Personal Page

Tanner Sutera

Name: Tanner Sutera
Region: United States
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Tanner Sutera2023SUTE03
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.04.23 - 2023.12.17
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube13271176826840016.8020.6670671182291368348/50
2x2x2 Cube72589559342183.755.08248376999535355/55
4x4x4 Cube786610534389421:21.681:51.72397101096882919/9
5x5x5 Cube73769697326015:52.842/6
3x3x3 One-Handed662490213557036.0346.68362229397694413/14

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
DFW Cubing Fall 2023Second round106 19.12 21.22
20.89     23.45     19.31     19.12     25.72
First round108 18.11 22.66
18.11     27.78     19.74     26.67     21.56
Pretzel Mania Dallas 2023Semi Final120 17.55 23.54
25.25     23.06     22.31     17.55     25.78
Second round133 20.99 23.49
21.77     20.99     24.56     24.14     30.01
First round111 17.05 20.75
23.51     17.05     19.86     20.79     21.60
Southern Championship 2023Second round139 17.88 22.57
19.10     23.79     24.96     17.88     24.81
First round137 16.80 21.44
20.22     25.26     18.84     16.80     26.10
MYHM Puzzling in Plano 2023Second round69 19.30 21.53
22.30     19.96     22.33     25.22     19.30
First round71 18.86 20.66
22.27     20.56     18.86     24.02     19.15
Twisters in Tulsa 2023First round85 20.77 DNF
30.08     DNF       DNF       23.16     20.77
2x2x2 Cube
DFW Cubing Fall 2023First round59 4.30 5.64
5.20      6.06      7.20      5.66      4.30
Pretzel Mania Dallas 2023Final77 4.31 5.73
5.88      5.61      5.71      4.31      5.87
Second round50 4.90 5.10
4.90      5.20      5.27      4.92      5.19
First round39 3.75 5.08
6.37      4.73      4.13      3.75      10.52
Southern Championship 2023Semi Final93 3.90 5.88
6.10      3.90      6.16      5.50      6.05
Second round75 4.64 5.16
5.19      5.02      6.62      4.64      5.27
First round89 5.51 5.76
5.74      5.51      8.29      5.77      5.77
MYHM Puzzling in Plano 2023Second round52 5.40 6.97
5.40      5.41      9.80      5.69      10.51
First round41 4.79 6.03
5.96      7.02      8.48      5.10      4.79
Twisters in Tulsa 2023Second round24 5.13 6.03
6.61      5.13      5.79      8.42      5.68
First round20 5.37 5.52
5.37      5.41      5.56      5.60      12.38
4x4x4 Cube
DFW Cubing Fall 2023First round77 1:21.68 1:51.72
1:45.33   1:21.68   1:58.39   1:51.44   2:35.01
Southern Championship 2023First round132 2:00.74
2:07.84   2:00.74
MYHM Puzzling in Plano 2023First round61 2:00.08
2:22.17   2:00.08
5x5x5 Cube
Southern Championship 2023First round92 DNF
DNF       DNF
MYHM Puzzling in Plano 2023First round44 DNF
DNF       DNF
Twisters in Tulsa 2023First round30 5:52.84
5:52.84   6:01.49
3x3x3 One-Handed
Pretzel Mania Dallas 2023Final75 36.03 46.68
57.19     55.53     44.91     39.59     36.03
First round90 51.44 55.25
58.04     56.02     55.13     54.59     51.44
Southern Championship 2023First round121 1:12.16
DNF       1:12.16
MYHM Puzzling in Plano 2023First round54 55.47
55.47     1:13.04
Pretzel Mania Dallas 2023First round53 3:29.57
3:51.89   3:29.57
Southern Championship 2023First round67 3:05.24
3:05.24   3:35.30
MYHM Puzzling in Plano 2023First round31 3:28.28
3:28.28   DNF
DFW Cubing Fall 2023First round60 4.88 11.55
12.16     19.28     4.88      11.02     11.48
Pretzel Mania Dallas 2023Final36 8.67 9.97
8.67      9.39      11.93     8.94      11.58
First round49 6.15 10.09
12.37     6.15      8.20      13.10     9.71
Southern Championship 2023Semi Final57 6.04 9.40
8.18      10.10     6.04      DNF       9.93
Second round58 7.07 10.20
10.52     10.18     9.90      11.28     7.07
First round59 4.17 9.61
9.50      12.43     4.17      12.75     6.91
Twisters in Tulsa 2023Final24 8.21 11.60
12.45     12.75     12.59     9.77      8.21
First round20 8.43 11.50
13.05     14.98     12.10     8.43      9.36
Pretzel Mania Dallas 2023Final65 6.88 13.22
6.88      10.13     15.30     14.23     DNF
First round57 8.18 11.99
