Personal Page

Pedro Ventura

Name: Pedro Ventura
Region: Brazil
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Pedro Ventura2023VENT09
Gender: Male
Career: 2023.10.21 - 2024.05.19
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube126853296495916.3419.15612854937116545/45
2x2x2 Cube4622047269923.375.5332204226251034/35
4x4x4 Cube7923624465521:36.214/4
3x3x3 One-Handed102937284465646.9557.8441483345910148/9

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
HEM MariCubik Open 2024Second round29 21.13 23.04
22.74     23.34     21.13     23.04     24.35
First round27 17.03 20.44
19.83     22.46     17.03     19.82     21.68
Geel Beginners Sunday 2024Second round35 17.63 21.35
17.63     19.30     21.98     22.76     22.87
First round31 16.34 19.78
26.18     16.34     19.39     21.25     18.70
Hurlubiks Cube Mouscron 2024Second round81 17.93 22.38
19.27     23.12     17.93     25.23     24.75
First round70 16.42 19.15
16.42     19.20     16.84     21.41     22.71
Zottegem Afternoon 2023Final50 20.38 28.32
20.38     28.59     31.05     31.73     25.32
First round49 21.56 27.45
37.76     22.74     21.56     21.86     41.29
Belgian Nationals 2023First round111 25.25 28.48
25.25     28.24     27.57     29.63     31.47
2x2x2 Cube
HEM MariCubik Open 2024Second round16 3.37 5.94
6.78      5.64      3.37      7.24      5.40
First round16 3.90 5.70
DNF       6.46      4.92      3.90      5.72
Geel Beginners Sunday 2024Final33 6.28 7.77
6.28      8.92      6.56      8.84      7.92
Hurlubiks Cube Mouscron 2024Final46 4.11 5.53
6.20      6.60      5.07      5.31      4.11
First round51 5.03 6.02
6.73      5.63      5.03      7.41      5.71
Zottegem Afternoon 2023Final35 5.76 7.23
5.76      10.01     6.62      8.80      6.27
Belgian Nationals 2023First round85 6.77 7.98
6.77      8.82      7.23      11.98     7.88
4x4x4 Cube
Geel Beginners Sunday 2024Final34 1:43.09
1:43.09   1:47.49
Hurlubiks Cube Mouscron 2024First round69 1:36.21
1:36.21   2:02.05
3x3x3 One-Handed
HEM MariCubik Open 2024Final25 46.95 57.84
1:02.38   46.95     53.50     1:03.44   57.64
Geel Beginners Sunday 2024Final31 50.79
1:14.89   50.79
Hurlubiks Cube Mouscron 2024First round69 1:15.08
1:15.08   DNF
Geel Beginners Sunday 2024Final27 6.65 11.62
11.17     12.85     6.65      12.84     10.84
Zottegem Afternoon 2023Final35 5.46 14.23
5.46      14.01     15.66     17.24     13.03
Belgian Nationals 2023Final71 9.40 13.62
15.89     9.40      11.55     18.54     13.43
Geel Beginners Sunday 2024Final30 15.71 21.10
28.35     20.60     23.71     15.71     18.98
HEM MariCubik Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 21.13 23.04
22.74     23.34     21.13     23.04     24.35
First round27 17.03 20.44
19.83     22.46     17.03     19.82     21.68
2x2x2 CubeSecond round16 3.37 5.94
6.78      5.64      3.37      7.24      5.40
First round16 3.90 5.70
DNF       6.46      4.92      3.90      5.72
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal25 46.95 57.84
1:02.38   46.95     53.50     1:03.44   57.64
Geel Beginners Sunday 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round35 17.63 21.35
17.63     19.30     21.98     22.76     22.87
First round31 16.34 19.78
26.18     16.34     19.39     21.25     18.70
2x2x2 CubeFinal33 6.28 7.77
6.28      8.92      6.56      8.84      7.92
4x4x4 CubeFinal34 1:43.09
1:43.09   1:47.49
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal31 50.79
1:14.89   50.79
PyraminxFinal27 6.65 11.62
11.17     12.85     6.65      12.84     10.84
SkewbFinal30 15.71 21.10
28.35     20.60     23.71     15.71     18.98
Hurlubiks Cube Mouscron 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round81 17.93 22.38
19.27     23.12     17.93     25.23     24.75
First round70 16.42 19.15
16.42     19.20     16.84     21.41     22.71
2x2x2 CubeFinal46 4.11 5.53
6.20      6.60      5.07      5.31      4.11
First round51 5.03 6.02
6.73      5.63      5.03      7.41      5.71
4x4x4 CubeFirst round69 1:36.21
1:36.21   2:02.05
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round69 1:15.08
1:15.08   DNF
Zottegem Afternoon 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal50 20.38 28.32
20.38     28.59     31.05     31.73     25.32
First round49 21.56 27.45
37.76     22.74     21.56     21.86     41.29
2x2x2 CubeFinal35 5.76 7.23
5.76      10.01     6.62      8.80      6.27
PyraminxFinal35 5.46 14.23
5.46      14.01     15.66     17.24     13.03
Belgian Nationals 2023
3x3x3 CubeFirst round111 25.25 28.48
25.25     28.24     27.57     29.63     31.47
2x2x2 CubeFirst round85 6.77 7.98
6.77      8.82      7.23      11.98     7.88
PyraminxFinal71 9.40 13.62
15.89     9.40      11.55     18.54     13.43
52024-05-19 HEM MariCubik Open 2024FranceHem
42024-03-17Geel Beginners Sunday 2024BelgiumGeel
32024-02-10~11Hurlubiks Cube Mouscron 2024BelgiumMouscron
22023-11-11Zottegem Afternoon 2023BelgiumZottegem
12023-10-21~22Belgian Nationals 2023BelgiumSeraing