Personal Page

Apolo Tilton

Name: Apolo Tilton
Region: United States
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: Apolo Tilton2023TILT01
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.03.04 - 2024.12.14
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube19490258449729620.3223.7492689245281844159/60
2x2x2 Cube1425418655660315.226.6853950152311164045/45

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Centennial State Cube Off 2024Second round56 20.97 23.74
27.02     22.95     24.74     23.54     20.97
First round62 21.65 25.25
27.08     22.91     25.75     32.35     21.65
Vegas Cubing Cup Fall 2024Second round76 20.32 28.69
25.01     27.21     DNF       20.32     33.84
First round73 23.29 26.07
26.61     29.29     26.15     23.29     25.45
Colorado Championship 2024Second round80 24.05 28.27
24.05     30.07     36.94     29.71     25.02
First round84 22.13 25.53
26.95     22.95     22.13     28.49     26.70
Golden Touch 2024Final38 21.48 24.80
25.56     27.34     21.48     25.00     23.83
Oregon Championship 2024First round112 23.21 25.89
26.23     27.56     33.17     23.21     23.88
Pretzel Mania Denver 2024First round122 46.84 51.75
50.01     47.71     57.54     1:00.37   46.84
Alabama Championship 2024First round145 37.28 44.51
48.24     41.39     43.91     48.87     37.28
Utah Newcomers 2024First round204 49.65 56.15
49.65     54.02     1:06.86   53.25     1:01.17
Mile High Megacomp 2023First round206 44.85 52.19
47.70     52.13     44.85     56.74     56.91
2x2x2 Cube
Centennial State Cube Off 2024First round54 5.22 7.62
5.22      7.23      8.36      7.28      20.59
Vegas Cubing Cup Fall 2024First round65 6.74 7.83
7.88      7.96      6.74      10.82     7.66
Colorado Championship 2024Second round51 6.00 6.68
10.91     6.00      6.65      6.82      6.57
First round60 5.77 6.73
6.29      6.86      5.77      9.12      7.03
Oregon Championship 2024First round98 6.13 8.44
7.10      8.70      6.13      12.04     9.51
Pretzel Mania Denver 2024First round98 7.32 14.72
15.97     18.82     7.32      15.28     12.90
Alabama Championship 2024First round127 11.19 13.68
15.15     12.34     13.56     23.64     11.19
Utah Newcomers 2024First round173 13.86 16.70
16.79     14.67     13.86     24.29     18.64
Utah Summer Side Events B 2023First round94 14.11 15.98
16.07     16.65     22.20     15.21     14.11
Centennial State Cube Off 2024First round40 17.02 20.53
17.02     20.90     21.05     DNF       19.63
Colorado Championship 2024First round62 21.26
21.26     23.08
Golden Touch 2024First round29 19.07 20.80
19.70     19.07     21.73     20.98     DNF
Oregon Championship 2024First round57 21.67 25.51
25.84     27.86     DNF       22.84     21.67
Centennial State Cube Off 2024First round57 8.69 13.23
8.69      15.28     24.85     10.53     13.89
Colorado Championship 2024First round59 6.85 11.58
11.74     17.61     10.12     12.89     6.85
Oregon Championship 2024First round67 9.77 12.84
9.77      14.05     11.37     21.21     13.09
Pretzel Mania Denver 2024Final71 7.33 15.34
17.84     16.40     7.33      17.70     11.93
First round53 10.95 13.28
14.50     12.99     13.79     10.95     13.07
Alabama Championship 2024First round100 12.94 15.40
13.59     22.52     16.28     12.94     16.32
Utah Summer Side Events B 2023First round55 13.39 15.07
15.43     16.64     15.44     13.39     14.33
Mile High Megacomp 2023First round129 14.57 19.65
14.57     21.09     19.92     18.24     20.78
Centennial State Cube Off 2024First round45 8.56 13.08
8.56      14.77     9.34      15.19     15.12
Colorado Championship 2024First round54 10.57 11.09
10.64     13.38     11.88     10.74     10.57
Golden Touch 2024First round27 10.54 13.70
16.22     14.56     13.61     12.94     10.54
Oregon Championship 2024First round48 10.01 10.66
10.60     10.76     10.63     10.01     11.79
Pretzel Mania Denver 2024Final43 12.54 13.60
14.27     13.83     12.70     12.54     18.07
First round35 8.20 12.11
11.89     14.51     11.90     8.20      12.55
Alabama Championship 2024First round80 10.79 14.23
11.70     10.79     20.81     12.81     18.18
Utah Newcomers 2024First round72 12.48 15.50
12.83     12.48     15.51     18.15     19.05
Utah Summer Side Events B 2023First round50 15.98 19.58
21.05     38.59     15.98     21.20     16.48
Centennial State Cube Off 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round56 20.97 23.74
