.41
11.27     11.33     10.07     9.54      9.88
Campeonato do Cerrado 2024Final6 10.82 11.95
14.36     12.80     11.66     11.39     10.82
Second round3 8.96 11.21
10.85     11.35     11.44     11.82     8.96
First round3 8.46 10.55
10.18     12.86     12.17     9.29      8.46
II Candanguim 2024Final5 9.04 11.05
10.24     13.04     13.16     9.87      9.04
Second round4 9.33 11.09
9.33      12.68     11.08     10.74     11.46
First round4 8.49 9.92
9.82      9.32      10.62     8.49      12.94
Niterói Open 2023Final6 9.31 11.25
12.35     12.02     9.56      9.31      12.17
First round3 9.34 10.39
11.07     10.45     12.88     9.34      9.65
Faria Brito 2023Final5 10.41 10.82
15.48     10.84     10.41     10.79     10.82
Second round7 10.55 11.72
13.40     11.78     10.83     12.56     10.55
First round6 8.93 11.24
8.93      10.22     11.10     12.40     13.10
Auxiliadora Open 2023Final4 9.86 12.73
14.08     19.00     12.41     9.86      11.69
First round3 10.61 11.70
12.27     10.61     11.88     15.66     10.94
Planetário Open 2023Final6 9.37 12.15
14.07     11.31     11.96     9.37      13.19
Second round8 12.00 12.67
12.06     12.35     14.29     12.00     13.61
First round7 9.58 12.07
12.70     12.47     16.50     11.05     9.58
Partage Open II 2023Final6 9.27 11.75
9.27      12.01     12.56     10.68     13.56
Second round11 11.10 13.07
14.65     14.72     11.10     13.17     11.39
First round7 10.24 12.56
10.24     14.08     12.68     12.81     12.20
2x2x2 Cube
Back to the Cube Ceilândia 2024Final1 1.93 2.66
4.15      2.05      2.64      1.93      3.30
Second round1 1.37 1.77
23.34     1.74      1.88      1.68      1.37
First round1 2.18 3.18
2.18      7.33      3.14      3.06      3.34
Campeonato do Cerrado 2024Final1 1.81 1.95
1.81      2.11      1.87      1.86      4.12
Second round1 1.94 2.38
1.94      2.74      2.85      2.01      2.38
First round2 1.69 3.02
3.63      2.50      1.69      4.01      2.93
II Candanguim 2024First round61 2.38 DNF
3.89      2.38      DNF       DNF       4.50
Niterói Open 2023Final1 1.65 1.96
1.65      2.12      1.77      1.98      5.62
First round1 1.77 2.60
3.18      1.77      2.77      1.86      6.54
Faria Brito 2023Final1 1.68 2.60
2.27      2.12      4.34      1.68      3.40
Second round2 1.47 2.38
2.48      1.47      2.39      3.41      2.28
First round5 1.78 3.17
2.02      1.78      DNF       4.34      3.16
Auxiliadora Open 2023Final2 1.72 2.53
3.36      3.93      2.15      1.72      2.08
Planetário Open 2023Final1 1.63 2.42
4.48      1.63      2.51      3.09      1.67
Second round3 2.07 3.18
3.98      2.17      3.41      3.96      2.07
First round1 2.76 3.26
3.57      5.00      2.76      3.44      2.78
Partage Open II 2023Final7 2.97 4.13
4.11      2.97      3.64      5.55      4.63
First round1 1.72 3.23
3.54      3.32      2.82      4.38      1.72
4x4x4 Cube
Campeonato do Cerrado 2024Final2 39.09 41.94
44.07     39.70     39.09     45.30     42.06
First round2 39.87 40.41
40.32     39.87     40.72     40.29     40.63
5x5x5 Cube
Campeonato do Cerrado 2024Final7 1:55.65 2:00.99
2:03.97   2:21.33   2:00.12   1:55.65   1:58.87
First round11 1:55.45 2:16.97
1:55.45   2:25.41   2:21.81   2:08.90   2:20.20
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Faria Brito 2023Final8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Auxiliadora Open 2023Final4 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Planetário Open 2023Final9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Back to the Cube Ceilândia 2024Final3 15.73 18.22
16.77     18.71     19.22     15.73     19.19
First round2 15.24 17.03
18.13     17.49     22.61     15.24     15.47
Campeonato do Cerrado 2024Final3 15.99 19.51
22.58     16.50     21.00     15.99     21.04
Second round4 17.05 18.36
17.05     18.47     18.76     17.84     19.16
First round3 16.03 18.80
18.08     22.63     16.03     19.56     18.77
Niterói Open 2023Final6 18.59 21.82
18.59     25.11     28.50     20.37     19.98
Faria Brito 2023Final4 16.44 19.66
16.44     20.63     21.14     21.46     17.20
First round7 18.42 21.83
25.80     18.42     20.54     21.82     23.14
Auxiliadora Open 2023Final4 23.36 23.92
29.65     24.74     23.36     23.67     23.36
Planetário Open 2023Final8 24.12 26.58