17.41     16.77     9.56      8.18      9.63
Southern Championship 2023Second round72 7.22 12.50
14.11     8.24      15.16     16.48     7.22
First round88 7.17 14.00
7.17      19.60     17.68     9.85      14.47
DFW Cubing Fall 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round106 19.12 21.22
20.89     23.45     19.31     19.12     25.72
First round108 18.11 22.66
18.11     27.78     19.74     26.67     21.56
2x2x2 CubeFirst round59 4.30 5.64
5.20      6.06      7.20      5.66      4.30
4x4x4 CubeFirst round77 1:21.68 1:51.72
1:45.33   1:21.68   1:58.39   1:51.44   2:35.01
PyraminxFirst round60 4.88 11.55
12.16     19.28     4.88      11.02     11.48
Pretzel Mania Dallas 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final120 17.55 23.54
25.25     23.06     22.31     17.55     25.78
Second round133 20.99 23.49
21.77     20.99     24.56     24.14     30.01
First round111 17.05 20.75
23.51     17.05     19.86     20.79     21.60
2x2x2 CubeFinal77 4.31 5.73
5.88      5.61      5.71      4.31      5.87
Second round50 4.90 5.10
4.90      5.20      5.27      4.92      5.19
First round39 3.75 5.08
6.37      4.73      4.13      3.75      10.52
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal75 36.03 46.68
57.19     55.53     44.91     39.59     36.03
First round90 51.44 55.25
58.04     56.02     55.13     54.59     51.44
MegaminxFirst round53 3:29.57
3:51.89   3:29.57
PyraminxFinal36 8.67 9.97
8.67      9.39      11.93     8.94      11.58
First round49 6.15 10.09
12.37     6.15      8.20      13.10     9.71
SkewbFinal65 6.88 13.22
6.88      10.13     15.30     14.23     DNF
First round57 8.18 11.99
17.41     16.77     9.56      8.18      9.63
Southern Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round139 17.88 22.57
19.10     23.79     24.96     17.88     24.81
First round137 16.80 21.44
20.22     25.26     18.84     16.80     26.10
2x2x2 CubeSemi Final93 3.90 5.88
6.10      3.90      6.16      5.50      6.05
Second round75 4.64 5.16
5.19      5.02      6.62      4.64      5.27
First round89 5.51 5.76
5.74      5.51      8.29      5.77      5.77
4x4x4 CubeFirst round132 2:00.74
2:07.84   2:00.74
5x5x5 CubeFirst round92 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round121 1:12.16
DNF       1:12.16
MegaminxFirst round67 3:05.24
3:05.24   3:35.30
PyraminxSemi Final57 6.04 9.40
8.18      10.10     6.04      DNF       9.93
Second round58 7.07 10.20
10.52     10.18     9.90      11.28     7.07
First round59 4.17 9.61
9.50      12.43     4.17      12.75     6.91
SkewbSecond round72 7.22 12.50
14.11     8.24      15.16     16.48     7.22
First round88 7.17 14.00
7.17      19.60     17.68     9.85      14.47
MYHM Puzzling in Plano 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round69 19.30 21.53
22.30     19.96     22.33     25.22     19.30
First round71 18.86 20.66
22.27     20.56     18.86     24.02     19.15
2x2x2 CubeSecond round52 5.40 6.97
5.40      5.41      9.80      5.69      10.51
First round41 4.79 6.03
5.96      7.02      8.48      5.10      4.79
4x4x4 CubeFirst round61 2:00.08
2:22.17   2:00.08
5x5x5 CubeFirst round44 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round54 55.47
55.47     1:13.04
MegaminxFirst round31 3:28.28
3:28.28   DNF
Twisters in Tulsa 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round85 20.77 DNF
30.08     DNF       DNF       23.16     20.77
2x2x2 CubeSecond round24 5.13 6.03
6.61      5.13      5.79      8.42      5.68
First round20 5.37 5.52
5.37      5.41      5.56      5.60      12.38
5x5x5 CubeFirst round30 5:52.84
5:52.84   6:01.49
PyraminxFinal24 8.21 11.60
12.45     12.75     12.59     9.77      8.21
First round20 8.43 11.50
13.05     14.98     12.10     8.43      9.36
52023-12-17DFW Cubing Fall 2023United StatesGrapevine, Texas
42023-08-26~27Pretzel Mania Dallas 2023United StatesArlington, Texas
32023-06-22~25Southern Championship 2023United StatesAustin, Texas
22023-05-20~21MYHM Puzzling in Plano 2023United StatesPlano, Texas
12023-04-23Twisters in Tulsa 2023United StatesTulsa, Oklahoma