Personal Page

Anagh Tengshe

Name: Anagh Tengshe
Region: India
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Anagh Tengshe2023TENG04
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.05.28 - 2024.08.04
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube66460411689210.2212.3916756619166853/55
2x2x2 Cube297175374062.123.707586199631545/45
4x4x4 Cube67365751881653.441:04.7121233732379135/37
3x3x3 One-Handed56040961099619.6024.0110658411153050/50

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024Final11 10.43 12.39
14.25     10.91     12.01     14.40     10.43
First round17 10.22 13.29
14.80     11.62     13.46     10.22     18.82
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Final13 12.49 13.92
14.80     13.59     12.49     14.01     14.17
Second round13 11.76 13.07
13.28     13.05     12.89     DNF       11.76
First round10 11.05 12.40
12.92     15.52     12.17     11.05     12.12
Mysore Cube Open 2024Final12 10.80 16.85
10.80     21.40     15.84     13.32     DNF
Second round12 12.45 14.55
12.45     15.60     13.57     15.06     15.01
First round7 11.34 13.42
14.69     11.34     15.48     11.58     13.99
Mysore Cube Open 2023Second round14 13.58 16.07
16.45     15.82     13.58     16.95     15.93
First round15 14.71 16.63
16.06     20.22     17.11     14.71     16.72
Nexus Summer Open Sunday 2023First round52 19.64 23.76
19.71     30.32     35.16     19.64     21.24
2x2x2 Cube
MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024Final11 2.65 4.02
3.62      2.65      5.51      9.46      2.94
First round20 3.39 4.80
4.06      8.66      4.69      3.39      5.64
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Final6 3.48 4.37
4.17      3.48      5.91      5.25      3.68
Second round5 3.32 3.70
3.63      3.32      3.82      3.65      5.42
First round8 2.12 4.07
2.93      3.77      10.30     5.51      2.12
Side Events Bangalore March 2024Final11 2.52 6.24
4.69      8.52      9.62      2.52      5.52
Mysore Cube Open 2024Final11 5.12 6.50
8.12      5.12      5.40      6.75      7.35
First round10 3.87 5.29
6.00      5.50      3.87      7.43      4.36
Mysore Cube Open 2023First round21 3.20 5.82
6.17      3.20      7.96      6.20      5.09
4x4x4 Cube
MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024First round21 53.44 1:08.33
1:13.83   1:11.30   1:09.05   53.44     1:04.64
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Final12 54.65 1:05.88
1:03.87   1:07.26   1:07.88   54.65     1:06.50
Second round14 56.18 1:04.71
1:06.91   1:06.20   56.18     1:01.02   1:57.51
First round16 58.99 1:05.78
1:13.97   1:16.50   58.99     1:00.90   1:02.46
Side Events Bangalore March 2024Second round12 1:03.77 1:32.66
1:53.79   1:31.57   DNF       1:12.63   1:03.77
First round11 1:10.45 1:18.80
1:12.41   1:10.45   1:19.96   1:24.02   1:58.85
Mysore Cube Open 2024First round17 1:06.24 1:20.17
1:15.54   1:22.14   1:23.65   1:06.24   1:22.83
Nexus Summer Open Sunday 2023First round27 1:32.63
1:32.63   DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024Final12 22.72 24.01
28.66     24.14     23.19     24.69     22.72
First round20 25.88 29.77
34.49     25.88     26.04     39.09     28.77
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Final14 26.55 32.20
36.22     39.12     33.08     26.55     27.31
Second round12 23.33 26.72
23.33     36.93     24.06     28.09     28.01
First round21 23.80 30.07
33.83     34.01     23.80     26.83     29.55
Side Events Bangalore March 2024Final8 23.25 27.72
23.25     32.51     28.61     28.99     25.56
Second round6 22.93 30.99
22.93     29.25     31.21     41.19     32.52
First round7 19.60 27.50
36.93     30.12     25.57     26.82     19.60
Mysore Cube Open 2024Final12 32.88 40.27
40.67     32.88     38.76     49.58     41.37
First round11 27.58 30.87
31.07     27.58     29.22     32.31     32.48
Side Events Bangalore March 2024First round17 15.79 DNF
DNF       DNF       19.85     20.55     15.79
MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024Final17 6.73 9.35
7.23      6.73      7.68      13.14     DNF
First round18 5.67 8.75
9.96      8.80      7.49      DNF       5.67
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024Final12 5.70 8.50
9.88      8.24      7.37      10.94     5.70
Second round12 7.04 8.35
8.90      8.07      8.08      17.24     7.04
First round7 5.20 6.64
6.51      6.91      6.50      9.13      5.20
Side Events Bangalore March 2024First round11 5.11 8.96
7.50      12.56     11.00     8.39      5.11
Mysore Cube Open 2024Final12 8.34 9.99
8.85      8.34      12.66     8.47      14.04
First round10 7.58 8.89
8.83      8.32      9.52      7.58      14.75
Mysore Cube Open 2023First round15 4.79 8.77
10.03     4.79      13.12     6.68      9.60
Nexus Summer Open Sunday 2023First round20 8.32 11.08
12.47     DNF       11.05     8.32      9.73
MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024Final9 5.96 8.38
9.25      7.29      8.79      9.05      5.96
First round15 6.84 9.96
15.85     6.84      9.63      8.14      12.10
MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 10.43 12.39
14.25     10.91     12.01     14.40     10.43
First round17 10.22 13.29
14.80     11.62     13.46     10.22     18.82
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 2.65 4.02
3.62      2.65      5.51      9.46      2.94
First round20 3.39 4.80
4.06      8.66      4.69      3.39      5.64
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 53.44 1:08.33
1:13.83   1:11.30   1:09.05   53.44     1:04.64
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 22.72 24.01
28.66     24.14     23.19     24.69     22.72
First round20 25.88 29.77
34.49     25.88     26.04     39.09     28.77
PyraminxFinal17 6.73 9.35
7.23      6.73      7.68      13.14     DNF
First round18 5.67 8.75
9.96      8.80      7.49      DNF       5.67
SkewbFinal9 5.96 8.38
9.25      7.29      8.79      9.05      5.96
First round15 6.84 9.96
15.85     6.84      9.63      8.14      12.10
CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 12.49 13.92
14.80     13.59     12.49     14.01     14.17
Second round13 11.76 13.07
13.28     13.05     12.89     DNF       11.76
First round10 11.05 12.40
12.92     15.52     12.17     11.05     12.12
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.48 4.37
4.17      3.48      5.91      5.25      3.68
Second round5 3.32 3.70
3.63      3.32      3.82      3.65      5.42
First round8 2.12 4.07
2.93      3.77      10.30     5.51      2.12
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 54.65 1:05.88
1:03.87   1:07.26   1:07.88   54.65     1:06.50
Second round14 56.18 1:04.71
1:06.91   1:06.20   56.18     1:01.02   1:57.51
First round16 58.99 1:05.78
1:13.97   1:16.50   58.99     1:00.90   1:02.46
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal14 26.55 32.20
36.22     39.12     33.08     26.55     27.31
Second round12 23.33 26.72
23.33     36.93     24.06     28.09     28.01
First round21 23.80 30.07
33.83     34.01     23.80     26.83     29.55
PyraminxFinal12 5.70 8.50
9.88      8.24      7.37      10.94     5.70
Second round12 7.04 8.35
8.90      8.07      8.08      17.24     7.04
First round7 5.20 6.64
6.51      6.91      6.50      9.13      5.20
Side Events Bangalore March 2024
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 2.52 6.24
4.69      8.52      9.62      2.52      5.52
4x4x4 CubeSecond round12 1:03.77 1:32.66
1:53.79   1:31.57   DNF       1:12.63   1:03.77
First round11 1:10.45 1:18.80
1:12.41   1:10.45   1:19.96   1:24.02   1:58.85
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 23.25 27.72
23.25     32.51     28.61     28.99     25.56
Second round6 22.93 30.99
22.93     29.25     31.21     41.19     32.52
First round7 19.60 27.50
36.93     30.12     25.57     26.82     19.60
ClockFirst round17 15.79 DNF
DNF       DNF       19.85     20.55     15.79
PyraminxFirst round11 5.11 8.96
7.50      12.56     11.00     8.39      5.11
Mysore Cube Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 10.80 16.85
10.80     21.40     15.84     13.32     DNF
Second round12 12.45 14.55
12.45     15.60     13.57     15.06     15.01
First round7 11.34 13.42
14.69     11.34     15.48     11.58     13.99
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 5.12 6.50
8.12      5.12      5.40      6.75      7.35
First round10 3.87 5.29
6.00      5.50      3.87      7.43      4.36
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 1:06.24 1:20.17
1:15.54   1:22.14   1:23.65   1:06.24   1:22.83
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 32.88 40.27
40.67     32.88     38.76     49.58     41.37
First round11 27.58 30.87
31.07     27.58     29.22     32.31     32.48
PyraminxFinal12 8.34 9.99
8.85      8.34      12.66     8.47      14.04
First round10 7.58 8.89
8.83      8.32      9.52      7.58      14.75
Mysore Cube Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 13.58 16.07
16.45     15.82     13.58     16.95     15.93
First round15 14.71 16.63
16.06     20.22     17.11     14.71     16.72
2x2x2 CubeFirst round21 3.20 5.82
6.17      3.20      7.96      6.20      5.09
PyraminxFirst round15 4.79 8.77
10.03     4.79      13.12     6.68      9.60
Nexus Summer Open Sunday 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round52 19.64 23.76
19.71     30.32     35.16     19.64     21.24
4x4x4 CubeFirst round27 1:32.63
1:32.63   DNF
PyraminxFirst round20 8.32 11.08
12.47     DNF       11.05     8.32      9.73
62024-08-03~04MySkool Cube Open BLR Aug 2024IndiaBangalore, Karnataka
52024-05-18~19CubeX Summer Open Bangalore 2024IndiaBangalore, Karnataka
42024-03-02~03Side Events Bangalore March 2024IndiaBangalore, Karnataka
32024-02-03~04Mysore Cube Open 2024IndiaMysore, Karnataka
22023-08-26~27Mysore Cube Open 2023IndiaMysore, Karnataka
12023-05-28Nexus Summer Open Sunday 2023IndiaBengaluru, Karnataka