26.19     26.78     24.12     26.76     26.97
Second round4 18.41 19.63
20.14     20.31     18.41     21.24     18.43
First round6 19.42 24.79
24.67     25.60     26.73     24.10     19.42
Partage Open II 2023Final8 25.11 26.41
26.40     27.68     38.56     25.11     25.14
Second round8 21.33 26.17
26.35     25.80     21.33     27.18     26.37
First round10 21.13 31.51
33.82     32.50     21.13     28.21     45.62
Back to the Cube Ceilândia 2024Final1 4.87 5.90
4.96      DNF       5.78      4.87      6.97
Niterói Open 2023Final3 6.88 7.57
6.88      21.57     8.25      7.13      7.34
Back to the Cube Ceilândia 2024Final8 1:32.82 1:42.12
1:32.82   1:51.16   1:38.06   1:42.48   1:45.82
Auxiliadora Open 2023Final4 1:46.26 1:56.68
1:50.07   2:11.73   1:51.09   2:08.89   1:46.26
Partage Open II 2023First round9 1:41.15 1:56.78
1:53.51   1:57.79   1:41.15   2:32.93   1:59.03
Back to the Cube Ceilândia 2024Final10 6.29 8.49
14.07     7.35      6.29      8.02      10.10
First round8 5.96 7.16
17.56     8.44      5.96      6.07      6.96
Partage Open II 2023First round8 7.24 10.14
7.24      7.80      13.56     9.07      15.66
Back to the Cube Ceilândia 2024Final3 4.61 6.69
6.29      5.27      8.50      4.61      DNF
II Candanguim 2024Final3 5.48 8.84
10.05     7.25      9.21      11.05     5.48
Second round1 5.57 7.57
7.15      5.57      7.16      8.39      8.73
First round2 6.28 8.95
10.06     6.28      9.45      8.48      8.91
Auxiliadora Open 2023Final6 8.20 9.41
9.24      8.66      8.20      14.23     10.34
Partage Open II 2023First round7 6.21 9.80
9.18      6.21      8.47      17.40     11.76
Back to the Cube Ceilândia 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 9.78 11.23
11.44     11.79     9.78      10.47     13.88
Second round1 8.49 9.25
8.57      12.05     9.34      9.83      8.49
First round3 9.54 10.41
11.27     11.33     10.07     9.54      9.88
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.93 2.66
4.15      2.05      2.64      1.93      3.30
Second round1 1.37 1.77
23.34     1.74      1.88      1.68      1.37
First round1 2.18 3.18
2.18      7.33      3.14      3.06      3.34
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 15.73 18.22
16.77     18.71     19.22     15.73     19.19
First round2 15.24 17.03
18.13     17.49     22.61     15.24     15.47
ClockFinal1 4.87 5.90
4.96      DNF       5.78      4.87      6.97
MegaminxFinal8 1:32.82 1:42.12
1:32.82   1:51.16   1:38.06   1:42.48   1:45.82
PyraminxFinal10 6.29 8.49
14.07     7.35      6.29      8.02      10.10
First round8 5.96 7.16
17.56     8.44      5.96      6.07      6.96
SkewbFinal3 4.61 6.69
6.29      5.27      8.50      4.61      DNF
Campeonato do Cerrado 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 10.82 11.95
14.36     12.80     11.66     11.39     10.82
Second round3 8.96 11.21
10.85     11.35     11.44     11.82     8.96
First round3 8.46 10.55
10.18     12.86     12.17     9.29      8.46
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.81 1.95
1.81      2.11      1.87      1.86      4.12
Second round1 1.94 2.38
1.94      2.74      2.85      2.01      2.38
First round2 1.69 3.02
3.63      2.50      1.69      4.01      2.93
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 39.09 41.94
44.07     39.70     39.09     45.30     42.06
First round2 39.87 40.41
40.32     39.87     40.72     40.29     40.63
5x5x5 CubeFinal7 1:55.65 2:00.99
2:03.97   2:21.33   2:00.12   1:55.65   1:58.87
First round11 1:55.45 2:16.97
1:55.45   2:25.41   2:21.81   2:08.90   2:20.20
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 15.99 19.51
22.58     16.50     21.00     15.99     21.04
Second round4 17.05 18.36
17.05     18.47     18.76     17.84     19.16
First round3 16.03 18.80
18.08     22.63     16.03     19.56     18.77
II Candanguim 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 9.04 11.05
10.24     13.04     13.16     9.87      9.04
Second round4 9.33 11.09
9.33      12.68     11.08     10.74     11.46
First round4 8.49 9.92
9.82      9.32      10.62     8.49      12.94
2x2x2 CubeFirst round61 2.38 DNF
3.89      2.38      DNF       DNF       4.50
SkewbFinal3 5.48 8.84
10.05     7.25      9.21      11.05     5.48
Second round1 5.57 7.57