27.02     22.95     24.74     23.54     20.97
First round62 21.65 25.25
27.08     22.91     25.75     32.35     21.65
2x2x2 CubeFirst round54 5.22 7.62
5.22      7.23      8.36      7.28      20.59
ClockFirst round40 17.02 20.53
17.02     20.90     21.05     DNF       19.63
PyraminxFirst round57 8.69 13.23
8.69      15.28     24.85     10.53     13.89
SkewbFirst round45 8.56 13.08
8.56      14.77     9.34      15.19     15.12
Vegas Cubing Cup Fall 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round76 20.32 28.69
25.01     27.21     DNF       20.32     33.84
First round73 23.29 26.07
26.61     29.29     26.15     23.29     25.45
2x2x2 CubeFirst round65 6.74 7.83
7.88      7.96      6.74      10.82     7.66
Colorado Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round80 24.05 28.27
24.05     30.07     36.94     29.71     25.02
First round84 22.13 25.53
26.95     22.95     22.13     28.49     26.70
2x2x2 CubeSecond round51 6.00 6.68
10.91     6.00      6.65      6.82      6.57
First round60 5.77 6.73
6.29      6.86      5.77      9.12      7.03
ClockFirst round62 21.26
21.26     23.08
PyraminxFirst round59 6.85 11.58
11.74     17.61     10.12     12.89     6.85
SkewbFirst round54 10.57 11.09
10.64     13.38     11.88     10.74     10.57
Golden Touch 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal38 21.48 24.80
25.56     27.34     21.48     25.00     23.83
ClockFirst round29 19.07 20.80
19.70     19.07     21.73     20.98     DNF
SkewbFirst round27 10.54 13.70
16.22     14.56     13.61     12.94     10.54
Oregon Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round112 23.21 25.89
26.23     27.56     33.17     23.21     23.88
2x2x2 CubeFirst round98 6.13 8.44
7.10      8.70      6.13      12.04     9.51
ClockFirst round57 21.67 25.51
25.84     27.86     DNF       22.84     21.67
PyraminxFirst round67 9.77 12.84
9.77      14.05     11.37     21.21     13.09
SkewbFirst round48 10.01 10.66
10.60     10.76     10.63     10.01     11.79
Pretzel Mania Denver 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round122 46.84 51.75
50.01     47.71     57.54     1:00.37   46.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round98 7.32 14.72
15.97     18.82     7.32      15.28     12.90
PyraminxFinal71 7.33 15.34
17.84     16.40     7.33      17.70     11.93
First round53 10.95 13.28
14.50     12.99     13.79     10.95     13.07
SkewbFinal43 12.54 13.60
14.27     13.83     12.70     12.54     18.07
First round35 8.20 12.11
11.89     14.51     11.90     8.20      12.55
Alabama Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round145 37.28 44.51
48.24     41.39     43.91     48.87     37.28
2x2x2 CubeFirst round127 11.19 13.68
15.15     12.34     13.56     23.64     11.19
PyraminxFirst round100 12.94 15.40
13.59     22.52     16.28     12.94     16.32
SkewbFirst round80 10.79 14.23
11.70     10.79     20.81     12.81     18.18
Utah Newcomers 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round204 49.65 56.15
49.65     54.02     1:06.86   53.25     1:01.17
2x2x2 CubeFirst round173 13.86 16.70
16.79     14.67     13.86     24.29     18.64
SkewbFirst round72 12.48 15.50
12.83     12.48     15.51     18.15     19.05
Utah Summer Side Events B 2023
2x2x2 CubeFirst round94 14.11 15.98
16.07     16.65     22.20     15.21     14.11
PyraminxFirst round55 13.39 15.07
15.43     16.64     15.44     13.39     14.33
SkewbFirst round50 15.98 19.58
21.05     38.59     15.98     21.20     16.48
Mile High Megacomp 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round206 44.85 52.19
47.70     52.13     44.85     56.74     56.91
PyraminxFirst round129 14.57 19.65
14.57     21.09     19.92     18.24     20.78
102024-12-14Centennial State Cube Off 2024United StatesErie, Colorado
92024-11-02Vegas Cubing Cup Fall 2024United StatesLas Vegas, Nevada
82024-10-12~13Colorado Championship 2024United StatesGreeley, Colorado
72024-10-05Golden Touch 2024United StatesGolden, Colorado
62024-09-13~15Oregon Championship 2024United StatesPortland, Oregon
52024-05-25~26Pretzel Mania Denver 2024United StatesDenver, Colorado
42024-05-11~12Alabama Championship 2024United StatesGadsden, Alabama
32024-03-16Utah Newcomers 2024United StatesSalt Lake City, Utah
22023-07-01Utah Summer Side Events B 2023United StatesOgden, Utah
12023-03-04Mile High Megacomp 2023United StatesDenver, Colorado