7.15      5.57      7.16      8.39      8.73
First round2 6.28 8.95
10.06     6.28      9.45      8.48      8.91
Niterói Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 9.31 11.25
12.35     12.02     9.56      9.31      12.17
First round3 9.34 10.39
11.07     10.45     12.88     9.34      9.65
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.65 1.96
1.65      2.12      1.77      1.98      5.62
First round1 1.77 2.60
3.18      1.77      2.77      1.86      6.54
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 18.59 21.82
18.59     25.11     28.50     20.37     19.98
ClockFinal3 6.88 7.57
6.88      21.57     8.25      7.13      7.34
Faria Brito 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 10.41 10.82
15.48     10.84     10.41     10.79     10.82
Second round7 10.55 11.72
13.40     11.78     10.83     12.56     10.55
First round6 8.93 11.24
8.93      10.22     11.10     12.40     13.10
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.68 2.60
2.27      2.12      4.34      1.68      3.40
Second round2 1.47 2.38
2.48      1.47      2.39      3.41      2.28
First round5 1.78 3.17
2.02      1.78      DNF       4.34      3.16
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 16.44 19.66
16.44     20.63     21.14     21.46     17.20
First round7 18.42 21.83
25.80     18.42     20.54     21.82     23.14
Auxiliadora Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 9.86 12.73
14.08     19.00     12.41     9.86      11.69
First round3 10.61 11.70
12.27     10.61     11.88     15.66     10.94
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 1.72 2.53
3.36      3.93      2.15      1.72      2.08
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 23.36 23.92
29.65     24.74     23.36     23.67     23.36
MegaminxFinal4 1:46.26 1:56.68
1:50.07   2:11.73   1:51.09   2:08.89   1:46.26
SkewbFinal6 8.20 9.41
9.24      8.66      8.20      14.23     10.34
Planetário Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 9.37 12.15
14.07     11.31     11.96     9.37      13.19
Second round8 12.00 12.67
12.06     12.35     14.29     12.00     13.61
First round7 9.58 12.07
12.70     12.47     16.50     11.05     9.58
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.63 2.42
4.48      1.63      2.51      3.09      1.67
Second round3 2.07 3.18
3.98      2.17      3.41      3.96      2.07
First round1 2.76 3.26
3.57      5.00      2.76      3.44      2.78
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 24.12 26.58
26.19     26.78     24.12     26.76     26.97
Second round4 18.41 19.63
20.14     20.31     18.41     21.24     18.43
First round6 19.42 24.79
24.67     25.60     26.73     24.10     19.42
Partage Open II 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 9.27 11.75
9.27      12.01     12.56     10.68     13.56
Second round11 11.10 13.07
14.65     14.72     11.10     13.17     11.39
First round7 10.24 12.56
10.24     14.08     12.68     12.81     12.20
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 2.97 4.13
4.11      2.97      3.64      5.55      4.63
First round1 1.72 3.23
3.54      3.32      2.82      4.38      1.72
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 25.11 26.41
26.40     27.68     38.56     25.11     25.14
Second round8 21.33 26.17
26.35     25.80     21.33     27.18     26.37
First round10 21.13 31.51
33.82     32.50     21.13     28.21     45.62
MegaminxFirst round9 1:41.15 1:56.78
1:53.51   1:57.79   1:41.15   2:32.93   1:59.03
PyraminxFirst round8 7.24 10.14
7.24      7.80      13.56     9.07      15.66
SkewbFirst round7 6.21 9.80
9.18      6.21      8.47      17.40     11.76
82024-08-24~25Back to the Cube Ceilândia 2024BrazilBrasília, Distrito Federal
72024-05-17~19Campeonato do Cerrado 2024BrazilGoiânia, Goiás
62024-03-23~24II Candanguim 2024BrazilBrasília, Distrito Federal
52023-12-16Niterói Open 2023BrazilNiterói, Rio de Janeiro
42023-11-11~12Faria Brito 2023BrazilRio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
32023-10-14Auxiliadora Open 2023BrazilSão Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro
22023-09-23~24Planetário Open 2023BrazilRio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
12023-07-22~23Partage Open II 2023BrazilSão Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro